Today we are in a situation where the most basic values in society and in the family are being destroyed and paganism is being promoted. The question is
where this destructive process has its roots. The answer is shocking: The roots of the invasion of paganism and satanization go back to the Second Vatican
Council. The document Nostra aetate established respect for paganism and thus de facto respect for pagan demons. However, this is a terrible crime and a sin
against the first commandment. This crime has been purposefully disguised with positive concepts: respect, tolerance, interreligious dialogue, etc. The
fruit is God’s curse on the Church.
The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers (Lk 20:9f) fully applies to Vatican II and the post-conciliar period culminating in the arch-heretic Bergoglio.
Bergoglio and the apostate structure have taken possession of God’s vineyard and are destroying it.
In 1958, Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII), a proponent of Modernism, was elevated to the papacy. He soon convened the Second Vatican Council and appointed
Modernists as its moderators. This opened the door to the heresies of Modernism that had already been condemned by Saint Pius X. They began to spread
massively under the authority of the Council and the Pope, and it was impossible to fight against them. They could now ravage Christ’s vineyard without
Word of Life – 1 John 1:9 (5/1/2025 – 19/1/2025)
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Think about the word of life and answer these questions:
What does God want you to do about your sins?
What does it mean to “confess a sin”?
In His act of forgiving us, how is God described?
What else does God do when you confess your sins?
1. What should you recognize about yourself? (1Jn 1:8-10)
Bergoglio has declared a Jubilee Year of forgiveness, but he himself radically rejects repentance, the condition for forgiveness! He will not retreat
one millimetre from the suicidal Fiducia supplicans. Bergoglio will not even retreat from the principle of paradigm shift, with which he is systematically
destroying the Catholic Church. He stubbornly remains unrepentant! This usurper of the papacy continues in open rebellion against God! He cynically blasphemes
against Christ. He persists in sin against the Holy Spirit. He is insidiously dragging Catholics down the path of anti-repentance. On this suicidal path,
how can this false prophet declare a Jubilee Year and grant indulgences on God’s behalf? It is a mockery of the Most Holy God and of the holy apostles and
martyrs of the Church. A holy cause and pious practice is being abused to the utmost. For what purpose? To divert attention from the necessary saving step
of separation from the suicidal Fiducia supplicans and from the usurper of the papacy.
On 14 December 2024, Cardinal Burke delivered a homily in La Crosse, Wisconsin, which was subsequently published. We are responding to statements that
are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Quoting Burke: “Schism is never justified. We must remain with Christ, even if those in the highest positions of authority in the Church should commit
How can Catholics remain with Christ and at the same time remain in submission to the pseudo-pope Bergoglio, who does not remain with Christ but has fallen
away from Him? True fidelity to Christ requires separation from apostasy.
Word of Life – John 16:24 (22/12/2024 – 5/1/2025)
“Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”
Think about the word of life and answer these questions according to it:
What is prayer?
In whose name should you pray?
What results from prayer?
What does Jesus teach about prayer in Matthew 7:7-8? ..............................
On 9-10 December, the Vatican hosted the International Congress on the Future of Theology, organized by the Dicastery for Culture and Education.
It is absurd that the Dicastery for Culture should decide on the future of theology.
What is the purpose of theology? It is to provide the knowledge of the fundamental truths necessary for salvation. Dogmatics clarifies and safeguards
orthodox doctrine. Moral theology defines the moral principles, embodied in God’s commandments, and the commandments themselves. Both dogmatic and moral
theology depend on the inspired Word of God. Theology includes apologetics, which is the defence of the faith and the defence of God’s commandments.
Theology is connected with the struggle against heresies that undermine the pillars of our salvation, and with the struggle against the spirit of the world.
The centre of theology is the atoning death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for our sins and His historical and real resurrection.
In this fourth part, we continue the analysis of the webinar held by Card. Besungu on 29 November 2024 for the Catholic Church throughout Africa. The
theme was shaping the Church’s synodal future in Africa.
Quoting Besungu: “I can tell you that we have already started to analyze the type of relations that must now exist between us and the churches in the north,
but also between the African Episcopal Conferences.”
It is clear what Besungu means when he talks about the type of relations that must now exist between Africa and the churches in the north. The churches in
the northern countries like Germany or Belgium, unlike Africa, have enthusiastically embraced the suicidal Fiducia supplicans. The type of relations that
must now exist, as Besungu argues, is to gradually create a spiritual unity between the African churches and the decadent apostasy of the Church of Western
Europe, that is, the north.
This third part provides an analysis of the webinar held by Cardinal Besungu on 29 November 2024 for the Catholic Church throughout Africa. The main
theme was shaping the Church’s synodal future in Africa.
Media report: “Cardinal Besungu questioned traditional beliefs that restrict young people’s voices in the presence of older people.”
What is Besungu trying to achieve by questioning? He knows that the older generation is rooted in Christian principles, whereas the younger generation,
influenced by smartphones and especially studies in Europe, is embracing divisive elements such as feminization, homosexualism, gender ideology, gender
reassignment as progress. They are themselves poisoned by it and are bringing spiritual poison to Africa. Besungu does not want to put up a protective
barrier against this immoral infection, so he challenges traditional, decent Christian manners. The younger generation has always learned from the elders,
respecting their natural authority and life experience.
What is the essence of the Catholic Church? It is orthodox Catholic doctrine, based on Scripture and Tradition. If this doctrine is denied at its roots,
then it is no longer the Catholic Church, but a sect. That Bergoglio could literally transform the Catholic Church into his sect with the sodomite
anti-gospel Fiducia supplicans is truly a daring feat. In this most serious crime he is protected by the heresy of papolatry. With the Final Document of the
October Synod, he has already launched the implementation phase of the synodal crimes. The apostate agenda is to be incarnated in every diocese, in every
parish and in the soul of every Catholic. The planned chaos, brought about by the ordination of women, the abolition of celibacy and the introduction of
pagan practices into the Holy Mass, is to serve this purpose. Not even the Arians in the 4th century succeeded in implementing such an abnormal deception.
Dear Bishops of the United States,
we have sent you a 40-minute video message asking you to repent for accepting Fiducia supplicans because you have betrayed Christ, His Gospel, and Christ’s
Church. The only solution is for you to come out from under the thumb of the pseudo Pope Bergoglio and separate yourselves from his synodal LGBTQ
anti-gospel that blesses sin. If you remain under the rule of an arch-heretic, you are involved in his rebellion against God and partake of his blasphemy
and sin against the Holy Spirit. You thereby exclude yourselves from the Church of Christ and you are under God’s curse, anathema.
Cardinal Besungu was speaking during a 29 November seminar to the Catholic Church throughout Africa on shaping the Church’s synodal future in Africa.
In order to understand Besungu’s speech properly, it is first necessary to clarify the basic concepts, the goal he is pursuing and the means he is using.
1) What is the synodal way? It is a way of apostasy, of abandoning the basic truths of salvation and of promoting LGBTQ sodomy in the form of so-called
pastoral care.
2) Who is Bergoglio? Bergoglio is an invalid pope, that is, a usurper. He has brought upon himself the multiple excommunication latae sententiae for the
most serious heresies that destroy the foundations of faith and morals. He is anathematized by God, excommunicated from the Church and accursed for
preaching a sodomite anti-gospel (Gal 1:8-9). In addition, he provocatively dedicated himself to Satan in Canada in 2022.
Dear Bishops of the individual African countries,
it is the season of Advent, the season of repentance. We need to prepare the way of the Lord, the way to spiritual awakening. Your first duty as a bishop is
to protect the orthodox doctrine and commandments of God. This is also the primary task of Peter’s successor. But what is the reality today? The one who
occupies the papal chair is not the rightful pope. Because of his manifest heresies, he has excommunicated himself many times over from the Catholic Church
and therefore cannot be its head. This is the Catholic doctrine, which was also expressed by the Church Fathers St Cyprian, St Jerome, St Augustine, St
Athanasius, and the Doctors of the Church – St Francis de Sales, St Alphonsus of Liguori, and St Cardinal Robert Bellarmine. Also, the dogmatic bull Cum ex
apostolatus officio clearly states that a pope who has committed heresy is not a valid pope.
Word of Life – 1 John 5:11-12 (8/12/2024 – 22/12/2024)
“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”
Think about the word of life and answer these questions:
Who gives eternal life?
Where is eternal life found?
Who has eternal life?
Who does not have eternal life?
The word of life is followed by this verse: “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have
eternal life.” (1Jn 5:13)
The October Synod on Synodality has ended and Bergoglio has given the final document the authority of the Magisterium:
Quoting Bergoglio: “The Final Document will form part of the ordinary Magisterium of the Successor of Peter, and as such I ask that it be accepted.”
Catholics ask the essential question: Who is this Jorge Bergoglio who allows himself to be called Peter’s successor? Is he a valid Pope or not? If he is,
the Gospel of Christ, Christian morality, God’s laws and Christian doctrine with the Creed no longer apply. The Church under Bergoglio is no longer the
Church of Christ. By virtue of false obedience, he has transformed deceived Catholics into a synagogue of Satan through Fiducia supplicans. Those who regard
Bergoglio as Pope today deny the dogma of papal infallibility. Bergoglio preaches ex cathedra heresies that destroy the very essence of the Church. Thus he
obliges the whole Church to accept these heresies as Catholic teaching. He has also used the so-called Final Document of the Synod on Synodality to achieve
We have entered the season of Advent, associated with the call of the prophets, especially John the Baptist, who preached in the wilderness of Judea:
“Repent, change your minds, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” If the bishops repent and thus prepare the way for the coming of the Savior into the
hearts of the American people, America will experience a spiritual Christmas. The words spoken by the angel over Bethlehem will be fulfilled, “Today is born
to you a Savior, Christ the Lord.”
On 8 November 2024 Vatican approved Mayan rite of Mass. Is it only going to be applied to some areas in Mexico, as they say?
No, Mayan rite of Mass becomes a precedence for introduction of anti-masses. The Catholic Church was transformed to Bergoglio’s anti-church on 18 December
2023 by way of doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans, and now, during the implementation stage of the Synod, Bergoglio continues with incarnation of the
spirit of antichrist by introduction of anti-masses. Pagan elements, gesturing, ritual dances will be performed by women, perhaps half-naked in time, as is
characteristic of pagan customs, which, as stated in the media report, specifically express their cultural heritage. Furthermore, women will be incensing
the altar and taking leadership of certain prayers in place of the priest whilst making gestures meant to revive the pagan spirit. Of course, such
pseudo-liturgies without the Holy Spirit will no longer be making Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the cross present.
On the first Sunday of Advent, 1 December 2024, an LGBTI+ blasphemous provocation is to take place in Brno under the guise of a church service. It is
intended to launch the implementation phase of the suicidal synodal journey, bringing a curse and fire from heaven on the Brno diocese.
Advent is a time of repentance. In the Diocese of Brno, Advent begins instead with anti-repentance and the summoning of the spirit of antichrist.
The term LGBTI+ includes not only homosexuals, but also other moral perversions, such as paedophilia, necrophilia, i.e. intercourse with the dead, zoophilia,
i.e. intercourse with animals, sexual murders associated with orgies, and even so-called intercourse with demons. It is a disturbance of the mind and
possession by unclean and murderous demons. The so-called church service is a de facto breakthrough in the satanization of the nation through Catholic Brno!
On 8 November 2024, the Vatican approved the Mayan rite of the Mass which will involve ritual dancing, women taking the place of the priest in incensing
the altar and leading certain prayers in the liturgy.
The Vatican occupied by Bergoglio is transforming the Church into a pseudo-church of the antichrist in this next stage as well. In this sect of his, which
he wrongly calls the Catholic Church, he is rooting the spirit of antichrist even deeper through the so-called Mayan rite. Bergoglio has personally
dedicated himself to Satan in Canada and, through Fiducia supplicans, has transformed the Catholic Church into a synagogue of Satan with a sodomite
anti-gospel. What to do for salvation?
Word of Life – 1 Cor. 10:13 (24/11/2024 – 8/12/2024)
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”
This word of life is preceded by a reminder not to grumble and then the apostle’s insistence: “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and
they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” Then follows
the word of life: “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man...” And then a warning against idolatry: “I speak as to wise men; judge
for yourselves what I say. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the
communion of the body of Christ? For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread. Observe Israel after the flesh: Are
not those who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything?
Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You
cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.”
You, the bishops of the USA, have sanctioned the path of public apostasy from God through the official adoption of the immoral and suicidal doctrinal
declaration Fiducia supplicans. In doing so, you have automatically brought upon yourselves, both the entire U.S. Episcopal Conference and individual
bishops, the Church’s most severe penalty, latae sententiae excommunication, as well as God’s most severe punishment of anathema (Gal 1:8-9) or curse,
coupled with excommunication from the Church. In the case of obstinacy and impenitence, its consequence is eternal damnation in hell.
Dear Cardinal Omella,
both last and this year you were one of the leading participants in the suicidal October Synod. Pseudo Pope Bergoglio also included you among his nine
closest collaborators, with the aim of gradually destroying the Catholic Church. You pushed for rebellion against God by legalizing LGBTQ in the Church.
You thereby brought upon yourself the Church’s most severe punishment latae sententiae and God’s punishment of anathema, i.e., curse and excommunication
from the Church for promoting the sodomite anti-gospel. The antipope Bergoglio, along with all of you, his nine accomplices, is also subject to this most
severe punishment, i.e., excommunication from the Church.
Word of Life – 1 Cor. 10:10 (10/11/2024 – 24/11/2024)
“Nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer.”
Concerning the sin of grumbling against God, the apostle Paul recalls an event that occurred after the Israelites miraculously crossed the Red Sea. Then they could immediately enter the land God had promised them. It was the land their fathers came out of when they descended into Egypt 430 years earlier. Now they were to return there. God promised to be with them and to overcome the pagan nations. Moses sent spies into the land to find out the details so that he could determine exactly how to proceed in taking the land. However, when the spies returned, they put a terrible fear into the people. Caleb and Joshua, on the other hand, reassured the people, “We will enter this land flowing with milk and honey. The Lord will give us this land, trust in Him.” But the Israelites were so strong in their spirit of fear that they even wanted to rebel against Moses and stone Joshua and Caleb.
Parce, Domine: parce populo tuo!
Joel 2, 17
In the past few days, after the tremendous cataclysm that struck the Valencia region of Spain, we have witnessed with dismay and horror the Spanish
government’s deliberate prevention of any relief action, not only by the bodies in charge, but also by volunteers and citizens. The absence of timely
action was accompanied by the prohibition of relief and sending first aid, offered even by foreign states. Affected populations were left for three days
without food, water and electricity. And while survivors remained isolated along with the corpses of their loved ones, with shameless cynicism Prime
Minister Pedro Sanchez refused to declare a state of emergency and retorted to the media: “If the Valencians need help, just ask for it.” Members of law
enforcement and firefighters denounced their hierarchical superiors for expressly instructing them not to intervene.
On 26 October 2024, the Synod on Synodality’s Final Document was adopted. Charismatic terminology is intertwined with vague
formulations and ambiguous terms. It is difficult to deduce their true content. This method of ambiguous terms was also used at the
Second Vatican Council. Its aim is to hide the real destructive intent of the document and to disguise its heretical content.
The Synod on Synodality is the final fruit of the heretical Second Vatican Council.
The “Synod on Synodality” that has just concluded is a perfect icon of the duplicitous and fraudulent nature of the conciliar and
synodal church. The usual promotion of the globalist agenda is all too evident. The hierarchical subversion of gender equality is at
the origin of the surreal discussion about the “ordination” of women, of which a “pastoral experimentation” has already been approved
to begin that will serve in the near future as an alibi for the official modification of doctrine on the Sacrament of Holy Orders. In
the same way, the acceptance of LGBTQ+ ideology, which is also a globalist objective, was obsequiously transposed to the Synod after
the premise was laid in Fiducia Supplicans.
Dear members of the ČBK and KBS, successors of Christ’s apostles,
excuse me, I am sorry, because you yourselves publicly demonstrate that you are not apostles of Christ, just as Judas was no longer
one when he betrayed Christ.
Unlike the bishops of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and all the bishops of Africa, you have risen in rebellion against Christ. You
have openly embraced the antichrist pseudo-gospel of Fiducia supplicans. In doing so, you are promoting and, moreover, blessing the
outrageous sin of sodomy. In spiritual unity with the Bergoglio sect, you deceive people into not repenting!
Word of Life – Jer. 51:47 (27/10/2024 – 10/11/2024)
“For the time will surely come when I will punish the idols of Babylon; her whole land will be disgraced and her slain will all lie fallen within her.”
This verse is preceded by the words: “I will punish Bel (Pachamama) in Babylon and make him spew out what he has swallowed. The
nations will no longer stream to him. And the wall of Babylon will fall.” And the prophet cries out: “Come out of her, my people! Run
for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the Lord. Do not lose heart or be afraid when rumours are heard in the land; one rumour
comes this year, another the next, rumours of violence in the land and of ruler against ruler.” And now follows the verse we reflect
on: “For the time will surely come when I will punish the idols of Babylon; her whole land will be disgraced and her slain will all
lie fallen within her.”
What are the idols of Babylon? Bergoglio himself enthroned the Pachamama demon and dedicated himself to Satan under the guidance of a
sorcerer in Canada as a precedent. This spirit of paganism has gradually turned the holy city into the harlot of the antichrist – pagan
Dear Bishop Joseph,
in many of your speeches you speak as an orthodox Catholic bishop, pointing to the healthy roots of Catholic teaching. Among your
recent articles is a response to the address by pseudo pope Bergoglio to young people in Singapore. You clearly point out his heretical
stance and refer to papal documents from the past. Your arguments are fully in line with Catholic teaching.
Jorge Bergoglio, a public heretic, an apostate from Christ and usurper of the See of St Peter, announced that he would hold a
consistory for the creation of 21 new cardinals on 7 December 2024. Let us point out that in accordance with Catholic doctrine
regarding a heretical pope, specifically as declared by the Doctor of the Church Robert Bellarmine, expressed by the Bull of Paul IV
Cum ex apostolatus officio, and in the first place in accordance with the words of St Paul (Gal 1:8-9), Bergoglio is ipso facto
excommunicated from the Catholic Church and all his actions are null and void. It is time for the Catholic bishops to wake up and
start respecting the teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, as well as the dogmatic bull of Pope Paul IV. The time is
ripe for the bishops to publicly, as an apostolic college, convict Bergoglio of heresy and apostasy. It is then only necessary to
state the fact that Bergoglio is ipso facto excommunicated from the Church.
The prophet Jeremiah, especially in the last chapters, prophesies against Babylon. But there is also a historical Babylon
mentioned in Genesis 1. It speaks of the pride of man wanting to build a great tower. The name Babel or Babylon means confusion. God
confused the speech of these proud builders and scattered them throughout the earth.
In the 1st millennium BC, the nation of Israel was like between two millstones. One was the Babylonian Empire and the other was Egypt.
The prophets, whether Isaiah, Jeremiah, or others, very often made pronouncements against Babylon. According to Gen 10:6-10, Nimrod,
the grandson of Ham, founded the city of Babylon. The city grew greatly, but was completely destroyed in the revolt against Assyria in
683 BC. It was later rebuilt on both sides of the Euphrates. The name itself signified to the Old Testament prophets the anti-God
power that controls the world. It is a demonic power that will rise up against God in the last days.
Word of Life – Jer. 51:42 (13/10/2024 – 27/10/2024)
“The sea has come up over Babylon; she is covered with the multitude of its waves.”
Bergoglio has concluded his 45th “apostolic” journey, during which he visited Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore.
At an interfaith meeting with young people in Singapore on 13 September, Bergoglio said: “Every religion is a way to arrive at God.
Sort of a comparison and an example would be that they are sort of like different languages to arrive at God. But God is God for all.
And if God is God for all, then we are all sons and daughters of God. ‘But my God is more important than your God!’ Is that true? There
is only one God and each of us is a language, a way, so to speak, to arrive at God. Some are Sikh, some are Muslim, some are Hindu,
some are Christian – they are different paths.”
Response by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:
“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jn 14:6)
In his video, Auxiliary Bishop Schneider, an apologist for the usurper of the papacy, addresses Polish Catholics. He uses a well-known
method to destroy the truth. He pre-empts the arguments of the opposition by deliberately telling the truth in a suggestive manner,
thereby instilling confidence in orthodox Catholics. But then he gives a false solution. This is what he also did in his assessment of
the heretical declaration Fiducia supplicans. However, this Declaration is the corpus delicti that convicts Bergoglio of being a manifest
arch-heretic and a usurper of the papacy. He is no pope. Having stated all the true arguments against Fiducia supplicans, Schneider
should have drawn an adequate conclusion: The heretical Declaration is undeniable proof that Bergoglio is an invalid pope.
Word of Life – 2 Cor. 5:21 (29/9/2024 – 13/10/2024)
“For our sake He made Him who knew no sin to be sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
This verse is preceded by related verses, beginning with verse 14: “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.”
In what situation has Bergoglio scheduled a so-called penitential celebration for 1 October 2024? With his so-called doctrinal
declaration Fiducia supplicans, he has already transformed the Catholic Church into a New Age sect with an antichrist agenda. Its
anti-gospel is the legalization of sodomy and all LGBTQ perversions, as well as the public apostasy through the enthronement of the
Pachamama demon and the precedent-setting dedication to Satan in Canada.
The excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is a judicial crime and a gross defamation. It goes without saying that the
excommunication is null and void! It should be pointed out that Archbishop Viganò could never have been excommunicated by Bergoglio as
he had never been in communion with this arch-heretic. The Archbishop is in union with Christ and with Catholic teaching, not with
Any Catholic who is not a heretic but is faithful to Christ cannot have internal unity with the public arch-heretic Bergoglio, who has usurped papal authority. It is abundantly clear to anyone who uses reason that one who defends Jesus Christ, His Gospel and the Catholic faith and tradition cannot be branded as a schismatic for his fidelity.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò explains what is and what is not a schism: “Schism is a sin against the unity of the Church. It is
carried out at the moment when a baptized person refuses to submit to the authority of the Roman Pontiff and to remain in the communion
of faith and charity of the Catholic Church.
But what happens if on the Chair of Peter there is – instead of a Pope who defends and governs the Church – there is a usurper who
systematically demolishes her, and who is chosen and appointed by fraud by the St Gallen Mafia for this very purpose? The Catholic
Church is presently occupied by an extraneous body that superimposes itself on her and obscures her, similar to an eclipse: this
extraneous body is not the Church, but the anti-church of the False Prophet, and as such it is not possible to be in communion with it.”
This verse from Scripture is preceded by, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that it may be seen that this immense
power is of God and not of ourselves. We are oppressed on every side, but we are not cornered; we are helpless, but we are not stranded;
we are persecuted, but we are not abandoned; we are struck down, but we are not defeated. We still bear the mark of Jesus’ death on us,
so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed. For we, as long as we live, are still being handed over to death for Jesus’ sake, so
that the life of Jesus may also be revealed on our mortal flesh. And so death works its work on us, but life on you. But we have the
spirit of faith, of which it is written, ‘I believed, and therefore I also spoke’ – we also believe, and therefore we also speak.” (v.7-13)
Archbishop Viganò describes the current activity of some fraternities, such as the Institute of Christ the King: “In the case
of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, the ritual and ceremonial question seems to prevail over the doctrinal one,
and it is no coincidence that amidst the general dissolution that exists, the Canons of Gricigliano seem to be exempt from opposition
and ostracism: they do not represent a problem, because they do not question the new course in the slightest and indeed have extensive
citations of conciliar documents in their Constitutions. The other institutes are also surviving.”
Word of Life – 2 Cor. 4:14 (15/9/2024 – 29/9/2024)
“Knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.”
Archbishop Viganò comments on the published version of the Third Secret of Fatima: “The text of the third part of the Secret of Fatima
was delivered by Sister Lucia to the Bishop of Leiria in 1944: it refers to the vision that the three shepherd children had in 1917
and which the Virgin Mary expressly stated was to be revealed in 1960. It was delivered to the Holy Office in 1957, during the reign
of Pius XII. John XXIII read it in 1959 and decided not to make it public.”
BCP: How to experience the mystery of Consecration?
The essence of the holy liturgy is the making present of Christ’s redemptive death on Golgotha. Protestants, who do not have the priesthood,
are left with only the symbolic remembrance of the Lord’s Supper.
After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles began to offer to God Christ’s new and eternal sacrifice. Through the priestly anointing
and recitation of Christ’s words, the Holy Spirit works by His almighty power.
How to create the conditions for a deeper experience of the mystery of Consecration in the liturgy today? There are especially two means
of achieving this. The first is a moment of silence before the Consecration for 3-4 minutes, the second is silence (adoration)
after the Consecration for 3-5 minutes.
Word of Life – Luk 12:39 (1/9/2024 – 15/9/2024)
“But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed
his house to be broken into.”
Before this word of life, Jesus said: “Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and you yourselves be like men who
wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately.
Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself
and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. And if he should come in the middle of the night or toward daybreak
and find them so, blessed are those servants.” (v.35-38)
Jesus then emphasizes: “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (v.40)
Here Jesus uses a parable from ordinary life, exhorting us to be always ready for the moment of death, because we do not know when
it will come for each of us. One thing is certain, it will come, and no one can avoid or escape it. Therefore, true wisdom is to
obey the Lord Jesus and His counsel given to each of us, namely to be ready every day, because eternity is at stake, eternal life
is at stake!
Prior to Bergoglio’s visit to Canada in 2022, the media reported that he would also take part in a pagan ritual. Then footage
was released of a shaman whistling on the bone of a wild turkey and clearly talking about access to the so-called sacred circle
of spirits. He called on those present to make a gesture of dedication by putting their hands on their heart. Bergoglio obediently
made this gesture and publicly dedicated himself to Satan. How does this dedication go together with the fact that he holds
the highest office in the Catholic Church and is called the Vicar of Christ on earth?
A person dedicated to Satan has renounced Christ, lost sanctifying grace, and if he should die in this state of impenitence,
he will be eternally condemned. Ipso facto he has excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church, and therefore can in no way be its head.
Dear students at all levels of schools in Poland,
we call on you to spiritually mobilize! The system of lies and death must be resisted. Professional lies use moral impurity to enslave
people with the aim of total self-destruction of yourselves, your families and the Polish nation. The struggle against the spirit
of lies and immorality is the hardest struggle, but the victory is the most glorious, and what is more, after the end of this life
it is crowned with a crown of eternal glory. This struggle must be fought under the protection of our Heavenly Mother.
Question: You – the Byzantine Patriarchate – claim that a Catholic must recognize that Franciscus is not the Pope. How does an ordinary
Catholic know that Franciscus is not the Pope? If the Lord wants us to renounce Jorge Bergoglio, has He given us an objective criterion for this?
Answer: Yes, the Lord has given us an objective criterion. That objective criterion for convicting a public apostate is the fact that he preaches
a different gospel. Jorge Bergoglio is an apostate who publicly preaches a sodomite, climate and covid anti-gospel. The punishment for such
a gospel is God’s anathema: “Even if … an angel from heaven should preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him
be accursed! As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be
accursed!” (Gal 1:8-9)
Word of Life – Luk 13:5 (18/8/2024 – 1/9/2024)
“I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”
Before Jesus spoke these words, He said: “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans,
because they suffered such things?” Saying this, He responded to the report about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled
with their sacrifices, and He emphasized: “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” And He added:
“Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other
men who dwelt in Jerusalem?” (v.1-4) And He said again: “Unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” These words apply to each of us.
Repentance is not a one-time thing. Perhaps it can be true of conversion, when you become open to God’s grace, and turn from
the spirit of the world to God. But then the world keeps pulling you down and forcing you to submit to its system again. That is,
to prioritize material and external things and not care about your soul and its salvation. That is why we need to repent again and again.
Dear Catholic men of Poland,
the situation in the world is critical in every way. As for world politics, gender ideology and other agendas with the aim
of so-called depopulation are being promoted, and as for the Catholic Church, it was transformed into a New Age anti-church
on 18 December 2023 by the doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans of pseudo-Pope Bergoglio. He excluded himself from
the Catholic Church by multiple excommunications and God’s anathema for a false anti-gospel according to Gal 1:8-9.
We are always delivered to Christ’s death (2Cor 4:10). Scripture says: “We were immersed through baptism into Christ’s death.”
Interior prayer helps us experience this truth. Here we realize our inner union with Jesus, both on the cross and in us.
Some advice on how to contemplate the seven last words of Christ.
1) As for crying out in prayer, the Scripture emphasizes that we are to call on God, literally shout to Him. Jesus dying
on the cross cried out with a loud voice: “Eloi, Eloi” and “Father (Abba), into Your hands…”
2) This prayer is completely silent. When we talk here about calling or crying out, it is about calling with our spirit and breath.
We take a long breath and slowly and quietly breathe out the vowel aaa or any other vowel, just with our breath, not with our voice.
3) This way of breathing out the vowels helps combat distraction in interior prayer. It helps us focus on God’s word and God’s presence.
Bergoglio’s synodal journey culminates in his proclamation of new paradigms and a new sodomite pseudo-gospel in Fiducia supplicans.
Half a year later, Bergoglio takes another step – a show trial of the true Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The result
of the show trial is null and void. On 28 June 2024, Archbishop Viganò issued his public statement in response to the show trial.
He did not appear after being summoned to the so-called court, nor did he send any defence; on the contrary, he clearly announced
that he did not recognize this false authority.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò continues to clarify the serious problem of the existence of Bergoglio’s Deep Church.
Archbishop C. M. Viganò: But the deep church does not officially manifest itself as such, because it would immediately lose
its power over the faithful. Its purpose is to make people accept not so much and not only this or that change of doctrine,
morals, liturgy, but the change itself, that is, the idea of a permanent revolution according to which the teaching
of the Church must change and even contradict itself according to different eras and cultural contexts. Once the deep church
has succeeded in getting this principle accepted, it can act on all fronts, contradicting what the Church taught up to Vatican II.
Word of Life – Luk 2:35 (4/8/2024 – 18/8/2024)
“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.”
Who spoke these words? It was the aged prophet Simeon, who said them at the moment when the Holy Mother of God with the protector
of the Holy Family, Saint Joseph, brought the child Jesus into the temple on the 40th day after Jesus’ birth. Before speaking these words,
Simeon took the little Jesus in his arms and praised God in this way: “Now You release Your servant in peace, Lord, according to Your word,
for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before all nations – a light that will be a revelation to the Gentiles, a glory
for Your people Israel.” (v. 29-32) And Simeon blessed them and said to His mother Mary: “Behold, He is given for the fall and for the rising
of many in Israel, and as a sign that they shall resist – even your own soul shall be pierced by the sword – that the thoughts of many hearts
may be revealed.” (v. 34-35)
Saint Carlo Borromeo is the embodiment of true reform. It can be said that Carlo literally reconstructed the Church that
was close to collapse in Milan and its surroundings. Carlo was also the soul of the Council of Trent. The saint worked towards
not only the renewal of the church structure, but also of spiritual life. That is why Tridentinum also created the conditions
for holiness. The exact opposite of Tridentinum is Vaticanum II. This truth is being publicly revealed today by the other Carlo –
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Tridentinum led to the reform of the Church, but Vaticanum II led to deformation and transformation
of the Church into a New Age antichurch.
The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games is only the latest in a long series of vile attacks on God, the Catholic Religion
and natural Morality by the antichristic elite that holds Western countries hostage. We had seen no less disconcerting scenes
at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games, featuring infernal figures,
goats, and terrifying animals. The elite who organizes these ceremonies demand not only the right to blasphemy and the obscene display
of the foulest vices, but even their mute acceptance by Catholics and decent people, who are forced to suffer the outrage of seeing the
most sacred symbols of their Faith and the very foundations of the Natural Law desecrated.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “I am convinced that among the Bishops and priests there are many who have experienced and still
experience today the excruciating internal conflict of finding themselves divided between what Christ the Pontiff asks of them – and they
know it well – and what the one who presents himself as Bishop of Rome imposes with force, with blackmail, and with threats.”
What does the so-called Bishop of Rome, the apostate Bergoglio, impose on bishops and priests today with force, blackmail and threats?
The requirement to bless the sin of homosexuality and accept a paradigm shift! But this no longer leads the souls entrusted to them
to salvation, but to destruction. That is why today many bishops and priests, as Archbishop Viganò puts it, are experiencing an excruciating
internal conflict. They know well what Jesus Christ asks of them and that it is in direct contradiction to what Bergoglio demands of them
under threat of excommunication. This manifest heretic is transforming them into the same servants of Satan as himself. He has even dedicated
himself to him in Canada as a precedent. Ultimately, Bergoglio’s aim is to achieve the Church’s self-destruction.
We have witnessed the criminal show trial of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The schismatic sect has accused him of a so-called schism,
which is in fact impossible, because at present the Church has no Pope. This fact stems from the reality that Bergoglio is a manifest heretic.
He was already a heretic before he occupied the papal chair and therefore his election is invalid. This is confirmed by the dogmatic bull
of Paul IV. Those who have passed null and void judgment on Archbishop Viganò are themselves not only in schism, but by their apostasy
have excommunicated themselves from the Church.
When the Apostle Paul was attacked and his authority questioned, he pointed to the graces God had given him and testified
to the suffering he had endured for Christ. He was scourged five times by his own people and persecuted continually. He was
even stoned by the pagans. The Apostle, in defence of the Gospel, did not hesitate to speak of the extraordinary gifts he
had received, even of visions and revelations, when he was considered to be of little spiritual worth. Finally, we know that
when he came to Jerusalem, the religious Sanhedrin sought his death. Every stage of his life was accompanied by sharp conflict
with the enemies of Christ, with the spirit of Phariseeism and with the spirit of paganism, that is, with false spirituality.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “We find ourselves in the surreal situation in which a Hierarchy calls itself Catholic and therefore
demands obedience from the ecclesial body, while at the same time professing doctrines that before the Council the Church had condemned;
and at the same time condemning doctrines as heretical that up until then had been taught by all the Popes.”
With this statement, Archbishop Viganò de facto shows that the current hierarchy, which calls itself Catholic, is no longer Catholic.
He convicts it of professing heresies which it is obliged to condemn and condemning Catholic doctrine which it is obliged to profess.
By changing paradigms and adopting Fiducia supplicans, it contradicts its very essence. The Archbishop therefore points out that
this hierarchy, disobedient to God, has no right to demand obedience.
Archbishop Viganò, in your new statement, you distinguish the “conciliar church” from the Catholic Church in such a way that
you assert there are, “Two Churches, certainly,” whereas in the past (here) you have affirmed: “Obviously, there are not two Churches,
something that would be impossible, blasphemous, and heretical.” Thus, it seems your position has changed. Do you now hold that
the “conciliar church” is completely separate from the Catholic Church, rather than a subversive sect that exists within the true Church?
My position has not changed: there is only one true Church, and that is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. But there are in fact
two superimposed realities, so to speak, one of which is the true Church, precisely; and the other is the false church, the deep church.
If you pay attention, in my statement J’accuse I expressly wrote “two churches” with a lowercase initial, to underline the anomaly
of this coexistence.
Word of Life – Luk 1:76-77 (21/7/2024 – 4/8/2024)
“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; for you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways, to give knowledge
of salvation to His people by the remission of their sins.”
Quoting from the Statement by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: “… this cowardly and culpable surrender began with the convocation
of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and with the underground and highly organized action of clergymen and laity linked to the Masonic sects,
aimed at slowly but surely subverting the structure of government and magisterium of the Church in order to demolish Her from within.”
This painful truth of the hidden plan to destroy the Church from within could not have been spoken of before, because the Second Vatican Council
became literally an idol. “Secundum Vaticanum” and “Nostra Aetate” was the mantra of almost every theological discipline and almost every class
in the theological faculties. Scripture and the whole Tradition were reinterpreted in the spirit of Vatican II. To dare to truthfully expose
the heresies of Vatican II would be to completely disqualify oneself. Archbishop Viganò could not express this truth clearly in the past either.
It is only now that the time has come for him, as a long-time, high-ranking Vatican official, to expose it publicly, clearly and responsibly.
On 14 July 2024, Cardinal Müller compromised himself by publicly declaring the manifest heretic Jorge Bergoglio to be the legitimate Pope.
Bergoglio incurs multiple latae sententiae excommunication and God’s most severe punishment of anathema according to Gal 1:8, i.e. exclusion
even from the Mystical Body of Christ. With the sodomite anti-gospel, he brought the curse upon himself and his followers.
On 1 July, Cardinal Müller was elevated in ecclesiastical rank by the apostate Bergoglio.
The current state of affairs is such that Bergoglio’s Deep Church is already compromised. It therefore needs to re-present itself as if it were
the true Catholic Church.
How is it that bishops and priests had them drawn by Bergoglio into the path of apostasy? Because “they loved human praise
more than the praise of God” (Jn 12:42-43).
We read in the Gospels that many among the leaders believed in Christ, but were afraid to confess Him publicly. Why? For fear
they would be put out of the synagogue. The Gospel blames them for such fear. Jesus foretold to His faithful ones: “They will
put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.” (Jn 16:2)
In the Apocalypse, Jesus speaks of the synagogue of Satan in reference to those who persecute the true bishop. He encourages him
to be faithful until death and promises him the victorious crown of life (Rev 2:9-10).
The Church has two sides, both founded by Christ, the visible and the invisible – that is, the spiritual. The spiritual side
is important. It means an inner union with Christ through apostolic faith. It is not enough to be a member of the visible structure
of the Church to be saved.
The sacraments of an apostate bishop or priest are invalid because 1) he is not in Christ’s Church and not united to Christ,
and 2) he does not have the Spirit of Christ and without the Holy Spirit the sacraments do not exist.
The bishop and priest who is in union with the apostate Bergoglio is subject to God’s anathema, that is, exclusion from
the Mystical Body of Christ. Such a one is no longer a member of Christ’s Church. He remains only in the outward ecclesiastical
organization, which today is wrongly called the Catholic Church. This apostate is no longer validly consecrating in the Mass.
Dear Archbishop,
I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.
I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward. I hope you will continue
to say Mass and receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church.
You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me and many others you are a most courageous hero.
As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution
that has eclipsed the true church and I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true
In 1904, Pope Pius X decided to create a unified canon code. In 1917, the Code was promulgated. The following, new code was discussed
at the Second Vatican Council between 1962 and 1965 and was completed in 1983. John Paul II and Benedict XVI each amended the Code only
once, whereas Francis did so 11 times, changing 137 canons in the process. Here we see that the Code and the canons are changeable,
unlike the divine truths, which are unchangeable. However, it must be known that if the Code is misused by heretics against
the foundations of these immutable divine truths, or is interpreted in a contrary way, it becomes null and void, like all documents
in the hands of heretics and apostates.
Dear Bishops of Africa,
we are addressing you, each of you personally and individually, in the awareness that an extremely serious situation has arisen
in these hours. In our previous letter, we brought your attention to the tragic situation resulting from Fiducia supplicans.
So, it is not enough that you have rejected this Declaration. God wants you to separate yourselves and your dioceses from
the invalid Pope and his sect. May Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò be an example to you. Let us quote from his Statement
of 28 June 2024: “As I stated in my Communiqué of 20 June, I do not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims
to judge me, nor of its Prefect, nor of the one who appointed him.”
The show trial against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has revealed who is who. Who is on the side of the manifest heretic Bergoglio
and who is on the side of Christ and the truth, that is, on the side of Archbishop Viganò.
The Patriarchate responds to media reports.
Roberto de Mattei, historian, commented: “Bishop Strickland recognised the authority of Pope Francis, refusing to follow the advice
of those American conservatives and/or traditionalists who were inciting him to defy the pontiff’s decision.”
The historian De Mattei is correct; Bishop Strickland did recognise and still recognises the authority of the false Pope Francis
as the rightful Pope, even now, in the aftermath of Fiducia supplicans. In so doing, he has aligned himself with his apostasy
and rebellion against God. Appealing to so-called obedience to the Holy Father is absurd. Bergoglio, who has excommunicated
himself from the Church, cannot be its head, as the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church affirm.
Word of Life – Luk 13:24 (7/7/2024 – 21/7/2024)
“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.”
This is Jesus’ answer to the question as He walked through the towns and villages toward Jerusalem, teaching as He went.
Someone said to him: “Lord, are there really few who will be saved?” To this Jesus gave the answer about the narrow door that
leads to salvation. This is the word of life that we will be remembering throughout the two weeks. This word of life is followed by,
“Once the householder gets up and closes the door, and you stay outside and start pounding on the door and crying, ‘Lord, open it for us,’
then he answers, ‘I don’t know where you are from!’ Then you will say, ‘We have eaten and drunk with you, and you have taught in our streets!’
But he will answer, ‘I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’
On 20 June, the pseudo Pope Bergoglio and his sect started a criminal show trial. They are declaring so-called excommunication
on Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former US nuncio, but in fact they are only expelling him from their transformed antichurch,
which the Archbishop rightly considers an honour. The Church’s mainstream media, in the spirit of Bergoglio’s project of total
globalization and satanization of the Catholic Church, spew lies and slander against the heroic archbishop who stood up for
the teachings of Christ, that is, for the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the entire Tradition.
Dear Bishops of the United States,
surely you know about Bergoglio’s current excommunication farce concerning your former nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò.
Bergoglio gives the impression of excluding him from the Church of Christ, but Bergoglio no longer belongs to this
Church and therefore cannot exclude anyone from it. Moreover, Archbishop Viganò was never a member of Bergoglio’s sect,
from which Bergoglio today absurdly excludes him. The Archbishop has always belonged to Christ’s Church, from which the
apostate has no power to exclude him, much less for orthodoxy, as Bergoglio now paradoxically demonstrates. The main
reason for the so-called expulsion is that the orthodox archbishop, in accordance with the teaching of the Church,
does not recognize Bergoglio, a manifest heretic, as a pope, which Bergoglio is not.
The Catholic public has been informed that the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who is publicly known to have stood
in rebellion against God by legalizing and blessing one of the gravest of sins, namely sodomy, has “excommunicated”
the former US nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò, from his antichurch. There is no need to defend the Archbishop faithful
to Christ before people who seek the truth. They already know him well as a courageous champion of Christ’s teachings,
as one who has publicly pointed out the unity of the Deep Church and the Deep State, and whose highly moral speeches
influence the political scene. It is a miracle of God that he is still alive today, because both of these Deep
organizations, which promote the moral and physical destruction of individuals and humanity, see him as their arch enemy.
That is also why if one reads the official mainstream news or the official church news à la mainstream, one will only
read slander.
Word of Life – Luk 3:9 (23/6/2024 – 7/7/2024)
“The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”
Because we, all human beings, have spiritual poisoning in us, we all have to repent. We all need to go through
the process of purification through true repentance. It means to admit our sin and have it cleansed by the power
of Christ’s blood. His blood cleanses us from sin, from our evil works, bad fruit. Therefore, we read in another place:
“Unless you repent, you will all perish.” What is repentance? Metanoia means to change our way of thinking. We who have
been immersed in Christ through baptism should not follow the thinking of the world, but we should change our mind and
make our own the mind of Christ as shown to us in the Gospel. To have this mind in us, we need to allow Jesus Christ
to live in our hearts. His Spirit will then wholly penetrate our minds and we will bear fruits that will remain for
eternal life. This is the fruit that is said to be a treasure that thieves will not steal, rust will not destroy
and moth will not eat. And Jesus adds: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Word of Life – Heb. 13:5 (9/6/2024 – 23/6/2024)
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’”
Before this statement from the Letter to the Hebrews, the Apostle writes: “Remember those in prison as if you were
their fellow-prisoners, and those who are ill-treated as if you yourselves were suffering. Marriage should be honoured
by all, and marriages should be kept undefiled, for God will judge the immoral and adulterers.” Then follows this statement:
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave
you; never will I forsake you.’”
The Apostle continues: “So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings.” (v. 3-9a)
Word of Life – Phi 1:29 (26/5/2024 – 9/6/2024)
“For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake.”
Let us ask ourselves: What did Jesus suffer for my sake, and what do I suffer for His sake? One cannot speak of love
for Jesus without standing by His cross and being ready to make sacrifices and suffer for faithfulness to Him and
His teachings. Love for Christ is connected with grace, and God’s Word reminds us: “For to you it has been granted
on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake.” And then: “You are going through
the same struggle you saw I had…” Many people suffer, but few suffer for the sake of Christ, for faithfulness to Him.
Let us remember that without the cross and without faithfulness to Christ’s teaching, we will hardly pass the final test
that awaits us at the hour of death and decides all eternity.
Dear Bishops of Slovakia,
the controversial church organization called the KBS (Conference of Bishops of Slovakia), with its chairman Abp Bober,
manipulated you with its resolutions, until finally, by adopting Fiducia Supplicans, it led you to the most serious crime,
namely public rebellion against God! You thus publicly renounced the Gospel of Christ and received the sodomite anti-gospel,
for which, according to God’s Word, the most severe punishment fell upon you, namely anathema – curse and exclusion from
the Church of Christ. The Gospel of Christ is the necessary condition of eternal salvation, and on the other hand,
its rejection is the cause of eternal damnation. The crime you have committed and by which you have brought down
God’s curse on yourselves and on the entire Slovak nation is this rainbow synodal journey of yours, which culminated
in the deliberately hidden but real transformation of the Catholic Church into a satanic New Age antichurch.
“If you love Me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counsellor
to be with you for ever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him.
But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.” (Jn 14:15-17)
Jesus says, “If you love Me…” – this is the condition. And He continues, “…I will ask the Father…” He says, “I” – Jesus.
“…and He – the Father – will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever – the Spirit of truth.” The Spirit of truth,
the Holy Spirit, the Counsellor – He intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express, as we read in chapter eight
of the Letter to the Romans. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us. So, Jesus
will ask the Father.
Sunday, 19 May 2024 is the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter spoke
in the power of the Spirit and urged the pilgrims to be converted and repent. He said: “God has made this Jesus, whom you
crucified, both Lord and Christ.” When they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said: “Brothers, what shall we do?”
Today pseudo-pope Bergoglio has betrayed Christ and His teachings with his Fiducia Supplicans. Almost half a year ago he
transformed the Catholic Church into an antichurch with different doctrine and a sodomite anti-gospel. It is no longer
the Catholic Church; it is the harlot of Satan.
With the declaration Fiducia Supplicans, Bergoglio has denied one of the gravest sins, which is sodomy, and thus denied
the other sins as well. De facto, he has eliminated the Decalogue, which includes natural moral norms as well as God’s laws.
Denying the reality of sin is also denying the reality of Christ’s ransom sacrifice that was offered for our sins.
After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles went and proclaimed two things: that Christ died for our sins
and that He rose from the dead… God accompanied their evangelization with mighty signs and wonders. So it should be today.
We should witness to these two fundamental truths. This is our agenda. We are to be “martyrés” – witnesses of Jesus Christ.
And the Holy Spirit will bring miracles to pass.
Word of Life – Heb. 13:14 (12/5/2024 – 26/5/2024)
“For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come.”
The Apostle not only reminds us that we have no permanent home here, but he shows that our home is in heaven:
“we seek the city to come”. That city is the New Jerusalem, the eternal kingdom in heaven, where all of us who are
faithful to Jesus Christ are to be gathered together in one great family of God’s children, as a certain poet once put it:
“In the arms of God, from whence we came, in the arms of God we shall meet again. Who would fear, or who would tremble?”
In order to meet there, we need to preserve the treasure of faith and remain faithful to Christ, following the example
of the heroes of the faith, that is, the saints and martyrs. They intercede for us and await us with our Lord and God’s
angels. They pray the Lord to help us in our spiritual struggle in this life not to lose sight of the heavenly Jerusalem.
Whenever we hear the words, “Lift up your hearts!”, let us fly in thought to this heavenly Jerusalem. Our Mother, too,
whom the Lord gave us at the hour of His death, awaits us in our heavenly home. Let us turn to her daily with confidence
and she will never abandon us.
Word of Life – Heb. 10:25 (28/4/2024 – 12/5/2024)
“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us exhort one another – and all the more
as you see the Day approaching.”
This verse is preceded by the words: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds.” The groups meeting together at the time when
the Apostle was writing this letter were probably as small as ours. However, these words applied and still apply above all to
small prayer groups, which have carried the burden of the Church and called on God for light, strength and salvation.
We perceive that the biblical demand for koinonia, the formation of brotherly fellowship, is very relevant today. A group of
Christian men meet together for prayer and pray to God for themselves and for the souls entrusted to them. At the same time,
they seek to encourage one another to remain faithful to Christ and to the commandments He has given us in the midst of this
world, despite the various pressures. Christ’s commands are not burdensome, though in certain circumstances they may require
great sacrifice. But then the reward in heaven is all the greater if we persevere.
The Scripture gives us directions for life. So we need to begin to learn slowly and seriously THE NUTS AND BOLTS:
e.g. Jesus says, “If your brother has something against you, go and be reconciled to your brother.” In other words – e.g. your
brother vents his anger and rebukes you unjustly and now there is a tense situation. He becomes aware of his guilt afterwards,
and is overcome with sorrow. He doesn’t know what to do, how to apologize, and tension increases.
Who should make the first step, or rather, who is obliged to? According to the Gospel, he who has been wronged is obliged to make
the first step. You have been wronged, and moreover, your brother has something against you! So you have to make
the first step and not wait until your brother does so! When you realize in prayer that you must go and you would not go,
then however good your prayer may be, you are disobedient to Jesus!
Jesus says to the apostles: “… but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live.” (Jn 14:19)
Will the apostles see Christ? Yes, they will see Him risen on the third day after His death, and then He will appear
to them during forty days. And they will also see Him in the light of glory at the moment of their physical death,
when they will see Him as He is. They will see Him! The first of the apostles to see Him in this way was one of the
brothers for whom their mother had interceded that they should sit one on the right hand and the other on the left
of Christ. Jesus then asked them: “Can you drink the cup I am about to drink?” James and his brother John said to Him:
“We can.” Jesus said to them: “You will indeed drink My cup.” And they indeed did. The first to drink the cup of suffering
was John, who was the only one of the apostles who experienced union with Christ’s death by being willing to die, and that
was why he remained standing faithfully at the foot of the cross.
Word of Life – Heb. 12:1 (14/4/2024 – 28/4/2024)
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”
These statements hold the profound truths about our life; they are meant to be our light, our model.
We are indeed surrounded by a great multitude of witnesses. To those of the Old Testament let us add the
millions of martyrs after the coming of Christ, as well as the millions of saints who have or have not
been publicly canonized. And what are we supposed to do? Lay aside every weight and sin. We create
a lot of weight for ourselves by not wanting to let go of various bad habits that hurt us and others,
and we only have problems because of them. We need to start striving, little by little, to lay aside
this burden, which many times has already taken root in our thoughts and ideas, and they bind us.
Apart from this weight, we have to lay aside the sin which, as Scripture says, “so easily ensnares us”.
Finally, it is emphasized that we are to run with endurance the race of life that is set before us.
Jesus says: “He who endures to the end will be saved.” Running this race, we have to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Our cross is truly the greatest gift from God; it is meant to strip us completely of the old self,
of the slightest clinging to anything, and to clothe us in thoughts of essential things – death, heaven, hell,
and the abandoned, humiliated and crucified Jesus.
Whenever God wants to give new life – resurrection, the way to new life is through the death of the old self.
There is no other way than to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus, and then die spiritually
to yourself, to sin, and to the world! May God, through various little things, lead us into death with Mary
and through Mary.
At the end of John’s Gospel it says: “Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples,
which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” Thus, faith in Jesus Christ is the condition
for having eternal life. If we do not have this faith, we do not have eternal life. Faith in Jesus connects us to Him.
Through that faith, He will also give us the grace and strength to overcome our weaknesses, so that the power of God
can work in us and through us. Pure love is ready to lose anything to make room for Jesus. So let us make room for Jesus,
throwing away the wealth of doubting thoughts and all kinds of lies that we believe and then feel gloomy about.
And the risen Jesus will say to each of us: “Peace be with you!”
The Word of God says: “We were buried with Christ in baptism and also raised with Him.” (Col 2:12)
This is not a literary expression or poetry. This is reality! How we were raised with Christ and how we
received a new life is a mystery. There is nothing to think about. Scripture says so and therefore it is
reality. God’s Word says: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” and “We are a living temple
of the Holy Spirit”. If we are in a state of sanctifying grace, all that Jesus obtained for us at Calvary
and all that belongs to Him He gives to us, so it is also ours. If we give ourselves to Him and are united
to Him, then if we have Christ, we have all things in Him. St Paul says: “In Him are hidden all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge.”
Word of Life – Heb. 13:8 (31/3/2024 – 14/4/2024)
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
The Word of God says that we were immersed through baptism into Christ’s death. Through faith we should open
ourselves to the reality of Christ’s death, which overcomes sin and the devil. At the moment of His death,
Jesus commits His spirit into the Father’s hands. In Christ’s death there is a great power that overcomes.
Then comes the resurrection, the new life. We are to enter into Christ’s death in various life situations.
It means seriously seeking God’s will and putting God first in a particular situation. In other words,
renouncing our own interest, our own truth, our own experience at the present moment and sincerely accept
God’s will, God’s truth. This requires self-denial. And then, by His almighty power, God can perform anew
the miracle of resurrection in that situation.
Jesus wants mature people. He can do more with one mature person in a year than He can do with hundreds
of immature people in 200 years. The mark of maturity is actually the degree of dying to self with Christ.
The essence of this death to self is in humility, in completely renouncing at every moment one’s own will,
one’s own good, one’s own ideas or desires, and accepting everything out of love for Jesus. People who are
completely forgotten, buried, those who have died with Christ, mature souls, who have offered themselves as
a sacrifice to Jesus – it is their sacrifice that decides the future of nations.
The greatest blessing is when God gives us the grace to be evil spoken of, unjustly suspected, reproached
and humiliated for His name’s sake. The Lord Jesus trod this path before us, because He loved us. He was completely
innocent. Yet He forgave and prayed for everyone.
The most important thing is to persevere with Jesus abandoned, not to nourish the slightest bitterness towards anyone,
to constantly encourage one another and remember: Of what spirit we should be?! Yes, of the Spirit of Christ, who is
meek and lowly. We need to humble ourselves before God again and again by entering into the truth about ourselves:
How much self-will, how many critical thoughts and words, how much unbelief when we acted without God, according to
our own reason, feelings or wishes. How much have we suffered not in order to promote the things of God but our own
interests instead! Life goes by. No day will return. What we have sown in faith is sown.
Truly we know neither the day nor the hour, and nothing is more certain than death. Therefore, we have to redeem
the time. How? By a living faith, by daily practising humility, that is, constantly renouncing our own wishes,
good plans or intentions. Let us not stick to our own opinion, but bring everything to light, and humble ourselves
every time we act spontaneously on our own. However, when others do something wrong, we should not condemn them but,
again, humble ourselves in spirit: “Lord, I am twice as bad. I’ve made the same or even greater mistake so many times.
And mine was a banal one that this person would never make.” Let us accept the concrete hardships as a cross to carry.
The media report that Bergoglio’s autobiographical book spanning over 300 pages is set to be released on 19 March 2024.
In the book, Bergoglio mentions his resignation, stressing that in this respect it is “a distant hypothesis”, since he says
there are “no serious reasons” for his resignation.
Commentary: As early as 2018, Bergoglio and his homo-network were publicly called upon to resign by C. M. Viganò, Nuncio
Emeritus to the US, for very serious reasons. Moreover, the fact is that Bergoglio has already excommunicated himself
from the Church owing to his pseudo-gospel (cf. Gal 1:8-9). He cannot therefore be its head, as Scripture, the Church Fathers,
the Doctors of the Church and the dogmatic constitution confirm. Nevertheless, he continues to illegally occupy the papal office.
The season of Lent in this extraordinary time of great apostasy is a time of urgent repentance. The statements
of Jesus about repentance are relevant for each of us. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.
Metanoite, change your mind and believe in the Gospel.” (Mk 1:15) “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3)
What is every Catholic believer, every priest, every religious and every bishop obliged to repent of? All must repent
of public apostasy. The invalid Pope Francis Bergoglio, through the heretical Fiducia Supplicans, has transformed the
Catholic Church into a New Age Antichurch. This sin is greater than the sin of those who sacrificed to pagan idols,
demons, and thus became traitors of Christ, apostates – traditores.
Word of Life – Heb. 11:6 (17/3/2024 – 31/3/2024)
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that
He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”
This verse is part of the well-known chapter 11 of the Epistle to the Hebrews. It is preceded by the following five verses:
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well
of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead. By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he
did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended
as one who pleased God.” (Heb 11:1-5) Next, this chapter presents models of faith, such as Abraham, Moses, the prophets,
and points out that not only are we saved through faith, but through faith God also works extraordinary miracles.
We need to talk about hell. It is hard to talk about this truth separately though. However, if we highlight the beauty
of the Saviour as a contrast against this dark background, this is truly evangelization. Yes, hell is a real threat looming
over everyone. But there is Jesus who came to save us from hell. Therefore, the fear of hell should be a strong impetus for
us to sincerely repent and be saved.
A certain devout priest full of apostolic zeal carried out a mission in France for 40 years. In an audience with the
Holy Father Pius IX in Rome, he gave a frank account of his missionary work. On this occasion, the Pope gave him an
extremely useful advice: “Teach the great truths of salvation. Speak especially about hell. Do not conceal anything –
and especially not about hell. Nothing so helps to awaken poor sinners and bring them to God as the truth about hell.”
Those who rejected Jesus will face Him as a Judge at the hour of death. In a single gaze they will see that He is not
their friend, that He is not their Saviour, because they rejected Him again and again, stifled their conscience, believed
in lies, systematically resisted the truth, Christ and good, all connected with salvation and the Gospel that was distorted
by them. In that single moment they will see the fruit. St Bernard says that the very sins they committed will cry out saying:
“We are your work; we shall not desert you.” And St John Chrysostom: “The wounds of Jesus will accuse you. Your sins will
reproach you. The cross of Christ, which was the means of bringing salvation to you, will rise up against you.”
The truth about hell is indeed very serious and is linked with our salvation. If we take seriously the eternity of hell,
we are also aware of the seriousness of the entire teaching of Christ about salvation based on this fact – Christ came into the world,
God became man to deliver us from the bondage of the devil, to deliver us from hell and to give us a new life – eternal life.
“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish – in hell –
but have eternal life.” (Jn 3:16) “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life;
he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1Jn 5:11-12) You either have Jesus or you do not. The greatest
suffering in hell is the punishment of separation. The human soul, which is made for God and to love God and be in union
with Him, ultimately remains in union with demons and their hatred. It remains in darkness, or separation, and that is
actually the essence of damnation.
The Last Four Words from the Cross
Motivational word for experiencing of the last four words
After the words, “And that disciple received her eis ta idia – into his own,” the Apostle John, as an eyewitness,
continues: “After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled,
said, ‘I thirst!’” The evangelist Matthew adds: “Now from the sixth hour (i.e. noon) until the ninth hour (i.e. three o’clock)
there was darkness over all the land. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying,
‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’” (Mt 27:45-46) The outer
darkness expresses the reality of the spiritual darkness of evil and separation from God. It was concentrated
in Christ’s dying and death. “Some of those who stood there said, ‘This Man is calling for Elijah!’ Immediately
one of them ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed, and offered it to Him to drink.
The rest said, ‘Let Him alone; let us see if Elijah will come to save Him…’” (Mt 27:47-49)
Word of Life – Heb 9:27 (3/3/2024 – 17/3/2024)
“People are destined to die once and then face judgment.”
The next verse 28 reads: “So also Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and He will
appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him.”
The proverb says: A wise person thinks about the end, that is, death. But it is not enough to think about death,
we must also think about eternity, which can be either happy or unhappy. The condition for a happy eternity is to
keep our faith in Jesus Christ, because the Scripture says: Whoever believes in Him will be saved. The best
preparation for death and eternity is through an act of perfect contrition. This consists in admitting your
sinfulness to yourself and to God, looking with faith at the cross of Jesus, and calling on His name.
We make an act of perfect contrition seven times a day during prayer stops, when we look at each of the
five wounds of Christ and say five times: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner! This is true wisdom.
Think about eternity!
In interior prayer, it is necessary to realize the essential truths that concern each person individually,
namely death, God’s judgment, and eternity. Christian contemplation has traditionally focused on two areas.
The first area is the last things of man, and the second is Christ’s suffering and His death. We return
to these spiritual sources even now.
Principles of interior prayer
The prayer position is important. You kneel or stand with your arms up.
For the beginning and for a certain time, loud expression helps us focus our attention. Scripture says:
“The Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Rom 8:26) Praying
in tongues is usually simplified here to two-syllable words. Many have experience of the words “mana” or “bara”.
Other two-syllable words may also be used, but one must beware lest some of them refer to a pagan mantra, i.e.
the name of a demon. The word mana is mentioned in Ex 16:31 and bara means create (Gen 1:1).
Every sincere bishop, priest and believer perceives that the contemporary Church needs a spiritual revival.
This must begin with each individual, and especially with the basic cell of the Church, which is the family, that is,
father, mother and children. For everyone, it begins with prayer, that is, building a personal relationship with God.
But the conditions for this must be created, because in the daily pace of life one is unable to find time for deeper prayer.
On the other hand, however, young people and children spend several hours a day on smartphones, which have swept the world
in recent years. Thus, they waste their time not only in vanities, but directly in instructions on moral depravity,
crime and satanism.
On 2 February, several dozen priests and Catholic scholars wrote an appeal to the cardinals and bishops,
clearly exposing the subterfuge and the terrible consequences of Fiducia Supplicans. They called on them to
follow the example of African and other courageous bishops and ban this heretical Declaration in their dioceses.
The priests and Catholic scholars are also demanding that cardinals and bishops call on the invalid Pope to
withdraw Fiducia Supplicans. However, Bergoglio’s response to the united opposition of African bishops to
his Declaration reveals that he is not taking the opposition into account. Though he takes some strategic
steps and manoeuvres, at the same time he openly declares that Fiducia Supplicans will eventually be accepted by all,
including Africa.
Word of Life – 1 Cor. 1:18 (18/2/2024 – 3/3/2024)
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
True wisdom, that is, the true philosophy of life, reckons with death and eternity. Otherwise, human wisdom is indeed
foolishness, as it ignores the most important things: the attainment of eternal life and the recognition of the reality
that everything on this earth is transitory and that we did not bring here any material possessions, nor will we take
them away from here. What we will take with us to eternity are our good or evil deeds. For those good deeds done in
Christ and with Christ, we will receive eternal life and eternal happiness. But for the evil ones – if people do not
break away from them and will only indulge in futile philosophizing – for the foolishness which consists in rejecting
the way of salvation given to us by God in Jesus Christ, eternal hell awaits them. Therefore, as the Apostle Paul writes:
“They perish because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will
send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the
truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2Thess 2:10-12)
Dear Czech and Moravian bishops,
the recent statement of the Czech Bishops’ Conference (CBK) regarding Fiducia Supplicans has given the impression
that all of you already profess a new doctrine. However, this doctrine contradicts the whole Scripture and Tradition.
Our Patriarchate now addresses you in agreement with the international Filial Appeal to all Cardinals and Bishops
of the Catholic Church. This appeal signed by Catholic priests and scholars, dated 2 February 2024, contains the
following two specific requests:
“(1) Follow the brave example of so many brother bishops around the world: please forbid immediately the application
of this document in your diocese.
(2) Please ask directly the Pope to urgently withdraw this unfortunate document, which is in contradiction with both
Scripture and the universal and uninterrupted Tradition of the Church and which clearly produces a serious scandal.”
We are witnessing a global process that is leading to the self-destruction of humanity and affecting all spheres
of public life. There is a spirit of lies and death behind it. Many people wonder: Who is responsible for the process
of self-destruction of human society? Today, to some extent, the responsibility falls on everyone. On some more than
others, but on everyone. Why? Because people are silently accepting the current changes, which are literally crimes
against humanity. The entire system of auto-genocide is built on professional lies; it is inspired by the spirit of
lies and death that permeates not only the ten areas listed below, but affects the entire human society.
On 24 January 2024, a statement was published under the banner of the Czech Bishops’ Conference (CBK) which approves
the so-called blessing of irregular partnerships, i.e. LGBTQ partnerships. We ask what it means. It is about blessing
sodomy on the one hand, and so-called queer couples on the other. This also includes “irregular partnerships” with animals,
e.g. the marriage of a man with a goat or a woman with a dog, and even more absurd couples fall under this category.
The Belgian bishops have even introduced a new liturgical ceremony for this. So this madness, which contradicts human
reason and human dignity, can now be blessed, so to speak, in the Czech Republic, under the obedience of Francis Bergoglio
and his lackey at the head of the CBK, Jan Graubner.
In an interview with the newspaper ‘La Stampa’ on 29 January 2024, the invalid Pope Francis once again commented
on his heretical declaration Fiducia supplicans.
Quoting Bergoglio: “Christ calls everyone from within.”
It is public knowledge, even though Bergoglio psychologically distorts it, that Fiducia supplicans promotes the blessing
of gay couples. In doing so, it legalizes the sin of sodomy, for which God threatens temporal and eternal fire. Moreover,
it is blasphemy and rebellion against God the Creator. Christ calls everyone from within, but the condition is repentance,
that is, to call sin sin. “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3) To those who refuse to repent, Christ says:
“I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.” (Lk 13:27)
Word of Life – 1Cor 11:31-32 (4/2/2024 – 18/2/2024)
“For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord,
that we may not be condemned with the world.”
These words in Scripture are related to receiving the Lord’s Body and Blood in Holy Communion, but they also have
a deep meaning as such. We need true self-criticism not only when eating of the table of the Lord, but during the day
we also need to stand in God’s light and truly call our sin sin, laziness laziness, envy envy and touchiness touchiness.
The essential thing in the relationship to God is truthfulness, and truthfulness is connected with the humility and courage
to admit our sin, to admit that we were deceived or not vigilant. Our ego will always find an excuse, a priori rejecting
the objective truth that convicts us. True self-criticism convicts our blind selfishness of an unwillingness to accept
the truth and shows our limitations, namely that we are not gods but mere creatures. We know neither the day nor the
hour when our earthly pilgrimage comes to its end. Our old self refuses to reckon with the fundamental truths, such
as death, God’s judgment, eternal reward or punishment.
After the publication of Fiducia Supplicans on 18 December 2023, the Church has found itself in an extraordinary situation.
With the release of this declaration, Francis Bergoglio publicly excommunicated himself from the Church. The teaching of
Fiducia Supplicans is another gospel for which a person is anathematized by God in accordance with Gal 1:8-9. This is no
longer the Catholic Church, because Fiducia Supplicans has destroyed its foundations – the Decalogue and the Creed.
Every Slovak bishop now faces a choice – either to separate from the heretical KBS (Conference of Bishops of Slovakia),
which has endorsed Fiducia Supplicans, or to remain under God’s anathema.
Dear Cardinals and Bishops of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic,
the publication of the doctrinal declaration Fiducia Supplicans has caused a radical shift in the Catholic Church. However,
in the system of Bergoglio’s constant changes, many are no longer able to see it. In essence, the Decalogue has been set
aside and replaced by an idolatrous and sodomite anti-decalogue. A similar shift occurred in Europe with the adoption
of the Treaty of Lisbon. Of course, you as true Catholic bishops, cannot agree with Fiducia Supplicans. But if you remain
passive, you give de facto tacit consent.
Lessons from church history
St Maximus the Confessor and Pope St Martin defended orthodox doctrine against the heresies of monotheletism. Emperor Constans
sent a decree, the so-called Typos, drawn up by the heretical Patriarch Paul II, to Pope St Martin. Pope Martin replied:
“I reject the heretical doctrine... I will not deviate from the Gospel or the Apostolic teaching or the Tradition of the
Church Fathers even at the cost of death.” He convened a local council in Rome on the advice of St Maximus, where heresy
was condemned. Pope St Martin was deported, imprisoned and sentenced to death. Though the sentence was changed, he died
as a result of prison hardships in 655.
Dear Catholic faithful of the Pilsen diocese,
some of you have written to us, expressing the sorrow of many sincere Catholics at the path of apostasy of your Bishop Tomáš Holub.
Our Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate is the prophetic voice (cf. Eph 2:20) of one crying in the wilderness. In these hard times,
it safeguards the faith and morals. The bishops of our Patriarchate are monks living in monasteries.
With the pastoral letter for 2024, Tomáš Holub, as he put it, has opened the celebration of the Diocesan Synod 2024-2026.
It is de facto about implementing the October Vatican Synod and the subsequent heretical declaration Fiducia Supplicans,
which legalizes rebellion against God. The blessing of homosexual acts will be included in so-called pastoral care,
as Cardinal Müller openly stated after the Synod.
On 14 January, for the first time after almost a month, Bergoglio commented in the media on the controversial document
Fiducia Supplicans. However, he did not address the essence of the problem. With this declaration, he has trampled
God’s commandments underfoot and introduced new paradigms. He has de facto transformed the Church into a New Age anti-Church.
His declaration contradicts the very essence of the Holy Scripture and the whole Tradition. His teaching is not Catholic.
This is no longer the Catholic Church.
We ask: What is the declaration Fiducia Supplicans?
It is a rebellion against God and the autogenocide of the Catholic Church.
Who is its author?
The invalid pope Francis Bergoglio and his accomplice Fernández.
How must Catholics respond to this situation?
The only solution for the Catholic faithful, priests and bishops who want to be saved is to separate from the Bergoglian sect
that occupies the Vatican. This separation is a purely gospel demand. Bergoglio’s Vatican is no longer the Catholic Church.
Bergoglio is not a shepherd and neither are those who submit to him and obey him. The Lord Jesus says of them that they are
thieves and hirelings who did not enter by the door but climbed in through the fold of orthodoxy.
The transformation of the Catholic Church into a New Age anti-church – a synagogue of Satan – was preceded by a decade
of preparation under the guise of positive concepts. It culminated in a two-and-a-half-year LGBTQ synodal journey with
its October Vatican assembly and the subsequent release of the motu proprio of 1 November 2023, which already establishes
the principle of a change in Christian paradigms.
On 18 December 2023, Bergoglio and his accomplice Fernández issued the Magna Charter of the Bergoglian anti-church under
the title of Fiducia Supplicans, which has already abolished God’s commandments and replaced them with the blasphemous
blessing of an outrageous sin. It is public apostasy and rebellion against God and His commandments.
Word of Life – Isa. 50:5 (21/1/2024 – 4/2/2024)
“The Lord God has opened my ear; and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn away.”
By authority of the prophetic and apostolic office, in the name of the Triune God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
I hereby pronounce God’s anathema in accordance with Galatians 1:8-9 and excommunication – expulsion from the Church – on Jorge Bergoglio,
so-called Francis I, and Victor Fernández for rebellion against God by promoting a sodomite anti-gospel. Both of them abused supreme
authority to commit the gravest crimes against God and the Church.
In the heretical motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam, Bergoglio established the principle of paradigm shift, the de facto
abolition of the Decalogue and the Creed. He decreed herein that everything that is contrary to his heresies is annulled.
He has thus annulled the authority of Sacred Scripture and Tradition as well as the very essence of the Church.
Bishop Simone Giusti of the Diocese of Livorno in Tuscany, Italy, illegally excommunicated Father Ramon Guidetti.
In doing so, the bishop ipso facto earned a latae sententiae excommunication for alignment with the manifest heretic
Jorge Bergoglio. The so-called guilt of Father Guidetti was that on 31 December 2023, he stated the fact that the
manifest heretic Francis Bergoglio was an invalid pope. The bishop described the statement of this truth as a
manifestation of schism. We ask: How can it be called a schism to separate oneself from a manifest heretic who
is not a pope? This is an absurdity.
Sin and human selfishness can abuse everything, and this is also true of the abuse of ecclesiastical authority,
namely the papacy.
In the first millennium, the Church consisted of five patriarchates with their centres – Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria,
and Jerusalem. With the invasion of Islam in the 7th century, the Patriarchates of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem practically
disappeared. Constantinople also fell in the middle of the 2nd millennium. Church history shows that these patriarchates were
almost independent. When they had conflicts with each other, for example over the heresies of Arianism, Nestorianism,
Monophysitism, etc., they turned to the orthodox Rome.
Dear Bishops of Africa,
you are faced with a historic decision. From the declaration Fiducia Supplicans of 18 December 2023 and the motu
proprio Ad theologiam promovendam of 1 November 2023, it is absolutely clear that Bergoglio has already transformed
the Church into a New Age anti-church through false papal authority. Understand that Bergoglio has already abrogated
the essence of the Decalogue and the Creed! What he now proclaims and represents is no longer Catholic teaching!
It is no longer the Catholic Church! That is perfectly clear to you. Jorge Bergoglio, as a manifest heretic who
has excommunicated himself from the Church of Christ, cannot be its head. So teaches Tradition as well as
St Bellarmine and other saints. It also follows from the very nature of Holy Scripture.
By authority of the prophetic and apostolic office, in the name of the Triune God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
I declare God’s anathema, excommunication from the Church and God’s curse, on Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu.
The person concerned has brought on himself the most severe punishment of God, according to Gal 1:8-9, for unity
with the agenda of the pseudo pope Bergoglio in the mass promoting of a sodomite anti-gospel. However, he cunningly
deceives the bishops and people of Africa into believing him to be a true Catholic bishop. It is, in fact, only his
devious strategy to push Bergoglio’s agenda of sodomizing Africa. In doing so, he is collaborating in the transformation
of the Church in Africa into Bergoglio’s New Age anti-church, the synagogue of Satan. Besungu is doing this in inner
unity with the anathematized pseudo pope. In case Ambongo Besungu dies in this state of obstinacy, hellfire awaits
him (Jude 7), which is God’s punishment for promoting sodomy.
On 18 December 2023, Bergoglio issued the doctrinal declaration Fiducia Supplicans, which is a manifest heresy
and an open rebellion against God and His commandments. It is the corpus delicti proving Francis Bergoglio to be
a manifest heretic who has excommunicated himself from the Church and therefore cannot be its head. This fact can
no longer be discussed or disputed by dialectics or sophistry. However, it is necessary to derive an adequate
solution from this reality. Bishops, priests and the faithful must separate themselves from the invalid pope,
who is purposefully destroying the essence of Christianity itself as well as the faith that is necessary for
salvation. Separation from the manifest heretic is most hindered by the heresy of papolatry, that is, false
reverence for the papacy.
The doctrinal declaration Fiducia Supplicans presents priests with a new pastoral content that is not in agreement
with the doctrine based on Scripture and Tradition, but is diametrically opposed to it. Scripture proclaims salvific
repentance, that is, a break with sin, whereas the Declaration proclaims anti-repentance linked to the blessing of sin
and the affirmation of sin. This is the path to destruction. If a priest now refuses to bless sodomite couples
on the basis of Scripture, Tradition and his conscience, he must already expect severe sanctions, including a ban
from priestly ministry. Bergoglio is radical in pushing the transformation of the Church into an anti-church of Satan.
If Bergoglio fails to abolish the papacy altogether, ten options remain. The spirit and ecclesiastical structure under
the rule of Bergoglio’s sect is no longer the Catholic Church and will not guarantee eternal life to anyone. The heresy
of modernism coupled with syncretism, and now Bergoglio’s LGBTQ synodal path, have made the Church a stinking cesspool
that is repulsive to the world and an embarrassment to Catholics.
The papacy today is under the rule of the spirit of antichrist. But then what is the point of it? It introduces anti-laws
and legalizes heresies, while destroying the laws and commandments of God. The Vatican with the spirit of the world is
a tool of the world’s elites. This Deep Church is in complete unity with the Deep State, as the former US nuncio
Carlo Maria Viganò has so truthfully put it.
Since his invalid assumption of office in 2013, apart from the promotion of sodomy, Bergoglio has made climate hysteria and environmental
extremism central to his invalid pontificate. In 2015, he wrote the encyclical Laudato si, which is a manifesto of integral ecology.
On 4 October 2023, he published a new text on climate entitled Laudate Deum, in which, among other things, he calls on the major
powers to give up fossil fuels. On 2 December 2023, at the COP28 climate summit, he called on world leaders to achieve a breakthrough
in the fight against global warming: “Brothers and sisters, it is essential that there be a breakthrough that is not a partial change
of course, but rather a new way of making progress together.”
Word of Life – Isa. 9:1 (7/1/2024 – 21/1/2024)
“The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.”
On Thursday, 30 November, the pseudo Pope received the members of the International Theological Commission. He deliberately
stressed that he did not like the fact that there were only five women among them, adding: “Women have a different capacity
for theological reflection...”
Bergoglio has purposefully pushed pernicious feminization into key positions in the Church, even though it has already borne
disastrous fruit for society and for women and families themselves worldwide.
On 1 November, immediately after the closing of the October Synod, pseudo Pope Francis issued a motu proprio entitled
Ad theologiam promovendam. It is essentially a cover letter to change the statutes of the Pontifical Academy of Theology with
the aim of changing theological teaching in the entire Church by destroying its foundations, namely Scripture and Tradition.
Quoting Bergoglio: “Promoting theology in the future cannot be limited to abstractly re-proposing formulas and schemes of the past.” (1)
If these formulas and schemes are the safeguard of the saving truths of the faith, then their elimination leads to the loss of
objective and revealed truth and poses a threat to our salvation. These formulas are confirmed by the Church Fathers and Doctors
of the Church. By abusing authority that does not belong to him, Bergoglio seeks to destroy the foundations of the faith and
ultimately to achieve the self-destruction of the Church.
Word of Life – Acts. 2:38 (24/12/2023 – 7/1/2024)
“Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins;
and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
St Basil the Great responds to a question in the 7th short rule as follows: “What sin is committed by those who excuse
the sinners?” He says: “It is more grave than the sin committed by those about whom it is said: ‘It would be better for them
to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck…’” (Lk 17:2)
The pseudo pope Bergoglio not only commits a grave sin himself by promoting legalization of sodomy in the Church, including
introduction of blessing of homosexual and queer couples, but by abolishing God’s laws and obscuring the consciousness
of sin he causes people no longer to distinguish between remaining in a state of grave sin and a state of God’s grace.
This prevents people from repenting for salvation, which cleanses the soul from the sin, and all that is left is a wide
road to damnation. This is Bergoglio’s so-called synodal LGBTQ way.
Dear Bishop Joseph,
Jorge Bergoglio has built a system of internal destruction of the Church based on false obedience to abused authority. To break this
system means to stop the process of self-destruction of the Catholic Church, and thus save millions of immortal souls. God gave you
the chance to break this system, to disobey it, and to become a precedent for salvation. You threw away that chance.
Where was the main cause of your failure? It was above all the heresy of papolatry promoted by Bishop Schneider. He claims that the
Pope can commit the greatest crimes against God, against the Church, and continue to be Pope. This heresy contradicts Holy Scripture (Gal 1:8-9)
and the teaching of the Church represented by St. Cyprian, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, the dogmatic bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio of Paul IV,
and Doctors of the Church such as St. Bellarmine, St. Alphonsus of Liguori, St. Francis de Sales.
God has allowed Bergoglio’s heretical activity to become extremely evident in the doctrinal declaration Fiducia Supplicans,
which ecclesiastically legalizes the so-called blessing of sodomite couples.
What is Scripture’s position on sodomy? The Old and New Testaments warn all generations against this outrageous sin with warnings
of punishment. For this sin, God did not send blessing but punishment upon the inhabitants of Sodom, namely fire from heaven.
This was followed by eternal fire for the unrepentant Sodomites.
With this doctrinal document, Bergoglio officially proclaims the sodomite anti-gospel, for which, according to Galatians 1:8-9,
a person is punished with anathema and the hardened with eternal fire (Jud 1:7).
In Scripture, receiving God’s mercy is always linked to repentance. This is expressed in the parable of the prodigal son. The preaching
of false mercy, however, eliminates this condition for salvation, that is, repentance. Jesus urges us: “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3)
Bergoglio preaches heresies and exploits the usurped papal authority to teach them publicly. He commits this crime knowingly and willingly.
He demands imitation, that is, the implementation of his heresies. He is building on a system of lies which is very effective. This is because
it is composed of very vivid, sensitively conveyed truths that touch the heart.
Saint Bellarmine teaches: “For even bad Catholics [i.e. who are not heretics] are united (with the Church) and are (its) members,
spiritually by faith, corporally by confession of faith and by participation in the visible sacraments; the occult [i.e. secret] heretics
are united (with the Church) and are (its) members although only by external union; on the contrary, the good catechumens belong
to the Church only by an internal union, not by the external; but manifest heretics do not pertain in any manner (either external or internal).”
It follows that if manifest heretics do not pertain to the Church in any manner, either internal or external, they celebrate the Mass invalidly.
Extract from St Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book II, Chapter 30:
St Robert Bellarmine (1610): “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases
to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.”
This statement of St Bellarmine is in accordance with the Word of God, with the Tradition of the Church, and confirmed by the Sixth
and Eighth General Councils. It is based on the fundamental assumption that a heretic has excluded himself from the Church and is not
its member, and therefore cannot be its head either. This statement applies fully to the pseudo-pope Bergoglio because his heresies
are manifest. If the Church does not stand up against his heresies, at least now, it will be transformed into an anti-church of Satan
in line with his agenda.
Word of Life – Acts. 1:8 (10/12/2023 – 24/12/2023)
“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the end of the earth.”
This promise was made by Jesus to His apostles on the day of His ascension. On the tenth day afterwards, on Mount Zion in Jerusalem,
the apostles received the Holy Spirit. It was also here that Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with the apostles the evening before
His death and then appeared to them after His resurrection.
The apostles witnessed many miracles during the time they walked with Jesus. They saw the resurrection of the young man of Naim,
the daughter of Jairus, and Lazarus, who had been in the grave for four days. Although they had good will, they failed in the
moment of trial. Judas became a traitor and met a tragic end. Peter denied Jesus three times, but then repented sincerely.
The other apostles, except John, dispersed. He and the Mother of Jesus were the only ones who stood by the cross. When
Christ rose from the dead, the apostles were unable to believe this fact until He appeared to them; even though He had
reminded them several times that He would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. What change took place in the
apostles after the sending of the Holy Spirit? The spirit of fear that held sway over them definitely left them. The Holy Spirit
gave them inner strength – spiritual dynamis – and they became true
witnesses, martyrés. Finally, all of them, except John, bore witness to Jesus by their martyrdom.
Pope Paul IV in Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, Pope Innocent III and theologians teach that a heretical pope is deposed by God.
Bishop Schneider teaches the opposite, namely that even if the pope preaches whatever heresies, the Church cannot depose him, because he gets
his office directly from God. But according to the dogmatic bull, such a heretical pope is deposed by God. This is evidenced by the statement
of Holy Scripture: “If anyone preaches any other gospel, let him be accursed – anathema!” (Gal 1:8-9)
Bishop Strickland has fallen victim to the heresy of papalatry, which is advocated by Bishop Schneider in particular. For this false
obedience and submission to the heretic who occupies the papal office, Strickland has abandoned his flock.
Bishop Schneider and many traditional Catholics are convinced that even when Bergoglio commits the greatest heresies and crimes they must
insist on his remaining in office at all costs. They fear a so-called fragmentation or split of the external Church structure. They have
a false hope that after the heretic Bergoglio a true Pope will come and that all will be well. But this is a great self-delusion.
The dogmatic bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio states: “If ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, … or any Cardinal of the Roman Church,
or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into
some heresy: the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null,
void and worthless.”
At the end of his Bull, Paul IV declares: “No one at all, therefore, may infringe this document of our approbation or by rash presumption contradict it.
If anyone, however, should presume to attempt this, let him know that he is destined to incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles,
Peter and Paul.” (1559)
Cardinal Ambongo Besungu presented himself before the entire Catholic world at the Synod as one of the most trusted coworkers
of the pseudo pope Jorge Bergoglio.
The Catholic teaching is protected against the heresies by the most severe God’s and ecclesiastical punishments.
Those are inflicted for the apparent heresies, which Jorge Bergoglio has committed and keeps committing.
God’s anathema applies to him as laid out in Gal 1:8-9 for sodomite and covid antigospel. This anathema
applies also to Cardinal Besungu, who is in inner unity with him and promotes his agenda of ecclesiastical
legalization of LGBTQ. Thus he attracts temporary as well eternal curse to Africa.
What is a different gospel? It is a teaching contrary to the Gospel of Christ.
Is the Church’s approval of sodomy, or even the Church’s blessing of the sinful life of these persons, as promoted by pseudo pope Bergoglio,
part of the Gospel or is it a different (anti)gospel? It is an antigospel for which God anathematizes those who preach it. In addition,
such blessing is rebellion against the God-given order of creation and prevents these people from repenting and saving their souls.
Word of Life – Rev 1:3 (26/11/2023 – 10/12/2023)
“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”
These words are from the Book of Revelation. The Apostle John was shown the future of the Church in various pictures
on the island of Patmos. Some of them relate specifically to our time, but they have been and continue to be veiled to many.
Only the Holy Spirit can gradually reveal the mysteries contained in the Book of Revelation.
But the important lesson for us is, “... blessed are those who hear and take to heart what is written in it.”
The Book of Revelation actually encourages us to be faithful to our Lord and Saviour, even to death. Many martyrs also gained
strength from this book. It tells of the persecution of the Church, of the persecution of those who are faithful to Jesus and His Word.
The Fall of Jericho – Prayer Initiative in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Prague and Bratislava, 29 October 2023)
The essence of the papacy is to strengthen the brethren in the faith, in keeping the laws of God and the commandments
of Christ. The fundamental question is: Can a public heretic who has, moreover, publicly dedicated himself to Satan
in Canada and promotes his agenda – namely, the legalization of sodomy and the blessing of this sin – be a proper pope?
What did the former US nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò say? “The Throne of Peter is occupied by a person who abuses his power,
using it for the opposite purpose to that for which Our Lord instituted it.” Viganò then made clear that Bergoglio is an invalid pope.
Dear bishops and priests,
it is clear to each one of you, and it becomes clearer with each passing day, that the papal office is occupied by a man who
has brought upon himself multiple anathemas for open rebellion against God and against God’s commandments. Bergoglio is
destroying all the foundations of the Catholic faith and, moreover, he has provocatively dedicated himself to Satan in
Canada under the guidance of a wizard. His path is a path of not only promoting the blessing of homosexual unions,
but of abusing the Church structure, connected with absolute obedience, to convert the Church of Christ into
a synagogue of Satan. No pope, apart from this Jorge Bergoglio, has ever had it proclaimed so grandly that he
is the representative of Christ on earth and the successor of the Apostle Peter.
Cardinal Müller, who personally participated in the synod in October, stated: “All is being turned around so that now we must be open
to homosexuality and the ordination of women. If you analyze it (ie synodal texts), all is about converting us to these two themes.”
Let us realize first what situation the Church finds itself in being led by an invalid pope, who is carrying multiple spiritual curse,
namely anathema, for proclaiming the false gospel (comp. Gal 1:8-9). Blessing of homosexual unions is an open rebellion against God.
As a consequence of the ordination of women, not only deaconesses, but also priestesses and female bishops will be ordained. Those
have a prospect of becoming female cardinals and can be selected to be female popes. Let us imagine that female bishops will ordain
priests and bishops. This all is a part of the agenda of a satanist Bergoglio in order to create an irreparable chaos.
Cardinal Müller, who was a direct participant in the October Synod, commented that the entire Synod was basically just about promoting
the legalization of LGBTQ in the Church. The Synod under the leadership of the pseudo-Pope Bergoglio pushes ahead with this legalization
through sins against the Holy Spirit. The Cardinal commented: “They say, ‘We have our new insights, revealed by the Holy Spirit,’ and so
from now on homosexual acts or the blessing of homosexual acts are a good thing. That is their idea. It’s abusing the Holy Spirit in order
to introduce doctrines that are openly against Holy Scripture… We cannot reconcile Christ and the Antichrist. This homosexual, ‘LGBT’
ideology is, at its centre, an anti-Christian ideology. It’s the spirit of the Antichrist speaking through them. It is absolutely against creation.”
There is currently a suicide synod in the Vatican. The incomprehensible passivity of the Catholic public towards
this betrayal of God has been broken by five courageous cardinals with their five dubia. Even so, a few hours later,
Bergoglio, in a Jesuitically sly manner, approved the blessing of so-called homosexual couples, and consequently
also queer couples. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate responded to this with two articles in particular,
one entitled: “O My people, come out of Bergoglio’s Babylon!” and the other, “Francis Bergoglio, blessing
of gays, and 2nd Vatican Council”. The first article points out the necessity to come out, to separate
from the curse brought by Bergoglio, who, with the heretical and immoral system he has already built,
does not give room for an orthodox Pope to be elected.
Sincere orthodox Catholics were shocked to learn that the Pittsburgh “Catholic Identity” Conference leaders removed Carlo Maria Viganò,
former US nuncio, from the list of speakers. They cannot understand the reason why. Some ask: “Do the conference organizers perhaps think
that this apostle of Christ is doing little to combat the current heresies that have taken over the Vatican and are leading the Church
to a total loss of Catholic identity? Does he take little risk in fearlessly speaking out against secular and ecclesiastical elites
to defend Christ and God’s commandments?” Many traditional Catholics lamented in disappointment: “This experience of deleting the
former US nuncio from the roster fills us with concern that the conference organizers would just as well delete Archbishop Lefebvre
or the Apostle Paul, who were not afraid to bear the reproach of Christ.” (cf. Heb 13:13)
On November 9, pseudo pope Bergoglio asked Bishop Joseph Strickland, who is faithful to Catholic teaching, to resign.
When the bishop refused, he illegally deposed him two days later. Bergoglio, as an arch-heretic, illegally occupies the
papal office. He has brought upon himself multiple divine anathemas for heresies and for public idolatry. He, as a man
who has excommunicated himself from the Church, can in no way be its head.
There is currently a suicide synod in the Vatican. The incomprehensible passivity of the Catholic public towards
this betrayal of God has been broken by five courageous cardinals with their five dubia. Even so, a few hours later,
Bergoglio, in a Jesuitically sly manner, approved the blessing of so-called homosexual couples, and consequently
also queer couples. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate responded to this with two articles in particular,
one entitled: “O My people, come out of Bergoglio’s Babylon!” and the other, “Francis Bergoglio, blessing
of gays, and 2nd Vatican Council”. The first article points out the necessity to come out, to separate
from the curse brought by Bergoglio, who, with the heretical and immoral system he has already built,
does not give room for an orthodox Pope to be elected.
Word of Life – Mt 8:2 (12/11/2023 – 26/11/2023)
“A man with leprosy came and knelt before Him and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.””
The Gospel says that the leper came to Jesus, knelt before Him, and begged Him, “Lord, if You are willing,
You can make me clean.” Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man and said to him, “I am willing, be clean!”
And immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Jesus healed him of the physical leprosy, but He came to take away
the spiritual leprosy resting on humanity. This is connected with original sin, the deposit of evil in the soul,
from which all strife, murder, war and crime proceeds. Jesus became for us on the cross a spiritual cure,
a Saviour from spiritual leprosy. For our part, the condition of salvation is to come to Jesus with our
sins and our misery and ask Him, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” His word is for you today,
“I am willing, be clean!” Through faith and the gesture of repentance, Jesus forgives your sins. Even if
your soul is dark, black, it becomes light, white, cleansed by His blood. He shed it for you on the cross out
of love, so that by His blood your soul might be cleansed and share in eternal glory in heaven.
Quoting Overbeck: “Many people have asked me, ‘Are you still Catholics and part of the Catholic Church?’
And I say, ‘Yes, of course, we are Catholics, and we are here to stay.’”
Overbeck can safely say that the participants of the German Synodal Way are Catholics. Why? Because the leading
position in the Catholic Church is occupied by Jorge Bergoglio, who has publicly excluded himself from the Church
of Christ acc. Gal 1:8-9 for promoting sodomy and for publicly dedicating himself to Satan in Canada. Overbeck
is a Catholic à la Bergoglio, and so are all others who submit to them. Such pseudo Catholics, however, end up in hell.
Bergoglio has a cunning plan to phase out celibacy in order to create chaos and complete the destruction of the Church.
During his very first World Youth Day in 2013, he exhorted everyone present: “Create chaos!” On board the plane, he then
approved of homosexuality, saying: “Who am I to judge him (a homosexual)?” Today, ten years later, we see it was not just
a one-time statement, but with that he launched his disruptive agenda within the Church. The chaos he deliberately creates
is meant to disguise the profound changes he makes and plans to make in order to accomplish the transformation
of the Catholic Church into one globalist New Age Antichurch.
God repeatedly calls on His people in the Scriptures: “Come out of Babylon!” What is the spiritual Babylon? It is the place of rebellion
against God. The people of God were later taken into Babylonian captivity. The apostate Vatican headed by Jorge Bergoglio is the modern Babylon!
Can the apostate Bergoglio, who publicly dedicated himself to Satan under the assistance of a pagan sorcerer in Canada a year ago, be a valid pope?
No! According to the Epistle to the Galatians 1:8-9, he is under God’s anathema – he has excluded himself from the Mystical Body of Christ,
but also from the external church organization.
The Church is here in order to lead people to salvation by providing them with orthodox doctrine connected with the saving faith.
But there is Bergoglio’s sect that has usurped the papal office and has a different teaching – an anti-gospel. Amoris Laetitia,
which Bergoglio puts as the highest norm, also forms part of the complex of its false teaching. In Amoris Laetitia, he cancels
God’s commandments as well as the existence of objectively valid moral principles. All with the help of a psychologically
elaborated deception, ignoring the Scriptures and the whole Tradition.
Word of Life – Apoc. 20:4b (29/10/2023 – 12/11/2023)
“Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image,
and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands.”
Every Catholic should know that the proclamation of another gospel, or an anti-gospel, is subject to God’s most severe punishment,
namely excommunication from the Church of Christ (Gal 1:8-9). Why? Because an anti-gospel does not lead to salvation, but to destruction.
It is intrinsically connected with heresies and anti-morality. Bergoglio and his nine accomplices legalize a sodomite anti-gospel,
thereby being in open rebellion against God. These ecclesiastical criminals, apostles of the antichrist, who deliberately
and obstinately destroy the foundations of Christ’s saving doctrine and abolish His commandments, incur the latae sententiae penalty.
From Vatican News: “The African Cardinal (Besungu) urged Christians to courageously fight the Evil One, using in particular
the weapons of synodality, which require unity, walking together, discernment, mutual listening.”
Besungu had already revealed before that listening at the Synod is both a method and a weapon.
These weapons of synodality, in fact, are not weapons against the Evil One but rather they are the four weapons
of the Evil One to achieve self-destruction of the Church.
Besungu lists unity as the first weapon. We ask: Unity of whom, and with what? This is not unity with Jesus or His teachings.
Quite the contrary: it is unity of people who have rejected God’s commandments with an unclean spirit.
The second weapon, according to Besungu, is walking together. It is the synodal LGBTQ journey of unrepentant people walking together to destruction.
The third weapon is so-called discernment. This means, under the new synodal interpretation, that God’s commandments are not
established with finality, but everyone is free to discern for themselves. God and His word are no longer the highest standard,
but rather the human ego and human pride.
Dear bishops, priests and faithful of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, which is the voice of one crying in the wilderness, sent you a letter a few days ago under
the title: “Is Cardinal Besungu of the Congo an apostle of Christ or of antichrist?” In our letter, we called on the bishops
before God to choose from among themselves a brave bishop to assume office in the Archdiocese of Kinshasa in place of Cardinal
Besungu, a public heretic and promoter of sodomy, who has brought on himself God’s anathema – curse (Gal 1:8-9).
Jorge Bergoglio has publicly rebelled against God and against the Church. He occupies the highest position and terrorizes
the whole Church. He convincingly presents himself as the representative of Jesus Christ, even though he consecrated himself
publicly to Satan in Canada. He violates God’s laws, and the sin of sodomy, which is one of the sins that cry to heaven and
the Holy Scripture calls it an abomination and warns against it under a threat of a temporary (2Pt 2:6) as well as an eternal
fire (Jude 7), is not even considered by him to be an evil. What more, he promotes something that has never in history been
accepted, not even in pagan nations, nor cannibals, namely that a sinful cohabitation of two sodomites would be considered
a marriage and that the children would be stolen for them for so-called adoption. The pinnacle of Bergoglio’s audacity and
rebellion against God, God’s laws and natural morals is that this crime is blessed by the false church legalization.
The Catholic Church has ceased to be the conscience of nations and the pillar of truth. On the contrary, it has brought
down a curse on itself and on all nations, mainly due to the fault of its hierarchy. This curse, like a dark wall, keeps
humanity in spiritual and moral darkness.
What is the solution? Repentance and prayer of faith! God wants to save individuals and nations, but what is needed on our
part is to take a step of faith. This step in the given situation and at the given time is the biblical Jericho march,
involving an outward demonstration as well as sacrifice.
May as many believers as possible use this opportunity! The Blessed Virgin will intercede for us through the prayer of the
Rosary. As her spiritual children, let us follow her obedience of faith through which the Saviour and salvation came to us!
Cardinal Besungu of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a member of the Council of Twelve Cardinals,
Bergoglio’s closest associates in promoting globalist agendas. This includes the LGBTQ agenda, linked to gender ideology
and the sexualization of children, the construction of pseudo-pandemics, agitation for experimental vaccination,
so-called climate change with the aim of reducing the population, etc. Bergoglio and his closest collaborators covertly
abuse the leadership of the Church to promote colour revolutions in individual nations. Besungu was so involved
in the DRC in 2016 with such vehemence that he was threatened with death for his treasonous activities.
This Cardinal Besungu was also a participant in the synodal press conference in the Vatican on 7 October 2023.
In October 2023 the synod is taking place in Vatican which is a suicide of Christianity. What is a true Christianity and baptism
that makes us Christians – God’s children? “Whoever believes and is baptized is saved.” (Mk 16:16)
The Holy Scripture testifies that through baptism we partake in Christ’s death and His resurrection (comp. Rom 6:3-5). We are in the
midst of profound truths revealed by God, which relate to our salvation. To great extent, our mind is veiled to their understanding.
The Bible discloses to us a spiritual dimension and the key to it is biblical faith. God’s omnipotence works by such faith. There is,
however, a different faith, a false one, which connects an individual with spiritual beings called demons. Those manifest themselves
through magic, divination, spiritism, various Hindu and Buddhist meditations and through various forms of occultism and superstition.
This pseudo faith is a sin against the first commandment of the Decalogue. Pseudo faith is linked also with idolatry and so-called
negative energies. In fact, it is a worship of a false spirituality, therefore demons.
Can pseudo Pope Francis serve the true God after his act of dedication to the devil under the guidance of a sorcerer
blowing a wild turkey bone whistle in Canada? Bergoglio symbolically put his hand on his heart as a sign of his self-dedication
to Satan. Before that, the sorcerer publicly summoned demons to give all those present access to the so-called sacred circle
of evil spirits so that they could be with them. The sorcerer addressed one of the demons as the western grandmother,
and he asked this demon to open its door to have access to that direction, i.e. to the Vatican.
Today, every Christian is under extremely strong pressure from the world. It is about systematic lies that lead to psychological,
spiritual and physical suicide. We have learned from the news about one of many current tragedies: Triplets all regressed into
autism on the same day following vaccination. We also read in the press: After unsuccessful euthanasia in Belgium, the medical
personnel suffocated a 36-year-old woman with a pillow. Furthermore, we hear about the Netherlands and Ireland discussing plans
to kill cows, supposedly to save the climate. At the same time, a new form of “food” from mealworms, grasshoppers and crickets
is being introduced in Switzerland; even the EU has already approved it and absurdly claims that it will positively affect
the climate. The NWO supranational agenda using the mass media turns people into total fools. Regarding the covid madness,
the Czech doctor Mudr. J. Hnízdil states that: “The next phase is here,” although “the number of reports of health problems
and sudden deaths after vaccination is increasing.”
Word of Life – Psa. 69:14 (15/10/2023 – 29/10/2023)
“Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink; let me be delivered from those who hate me, and out of the deep waters.”
The liberal current in the Catholic Church, namely modern-day Sadducees, seeks to eliminate the sacrament of priesthood,
and consequently the papacy too. They push the public opinion in favour of ordination of women as priests, supposedly for the
sake of the Church’s revival. The whole Old- and New-Testament tradition is evidence of this being a gross fraud. In addition,
modern Sadducees together with false prophets, liberal theologians, promote the ecclesiastical legalization of sodomy,
lesbianism and all depraved forms of paganism worshipping false gods, that is, demons.
Word of Life – Isa. 52:2 (1/10/2023 – 15/10/2023)
“Shake yourself from the dust and arise; be seated, O Jerusalem; loose the bonds from your neck, O captive daughter of Zion.”
This verse that is to be reflected on for the next two weeks is preceded by the following one: “Awake, awake, put on your strength,
O Zion; put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; for there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean.”
Then follows our word of life that we are going to repeat: “Shake yourself from the dust and arise; be seated, O Jerusalem; loose the bonds
from your neck, O captive daughter of Zion.”
The next verse reads: “For thus says the Lord: ‘You were sold for nothing, and you shall be redeemed without money. … Therefore My people
shall know My name. Therefore in that day they shall know that it is I who speak; here am I.’”
The word of life encourages each of us: Shake yourself from the dust! We need to shake ourselves from the dust of vain thoughts, vain
worries, transgressions that we have committed knowingly or unknowingly, and then we are to rise. We must not remain sitting or lying
down. We need to arise!
Dear Bishop Athanasius, your praises for faithfulness to Catholic teaching cannot go hand in hand with your defence of a heretic
on the papal throne, by which you betray Christ and the Gospel. Orthodox doctrine establishes the invalidity of the office of a
public heretic, be it bishop or pope.
Your ambiguous attitude leads Catholics to spiritual schizophrenia. It would therefore be of great spiritual benefit to them if
you made it clear what your position really is.
Draft prepared by the Bishops of the BCP
We, bishops emeriti of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, are aware of the deep crisis in matters of faith and morals as well as of
the fact that the current Pope Francis has brought on himself God’s anathema by breaking the most basic norms on which the Church stands
or falls. This being the case, territorial responsibility for the Church is automatically transferred to the orthodox College of Bishops.
In the month of October, the global assembly of the synodal path will take place in the Vatican. Its hidden agenda has already been exposed
as an attempt to interfere in faith and morals rather than restore the Church from within.
We, orthodox Catholic bishops, can by no means agree with Bergoglio’s gradual but ground-breaking path to the Church’s self-destruction.
We are fully aware that until the situation is stabilised we, the orthodox college of bishops, bear full responsibility in matters of
faith and morals for our local Church in the Czech Republic and Slovakia both before God and before the Church worldwide.
Word of Life – Isa. 51:12 (17/9/2023 – 1/10/2023)
“I, I am He who comforts you; why then are you afraid of a mere mortal who must die, a human being who fades like grass?”
As far as dual papacy is concerned, it was almost always caused by a dispute over external authority, that is, external
power. This involved material benefits and prestige. The Church does need an external authority, but this authority is only
true if it is also a spiritual authority. Its duty is to provide the necessary conditions for spiritual life and to protect
faith and morals. In the cases of dual papacy throughout history, neither of the popes promoted self-destruction of the faith
and morals. Today, by contrast, pseudo Pope Bergoglio and his sect destroy the Church from within. Therefore, there is only
one solution, namely to acknowledge a true Pope in this extraordinary situation. Otherwise, Bergoglio will thoroughly complete
the personnel changes and it will no longer be possible to bring the external structure under the authority of the true Pope
providing a guarantee of orthodoxy and orthopraxy.
The installation of the true Pope will entail a spiritual struggle since Bergoglio’s sect will never voluntarily give up power
and their destructive goals. True reform must also affect the priesthood, resulting in the renewal of the inner life.
What is the point of reflecting back on dual papacy in the history of the Church? The point is to look for a solution in the
present insoluble situation. Pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio has brought on himself a multiple anathema – excommunication, that is,
expulsion from the Church for destroying all the foundations of faith given to us by Scripture and Tradition. It is necessary
in this extraordinary situation to seek and use extraordinary means to prevent the greatest catastrophe in church history
from reaching its climax.
In this first part, we will recall the cases of dual papacy until the 11th century, that is, until the Cluniac reform.
The dual papacy began already during the cruel persecution of the Church in the 3rd century.
Word of Life – Isa. 41:14 (3/9/2023 – 17/9/2023)
“Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel,for I Myself will help you,” declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.”
Compared to the almighty God, who created billions of stars, to which we would have to fly at the speed of light for millions of years,
our Earth is only a little dust and man is really less than a worm. The Lord takes care not only of real worms, but also of the human ones that
He not only created, but also became man for them. Jesus won new, God’s life for us, which is not subject to death or suffering, but lasts
forever in endless happiness and glory. The Son of God redeemed us from the slavery of darkness and sin, and the only condition for
salvation on our part is that we accept Jesus by faith and remain faithful to Him on this journey of life.
The first millennium saw the development of five autonomous patriarchates – Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Constantinople.
The beginning of the fourth century was marked by the rise of the heresy of Arianism, and later Nestorianism and Monophysitism.
The heresies were fought against by the first four Councils – in Nicaea (325), Constantinople (381), Ephesus (431), and Chalcedon (451).
The Patriarchate of Rome enjoyed the greatest authority in matters of purity of faith. After the reading of the dogmatic letter of
Pope Leo the Great at the Council of Chalcedon (451), which opposed the heresy of the time, the council fathers cried out: “This
is the faith of the fathers! This is the faith of the Apostles! So we all believe! Peter has spoken thus through Leo.”
With this letter, we also encourage all bishops emeriti, who have at heart the purity of faith and morals, to take upon themselves
this duty of protection in every nation. The availability of a separate doctrinal structure in each nation results from the critical
situation the Catholic Church finds itself in through an abuse of papal authority. In this extraordinary situation, until an orthodox
and rightful Pope is installed, the responsibility for matters of faith and morals rests with our college of bishops. Our service
in this situation is fully binding on the conscience of every Catholic Christian. Everyone is obliged to adhere to the orthodox
teaching that we, as an apostolic college, uphold in a particular nation. We are fully aware of both our joint authority and responsibility.
Dear bishops, priests and believers of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church,
through the 4-24 August visitation by the Jesuit Cyril Vasil, the apostate Pope again tried to ruin your faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
In fact, he seeks to break your conscience to bring you under total subjection to the Bergoglian sect. There have been a series
of attempts to manipulate you with an ultimatum, the threat of suspension, or the Jesuit Vasil’s play-acting of “pious” prayers.
Draft of the letter prepared by the bishops of the BCP
We, the bishops of Mexico, hereby publicly repent for having approved, and some of us even for having adopted, a so-called Mayan
rite of the Mass with idolatrous elements. The two pseudo liturgical offices of a principal and an incensor are absurdly included
in the rite. The principal can also be female, though at times appearing of greater importance than the priest. The role of the
incensor is in fact a combination of the roles of the deacon and the celebrating priest. The new rite also includes an idolatrous
ritual dance that worships so-called Mother Earth, i.e. Gaia or Pachamama.
Word of Life – Psa. 51:10-11 (20/8/2023 – 3/9/2023)
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence,
and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.”
Quote by Bergoglio from 3 August 2023: “…if we see the structure of the story of Creation, which is a mythical story, in the true sense
of the word ‘myth’, because myths are a form of knowledge.”
Commentary: Myth, as commonly understood, is a tall tale and nonsense, a fairy tale. Mythology represents the unreal. Bergoglio consciously
relativizes faith in God the Creator – namely, faith justified by a reasonable knowledge of reality – and puts it in the realm of myths,
i.e. mythology and fairy tales. In doing so, he questions the first article of the Creed: “I believe in God, Creator of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.”
The Church is currently in a state of sede vacante despite the fact that Bergoglio and the entire structure occupy the highest positions
in the Church. Unless an extraordinary election takes place, it will mean the end of the institution of the papacy. The essence of the papacy
is to protect the foundations of faith and morals. Bergoglio and his sect do the exact opposite! Every bishop, priest and believer faithful
to the Catholic Church needs to be aware of this. To stay and keep the flock on the sinking Bergoglian Titanic is to close one’s eyes to
reality and to reject the path of salvation from mass spiritual suicide.
Therefore, dear Catholics, unite in praying the Rosary, repent, call the truth the truth and a heretic a heretic, and God will bestow
His light and grace upon priests and bishops so that they might take a step of faith in the current crisis situation to save the ship
of Christ, which is the Church.
The global assembly of the so-called synodal path is to begin on 4 October 2023. Its real intentions are hidden to this day.
In fact, it pursues both spiritual and outward suicide of the Catholic Church in its very essence. The continental assemblies held
from January to March 2023 purposefully prepared the conditions for this suicide of the Church. In January, Bergoglio said to the
world’s media that bishops must undergo a process of conversion in order to welcome LGBTQ people in the Church.
It is absolutely clear that the Synod is about promoting LGBTQ ideology and unclean spirits. Jesus cast out these demons, but
Bergoglio’s sect welcomes them in the Church. It is a process of destroying God’s commandments and the path of salvation,
and this is a vile betrayal of Jesus Christ.
Quote from Francis Bergoglio: “I encourage you to reflect on the beautiful fact that God loves you. God loves us as we are, not how we want
to be or how society wants us to be. As we are!”
Commentary: These words, which are otherwise true, are misused by Bergoglio. He speaks suggestively of God’s love and at the same time abolishes
God’s commandments. He promotes the synodal LGBTQ journey. By approving Q-orientation, he also approves paedophilia, among other things.
He publicly promotes “sex without rigidity” for children and other immoralities. He promotes sexual (anti)education in schools, and he
exhorted Irish parents not to warn their children against homosexuality and transsexuality but to confirm them in a lie imposed on them.
By saying, “God loves you as you are,” Bergoglio de facto says: you need not repent, you may live in sin. This Bergoglio’s path leads
to destruction.
Word of Life – Is 25:7 (6/8/2023 – 20/8/2023)
“And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations.”
What is the shroud? What is that veil, which in some way shrouds or covers all people without distinction? The spiritual shroud
is a hereditary sin, or a deposit of evil in us, which in Scripture is called the old man. The fruit of this destructive shroud are
all the crimes, murders, atrocities, which the mankind has committed and is committing. All this crawls from under that cover
of the spiritual darkness, full of lies and evil, which darkens our mind and blinds our will. In order to remove this veil,
God became man. Man’s free will, however, is still a deep secret. Many people fell in love with lies and evil and they
do not want this cover to be removed from their soul so that their mind recognizes the truth and conscience convicts them
of their evil deeds. Jesus said: “Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness because their deeds were evil.”
We can see the proof of this being a reality daily, be it through the global events as well as in our private life.
(Draft of the pastoral letter below elaborated by the bishops of the BCP)
Dear priests, religious and faithful,
we, the true Catholic bishops, are obliged before God and before you, the people of God, to express ourselves clearly and truthfully
about the current situation in the Church. As successors of the apostles, we carry full responsibility together with the true Pope
for the Church of Christ. Unfortunately, the current Pope Francis Bergoglio does not adhere to the true faith but is a heretic,
and therefore he is no rightful Pope. This being the case, the responsibility for the Church falls on the orthodox college of bishops.
The bishops of Germany and Belgium as well as every bishop who maintains unity in heresy with the invalid Pope Bergoglio and his
synodal LGBTQ journey are excluded from this college of apostles.
On 4-29 October 2023, the global assembly of the synodal LGBTQ journey is to take place in the Vatican.
Three questions arise:
1) What is Bergoglio’s synodal journey?
2) What is its aim?
3) How does it proceed?
Question one: The synodal LGBTQ journey is a rebellion against God, the destruction of the Catholic Church, the destruction
of the papacy and the elimination of God’s laws.
Question two: The synodal LGBTQ journey aims to bring down a curse for the contemporary anti-gospel. It pursues the destruction
of Christianity and the transition to one New Age pseudo-religion, which together with the pagans worships their deities, i.e. demons.
Question three: The synodal LGBTQ journey proceeds covertly, cunningly and purposefully. It abuses supreme authority to enforce
the legalization of heresies and immorality.
Word of Life – Is 24:21 (23/7/2023 – 6/8/2023)
“It shall come to pass in that day That the Lord will punish on high the host of exalted ones, and on the earth the kings of the earth.”
This statement of the prophet Isaiah is topical or will be topical during the upcoming days. What is the host of heaven in heaven?
Apostle Paul explains that our fight is not against the flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness (cosmocratores),
which govern the world in the heavenly realm (Eph 6:10f), which is the so-called host of heaven. The above mentioned powers
of darkness endeavor to bring the Earth to self-destruction by means of this world rule. They do this through people who serve them,
namely through their mediums. We know who these earthly kings are. In the present day, they have been replaced with a so-called
democratic system and various ideologies, such as communism, fascism, etc. Behind this system of ideas is also a spirit,
which influences people’s thinking and acting through certain structures. The Lord promises that He will punish those
dark powers on that day.
On 20 June, the document Instrumentum Laboris of the General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality was published. The document states
that there is a need to start a discussion on how the role of the Bishop of Rome should evolve and to reconsider the exercise of his
primacy in a synodal Church. The primacy is supposed to be exercised in a different – synodal – manner. In fact, it is about destroying
the institution of the papacy. Doctrinal responsiblity in the Church will be dispersed among, or atomized into, various synodal bodies,
i.e. synodal councils or so-called continental bodies.
In the second half of the 19th century, under the influence of the Enlightenment, atheistic Darwinism and negative philosophical
currents, a heretical current called Modernism entered the Church. The words science and scientific approach became magical,
but the living God has no place in Modernism. In 1907, Pope St Pius X was forced to expel almost half of the seminarians
and professors. Even though Modernism was banned, in half a century the crypto-modernists succeeded together with the
Freemasons in promoting John XXIII as Pope. John XXIII summoned a Council and chose these very people as moderators of the Council,
who fully opened the Church to the world. Today, the fruit of this heretical trend is the pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who has even
legalized the sin of homosexuality and enthroned paganism through a public ritual with the Pachamama demon.
Word of Life – Mt 18:18 (9/7/2023 – 23/7/2023)
“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
This promise applies on several levels. It applies to religious leaders, who are allowed to specify – in line with the teaching
of the Church – some of the requirements of the Gospel and bind our conscience by a church regulation; for instance, they can lay
down that eating meat on Friday is a sin. They can also loose it and say that the Friday fast may be replaced, for example,
by prayer or an act of penance. This is an area that concerns those who are responsible before God for the Church in a particular territory.
Of course, church authority can be grossly abused against the essence, and this is already happening. In that case, however,
the prelates concerned incur the most severe penalties, up to excommunication, in proportion to the gravity of their offence.
This applies to those who nowadays promote sodomy and other similar immoralities through an abuse of episcopal or papal power.
This statement about binding and loosing also concerns each of us personally. We shall be judged for our sins, and that is why
we need to know not only about our responsibility, but also about the spiritual power that every baptized person is entrusted with.
Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate prepared a draft declaration
for Joseph Strickland, Bishop of Tyler, Texas.
Draft declaration:
Dear priests, religious, brothers and sisters,
I, Bishop Joseph Strickland, hereby declare the separation of our diocese from the Bergoglian sect. I do so with the awareness of responsibility
for the salvation of souls both before God and before the Catholic Church and for the sake of saving the Catholic faith and morals.
Whose task is it in the first place to struggle for the restoration of society and the salvation of humanity? It is primarily
the task of those who call themselves Christians. Through repentance, that is, through a genuine change of thinking – metanoia,
lukewarm bishops, priests and believers should become Christ’s disciples and witnesses – martyrés. This will open the door to
God and His saving power. Spiritual reform cannot begin without a connection to the transcendent. This is, in essence, about
interior prayer, the connection of our spirit to God, the Truth. No positive change is possible without this spiritual
foundation of prayer and repentance or, in other words, without a change of thinking from false to true. True and eternal
happiness is given us in the crucified and risen Jesus alone.
Dear bishops, successors of the apostles,
we are sending you a draft of a pastoral letter. You know yourselves how deep a crisis the Catholic Church is going through.
It does not have a rightful Pope. The current Pope has repeatedly excluded himself from the Mystical Body of Christ as well
as from the visible Church. The Church is in a state of Sede Vacante. This is the reality. You have so far not been able to
clearly express it or make it public. However, the current relentless promotion of the synodal LGBTQ journey now forces you
to do so.
Spiritual awakening is impossible without God’s intervention. But God expects human cooperation. Christ’s apostles, martyrs
and defenders of the faith are an example of cooperation with God’s grace. You are their successors. You are a great hope
for the bleeding Church. You are faced with a grave responsibility. May God grant you the grace to stand boldly against
the suicidal synodal LGBTQ journey! Do not reject the grace that is offered.
Word of Life – Ps. 82:5 (25/6/2023 – 9/7/2023)
“They do not know, nor do they understand, they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are unstable.”
This verse of the Psalm is very relevant for today. It applies primarily to men of political power and men of the Church,
but to some extent it applies to all of us.
What to do to be able to know and understand and not walk about in darkness but in the light? We must be serious about Jesus
in our lives, because He is the Light of the world. In Him is the fullness of wisdom and knowledge. If we are just influenced
by so-called mainstream or smartphone wisdom, we know absolutely nothing about the essential things, namely the salvation
of the soul, and we do not understand what we should do for its sake or how to overcome lies and deceit. In this blindness,
then, all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
It should be known that this whole criminal organization, blasphemously covering itself with the name of our Saviour, is under God’s anathema.
It means expulsion not only from the external ecclesiastical structure, but also from the Mystical Body of Christ, which affects the individuals
who have received this spirit of apostasy.
The last honest Jesuits are suffering under the rule of this antichristian spirit, but now they should demonstratively leave this criminal organization,
or else they are in danger of eternal damnation.
Today, every sincere Catholic should distance himself not only from the Jesuits, but especially from the synodal LGBTQ journey promoted by them.
Dear Bishops of the United States,
on June 12‒23, 2023, NATO’s largest exercise is taking place right next to the conflict zone in Ukraine. Political scientists warn that
a nuclear disaster could also occur in the aftermath, which would in the first place affect the USA and Europe. How do you as shepherds
of souls deal with this situation?
Your first duty, dear bishops, is to do your utmost to save souls from eternal damnation. You will give an account of this before
the judgment seat of God. Instead, you accept the so-called synodal LGBTQ journey, which results in a rebellion against God and
the destruction of God’s laws. You are silent about this crime against God and the Church, or some of you are even actively
participating in it.
The essence of New Age pseudo religion is not atheism, but the renaissance of paganism, which rejects the true God and the only Saviour,
Jesus Christ. Contemporary neo-paganism is associated with esotericism, which mixes various pagan pseudo spiritualities with Christianity.
The Second Vatican Council had already opened the door to this syncretism, especially with the Nostra Aetate declaration.
Pseudo Pope Francis enthroned the Pachamama demon in the Vatican and dedicated himself to demons and Satan in Canada.
In this spirit, he is promoting the synodal journey, which is to culminate this autumn. By promoting LGBTQ, he is in
open rebellion against God and against the very nature of Christianity.
The situation today is extremely serious. To some extent, however, this may be your last chance to wake up from spiritual blindness
and stop on the false path that leads to eternal destruction. Today there is a threat of a nuclear disaster, mass vaccination,
artificially induced cancer or other fatal danger. You do not know how your death will happen, but it is certain that death
will not pass you by. And then you will stand before God’s judgment seat and face eternity. Perfect contrition, connected
with calling on God’s name, is the antidote to eternal death. The Saviour now offers this antidote to you and gives
it freely. But whoever refuses to repent will be condemned. Jesus warns: “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3)
Dear bishops of Asia and Australia,
a suicidal synodal LGBTQ agenda is to be approved worldwide this autumn. Cardinal Müller described the synodal journey
as “doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate”. The synodal process changes the nature of the Church, turning
it into a system of “non-profit organizations”. Just like Soros’ non-profits, which lead every nation to self-destruction,
so do these religious non-profits. Previously, such non-profits would have been condemned as treason in the country
or heresy in the Church. These non-profits are part of the synodal journey in every parish, in every diocese,
in every nation, on every continent.
Dear bishops of Europe,
the main problem facing the Church is the synodal LGBTQ journey. What did Cardinal Müller say about the German Synodal Way,
which he referred to as a sect?
“The German Synodal sect is diametrically opposed to Catholic faith... it will cause Christianity in Germany to evaporate.
Millions are leaving the Church in Germany, and the remaining Catholics become dechristianized...”
Dear bishops of Italy, Spain, France and other European countries, the fact that Christianity will evaporate also concerns
your nations unless you repent and unless you, as bishops, oppose the current doctrinal and moral heresies at this historic time.
This German Synodal Way is a precedent for a church-wide synodal journey. Cardinal Müller points to the pernicious fruits
and goes on to say: “The whole establishment of German-Catholic ecclesiology is false and suicidal.”
Word of Life – Mt 7:26 (11/6/2023 – 25/6/2023)
“But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.”
And Jesus adds: “The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
This is Christ’s warning. It is said briefly: the house fell with a great crash. Why did this house of human life fall? It was built
on the sand of one’s dreams, plans, demands… It was not built on the rock, that is, on Christ and His Gospel demands. However,
it is not enough to hear them; we need to put them into practice.
Jesus pointed out the need to put God’s word into practice when a woman in the crowd called out: “Blessed is the womb that bore You…”
He said: “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.” (Lk 11:27f)
Word of Life – Mt 7:24 (28/5/2023 – 11/6/2023)
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
On the evening before His death, Jesus speaks of His commandments: “Whoever has My commandments and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me.”
What in particular are Christ’s commandments? We have the Ten Commandments, and what are the commandments of Jesus? They are contained in the Sermon
on the Mount in chapters 5, 6 and 7 of Matthew’s Gospel. Apart from these practical counsels, there are also other commands of Jesus in other parts
of the Gospels. It is important not only to think about the content of the words, but also about how we should implement them in specific life
circumstances. Then, in times of storm and the test of life’s faithfulness to Christ, we shall stand and save our soul.
The hardest attack will be at the hour of death. We do not know when death comes, so we have to be ready every day and not postpone
the implementation of God’s word until tomorrow.
This year, Pentecost falls on Sunday, May 28. It is followed by the octave. Russia and Ukraine will celebrate the feast of Pentecost
on Sunday, June 4.
The Lord showed the prophet Ezekiel (Ez 37:1-9) the condition of the nation of Israel in a valley full of dry bones. Today, this image
fully applies to New Testament Israel, that is, to the Church. The Holy Spirit has been expelled from the heart of the Church and
replaced by the spirit of the world, and today also by the synodal spirit of LGBTQ, i.e. the spirit of death, which has turned the
Church into a spiritual graveyard full of scattered dry bones. Church dogmas have been scattered, God’s commandments destroyed,
God’s laws overturned, milestones uprooted and removed from their place. Restoring all these things to a previous condition
entails a struggle to restore the true faith.
The Gospel is for our everyday life. We must put it into practice. To be able to do it we need the Holy Spirit,
because it is not possible without Him. Without Him, it is a mere letter that kills, but the Spirit gives life.
The Holy Spirit leads us to the living Jesus through the death of our old self and through our entering into
Christ’s death (2Cor 4:10f). All this is not possible without the personal contact of faith with Him in prayer.
Without it we are like a fish out of water.
We must learn to accept helplessness, immediately give thanks for everything, and take God’s word as the sword of
the Spirit against bitterness or complaining – in other words, put our trust in it. God’s word – the Spirit behind it
– will give us strength. We only need to stop and confront our situation in a living faith: “Lord, You see it! I trust
in You!” And then try to stand firm in that faith and return to it again whenever all kinds of invisible, cunning
pressures or seemingly innocent or good thoughts seek to divert us from our union to Christ.
We can do nothing more for thousands of thirsty, seeking, helpless souls than resolve again and again to surrender ourselves
in meekness and humility to Our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we may have His Spirit. We see the exact opposite in the history
of philosophy. The founders of various philosophical trends, obsessed with a false thought, subtly grew in pride and their
rise in pride opened the power of spirit, but not the Spirit of Christ. Unlike them, we need to allow the Spirit of God to
work in power. Our hidden and invisible struggle is a struggle for the salvation of thousands of immortal souls!
Let us stand firm in the faith, a living faith, even in little things. Therein lies holiness. Let us open our eyes to these little things,
let us accept them with faith and stand firm in the faith without complaining about the circumstances, enemies etc. We have to live by faith today,
not tomorrow, though everything is seemingly calm today! We may not live to see tomorrow. There is no true humility without a living faith. Humility
is the inward sacrifice, but it must also be shown outwardly after the example of Our Lord Jesus Christ, meek and humble of heart, and after the
example of His Mother, the bondslave of the Lord who always says “Fiat” and “Magnificat” – “Let it be to me!” “Praised be the Lord!”
God’s will be done, not mine!
Word of Life – Mt 7:21 (14/5/2023 – 28/5/2023)
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”
After these words, Jesus continues in the Gospel: “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me,
you who practise lawlessness!’”
Jesus speaks here about a false disciple, saying that such disciples will not be saved because although they use religious phrases and
hide behind the name of Jesus they do the exact opposite. Moreover, even if they prophesied, cast out demons or did many wonders,
it would not help them to be saved. Such disciples have received the teaching of Christ only superficially and in fact use methods
of hypnosis, suggestion, psychological manipulation, positive or ambiguous concepts and emotional arousal. They have nothing to
do with Christ and His cross.
The Word of God emphasizes: those who have faith in Jesus. This is the condition. Surely, Jesus died for all people and we are obliged
to preach to them the Gospel, salvation. Without Him no one can be saved. But today we hear another gospel: to let pagans dwell in darkness
and perish in darkness. Certainly, some of them will be saved, but perhaps only those who are not under the sway of pagan religious systems.
Or those who have at least not opened up to them. Abraham was a pagan, too, but he had a conscience. Pagans also have a conscience and Christ
died for them too. But how can they achieve salvation if no one can be saved without Christ? If they live a righteous life, God will give them
a chance to believe in Christ at least in the hour of death. They will either receive Him or reject Him. We will likewise either receive Jesus
at the hour of death for the last time or reject Him. That is why the Apostle says that we must be rooted in Him, grounded in Him, so that
at the hour of death we may cast away all doubts, all intrusive thoughts, all vanity.
When you do somebody wrong – either unknowingly or, worse still, knowingly – there is tension between you. When you then realize it,
you suddenly see your fault and you see that the person you have wronged has been hurt and suffers.
I remember one example from Italy: A group of thieves – young boys – broke into a jeweller’s shop and killed the jeweller during the robbery.
They were caught and sentenced to many years in prison. There was a woman with little children present at the trial. She was the jeweller’s widow.
At the sight of her and her children, one of the boys suddenly understood what evil he had done, what pain he had caused them. His conscience
was stirred and he begged their forgiveness. And the woman said she forgave him….
“A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also.” (Jn 14:19) Jesus speaks
here about His death, saying that He will be buried in a tomb but then rise again and His dead body will be seen in the tomb no more. He will be
raised from the dead with a glorified body. The world, however, will not see Him risen. In the Gospel of John we read: “The world will see
Me no more, but you will see Me.” When does Jesus say these words? On Thursday evening at the Last Supper, probably between eight
and ten o’clock. On the next day, Friday, He dies. And then, on Saturday night, Christ comes out of the tomb. He rises from the dead
by His own divine power. The whole Trinity takes part in Christ’s resurrection. Indeed, God raised Him from the dead. But Jesus
also rose from the dead by His own divine power. At the same time, God’s Word says: “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus
from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit
who dwells in you.” (Rom 8:11)
The old self is governed by precise principles that are very subtle. They are best recognized and unmasked in ourselves, but even more
intensely when two or three truly strive to put the old self to death on the cross, so that we can say: “We died with Him, and we were buried
with Him.” And then it is also true that “we were raised with Him”. It is not about physical death, physical burial or physical resurrection.
It is a matter of faith and the life of faith, especially the basic steps that we are to take daily again and again: 1) deny yourself,
2) take up your daily cross. Sometimes this cross is the same for a certain period of time. Sometimes it takes a variety of forms during
the day. It is mainly about giving up our views, opinions or habits, even in small matters, and it hurts! What an amazing thing, what
an amazing adventure, that we can do so here on earth.
Word of Life – Mt 7:19 (30/4/2023 – 14/5/2023)
“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”
Therefore, those who do not show true repentance daily cannot bear good fruit. They regard their goodness and truth as the highest
inviolable standard and defy God’s truth and God’s laws. They regard their philosophizing as the height of wisdom, and in fact it is all
a gross fraud. Humility is truth. There is no truth in pride, but only lies and self-worship. Therefore, such a tree, such a person who
rejects God’s truths, God’s laws and God’s conditions for salvation, is a bad tree that will be cut down and thrown into the eternal fire.
A global assembly of the Synod on Synodality, promoting LGBTQ legalization, is scheduled to begin from 30 September 2023 in the Vatican.
All participants shall incur the most severe punishment of God – anathema – as well as the most severe ecclesiastical
penalty – latae sententiae excommunication. The legalization of the sin of sodomy is a graver sin than sodomy itself.
Those who promote and legalize sin break God’s commandments and prevent sinners from repenting and following the path
of salvation. Breaking God’s laws is the sin of devilish pride, which opposes God the Creator, the Supreme Lawgiver.
We, orthodox Catholic bishops on all continents, as successors of Christ’s apostles, following the example of the former nuncio
to the United States, Carlo Maria Viganò, hereby publicly before the entire Catholic Church call on the invalid Pope Francis Bergoglio to resign.
Justification: The person concerned has committed a number of the most serious heresies that lead to the internal self-destruction of
the Catholic Church. God’s Word clearly declares: “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what
we have preached to you, let him be accursed! As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you
than what you have received, let him be accursed (anathema sit)!” (Gal 1:8-9)
As of 31 March 2023, the continental phase of the Synod on Synodality was closed. On 30 September 2023, a global assembly is to begin in the
Vatican as part of this suicidal process. The initiator of the Synod is a fanatical promoter of sodomy and other moral perversions. The official
documents of Bergoglio’s synod use and fully accept the acronym LGBTQ, though the letter Q covers even the worst sexual perversions, associated
with the most serious crimes.
Every moral person, and even more so the one who knows the Gospel of Christ and His teaching about purity of heart and deeds, is shocked by the
agenda of the synodal LGBTQ journey. It is literally a satanic anti-gospel that opens the broad path to eternal destruction. But most of the bishops’
conferences keep it quiet from the faithful, as if the Church has nothing to do with LGBTQ promotion. These conferences even hypocritically give the
impression that the synodal journey is a process of true revival of the Church. But this is a colossal fraud. These church clerics literally make fools
of the Catholics who believe them.
The nation can be raised to life by God alone. But He wants each of us to contribute a drop of our faith! This is our great task, which
we are to accept in faith. God puts His trust in every one of us. And He wants us to trust in Him. That is why this spiritual battle
for resurrection needs praying people who are united and adhere to the clear teachings of the Gospel along with the tradition of the Church
and the saints. This battle requires launching out into the deep. This means living the Gospel by faith.
God’s Word says that we were raised together with Christ. It is a certain mystery to us. Jesus was raised two thousand years ago in Jerusalem.
I am not in Jerusalem, but in another place and in another time. I was not in the tomb with Jesus to be raised with Him. I was not even born yet.
So what does it mean that “we were raised together with Him”? Let us think what happened at Christ’s resurrection: Christ’s dead body, which
was lying in the tomb, was not only raised to life but also transformed. Christ was raised from the dead with a glorified body. He passed
through the stone tomb in spite of a large stone rolled in front of the entrance to the tomb. After that, He appeared to the apostles
in different places during forty days. Through the resurrection, new life entered the physical body of Jesus, and His body was glorified.
Word of Life – Mt 7:15 (16/4/2023 – 30/4/2023)
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
This warning of Christ is highly topical too. Today many shepherds of the Church are no longer servants of Christ, but servants of the antichrist.
Naturally, this is not outwardly recognized. They really wear sheep’s clothing and use psychological methods to manipulate people. They speak of love,
compassion, listening, discerning, welcoming, accompanying, and all this is actually a trap of ravenous wolves baring their fangs and tearing up naïve
and often sincere deluded souls. These shepherds only talk about love, but they avoid true love – the cross of Christ. In the next verse, Jesus says
that we only know them by their fruits, because they tickle the ears and lead many souls astray. If a person is not able to accept healthy
self-criticism and strive for justice and modesty in his life, sooner or later he will fall victim to these wolves in sheep’s clothing.
We die with Jesus and rise with Him again. In the Letter to the Romans, we find essential truths about us being grafted into Jesus
through faith – this union is given us in baptism. “Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.” (Rom 6:8)
Here the emphasis is on the words “we believe”. We need to put into practice our union with Jesus. If we abide in ourselves, troubles arise.
If we are in union with Christ, our soul is always filled with peace. We feel peace regardless of whether someone scolds us or we fall ill.
You can even be a cripple confined to a wheelchair for some 40 years, or you can even be sentenced to death, and you can be happy because
you have Jesus. If you are in union with Jesus, you are filled with peace that the world cannot give. This is a law that works: Whenever
a problem comes, you experience inner peace. God gives it to a soul that opens to Him. Anyone can try it.
Jesus often says to us too: “Peace be with you! Peace to you!” We have to open our hearts to receive His peace. Just think how restless
your heart is… Why? Because you are not united to God. Because your faith is so weak. We have no union with Christ or with God’s word.
He alone gives us true peace, as He says: “The peace I give you the world can never give.” (cf. Jn 14:27) And Jesus also says in another
place: “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28) So the most important thing is to go
to Jesus. As long as we are in ourselves, we cannot find peace. The slightest triviality or thought… and we are robbed of all peace.
How? By focusing our spirit on a lie or half-truth which robs us of all truth. This is the reality: We believe lies and constantly
doubt the truth.
On 16 March 2023, US Cardinal Raymond Burke gave an interview to EWTN. At first, he expressed a certain truth about the current situation
in the Church, which every sincere Catholic perceives. But the problem is that the truth expressed was followed by a spiritual deadly poison.
What did the cardinal say at the beginning of the interview?
“It simply needs to be said clearly that the question of God’s plan for man and woman, His plan for the sexual union, His plan for marriage,
could be a topic of discussion and debate is absurd.”
However, the Synod on Synodality under pseudo Pope Bergoglio literally promotes the denial of sodomy as a sin and, moreover, legalizes all
kinds of other perversions covered by the term LGBTQ.
Word of Life – Mt 7:13 (2/4/2023 – 16/4/2023)
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”
Jesus’ advice is very serious. It concerns each of us. Heeding this earnest counsel brings forth the fruit of eternal life and eternal
happiness in the kingdom of heaven. The gate which leads to life, however, is narrow, and unfortunately many do not know it, do not
want to seek it, and if it is pointed out to them, they boycott it to their temporal and eternal detriment. On the other hand, Jesus
warns of the wide gate and the broad way that leads to eternal destruction. It is a tragedy and a painful reality that there are many
who have chosen this broad path of life that ends in destruction. This broad way does not bring true happiness and true peace in this life,
but unrest of the soul and uncertainty. Then at the hour of death comes despair which is followed by eternal damnation. This is not
an exaggeration or just some scaremongering; this is a serious warning from our Saviour to walk the narrow way of which He said:
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”
Contemporary Christianity with the spirit of the world is a barren fig tree. The condition for it not to be cut down is to start bearing
the fruit of genuine repentance.
Let us briefly consider the diagnosis of the time we live in. Modern man not only is unable to perceive sin, but often does not perceive the very
reality itself. Many live in unreality or virtual reality. They are overwhelmed by the endless flow of information from the television, internet
or smartphones. Nowadays the spirit of the world has a particularly demoralizing, disruptive, even self-destructive influence. One must resist it.
It has manipulated public opinion to the point of a secret diktat. Children are also entrapped.
At the beginning of Lent, the heretical Bishop Holub (Czech Republic) issued a so-called pastoral letter hypocritically entitled “Mercy for
the divorced”. He also published detailed guidelines for this. Their basis is the heretical exhortation Amoris Laetitia. Immediately after the
release of the exhortation, four Cardinals responded to it with the Dubia. This so-called exhortation issued by the pseudo Pope not only abolishes
God’s laws, but also denies the existence of universally valid moral principles. It contains heresies destroying the nature of saving faith.
Subsequently, dozens of prominent theologians and Christian authorities spoke out against this heretical document in an analysis entitled
Filial Correction. They asked Francis to distinguish what was sound and what was heretical in the exhortation. No answer, no listening,
no discernment to this day – and it has been eight years now! The exhortation Amoris Laetitia is explicitly heretical!
Professor Kobylinski gave an interview entitled “Can a homosexual be a priest?” A Catholic asks an essential question: What did the priest
Kobylinski mean to tell the Polish public? Did he mean to express a clear position based on Scripture and Tradition and on the whole doctrine
of the Church? Or was it just a kind of mixture of raw information, where moral values were put on an equal footing with immoral perversions,
and the truth was thus relativized? The real purpose of the interview was to change Catholic public opinion. Currently, a synodal process
is underway aimed at pushing ecclesiastical legalization of sodomy into Poland as well.
Word of Life – Mt 7:12 (19/3/2023 – 2/4/2023)
“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
These words remind us of a very important rule for our personal life, for our relationships with those closest to us as well as for our relationships
with other people. We usually want others to do something and we are sad when they do not do what we would like them to do or we reproach them for it.
Or we even make a gloomy face because they are unable to guess our wishes. This is the picture of the old self. We should learn our lessons from this
unsound thinking, and learn true self-criticism instead. We have to assume that the other person is just as unsound in his thinking. If our thinking
was vertical, in other words if we sought first the kingdom of God and the salvation of our soul and communicated with God in prayer, we would also
seek the kingdom of God within us first and prefer it to temporal and passing values such as human glory, recognition, excessive wealth, vanities, etc.
All these things prevent us from launching out into the depths of our heart, and they build certain layers in our soul that affect our mind and our will.
They unite us to the spirit of the world and to the spirit of lies and death without us realizing it.
Bishops as successors of the apostles have a primary duty to defend the truths of faith and morals, which give assurance of salvation
and save us from eternal death.
A few years ago, a 17-year-old Russian girl dying of AIDS wrote a letter of warning to young people. She painfully blamed
her parents for not forbidding her to walk the self-destructive path of false freedom, which caused her to sink into
immorality and drug addiction. She writes: “However harshly my parents would have disciplined me, I would now kiss their hands,
because they would save my life. Now it’s too late, I’m dying.”
Bishops and their assistants, priests, are spiritual parents to God’s children. It is their duty to safeguard the truths of faith
and to warn the flock against heresies and immorality.
We, Czech bishops emeriti, feel bound in conscience before the Church and our nation to warn of the spiritual crime committed in Prague
on 5-12 February 2023. Many of the participants as well as the public were not truthfully informed about the nature and purpose
of the so-called Continental Assembly of the Synodal Journey. Some were not even aware of being actually exploited to promote
the elimination of God’s laws in the sphere of morality. The hidden purpose was to push God-forbidden immorality within
the umbrella term LGBTQ upon the Church.
Presidents of European bishops’ conferences participated in the Prague Continental Assembly of the Synod on Synodality, which took place
on 5-12 February 2023. In fact, it was a satanic sabbath abolishing God’s laws and promoting ecclesiastical legalization of the gravest
LGBTQ immoralities. The participation of all presidents of bishops’ conferences manipulated public opinion into believing that all European
bishops unanimously approved of the agenda of suicide of the Catholic Church. However, this is a deceit, manipulation and crime exceeding
all limits! The tragic situation has reached the point where a radical and uncompromising intervention is needed. Episcopal conferences
must be abolished! These Conferences have not only robbed diocesan bishops of their rights and deprived them of the sense of responsibility,
but they are now literally forcing them to betray the very nature of the Church.
Finally, Jesus emphasizes: “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3) It is not only about temporal punishment but about the threat
of eternal damnation! The path has been paved, namely the synodal LGBTQ path. This path draws a curse on individuals and entire continents
resulting in pre-planned depopulation. Jesus, on the other hand, calls us onto the path of salvation, that is, the path of repentance.
Do enter on this path today, and persevere for a year! You will save yourself and set an example for others. Joint repentance will save the Church and nation!
Dear Czech bishops emeriti, Cardinal Jaroslav Dominik, Bishop František, Bishop Karel, Bishop Josef, Bishop Vojtěch,
we have known each other since we were in the seminary in Litoměřice. We had learned true Catholic doctrinal and moral teaching. During your s
ervice as priests and bishops, none of you has been preaching fallacies opposing the teaching of the Holy Scripture and Tradition.
The chairman of Czech bishops’ conference, Jan Graubner, organized the so called continental meeting of the synodal way on February 5-12, 2023.
He tried to encode its contents with phrases about those that are on the margins (namely LGBTQ persons), and about those that are on the
inside (believers). That is to say, the synodal way gradually promotes legalization of immorality and crimes of LGBTQ in the Church.
Contemporary heresies are destroying the Church internally. The proclaimed synodal path already directly promotes the legalization of all immorality
under the term LGBTQ. These are far more serious crimes than the heresy of iconoclasm. The Prague sabbath also aimed to embody LGBTQ legalization.
That is why all the participants, especially the presidents of the bishops’ conferences, brought God’s anathema upon themselves. The Byzantine
Catholic Patriarchate only makes this fact public. Any bishop who participated there will not be freed from the anathema until he performs
a public penance, verbally or in writing. Moreover, he caused a great outrage and therefore must condemn the heretical LGBTQ synodal path.
It is necessary for other bishops, priests and the faithful to demand repentance or resignation from the prelates involved.
Word of Life – Mt 7:7 (5/3/2023 – 19/3/2023)
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Part 1: Explanation
Part 2: Specific program
The so-called Continental Assembly of the Synodal Journey took place in Prague from 5 to 12 February 2023. Many participants,
as they themselves admitted, do not even know what the synodal journey is. Nevertheless, they eulogize it and speak of it in
superlatives and with great enthusiasm. The Lord’s word spoken through the prophet Isaiah fully applies to the continental
assembly in Prague: “…meaningless gibberish, senseless babbling, a syllable here, a syllable there.” (Is 28:10) The prophet
Isaiah speaks about it in more detail: “Even these men stagger because of wine, they stumble around because of beer – priests
and prophets… Indeed, all the tables are covered with vomit and feces; no place is untouched. …meaningless gibberish,
senseless babbling, a syllable here, a syllable there. … Therefore, listen to the Lord’s word, you who mock, you rulers of these people…!
In an interview with kath.net, Cardinal Müller criticized Bishop Bätzing’s speech in Prague as well as the German Synodal Path, calling it a sect.
The cardinal said: “The protagonists of German alternative Catholicism used the Synodal meeting in Prague – as expected – to flaunt their felt,
but unproven, moral-spiritual superiority over eastern traditional Catholicism.”
The cardinal explained that because the German Synodal sect is “diametrically opposed to Catholic faith… it will cause Christianity in Germany to
evaporate. Millions are leaving the Church in Germany,” he said, “and the remaining Catholics become dechristianized… The whole establishment
of German-Catholic ecclesiology is false and suicidal.”
Dear Asbury University students,
the whole Christian world is watching with hope the spiritual awakening that God has given in your university. This awakening is a great
hope not only for America. It has affected the spiritual world and its fruits will be manifested both in the renewal of families and in the renewal of society.
Surely you are familiar with David Wilkerson’s warning prophecy about the disaster that threatens America. But you are the hope! God can
change even a just punishment, just as He changed it when Nineveh repented. Therefore, the revival at your university is the hope for saving America.
The Catholic Church has no Pope. It is in a state of Sede Vacante.
All Catholics who recognize the Holy Scriptures, Tradition, Church laws and teachings based on them do not have a Pope today.
The Church is in a state of Sede Vacante.
Francis publicly dedicated himself to Satan and demons in Canada. He thereby excluded himself from the Catholic Church. In addition,
he denies the foundations of faith and morals and is in rebellion against God. He betrayed Christ like Judas and therefore cannot be
the head of Christ’s Church on earth. Furthermore, he massively promotes ecclesiastical legalization of LGBTQ. This agenda of the
sodomitic anti-gospel, which brings down a curse (Gal 1:8-9), is now being promoted through the so-called continental phase of the
Synod on Synodality. Those who recognize Francis Bergoglio as the rightful Pope and submit to him thus come under the rule of the
antichrist. The curse of God that is upon him is spreading with extraordinary intensity through the abuse of the papal office that
Bergoglio occupies.
Word of Life – Mt 7:6 (19/2/2023 – 5/3/2023)
“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”
On the occasion of the opening of the European Synodal Assembly on 5 February 2023, Archbishop Jan Graubner delivered a model sermon.
He spoke about the need for a change in thinking, about the relationship to Christ crucified, and about the fact that it is not enough
to listen to people, but that it is important above all to perceive God’s voice. He also made other truthful statements, including
quotations from the Holy Scriptures. Jan Graubner spoke like a true prophet. Every sincere Christian must agree with his statements.
Pseudo Pope Bergoglio also delivers exemplary sermons. He is not afraid to touch on sensitive issues that other preachers prefer to
keep quiet about. For example, he talks about polite demons whom people have at home without realizing it. Bergoglio also gives
enchanting speeches about the most intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. He asks questions as if Jesus Himself were asking
his listeners through his mouth: Do you love Me? This is the question Jesus asked Peter at the Lake of Gennesaret.
On January 24, 2023 in his interview for AP agency, Francis called on Catholic bishops to welcome LGBTQ people in the Church
and to acknowledge their dignity.
Jesus cast out a legion of Q-demons from one hyperactive person, who was running around in the graveyard showing off a local gay
pride. However, after Christ’s exorcism Q-demons entered two thousand pigs and threw themselves into the Gennesaret lake. This
was a demonstration of what happens to a person possessed by Q-demons if they are not cast out in time. Christ’s command to the
apostles says: “Cast out demons!” (Mt 10:8) Lord Jesus says: “Cast out!” However, Bergoglio says: “Welcome!” In doing so,
Bergoglio removed his mask as an apostle of antichrist.
Dear Bishop of the Catholic Church,
why did you receive episcopal ordination? You were clearly instructed before that you take upon yourself the responsibility of God’s shepherd,
who is supposed to protect the sheep from ravenous and cunning wolves. Why do you carry a crozier? To drive away the ferocious wolves?
No, today you use it to drive the sheep onto the broad synodal path. But this is the path to eternal destruction. It is the path of
destroying God’s laws and commandments. It is the path of legalizing sin. You abuse your office entrusted to you by God! You hide
behind God’s authority, while avoiding the path of truth. You are obliged to proclaim the truth by word and example. But you deceive
Christ’s flock instead. You conceal from them that the synodal path tramples God’s commandments. You did not tell the priests or
the people that the synodal path deviously removes and destroys God’s commandments. You are afraid to reveal that it replaces
them with immoral sodomite LGBTQ anti-laws.
Conversion of bishops to LGBTQ cheerleaders
Quoting AP agency: “(Francis) also called on Catholic bishops … to welcome LGBTQ people into the Church.”
Comment: Absurdly, Francis forces bishops to approve the way of sin, which is in fact a betrayal of God and His commandments.
The bishops who preach and protect God’s truth and commandments must allegedly undergo a Bergoglian conversion, about which
he has also spoken. As a gesture of this pseudo-conversion, they should welcome unrepenting LGBTQ people into the Church.
Saint Apostle John warns against such a paradox welcome: “Receive them not into your home (church), nor welcome them.
Whoever welcomes them has a share in their wicked activities!” (comp. 2Jn 10)
In an in-flight press conference when returning from Africa, Francis Bergoglio deliberately reiterated his manipulative assertion that
homosexuality must not be criminalized. He made this declaration for a global press earlier on January 24, 2023.
Why was the question about criminalizing homosexuality brought up again? Because the whole world is watching Bergoglio’s press conference
during his return flight from Africa and all mainstream media, which change people’s thinking, hear what they need to hear. For a long time,
they have been shaping public opinion against a just legal system based on God’s Decalogue and they promote anti-laws leading to self-destruction of humanity.
From 5 to 12 February 2023, Prague will host the Continental Assembly of the Synod on Synodality which is to be attended by the chairmen
of European Bishops’ Conferences. A similar satanizing sabbath is scheduled to take place in South America, Africa and Australia next month.
These events are driving nails into the coffin of the Catholic Church and are digging its grave. In fact, it is a preparation for church
legalization of sodomy and all perversions associated with unclean demons covered by the term LGBTQ.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) – the voice of one crying in the wilderness – has called these days for the dissolution of the
Prague sabbath and for the separation of the Czech bishops from the invalid Pope Bergoglio. A look at history may help us clarify the
current catastrophic state of the Church. Let us look first at the period of early Christianity.
The invalid Pope Francis visited Congo from 31 January to 3 February. The clergy and the suffering people of Congo welcomed him with great enthusiasm.
Everyone received his words with an open heart, as he truthfully expressed the suffering of the Congolese people. He even boldly pointed
to the behind-the-scenes cause of this suffering, namely supranational organizations that will stop at nothing – not even bloodshed –
in pursuit of profit. The war in Congo has been going on for 60 years and claimed 12 million lives. Congo is rich in high-tech minerals,
such as coltan – 80% of the world’s production, cobalt, lithium and many others that are essential for e.g. mobile phones.
About 50% of the country’s population is Catholic. The Catholic Church also manages about 50% of healthcare facilities. 7 million pupils
are taught in Catholic schools. So Congo is a country where faith is still alive, unlike a dying Europe and a moribund America.
Word of Life – Mt 7:5 (5/2/2023 – 19/2/2023)
“Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
How about God’s love for LGBTQ people?
Quote from The Associated Press: “(Francis) said that God loves all His children just as they are.”
Commentary: Francis Bergoglio gives the false impression that all people are God’s children and that God loves even the evil and sin they commit.
But the truth is that God hates sin and punishes it justly, either here on earth or in eternity. On the other hand, He loves the repentant sinner
and forgives his sins through the shed blood of His Son Jesus Christ.
“O God, You love all things that You have made.” (cf. Wis 11:24) “And God saw that it was good.” (Gen 1) Evil does not come from God, but from the
spirit of lies and death – the devil. God created everything out of love, even the angels. He gave them freedom, but it was not His will that many
of them should misuse it. The good angels thus became evil spirits to their eternal detriment.
Dear members of the Czech Bishops’ Conference,
any reasonable person assumes that it is abundantly clear that the Church must stand on God’s laws and commandments, and not LGBTQ anti-laws.
It is also clear that a heretic and destroyer of God’s laws cannot even be a member of an external church organization, let alone a member
of the Mystical Body of Christ, i.e. the living Church of Christ. You, as the successors of the apostles, are obliged to defend the Gospel
of Christ and the laws of God in the first place. If you are truly Catholic bishops, you know that the Gospel is given so that the people
may be saved. But here is someone who preaches a covid, ecological and – under the guise of the synodal journey – sodomitic anti-gospel.
And this someone is publicly recognized as the head of the Catholic Church and allows himself to be called the Holy Father, i.e. the
Vicar of Christ on earth. This is outrageous blasphemy and mockery! This usurper of the papacy is turning you into corrupt harlots who,
out of fear for their egos and careers, betray Christ, their souls, and drag the masses of deluded Catholics into eternal damnation.
Are laws that criminalize homosexuality unjust?
Quote from The Associated Press: “Pope Francis criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as ‘unjust’…”
Commentary: We ask Francis: If laws criminalize so-called homophobes not only on grounds of their truthful statements, but even on grounds
of mere suspicion that they think critically about LGBTQ people, are these laws just? Is it just that these laws have abolished the
presumption of innocence? An innocent person must defend himself in court against his LGBTQ accuser and prove that he did not in any
way harm him with a single thought. This is a dictatorship worse than fascism.
Is a homosexual act a sin and a crime?
On 25 January 2023, the world media released the latest statements by pseudo Pope Francis in support of LGBTQ people.
Quote by Francis: “Being homosexual is not a crime. Yes, it’s a sin. Well, yes, but let’s make the distinction first between sin and crime.”
Commentary: What everyone understands by the phrase being homosexual is a person who commits the sin of homosexuality.
Bergoglio wants to distinguish between sin and crime, but according to what standard? According to the standard of God’s laws and commandments
that God gave us, or according to the standard of the spirit of the world, which is in rebellion against God and no longer calls a sin a sin
because it promotes the satanization of humanity?
The continental European sabbath – or rampage and lawlessness – of witches and Satanists with episcopal insignia will take place
in Prague on 5-12 February. Their goal is to legalize all LGBTQ sexual perversions. This Bergoglian sect worships the Pachamama demon.
To this day, human sacrifices are offered to this demon, for example in Bolivia. The sect headed by its founder Bergoglio,
who publicly dedicated himself to Satan and demons in 2022 with the assistance of a Canadian sorcerer, promotes the so-called synodal journey.
Its goal is the transformation of the Church of Christ into a global Satan’s New Age anti-Church. It is such a shocking crime against God,
the Church and humanity that an ordinary person, nor even a Catholic priest, is capable of permitting the thought of it. Really,
this is incomprehensible and extremely shocking. Unfortunately, this outrageous crime is a harsh reality.
Dear Czech and Moravian bishops and priests,
you all know that the so-called Continental Assembly of the 2021-2024 Synod on Synodality is scheduled to take place in Prague on 5-12 February.
It will be attended by LGBTQ promoters from 39 European Bishops’ Conferences. Their concelebrated Mass is to be held in the Prague Cathedral
on 8 February at 6 p.m.
Two questions arise:
1) Who is the initiator and promoter of the Synod on Synodality?
2) What is actually the Synod on Synodality?
The initiator and promoter of the so-called synodal journey is the so-called Pope Francis. Who is Francis Bergoglio? It must be known
that he is a manifest heretic, that is, an invalid Pope. No one must submit to him or obey him, otherwise they incur the curse of God
that is upon him. Throughout his invalid pontificate, Bergoglio has manifested himself in gestures and words as a great propagator of
sodomy and paganism.
Dear bishops and priests,
are you aware of the reality in which the present-day Catholic Church finds itself? Let us take a look at four options.
Option A
If you maintain Bergoglio’s ecclesiastical structure, you will promote a suicidal agenda through the synodal journey, and that
is a crime and a gross abuse of obedience. Bergoglio is guilty of the greatest fraud and evil in the history of the Church!
There have always been weeds, but the healthy core prevailed. Repentant sinners had something to come back to. After the so-called
synodal process is concluded, there will be nothing to return to, because the healthy core will have been completely destroyed by then.
The Spirit of God will be completely expelled from this Vatican structure and only the spirit of Bergoglianism and Satanism will remain.
The Bergoglian Anti-Church sweeps the multitudes to destruction.
Dear Bishops of Europe,
as you know, the pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio has arranged for you, or rather for the presidents of your bishops’ conferences, a fatal meeting
in Prague as part of the so-called continental stage of Synod on Synodality. With this lofty name, he disguises the Church’s blasphemous
legalization of LGBTQ sexual perversions. It is an open rebellion against God and God’s laws, which calls down temporal and eternal
fire (see Jud 1:7; 2Pe 2:6). Ipso facto, the participants of the Prague LGBTQ sabbath incur God’s anathema – exclusion from the
Church according to Gal 1:8-9. An even greater tragedy is that this curse, precisely due to the participation of the president
of the bishops’ conference, falls on the entire local Church and the entire nation. It is therefore your duty to prevent him
from committing this crime. If he nevertheless goes to Prague, make it public in a pastoral letter that he is under an anathema,
and elect a new president. This is the only way to avert the curse which he brings down either out of fear or false obedience
or perhaps because of his own immorality.
Man does not only have the material side, which he receives through his father and mother. Man is essentially a spiritual being.
God created man by using matter – the dust of the ground – and breathed His spirit into him. Man became a living soul, i.e. a mental,
thinking being, unlike animals (comp. Gen 1-3).
Original sin, a spiritual poison, entered the soul of man through the violation of God’s commandment. Man became guilty of disobeying God,
the Supreme Being. At the same time, he opened himself to another spiritual being, the devil.
Word of Life – Mt 7:1-2 (22/1/2023 – 5/2/2023)
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”
There have been criminal attempts to produce human beings in an artificial womb. The mother is no longer needed in this process. This shocking experiment,
called ectogenesis, results in the degradation of human nature. This technology overrides the natural law of the transmission of human life given by the
Creator Himself. The legal, ethical and moral principles prevent the full development of the criminal production of children.
Catechism (CCC) Art. 2274: “The embryo must be treated from conception as a person.”
CCC Art. 2275: “Certain attempts to influence chromosomic or genetic inheritance … are contrary to the personal dignity of the human being and his
integrity and identity which are unique and unrepeatable.”
Tomáš Halík and Mr Hríb make regularly a Pod lampou promotional podcast, in which Halík influences Slovakia with his heresies and heretical spirit.
Slovak students flock to hear Halík’s sermons in Prague and to consult him. He mystifies them with a new view of a plurality of images of God. He makes
a mockery of the last remnants of true, traditional faith and makes them active propagators of his pseudo-spirituality.
Already in 2016, we provided a critical analysis of his manipulations and heresies, and now only briefly about the November Pod lampou podcast.
Archbishop Jan Paweł Lenga. Pope Francis put it plainly: “I am a Communist, and so too is Jesus.”
Word of Life – Mt 6:34 (8/1/2023 – 22/1/2023)
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Focusing on the future and trying to solve tomorrow or the more distant future and therefore not putting effort into making the most of today
is the wrong way. Thus, in a given situation, we do not do what we are supposed to do, i.e. what is God’s will for us, but we waste mental energy
on worrying that robs us of peace. All our activities will come to an end one day. And when the last day of our life comes, we will have to give
an account of our whole life before God. And so ask yourself: Where was Jesus today? He was here, He is with us always, but where were you? True
wisdom is to unite our cross, our problem, to the cross of Christ and offer it to God as a living and holy sacrifice, even in the smallest matters.
This is what holiness is about and this is also the essence of redeeming the time.
In a recent interview with the media, Cardinal Walter Kasper stated: “Such a process of transformation cannot be achieved overnight; it takes time,
a little like taking a long breath. This cannot be done in a single pontificate; it will take two or three.”
What into does Card. Kasper and other of his ilk want to transform the Church? The current Church’s legalization of idolatry and LGBTQ perversion signals
the already visible transformation of the Church into a New Age satanic anti-Church. How is it going to happen? Through the so-called synodal process.
Bergoglio ostentatiously makes concrete steps of transformation when he publicly worships demons. He enthroned the Pachamama demon, and in Canada
he had himself publicly dedicated by a shaman to other demons as well.
“The devil is a liar and a murderer.” (Jn 8:44)
“And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his ministers also
transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works!” (2Cor 11:14-15) Their end will be in hell!
“Outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practises a lie.” (Rev 22:15)
Who does the Internet, Google, social networks and mass media serve? The Spirit of truth or spirit of lies?
The creators of social media say that publishing the truth is boring for people. People want to hear lies. They have publicly admitted
that this is why the ratio of truth to lies in the media is 1:6. Those, however, who have received the lie as their own consider it the
truth and do not want to admit that they have been deceived. Moreover, they even spread this lie as the truth. Today’s mainstream media,
and especially the Internet, is controlled by those who serve the spirit of lies and death. The entire current antichristian system is built on a lie.
Word of Life – Mt 6:33 (25/12/2022 – 8/1/2023)
“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Many LGBTQ promoters refer to the Catechism, namely Articles 2358-59. There are really misleading formulations in these Articles
of the Catechism that open the door to the spread of an amoral infection. They must be deleted from the Catechism, because they promote false teaching –
a false gospel, which, according to the Word of God, carries the punishment of an anathema, that is, expulsion from Christ’s Church and a curse (Gal 1:8-9).
The spiritual roots of the Catechism
In the introduction to the Catechism, John Paul II writes: “In 1986, I entrusted a commission of twelve Cardinals and Bishops, chaired by
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, with the task of preparing a draft of the catechism requested by the Synod Fathers. An editorial committee
of seven diocesan Bishops, experts in theology and catechesis, assisted the commission in its work.”
Dear bishops and priests of Poland,
you have studied Catholic theology and you know that a manifest heretic cannot be a valid Pope. Not long ago, the former Prefect
of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Müller, also voiced this publicly: “A heretical Pope (ipso facto)
loses his office, i.e. his disagreement with revelation and dogmatic teaching is evident.”
Bergoglio’s disagreement with revelation and dogmatic teaching is evident; in other words, Francis is an invalid Pope and, being
a heretic, he has lost his office.
Word of Life – Mt 6:24 (11/12/2022 – 25/12/2022)
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon.”
Consecration is a profound mystery that the Triune God performs, and the priest participates in it through his priestly anointing.
Jesus instituted His bloodless sacrifice on Mount Zion in Jerusalem and commanded the Apostles to offer it for the forgiveness of sins.
On the next day after its institution, Jesus, the Son of God and the spotless Lamb, completed the atoning sacrifice for our sins by His death on the cross.
In the Eastern liturgy, the words of Christ spoken on Mount Zion are regarded as the words of Institution. Here the Consecration culminates
in the Epiclesis, where the priest explicitly asks the Heavenly Father to perform the Consecration Himself. It is similar in the Latin Mass
(in the Roman Canon): “Be pleased, O God, we pray, to bless, acknowledge and approve this offering in every respect; … so that it may become
for us the Body and Blood of Your most beloved Son...”
Word of Life – Mt 6:22 (27/11/2022 – 11/12/2022)
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.”
If you have bad eyes, or your eyesight is failing, you suffer. If you lose your sight, you are in complete darkness and see nothing of the material world.
A particular kind of look or facial expression may reflect an inner harmony or disharmony. A gloomy face, an evil look, an envious or lustful eye conveys
sin and disharmony or spiritual bondage that enslaves man.
Nowadays, with the help of so-called modern psychologies, even the greatest criminal can easily create an artificial smile or pretend kindness,
but it is unnatural and fake. Sooner or later it will be unmasked.
We have three kinds of sight or eyes – physical, mental and spiritual. With our physical eyes we see the material world. Mental sight is our reason
and we can use it to discover the invisible realities, such as abstract, mathematical or even logical truths. In the light of reason,
we can also recognize moral laws, which are reflected in the sphere of mutual relationships.
On Sunday, 13 November 2022, Francis Bergoglio delivered a sermon for the World Day of the Poor. He used his usual charismatic expression:
“… especially the poor, in whose face, in whose history, in whose wounds, we encounter Jesus. He told us so. Let us never forget it.”
These words are alarming, impressive and touch the human heart. The pseudo Pope, however, is not concerned with the poor at all. On the contrary,
he is in ideological unity with Klaus Schwab, who strives for the mass impoverishment of humanity. He also makes friends with those who view man
as an unwanted parasite exploiting so-called Mother Earth. For her sake, as they say, these pests need to be reduced to a minimum.
Bergoglio’s actions and the spirit he brings reveal that he does not serve God but the devil. He promotes immorality, sodomy and paganism not
only theoretically but by idolatrous acts. He has committed himself to the devil under the guidance of a shaman in Canada, has enthroned the
Pachamama demon in St Peter’s Basilica... Bergoglio has chosen the method of alternating these devilish deeds with highly spiritual preaching,
thus deceiving Catholics into following him in heresy and sin. Moreover, he counts on the mentality of the Catholic faithful who trustingly
submit to him as the true Holy Father.
Psychological and spiritual warfare begins when two people hate each other. Every form of war has not only a horizontal but also a vertical
dimension, behind which is rebellion against God and rejection of His laws and commandments. This rebellion has its origin in the spirit of lies
and evil. The source of evil in us, i.e. original sin, suppresses the awareness of truth and our conscience, which is the voice of God in the
heart of man. The very fact that a person separates himself from God – the vertical – through sin has a negative impact on the horizontal
as well, that is, on the relationship with another person. This is the cause of every war and every evil that has ever been committed
by mankind. The Bible gives us an illustrative example in the description of the first fratricide. Cain first turned away from God,
and then was filled with envy and jealousy of his brother. His holding onto hateful thoughts and the resulting emotions eventually
led him to kill his brother. We see that sin is rooted in the heart of man rather than in the evil deed itself, such as murder,
adultery or the killing of an unborn child, revenge, theft, etc., which is only the consequence of it. We must therefore stand
in the truth, in the light of God, in the vertical, in order to realize self-deception in our thinking and to admit it to ourselves
and to God, or even to people. This paralyzes its negative charge, which otherwise causes suffering both to us and others.
This standing in the light of truth, or repentance, is our life’s necessity.
There is currently a psychological and spiritual war going on worldwide. This war is not primarily a war of armies, a war of people,
but a war of the spirit. This war is primarily in the human mind. We can therefore talk about the realm of ideas, that is, about ideology.
Our minds are influenced by spiritual forces, both positive and negative, that is, angels and demons.
In his recent speech, a certain President has pointed to the satanic nature of Western civilization when he mentioned the Satanism associated
with gender propaganda and gender reassignment.
A hidden being, the devil, inspires those who have fallen away from God and rejected both natural and divine laws. Today, they are mainly
represented by a worldwide semi-secret elite organization. The Bible testifies that the spiritual battle is fought with the demonic forces
of fallen angels who exercise their world domination in space (see Eph 6:12). However, if we are in inner union with the Son of God and our Saviour,
we have power even over the spiritual forces of evil (Lk 10:19).
Auxiliary Bishop Schneider has written a misleading analysis that purposefully confuses Catholics under the title “The Correct Meaning
of Obedience to the Pope”. He uses pious phrases with the aim of making the faithful submit to the invalid Pope not only outwardly but
also inwardly. Not a word is mentioned about the supreme act of Bergoglio’s apostasy, namely his public dedication to demons and Satan
in Canada. A shaman invoked demons while blowing a wild turkey bone whistle. Bergoglio then put his hand on his heart as a sign of
receiving the demons. As a manifest idolater and heretic, Bergoglio has excluded himself from the Catholic Church according to Gal 1:8-9
and according to the Dogmatic Bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio.
Word of Life – Mt 6:20-21 (13/11/2022 – 27/11/2022)
“Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.”
On 27 October 2022, the Vatican published the Working Document of the Continental Stage of the Synodal Journey.
Quote from the document, Pt. 39: “Among those who ask for a more meaningful dialogue and a more welcoming space we also find those who,
for various reasons, feel a tension between belonging to the Church and their own loving relationships, such as: … people living
in a polygamous marriage, LGBTQ people, etc.”
Commentary: First of all, it is not about a more meaningful dialogue, but quite the opposite. LGBTQ people are said to feel a tension
between belonging to the Church and their own loving relationships. What the document calls a tension is actually the incompatibility
of the saving mission of the Church with the impenitence of man in grave sin. Sin will never be in harmony with the way of salvation.
There is and always will be a tension here. You cannot go to heaven and hell at the same time.
Word of Life – Mt 6:19 (30/10/2022 – 13/11/2022)
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.”
Our nature corrupted by original sin is not concerned with treasures in heaven, where rust does not destroy and where thieves do not steal,
but rather is inclined to materialism. It believes material things will provide for our future, and it even indulges the pride of life
and looks down on the “have-nots”. Jesus says in the parable of the rich fool who wanted to pull down his barns and build greater:
“You fool! This very night your soul will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?”
Naturally, such people are not mindful of death or the end. Finally, in time of serious illness, and especially in the hour of death,
they receive quite a shock. They may even keep the Christian faith, but if their heart clings to possessions,
they will hardly get rid of the demon of mammon at the hour of death. Jesus says clearly: “You cannot serve God and mammon.”
Any bishop or priest who abuses church authority and promotes sodomy brings down on himself ipso facto God’s curse and expulsion from
the Church for preaching a false gospel, i.e. unbiblical church teaching (cf. Gal 1:8).
“The earth is defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting
covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth
are burned, and few men are left.” (Isa 24:5-6)
We know that God’s threats in the past were averted when the people repented. But if the present-day Church refuses to repent,
Jesus says: “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3)
Globally, the last several decades have been marked by efforts to legalize sexual deviations and their privileging in society.
In view of this, laws are being changed and opponents are being punished with up to three years in prison, if they only promote a healthy
family and reject these perversions in accordance with the Bible and natural morality. Students are being brainwashed with lies about the
stigmatization of LGBT people, though in reality the opposite is true. LGBT supporters are extremely aggressive and the NWO globalist
ideology is using them to discriminate against society, especially against true Christians. They have established a schedule of annual
gay prides, which they have forcibly pushed directly into the capitals of individual states. These gay prides aim to change public
opinion and subsequently change legislation so that deviants are privileged and normal people are punished as homophobes.
In spiritual terms, gay pride propaganda is intended to bring a curse on individual nations, which will result in their
satanization and moral and physical autogenocide.
Word of Life – Mt 6:14 (16/10/2022 – 30/10/2022)
“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
There are people who say: “I can’t get rid of the feeling of guilt. I just can’t believe that God has really forgiven me. I’ve confessed my
sins, but the feeling of guilt persists.” The reason why the soul is restless and unsure of forgiveness is that a person does not forgive others
their minor trespasses and is left with a feeling of bitterness. Some people say: “I forgive, but I don’t forget.” Some women are particularly
prone to think this way. It actually means that they do not forgive at all, but rather remain bitter and resentful. Why is that so? Because they
are self-centred, guided by their pride and emotions. They lack true biblical faith that looks to God, and refuse to admit the frightful reality
that living in a state of unforgiveness leads them to hell. This false faith practically sets aside genuine repentance and genuine self-criticism.
However, Jesus says that we should not only forgive our debtors, but we should be the first to go and ask their forgiveness: “Go first and be
reconciled with your brother.” If your brother refuses to be reconciled, God does see your clear gesture of forgiveness, even your self-humiliation,
and this is precious in His sight. You thus redeem a good part of your purgatory in this life.
Dear Bishops Emeriti,
the youngest of you have crossed the age of 75, the eldest 90. You know neither the day nor the hour. You will soon face death, God’s judgment,
and then heaven or hell. Today, when pseudo Pope Bergoglio abolishes the basic truths of faith and morality, God expects you to stand up clearly
and decisively for the teachings of Christ as true confessors, or even martyrs. You have nothing to lose in these hard times. Bergoglio cannot
punish you in any way; he can only punish those who still hold church office. They can perhaps delude themselves: “I must keep my mouth shut,
and keep silent about the terrible crimes, because Bergoglio and his sect would immediately strip me of my office and vilify me in the mass
media, as has already happened to many others.” To take this attitude at a time when it is necessary to bear witness to Christ is a betrayal.
Many bishops today do not have at heart the salvation of souls and faithfulness to Christ, but rather their own career. Jesus clearly said:
“Whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” (Mt 10:33)
Dear brother and sister in Christ,
God is waiting for your obedience of faith to liberate America, Russia and Europe from mountains of demons. Demonic forces today
control the thinking of people who have trampled on God’s laws, suppressed their conscience, and serve the spirit of lies and death.
An army with the most modern weapons is not enough against Satan and his demons; they can only be overcome by the almighty power of God.
It is here that biblical faith is decisive which unites us to the holy name of God – Jesus (Yehoshua). Our Savior promised:
“If you say to this mountain (specifically, the mountain of demons): ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and if you do not
doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will happen, it will be done for you.” (Mk 11:23)
We have previously encouraged you, the Christians of the USA, to establish prayer watches and thereby create continuous prayer.
Use the following prayer during your prayer watches. You can also practice it in faith during the Holy Hour from 8 to 9 p.m.
Part 1
● Act of repentance
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Our sins proceed from the source of evil in us,
original sin. Therefore, each of us now acknowledges: I am an egoist who does not seek the will of God, but my own.
I am a hedonist who seeks pleasure even at the cost of sin. I am a critic who condemns others, but I refuse to see or admit my fault.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Lord, have mercy! Christ, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy!
Word of Life – Mt 6:6 (2/10/2022 – 16/10/2022)
“When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Jesus continues in verse 7: “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases like pagans, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.
Do not be like them…”
Jesus then tells us how to pray, and teaches us the Our Father (vv.9-13).
The word of life assures us: “… your Father (God) who sees in secret will reward you.” Verse 8 adds: “For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”
Prayer requires favourable conditions. One of them is to go into your room and shut the door, that is, to quieten your heart and not be immersed in your plans
or worries. Today, the Internet, mass media, mobile phones, and thus constant communication with people, are major obstacles to silence of heart. There is no
need to go into your room for such communication. But if you are to communicate with God, this requires outward separation from the world, but also inward
silence of thoughts. It is important not to remain under the weight of the problem that you want to bring to God, but to keep focused on God’s presence.
The Word of God says: “If anyone, even an angel from heaven, preaches any other gospel, let him be accursed, excluded.” (Gal 1:8-9)
The Gospel of Christ leads to salvation. The pseudo gospel of antichrist leads to eternal damnation in hell.
On 20 September, Cardinal Josef De Kesel and four Bishops of Belgium committed a grave crime of rebellion against God.
They authorized a kind of pseudo sacrament which legalizes the grave sin of sodomy. They have thus excluded themselves from the Church of Christ. They
1) abused the office of a bishop;
2) caused public outrage and set a pernicious precedent;
3) renounced God, His laws and commandments;
4) deprived sinners of the chance of repentance and salvation by legalizing grave sin and the path of impenitence.
Word of Life – Mt 6:3 (18/9/2022 – 2/10/2022)
“But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
In connection with this statement, Jesus says: “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you
have no reward from your Father in heaven.” And next, Jesus explains: “Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before
you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.”
(Mt 6:1-2) And He continues: “But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable
deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.” So, Jesus emphasizes that we should not seek recognition,
or even glory, from people. If we apply this counsel of Christ, we are spared many disappointments. Jesus points out that we should do good deeds
in secret with the motivation to please God. In addition, it is true that we thus store up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust
do not destroy them and thieves do not steal them. Such motivation requires faith. This involves sacrifice, and you can even expect that people
will slander and discredit you for that. But you have all the more credit with God if you endure all this out of love for Him.
The final 35-paragraph document of the Congress in Kazakhstan is a kind of magna charter of the New Age world religion. It was adopted by
Francis Bergoglio together with numerous members of the world Masonic brotherhood participating in the Congress.
Citation: “We, the participants of the VII Congress – spiritual leaders of world and traditional religions, politicians, heads of international
organizations, guided by our shared desire for a prosperous world...”
Politicians and heads of international organizations, i.e. present-day Masons, have also joined this globalist religion. These leaders are not
guided by a desire for the salvation of immortal souls, but rather for a prosperous world. In fact, it is not even about prosperity, because
in the coming days we can expect the pre-planned “great reset”, i.e. the opposite of prosperity. The other statements of the final document
also contain many fraudulent manipulations that lead to the tragic end of the individual and humanity.
God’s attitude is in direct contrast to the current attitudes of many prelates. German Bishop Dieser publicly stated: “Homosexuality is not a sin.
Homosexuality is not a glitch on God’s part, but is willed by God to the same extent as creation itself: ‘He (God) saw that it was good,’ as we read
in the story of creation.” Dieser’s interpretation of the Bible is a gross lie! Homosexuality is a sin and is therefore not willed by God in any way.
God did not create it; He calls it an abomination and punished Sodom and Gomorrah for this sin.
God warns through the Apostle Peter: “He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by burning them to ashes, and made them an example
of what is going to happen to the ungodly.” (2Pe 2:6) A similar warning from God to mankind was also given through the Apostle Jude: “In a similar way,
Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the
punishment of eternal fire.” (Jude 1:7) So, God punishes the sin of sodomy not only with temporary, but mainly with eternal fire! That is why He
urgently warns against this grave sin.
What is the purpose of the papacy in the Church? God’s intention is to protect the foundations of faith and morals. If the Pope and the papacy
do the opposite, it is a suicide for the Church. Today we are witnessing this spiritual suicide.
Francis Bergoglio will participate as an official, but in fact invalid, representative of the Catholic Church at the Congress of Religious Leaders
in Kazakhstan on 13-15 September 2022. These meetings with pagan leaders started in Assisi in 1986. Since then, these meetings have been held at
certain intervals all over the world. When for the first time John Paul II invited pagan leaders to participate in so-called prayers for peace
in Assisi, he referred to the fact that he was only implementing the spirit of Vatican II, specifically the Nostra Aetate declaration on
so-called respect for other religions, de facto on respect for their demons too. So now Francis is just bringing to ripeness the spirit
of Vatican II, which made a radical spiritual change and undermined the first and greatest commandment saying: “I am the Lord your God,
a jealous God. You shall have no other gods. You shall not bow down to them (worship them).”
Part 3: Hinduism
In part one, we mentioned Christianity, then, in part two, Buddhism, and now, in part three, we will talk about Hinduism and interreligious dialogue.
Hinduism is a pagan religion which worships animals as gods. It holds a belief in reincarnation, i.e. transmigration of a human into another body,
even into the body of an animal, including snakes and insects. Hinduism has a caste system in which the Dalits are of lesser value than an animal
or insect! Because of reincarnation Hindus must not kill mosquitoes or rats. On the other hand, however, groups of Hindus attacked Christian
villages and killed the inhabitants. This was a concrete example of so-called Hindu “nonviolence” which Gandhi’s admirers keep silent on.
Part 2: Buddhism
In part one, we talked about the essence of Christianity, now briefly about Buddhism.
Buddhists themselves agree with the characterization of Buddhism, which says that Buddhism is a religion without God worshipping a multitude of deities.
Buddhism radically rejects God, the Creator of the world. The ideal of Buddhism is the complete destruction of the world, and above all the destruction
of personal existence – self-destruction. This is what mass chipping is heading towards today.
Woman, as the bearer of new life, is hated in Buddhism, which aims at the destruction of life. No religion is as hostile and dismissive of women as Buddhism.
In the whole mass of its legends, Buddhism does not cease to depict woman as something abominable.
Buddhism also has a completely negative attitude towards agriculture, saying that “nothing kills insects so much as farming”.
Part 1: The essence of Christianity
Dear participants of the VII Congress of so-called world religions!
Many Christians and non-Christians ask themselves the question: What is the meaning and purpose of these meetings? When you meet,
it seems a matter of course that everyone will briefly explain the essence of their faith. This year, the meeting will also be
attended by the invalid Pope Francis Bergoglio, who has excluded himself from the Catholic Church by reason of his antigospel (Gal 1:8-9)
and therefore cannot be its true head. So as orthodox Catholics, we will briefly present the fundamental truths of Christianity to all of you,
the participants of the meeting, instead of him.
Word of Life – Mt 5:44 (4/9/2022 – 18/9/2022)
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who
spitefully use you and persecute you.”
Jesus tells us what our relationship should be to our enemies:
1) we are to love them;
2) to bless those who curse us;
3) to do good to those who hate us;
4) to pray for those who spitefully use us and persecute us.
Each of these four requirements may seem absurd at first glance and give the impression that by fulfilling them we open the door for evil to spread
through evil people. The world has different standards, which are contrary to Christ’s requirements:
1) Instead of love for enemies, it automatically stirs up hatred or enmity.
2) Instead of blessing those who curse, it wishes at best that the curse they call down falls on their heads.
3) Instead of doing good to those who hate, it returns evil for evil and feels malicious joy when they suffer harm.
4) Instead of praying for those who spitefully use and persecute us, its prayer is perhaps one springing from self-pity, so that the enemies realize
the wrong they are doing and make amends.
The Church has a primary duty to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. It is to lead souls through repentance to salvation
in the power of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of truth. The Second Vatican Council boycotted this foundation. Heretical
theologians were appointed as moderators of the Council. They pushed for the spirit of Modernism, which had already been
condemned by St Pius X at the beginning of the 20th century. By use of the historical-critical method, Modernism questions
Jesus Christ as the only Saviour, His real and historical resurrection, as well as the divine inspiration of Scripture. It
craftily uses ambiguous terms to question the truths of faith.
The inherited source of lies and evil in man
There are two powerful means to deliver a person from the power of lies and evil, which is part of the human ego and the legacy
of the original sin. They are interior prayer and koinonia. Out of the source of evil in the heart of man, or out of the spiritual
seed of the hellish serpent, which receives inspirations from Satan and demons, came all the evil in the history of mankind, all
crimes, wars, murders, abuses and atrocities. This source of evil in man, which currently leads the individual and mankind to
genocide, suppresses conscience and blinds reason to the point of total debility, so that no one knows anymore that a man is
a man and a woman is a woman. This goes hand in hand with demonic possession. The source of evil in the soul, under the guise
of so-called one’s own interest or one’s own truth, drags man to eternal damnation in hell. This program is part of original
sin – the so-called old self.
Dear priests, bear in mind your calling by God and the importance of your inner relationship to God in a time of catastrophic
apostasy from Christ.
We live in a time of mass killing of unborn children, in a time of loss of conscience and often reason, in a time of strong
manipulation by the mainstream media. We know about the plan of depopulation, or annihilation of mankind, to achieve a so-called
golden billion. Purposeful steps are being taken to achieve this. Many people become totally addicted to manipulative smartphones.
Some give them several hours of their time every day. As a result, this whole pseudo culture destroys true faith and true Christian
life, and diverts the masses, including lukewarm Christians, onto the broad path that leads to destruction.
On 13-15 September 2022, the apostate Pope is to attend a Congress with the participation of pagan leaders.
“... they worshipped an idol cast from metal. They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass. They forgot the God who
saved them.” (Psa 106:19-21) Not only then, but also today, the highest hierarchy headed by pseudo Pope Bergoglio worship pagan idols.
They promote so-called ecological conversion, which is in essence conversion to territorial demons and connection with them. They
foolishly exchange their Glory, which is in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, for an image of pagan idols, such as the Pachamama demon.
To this day, the Pachamama demon is worshipped in Bolivia or other South American countries by being offered sacrifices, for example
when building a house. If it is a small house, a baby llama is enough for Pachamama, but if it is a large house, the shaman intoxicates
an inexperienced stranger or another human victim and then buries him alive in the foundations. This practice is also common in Tibet
when Buddhist monks build their monasteries.
Word of Life – Matt. 5:38-39 (21/8/2022 – 4/9/2022)
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on
your right cheek, turn the other to him also.”
This quote cannot be taken out of context; otherwise we would reach the wrong conclusions. The given principle applies to cases where it is
necessary to prevent an avalanche of revenge. The fact is that when a person is harmed, he automatically seeks revenge, regardless of whether he
himself provoked the offensive reaction or was harmed unjustly. This response, the will to revenge, proceeds from corrupt human nature. Rather than
respect the principles of justice, a person is carried away by the spirit of anger and hatred. He burns with a desire to knock out all teeth for one
tooth and two eyes for one eye. He will pay back in spades and not allow for forgiveness. Sometimes it goes so far that he takes revenge even on the
offspring of the one who hurt him. This automatism of revenge coming out of the old self within us takes no account of God, our own guilt before God,
or the reality of God’s just judgment and eternity.
Part 1: Sabbatical year, information
Part 2: Sabbatical year and prayer
Part 3: Sabbatical year and koinonia
Part 1: Sabbatical year, information
The Lord gave His laws and commandments to the chosen people through Moses. They were to be applied to the life in general, not only to the religious life,
but also to the social life. Many of these laws are incomprehensible to us and some were figures, such as animal sacrifices for the sins of the people.
This foreshadowed Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the cross for our sins. God, through Moses, commands to celebrate feasts every year. Some of these
feasts were preserved but assumed an entirely new meaning. For example, Easter puts Christ’s redeeming death and glorious resurrection into the center,
Pentecost – descent of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification of the seventh day moved from Saturday to Sunday. Thus, we are asking: how should we implement a
sabbatical year in accordance with God’s will?
Schedule for the priests taking a sabbatical year:
• 6-7am Interior prayer
• Holy Mass
• Breakfast
• 9-10am Interior prayer
• (15-30 minutes of sharing after prayer)
• 11-12am Interior prayer
• (15-30 minutes of sharing after prayer)
Word of Life – Gen. 4:7 (7/8/2022 – 21/8/2022)
“If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”
The Lord spoke these words to Cain before he committed fratricide. Why did he commit fratricide? Because his heart was filled with envy at his brother
Abel, who was righteous before God and offered God-pleasing sacrifices of his first-born sheep. Cain, on the other hand, was an egoist and had no good
relationship either to God or his brother. He reproached God for not hearing his insincere prayers from a heart full of jealousy, resentment, even hatred,
which he felt towards his brother, and for no reason at all. The Lord says that it is not enough just to be passive, but we should do well both to God and
to our brethren. If we do not do well, God warns us that sin lies at the door of our soul and seeks to blind us and dominate us like it did with Cain. That
is why God commands us: You should rule over sin and not be its slave. You should not listen to deceitful inspirations or false feelings of envy or anger,
but you should repent, that is, cut off these thoughts and feelings. What is more, you should overcome these feelings of self-pity or resentment towards
your brother and take the first step towards reconciliation, as Jesus counsels in the Gospel when He says: “If your brother has something against you,
first go and be reconciled to your brother.”
Paganism does not worship the true God, but demons and the devil. God’s Word says: “What pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to
God.” (1Co 10:20) Paganism is connected with the denial of God the Creator and with the rejection of God’s laws and commandments.
Pagan cults, worshipping the spiritual forces of evil, deify animals. E.g. Hinduism regards the cow as sacred.
The invasion of neo-paganism began in the time of the Second Vatican Council. Yoga began to be popularized in Christian territories as a
seemingly innocent form of gymnastics. But in reality, yoga is a part of pagan Hinduism. Hinduism professes belief in the heresy of reincarnation,
which contradicts the fundamental truths of Christianity.
Bergoglio publicly promotes a pagan ritual – the invoking of demons in a smudging ceremony – and literally introduces it into Catholic churches!
This desecration of a church is hypocritically called purification! He is carrying out his plan outlined at the so-called Amazon Synod. It was there
that he prepared the introduction of pagan, i.e. satanic, elements and practices into the liturgy. This is the height of blasphemy, a sin against the
first commandment and the de facto removal of the perpetual sacrifice, which the prophet Daniel warns against and which Jesus reminds us of a few days
before His redemptive death (Mt 24:16).
Quote from the media: “During his visit to Canada, Pope Francis is scheduled to partake in pagan ceremonies with indigenous peoples.”
Commentary: Bergoglio brought down a curse by enthroning the Pachamama demon, thus setting the stage for the first pandemic associated with
experimental transgenic vaccination. Now, when there is another looming pandemic on the horizon, he is quite openly making an apostate gesture
again by his immediate participation in a pagan ritual. Once again, he brings down a curse, knowingly turning away God’s protection from mankind!
Bergoglio’s tour of several days in Canada had one main goal: to make a breakthrough in the public opinion in the Catholic Church, namely that
the worship and invocation of demons, opening up to them and dedication to them is completely on the same or even higher level than the worship
of the true and only God. Bergoglio seeks to remove the First Commandment which says: “I am the Lord your God … You shall have no other gods besides
Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above (i.e. birds) or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them.” (Exo 20:1-5) The Apostle of the nations warns against paganism: “Although they claimed to be wise,
they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator.” (Rom 1:22-23.25)
We are witnessing a shocking event. The Vatican has started minting €20 coins to the glory of the vaccination of children! One side of the coin
shows the coat of arms of Francis. The other side represents two persons and a boy ready to receive an injection, the three people wearing masks over
their mouths. We can observe a crucifix hanging in the background suggesting that it is a Christian vaccination centre. This association of the Vatican
with vaccine policy is shocking.
Pseudo Pope Francis is a fervent defender of vaccination against Covid. He was the first European state representative to institute the dismissal of
unvaccinated employees.
This caricature printed on the 20 euro coin – man, woman and child – refers directly to the Holy Family. The pseudo Pope thus aims his vaccine
propaganda at families to encourage them to have their children vaccinated! Would Mary and Joseph have Jesus vaccinated with an experimental
and toxic product? No, never! Would they take the risk of killing Jesus? In NO way would they take the risk!
King Solomon fell away from the Lord and committed idolatry. He offered sacrifices to the loathsome idols of Chemosh and Molech. Because of this,
God allowed the division of the nation. King Jeroboam then introduced an idolatrous system in Israel at Bethel. The Israelites made offerings to a
golden calf in the desert, and two calves at Bethel. God punished the king and the nation for this idolatry with suffering and wars. Many kings were
condemned by God for their passivity in not removing the idolatrous ways of Jeroboam. It is written about King Omri and others: “They walked in all
the ways of Jeroboam and in his sins by which he had made Israel sin.” (1Ki 16:26)
In 1983, John Paul II confirmed the changes in the Code, thereby receiving Freemasons into the Church. There are many of them especially in Italy.
The abolition of the church excommunication was a crime not only against the Church, but also against the Freemasons themselves. John Paul II thereby
prevented them from entering on the path of true repentance, i.e. eternal salvation. Many Masons live in the delusion that they can now consider
themselves Catholics, even though they sold their souls to the devil in the Masonic initiation ceremony. In fact, they should even be denied a
Catholic burial. Today, the Freemasons control the Vatican primarily through their confidant, the pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio.
Word of Life – Mt 5:32 (24/7/2022 – 7/8/2022)
“But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries
the divorced woman commits adultery.”
At the time of Jesus, marriage was not yet a sacrament, which is why, as we know, for example, King David had several wives.
In this verse, which refers to the indissolubility of marriage, Jesus points to the Old Testament practice where it was said:
Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce. But Jesus says: But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife,
except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.
What does the Catholic Catechism say? What is the sacrament of marriage?
The sacrament of matrimony is a sacrament that sanctifies the indissoluble union between a Catholic man and woman and entitles them to special
graces for the due performance of marital duties.
Who instituted marriage?
Marriage was instituted by God in Paradise, and the Lord Jesus elevated it to a sacrament for the baptized.
The most severe ecclesiastical penalty for violation of church discipline is ecclesiastical excommunication, i.e. exclusion from the society of
the Church. But this does not mean that the punished person is excluded from the Mystical Body of Christ. Examples are Saint Joan of Arc, the martyr
Jan Hus or Archbishop Lefebvre. They were excommunicated from the Church, but not anathematized by God.
God did not exclude them from the Mystical Body of Christ. It is proven that Jan Hus never preached heresies. In fact, he was burned at the stake for
seeking a true reform of the priesthood. Joan of Arc was also falsely accused and burned. Similarly, Archbishop Lefebvre was absurdly expelled from the
society of the Church by John Paul II for his faithfulness to the teachings of Christ. Just as Joan of Arc was rehabilitated and canonized at a later time,
so also Jan Hus and Archbishop Lefebvre should be rehabilitated and canonized by the Vatican.
At present, discussion is beginning to develop around the resignation of pseudo Pope Francis. At the same time, there are voices saying that
Benedict XVI is the valid Pope. However, the reality is that the Church is currently in a state of Sede Vacante. The archheretic Bergoglio denies
the basic teachings, which are the condition of our salvation, and breaks moral laws by promoting idolatry and sodomy. Therefore, he cannot be
considered a valid head of the Church! Bishop Schneider and other prelates, however, mistakenly declare him a legitimate Pope.
How to experience the Divine Liturgy (Holy Mass) spiritually
by the faithful who for certain reasons cannot attend the Mass
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became man through the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and, dying on the cross, He redeemed us from eternal
condemnation. The mystery of redemption is closely connected with the Mother of Jesus, whom Jesus gave us as our Mother at the hour of His
death. “Behold, your Mother!” This is His last will and testament from the cross for you too! As the Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
standing by the cross, she experienced the deepest and innermost union with the dying Jesus. She will accompany you through your
spiritual experience of the mystery of the Eucharist – the making present of Christ’s death.
Word of Life – Mt 5:29 (10/7/2022 – 24/7/2022)
“If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole
body to be cast into hell.”
This verse is a continuation of the preceding verse speaking of an impure look, which is the root of the sin of adultery. Jesus gives the
saving instructions in the words “cut it off and cast it from you”. In another place, He says “pluck it out”. It is not about physically cutting
off your hand or foot or plucking out your eye, but rather about making an inner self-denial by cutting off a thought or feeling, that is, a
momentary sensation which can take control of the human mind or will and lead a person to an irresponsible act, sin or even crime.
Let us consider the liturgy from the point of view of spiritual benefit. The condition for a deeper experience of Christ’s Calvary sacrifice
is two moments of silence. One before the Consecration and the other after it.
At the first moment of silence, the priest realizes the spiritual roots of the New Testament priesthood. These go back to the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on the apostles.
The bloodless sacrifice was instituted and the Holy Spirit was given on Mount Zion. Even today, through the sacrament of the priesthood, the Holy
Spirit makes present Christ’s sacrifice on the cross!
The Church was born on Mount Zion on the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, especially in the Prophets, Mount Zion in Jerusalem
is emphasized many times. After Pentecost, the Holy Spirit began to work especially through the sacraments. Christ, as the Son of God who took on
our human nature, paid for our sins with His blood and death. After His resurrection and glorification, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles.
In Holy Baptism, He gives us divine life. Jesus said: “You must be born of water and the Spirit.” (cf. Jn 3:5) From farthest east to farthest west,
the Holy Spirit makes present Christ’s pure offering in the liturgy (Mal 1:11). In the Eastern epiclesis, the priest asks for the sending of the
Holy Spirit not only on the gifts, but also on us, that is, on the priest and the people.
The form of election of the Pope has varied throughout history:
1) The right of designation: The living Pope appointed his successor. An example is the Apostle Peter, who ordained his successors Clement,
Linus and Cletus as the Bishops of Rome. This practice was restored by Pope Symmachus in 499. The designation was practised during the
election of Felix IV (526-530), Boniface II (530-532), Vigilius (537-555).
2) The Pope was elected by the clergy and the people: In his Letter to Antonianus, St Cyprian writes about Pope Cornelius: “He was elected
Pope by the testimony of most of the clergy, by the vote of the people, with the consent of aged priests and of good men.” So the whole
Christian community took part in the election. This was the prevailing practice in the first three centuries.
Life is short. An old proverb says: “God visits suffering upon those whom He loves.” Let us unite our crosses, our afflictions,
e.g. physical suffering or illnesses… with the suffering of Christ. If you are healthy, thank God for that. But then you should
perceive all the more the spiritual cross: injustice caused by the system of the world and sin, spiritual misery and blindness
reigning in the world, blasphemies against God, Jesus being degraded and not loved! We need to see it and cry out to God in prayer.
And if we unite ourselves daily to Jesus crucified, the Lord draws us more and more deeply into the mystery of the cross of Christ.
Seeing that Jesus is not loved fills us with spiritual rather than physical pain. And then, when we become aware of our own betrayals,
that “I do not love You either, my Lord”, tears are not enough for us… My Lord, please grant to me that I may love You, that I may cry out to You!
Quote by Schneider: “The safest guiding principle in the crucial question for the life of the Church regarding the validity of the
papacy of Pope Francis should be the prevailing practice in the history of the Church.”
Response: The safest guiding principle in the crucial question for the life of the Church regarding the validity of the papacy of Pope
Francis is the fact of his public idolatry and specific heretical gestures and statements. They are proof that Bergoglio is a public
idolater, heretic and promoter of sodomy. He has thus brought on himself God’s anathema or, in other words, has excluded himself from
the Church. Therefore, he is an invalid Pope. In the history of the Church, for example, Pope Honorius was posthumously excommunicated
for the heresies of Monotheletism.
Word of Life – Mt 5:27-28 (26/6/2022 – 10/7/2022)
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already
committed adultery with her in his heart.”
On the evening before His death, Jesus emphasized: “Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me.”
Many commandments are part of the Sermon on the Mount, which opens with the eight Beatitudes. Jesus touches on an issue that is
extremely topical today, namely moral purity. He says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” The Lord, through
Moses, gave people the Sixth and Ninth Commandments of the Decalogue. Jesus speaks here as the supreme Lawgiver, saying: “You have
heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you…” When a judge promulgates a law, he does so in the name
of political authority and power, such as a kingdom or republic. Being God, Jesus promulgates moral laws by His own divine authority.
He Himself says that He did not come to destroy but to fulfil the essence of what had already been given by God in the Old Testament
before His coming.
Quote by Card. Müller: “Against all contrived theories ... the statement is impeccable and irrefutable: There is legitimately only one Pope
and his name is Francis.”
Response: Against all contrived theories ... the statement of the Bible – Gal 1:8-9 and of the dogmatic bull “Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio” is
impeccable and irrefutable, namely that a heretic who denies the essential truths of Christ’s teachings and preaches an antigospel is expelled
from the Church. Therefore he cannot be its head. The heretic Bergoglio, who has excluded himself from the Church, is by no means a legitimate Pope.
Part one: Freud, unclean spirit, and the occult
Part two: Freud and perverse thinking
Part three: Hypnosis and “scientific work”
Part one: Freud and an unclean spirit
There have always been people who have committed fornication or adultery. In some cases, they even lived as homosexuals or led some kind of
perverse life. In certain periods of history, immorality and perversion completely prevailed and brought entire cultures to ruins, such as
Sodom and Gomorrah, ancient Greece or the Roman Empire. We live in a time when perversion is being literally legalized and privileged.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is one of the main culprits who paved the way for this mass immorality.
Pseudo Pope Bergoglio said he would not leave until he made irreversible changes.
The essential question is: Is Bergoglio a proper Pope whom Catholics are bound by conscience to obey? He is not! The fact is that he is a heretic who
destroys the foundations of the faith, and therefore no Catholic can obey him! If anyone obeys him, he betrays Christ and His teachings!
Every Catholic must know that according to Gal 1:8-9, Bergoglio is under multiple God’s anathema – curse – for preaching a false gospel and is ipso
facto expelled from the Catholic Church. The fact that he continues to occupy the highest office is because bishops and priests are unable to call
the truth the truth, or a heresy a heresy, and to draw an adequate conclusion from it. They are thus involved in his crime. They even express their
unity with this heretic aloud in the Mass every day and are unable to make even such a small change as to pray silently after the Consecration, as
was the practice in the Latin Mass. By doing so, they would avoid proclaiming unity with the invalid Pope.
Word of Life – Mt 5:22 (12/6/2022 – 26/6/2022)
“But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever
says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.”
The Lord Jesus explains anger with one’s brother in connection with the Fifth Commandment: “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You
shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you...” Jesus speaks here as the divine Lawgiver. He emphasizes: “But I
say to you...” Then He speaks of three degrees of the expression of anger, almost hatred. Firstly, there is the one who is angry and unwilling to forgive.
Jesus says in another place, too, that such a one will not be forgiven – it means that he will be liable to judgment. He who insults his brother will answer
for it. And if anyone spreads malicious slander about his brother and calls him a fool or, in other words, a mentally ill person, with the intention of
morally destroying – killing – him and removing him from social life, he will be liable to the hell of fire.
We must keep guard over our thoughts, our heart and our words, if anyone has a complaint against another. Even a mere half-truth can hurt a lot and, like
slander, can hardly be corrected. However, one must also take into account another aspect, as mentioned by Saint Basil, namely that there are two cases
when it is necessary to publicly point out someone’s negatives without it being considered slander. The first one is when there is a danger of evil being
treated as good. And the other one is the need to correct a sinner.
Word of Life – Rom 8:9 (29/5/2022 – 12/6/2022)
“But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”
What does it mean to be in the flesh, in other words to be carnal, and what does it mean to be in the Spirit, in other words spiritual? To be
in the flesh means to have a carnal mind, which takes seriously neither God nor God’s judgment nor eternity. Scripture says that the works of the flesh
are envy, murders, quarrelling, impurity, sorcery etc.
What does it mean to be in the Spirit? To have our mind most deeply united to the Spirit of God. Then the following applies to us: “The Spirit Himself
bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” (Rom 8:16)
Our spirit is the innermost essence of our being. The human spirit was created by God in His image; it is immortal. Our flesh is mortal. Our being is
spiritual in essence: we are a soul with a spirit clothed in a body. In this earthly life, our body is like a spacesuit that we take off at the hour
of death. We pass through the shortness of time to eternity.
Dear faithful of Puerto Rico,
you have expressed great support for Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres of the Diocese of Arecibo. The invalid Pope Bergoglio, who has uncanonically
removed him from office, had brought on himself multiple anathema, curse, according to Gal 1:8-9 for his gross crimes against God and the Church
(he enthroned the Pachamama demon; he promotes the legalization of sodomite marriage; he criminally imposes the genocidal mRNA vaccination on everyone).
Bishop Daniel was removed after he refused to sign a letter by six bishops who, in false obedience to Bergoglio, demanded mandatory vaccination of the
clergy and Mass only for the vaccinated.
I am going to speak about purity of heart as a 76-year-old monk, after 50 years of priesthood. First, you should know what the Lord Jesus Himself
says about purity of heart. In connection with the danger of sin against purity, He gives an illustrative example about the cutting off of the hand or
foot, and the plucking out of the eye.
When I was sixteen, I read pre-conciliar literature that truthfully clarified this moral sphere. It was the Czech book “Mladý muž se dívá do života”
(A Young Man Looks into Life) by Cardinal Tomášek, “Čistým duším” (To Pure Souls) by Prof Čeněk Tomíšek, “Čisté dospívání” (The Young Man of Character)
by Tihamer Toth, and others. The issue of homosexuality, transsexuality or other sexual deviations was not discussed in the books at all. This problem
did not exist at the time. The books gave perhaps only a brief warning against homosexuality in accordance with the Bible. Sexual immorality was
fundamentally rejected. Immoral films and all pornography were also banned. Young people were warned to avoid the near occasion of sin. Under no
circumstances can one play with this danger.
Michelangelo was about to make a sculpture of Moses. One day a large stone or rather a huge boulder was brought to him. He and his apprentice went to
see it. They walked around it with delight. Michelangelo thought for a while, looking at the stone, and then said: “I see Moses in there.” The apprentice
wondered, saying: “Moses? It’s no Moses; it’s just a stone.” Michelangelo replied: “But I see him there.” “What needs to be done to really have him in there?”
Michelangelo said: “All that is not Moses must be removed.” “And how will it happen?” “Chisel, hammer, and blows. It is blows that give shape.”
Slovakia’s Minister of Health Lengvarsky has signed an “official” guideline on so-called gender reassignment. This blasphemous mockery
of the Creator no longer has to be conditioned by surgery in Slovakia. It is sufficient for gender reassignment if a manipulated applicant
uses hormones for one year. In this way he will undergo a metamorphosis from man to woman or vice versa. We learn from the Gospel that the
Lord Jesus delivered such persons from unclean demons and healed the unfortunates. By no means did He tolerate or privilege those demons.
Catholics have been urged by some activists to bombard the Minister of Health and other politicians with their protest letters. That is
commendable. However, it is necessary to realize that the Minister acts in complete unity with the so-called “our Holy Father Francis”,
who actively promotes gender ideology. The Minister may rightly regard letters from rebellious Catholics, who do not accept the so-called
Holy Father’s programme, as punishable disobedience and Catholic schizophrenia.
Word of Life – Mt 5:20 (15/5/2022 – 29/5/2022)
“For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”
If we want to be honest about love, we need to lay the foundation of righteousness (or justice). Today, people often speak about love.
You can hear this word in every other sentence; however, to many it means anything but true love. Righteousness towards God means to give
Him what belongs to Him – the first place in our life, true worship, submission, and observance of His laws and commandments. Then we are
obliged to practise righteousness towards our neighbours. Here, unfortunately, many Christians, even persons consecrated to God, lack a
proper understanding of righteousness. The current trend is a purely subjective egocentric approach looking to one’s own interests and
rights. The rights and interests of others are mostly ignored. This is the cause of quarrels, hatred, etc. People usually view righteousness
through selfish spectacles of delusion. They demand too much from others, while they themselves have no sense of justice. Apparently the
Pharisees used the same measure: outwardly they appeared to people as a model of piety and of keeping God’s laws; however, Jesus warns
against their righteousness: “Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means
enter the kingdom of heaven.” It is one thing to make mistakes and another to be willing to admit these mistakes, to make amends for
them, and to learn from them.
Feelings can be mental or spiritual. It is hard to discern it. They are somehow intertwined. But, I would say, if you give
yourself wholly to God in prayer, if you give Him your concrete pain, concrete fears which oppress you – e.g. you fear what awaits
you tomorrow or even today, that something bad may happen... Simply, give it to Him and abandon it. Say to Him: “I trust in You.”
or “I love You.” “You know everything. You know that I love You.” Like the Apostle Peter. One day in my life will be the last,
anyway. And God knows which day it will be. I must bear it in mind during my life. So when I stop seven times a day and pray with
my mouth, there should be at least a few seconds of a living faith and love for God. At least a moment. In interior prayer, you
will gradually learn to pray with your heart. It means that you need not reflect on something but you just know that God sees you
and now you open your heart before Him and put everything into His hands.
Word of Life – Jn 21:17 (1/5/2022 – 15/5/2022)
“He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time,
“Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.”
At the Lake of Gennesaret, where Jesus appeared to seven apostles, He asked Peter three times about his relationship to Him. The
Apostle Peter had publicly denied Christ three times with an oath. Although he immediately repented of his denial and wept bitterly,
he lost the office that Jesus had entrusted to him as the head of the apostles, saying, “You are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and on
this rock I will build My church.” (Mt 16) By his denial, Peter ceased to be the rock; his faith and love for the Saviour failed.
Peter did repent of his sin, but he only did so in private. Even though Jesus forgave him, the public guilt and offence required
public satisfaction. How could he remain the head of the apostles if he had publicly renounced Christ with an oath? Jesus therefore
demanded public repentance and public confession of a personal relationship of love – namely, divine love (agape) rather than human
love – when He asked Peter twice about it. The third time Jesus no longer asked Peter if he loved Him with divine love (agape). He
asked him if he loved Him at least with human love (filia). Peter was grieved, and sincerely confessed with sorrow that he did not
love Him with divine love: “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You (with human love only).” Jesus then immediately
spoke of Peter’s martyrdom, which is associated with divine love, agape.
God has the last word
In times of life’s trials, many of you see yourselves in the role of Peter and the other apostles after the death of Jesus. It seems
to you that God has forsaken us and that evil and death celebrate their ultimate triumph. We forget God’s promises like the apostles, and
fear and sorrow steal our faith and trust in these promises. Jesus is the resurrection and the life! He is really with us all the days of
our life, and of your life too. May the angel roll back the stone of unbelief from your heart, and through the tears of repentance you will
hear the voice of Jesus in the depths of your soul and feel His gentle touch bringing you deep peace which the world cannot give. At the hour
of death, which may soon come to some, you will then see His face. Remember, Jesus is with you! Be with Him too. Do not abandon Him! In Him
you have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and in Him you have life, eternal life. The angel also says to you today: “Why do you seek
the living among the dead? He is risen!”
Word of Life – Isa 53:6 (17/4/2022 – 1/5/2022)
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
Today, prayer is especially important, and that is why we need to keep daily prayer stops at around 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, and also
when we get up and before bedtime – that is, seven times in all. We will then have the strength to abandon our own way and follow the
Way, which is Jesus Christ Himself. He said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
It is written that the Lord has laid on Him – Jesus – the iniquity of us all. It says clearly: “all” – that means, both your and my
iniquity. The penalty for our iniquities has been paid. We only need to admit them time and time again, and to learn true self-criticism
and true self-humiliation on the true way of following Christ, and above all to build a personal relationship to Jesus Christ, especially
at every prayer stop when calling on His name and praying to the five wounds: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner!” (5 times)
When praying, we also need to make an act of faith at least for a few seconds, so that our prayer is not just a mindless recitation.
If we walk our own way, we will go astray. If we choose to walk the narrow way, which is Christ, we will safely navigate the shoals of life.
In Him (Christ) we have an assurance of salvation.
Holy Week Thoughts from Patriarch Elijah
It was under Tsarist Russia, about a hundred years ago. In one prison there were two camps of prisoners fighting each other because of a
rebellion. Some of the prisoners were already dead, and the soldiers were just watching and waiting to see what would happen next; they were
afraid themselves. Then they called a priest. The priest begged the leader of one of the two camps to stop the fighting. He did. Then the
priest asked the leader of the other camp to do the same, but he refused. He was a notorious criminal who spent many years in prisons. All
prisoners were afraid of him. They called him “The Sakhaliner”. How did he become involved in crime? He studied at a grammar school, then at
a university. It was under Tsarist Russia, so he came from a rich family. He was wrongfully sentenced to three months in prison. Fuelled by
hatred, he committed ever greater crimes. It was always out of one prison, into another with him. He escaped, killed several people on the
run, and was imprisoned again…
God’s Word says: “Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. But the
woman was given two mighty eagle’s wings to fly into the wilderness to her refuge…” (Rev 12:13-14)
Just as Moses, sent by God, led the people out of the slavery of Egypt into the wilderness, so also today God sends the Queen of Prophets to lead us
on our way through the spiritual wilderness. She knows the way, she walked it before us.
Do you have a place for Him?
Word of Life – Isa 53:5 (3/4/2022 – 17/4/2022)
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”
There are two things to realise about this passage in Scripture. Firstly, Jesus endured this great suffering for each one of us, for our sins,
for our transgressions against God and for our iniquities. And secondly, it is important to know that by His wounds we are healed of both our mental
and physical sufferings. The blood from Christ’s wounds gives us the forgiveness of sins. The power of this blood also works through calling on the
Holy Name. “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord (with faith) shall be saved.” The condition for salvation is purification from sin. What is needed
on our part is faith in the power of the blood of the Son of God. In this blood is the forgiveness of sins, which gives us an assurance of salvation.
In 1917, when blood flowed on the fronts of the First World War, atheist communism took power in Russia. In the same year, the Mother of the Saviour
appeared to three children at Fatima, Portugal, bringing a message to the Church and the world expressed in the words: repentance and conversion. This is,
in essence, a demand for a change in thinking and lifestyle. The children were shown the horrors of hell that await anyone who rejects true repentance.
In her message, the Mother of God also expressed the condition for stopping the future world catastrophe (Third World War), namely the conversion of Russia
and its consecration by the (true Catholic) Pope. Popes Benedict XV (1914-1922) and Pius XI delayed the consecration for fear that the Communists would
increase persecution against Orthodox Christians. During the Second World War, Pius XII likewise delayed it.
May all true Catholic bishops of the world make a gesture of consecration of Russia already in union with the new Pope. At the same time, they will thus make
public their position that they recognize the true Catholic and legitimate Holy Father. That day will mark the beginning of restoration of the Church as well
as the beginning of an end to the impending global catastrophe. May sincere believers and priests cry out to God in these hours to give courage to the new
Pope and the bishops united with him.
Word of Life – Pro 14:2 (20/3/2022 – 3/4/2022)
“Whoever fears the Lord walks uprightly, but those who despise Him are devious in their ways.”
Why should we fear the Lord? Does the Book of Psalms not say in many places, “The Lord is good”? Psalm 136, for example, reads: “Oh, give thanks
to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. … To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, for His mercy endures forever. … To Him who
divided the Red Sea in two and made Israel pass through the midst of it, but overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, for His mercy endures forever.”
Why should we fear God if He is good and merciful? The problem is within us. There is a source of evil in our heart which entered our human nature
with the first sin of our first father Adam. This evil deceives us in a masterly fashion. Its goal is to bring us into the bondage of sin, so that
we finally lose our soul by abandoning God and becoming one with the evil in us. Therefore, because He loved us, the Good Father gave His only-begotten
Son for us. Jesus became man and dying in disgrace on the cross delivered us from this evil in us which we love. We also call it our self and we feel
hurt if someone points out the evil we do.
With God’s permission, we lost our monastery overnight which housed forty Sisters, including the novices. At the same time, we lost the men’s monastery,
with a retreat house and chapel, where the faithful would regularly attend liturgies on Sundays. We see it as a trial, and we try to say with patient Job:
“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!”
We put our future into God’s hands. Above all, we have at heart the whole situation, which affects not only us, and we pray that God may turn everything
into a blessing both for Ukraine and other nations.
Our missionary work is now paralysed to some extent.
We believe that the only solution for Christian nations in this situation is repentance and belief in the Gospel. Repentance consists in changing the way
of thinking, namely in calling the truth the truth, a lie a lie, heresy heresy, immorality immorality.
Secretariat of the BCP
In his address to the symposium on the priesthood, the head of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Unity, Cardinal Koch, emphasized the importance of
discussing the issue of primacy in relation to synodality.
If anything is to be discussed, both sides must first realize the basic paradigm, and that is: primacy does not exist without being rooted in the foundations
of faith and morals and defending those foundations against heresies. However, the whole synodal journey and Bergoglio himself have abandoned the foundations
of faith and morals, so any discussion on their platform is self-destructive.
Word of Life – Pro 3:5-6 (6/3/2022 – 20/3/2022)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
There is wise counsel in the Book of Proverbs, which is rooted in age-old experience: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” God speaks to man through
His word, but also secretly through various life situations. It is important to know first when exactly I should trust in the Lord. Above all, I should trust
in Him in the face of trial. I should also trust in Him when asking for wisdom in a situation that is unclear and not easy to navigate. Our trust is then
manifested in prayer.
On 17-19 February, a symposium on the theology of the priesthood was held in the Vatican.
Early this month, however, the German “synodal Church” voted in favour of the so-called Church’s blessing on same-sex pseudo marriage! This is not only a
schism; this is a public presentation of synodal Satanism, apostasy from Christ, and the adoption of an anti-gospel agenda (Gal 1:8-9) resulting in a curse
and expulsion from the Church of Christ. Bergoglio approved the suicidal decision of the German synodal path at the symposium by his notorious silence!
At this time of the Church’s apostasy, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate is the prophetic voice of one crying in the wilderness. By authority of
the apostolic and prophetic office, in the name of the Triune God, we hereby publish an anathema, that is, exclusion of Joe Biden, a Catholic, the current
President of the United States, from the Mystical Body of Christ, and thus from the Catholic Church. The reason why he has excluded himself is that he
publicly promotes the mass killing of unborn children – abortion – and, in addition, he promotes mandatory experimental vaccination, which disrupts the
human genome. The so-called vaccine is also part of the process of chipization, which gradually deprives man of his free will with the aim of turning
him into a biorobot. The Bible warns against it speaking about the punishment in the lake of fire (Apoc. 19,20). Furthermore, the so-called vaccine,
de facto gene serum, is part of depopulation agenda, i.e. genocide. It is a serious crime to force American children to take the risk of vaccination.
Because of these crimes against God’s commandments and crimes against humanity, Joe Biden has excluded himself from the Church.
Your Holiness,
the mass media have currently launched a hurtful campaign against you. We do not want to comment on this issue here. We are addressing you in relation to
another matter, namely the issue of invalid beatification of Pope John Paul II, which you declared on 1 May 2011.
On behalf of all sincere Catholics, we ask you to revoke this invalid beatification.
John Paul II is neither holy nor blessed; on the contrary, he is expelled from the Church because he committed crimes against the Church, far more severe
than had been committed by the posthumously excommunicated Pope Honorius I.
On 3-5 February 2022, a synodal assembly was held in Frankfurt am Main which voted 174 to 30 in favour of blessing same-sex couples. The Synodal
Assembly was approved by the President of the Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Bätzing.
What is the attitude of the Holy Scriptures to sodomy?
Sodomy has two roots: unbelief and idolatry. “Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God.” (Rom 1:21) This is the fruit of the historical-critical
method in theology, which is based on an atheistic philosophy that denies the supernatural. As far as idolatry is concerned, it was Vatican II that established
a regard for pagan religions and their demons in the Nostra Aetate declaration. John Paul II embodied this syncretism with paganism in Assisi in 1986.
The current pseudo Pope applies completely opposite principles to the teachings of the Catholic Church. There is no such paradox in secular society.
Bergoglio makes the Church of Christ the harlot of the antichrist – the New Age satanic Church.
1) Pseudo Pope Bergoglio publicly approves sodomy with words and gestures; he ostentatiously kissed a transsexual’s feet.
2) The pseudo Pope eliminates objectively valid moral principles, and hence God’s commandments. In practice, he replaces them with a subjective approach.
3) By enthroning the Pachamama demon, the pseudo Pope abolished the first and greatest commandment of the Decalogue. He completely opened the door to paganism.
The Amazon Synod documents are full of heresies. As Card. Brandmüller said, this is not just apostasy, but also stupidity.
4) The pseudo Pope fanatically promotes experimental vaccination, which is de facto satanic anti-baptism because it is connected with the killing of unborn
children. Bergoglio, however, hypocritically claims that this vaccination is an act of love.
Word of Life – Ecc 12:14 (20/2/2022 – 6/3/2022)
“God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.”
This is the last verse of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Realize that everything you do is filmed by invisible cameras and stored in your soul, and it is
all seen by angels too. Not only the holy angels but also the evil ones see everything, and will accuse you before God’s judgment seat. Modern technology
with ubiquitous cameras monitors and records many human actions and preserves them as evidence. This human technology is mere child’s play in comparison
with the spiritual principles and laws that apply in the spiritual world. Be aware that you are not hidden anywhere; God sees you everywhere. He even sees
into your heart and examines your thoughts and feelings. Nothing is hidden from Him. He has given you freedom. When you do good, you show gratitude to God
and His reward awaits you. When you do evil, God is grieved by the evil done, and He often allows suffering in your life to make you stop and begin to take
care of your soul.
Interview with Vladislav Goncharuk, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Covid is chemical poisoning
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is the prophetic voice of one crying in the wilderness.
We turn to you, Dr Fuellmich, and we want to publicly thank you for bravely standing up for the truth to save many, unlike those who have been silenced by
money, fear or a desire for a career. At the same time, we would like to thank all your co-workers who, like you, risk being persecuted, or even losing
their lives. We also express our thanks again to the brave medical experts and doctors as well as courageous politicians, such as the President of Belarus
or the late President of Tanzania.
The first point of Bergoglio’s synod on synodality antidecalogue in the questionnaire of the Warsaw diocese is:
1. Companions on the journey
According to Bergoglio, it is no longer Jesus, His Mother, saints and orthodox Catholics who should accompany us on the path to eternity but LGBTQ people,
Hindus, Buddhists, Pachamama demon worshippers and so-called refugees.
Survey question: “What groups or individuals are left on the margins in our local Church?”
The correct answer would be: Those who have excluded themselves through sin, unbelief or heresies. We should pray for them and encourage them to repent.
The purpose of the question, however, is to promote unrepentant LGBT people in the local Churches. This is Bergoglio’s agenda secretly promoted in the synodal survey.
NEWSFLASH: Breakaway Eastern Catholic Clergy Warn Excommunication and 7+ Yrs of Penance for “Vee”!
Word of Life – Ecc 12:13 (6/2/2022 – 20/2/2022)
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”
After Christmas Thoughts from Patriarch Elijah
Word of Life – Jn 16:33 (23/1/2022 – 6/2/2022)
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
These are important words; we have to realize that we only have true peace in Christ. He says in another place: “The peace I give is a gift the world cannot
give.” This peace is connected with a living faith, commitment to Christ, and a clear conscience. A person who does evil and has abandoned Christ can only have
a false peace and never a true one.
Jesus foretells that in the world we will have tribulation. Every man on earth has tribulation and cannot escape it. It arises from a number of sources: not only
from other people or from the system of the world and a certain disharmony in it, but also from our helplessness and the fact that evil works in us. We ourselves
are often the authors of our own suffering. Therefore we must learn to perceive material, mental and spiritual laws, and thus acquire life wisdom. But it is mainly
the Holy Spirit who gives us the light of true wisdom and enlightens us. Many times young people can have the wisdom of the elders if, as the Scriptures say, they
seek to know and keep God’s Word.
Pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio has brought on himself multiple God’s anathema (curse) for his repeated proclamation of a covid antigospel. He has thus excluded
himself from the Church. The Word of God warns: “If anyone preaches any other gospel, anathema sit – let him be accursed – expelled.” (Gal 1:8-9)
The covid antigospel promotes experimental mRNA vaccination, and hence crimes against the essential truths of faith and morals.
Today, on 8 January 2022, in the name of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, I hereby publish God’s
anathema against pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio.
On 17 November 2021, Abp Jan Graubner brought on himself God’s anathema (curse) because of his public appeal. He excluded himself from the Church by proclaiming
a covid antigospel. The Word of God warns: “If anyone preaches any other gospel, anathema sit – let him be accursed – expelled.” (Gal 1:8-9)
The covid antigospel promotes experimental mRNA vaccination. It is connected with a number of crimes against the essential truths of faith and morals.
Today, on 6 January 2022, by the authority of God, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, I hereby publish God’s anathema against the above-named
Archbishop Jan Graubner. Catholics are bound in conscience to respect this anathema.
Word of Life – Jn 16:32 (9/1/2022 – 23/1/2022)
“Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone,
because the Father is with Me.”
After the words “each of you will be scattered”, the Greek original of the Holy Scriptures continues: “eis ta idia”, that is, “to his own”.
The term “eis ta idia” is used once more in the Gospel of John to describe the moment when Jesus entrusted His Mother to the disciple. Jesus said:
“Behold, your mother.” And the Apostle and Evangelist John, who stood by the cross and heard those words in person, writes: “And from that hour that
disciple received her – eis ta idia – into his own.” We can say – inside himself. It required an act of faith. It was a spiritual transplantation of
a new heart. We are the offspring of the first woman, Eve, who is in us along with the genetic code of original sin. In spiritual terms, we can liken
it to a devilish spiritual mRNA vaccine, which injects a spiritual poison called sin. Every day we see how original sin works in us; this is the
greatest reality.
The early months of 2020 were marked by an outbreak of an infection which caused less deaths than ordinary seasonal flu. An artificial pandemic not
only affected healthcare, but also paralyzed the economy, education, private life, and undermined morale. The Vatican has taken an active part in this
artificial pandemic. The pseudo Pope paved the way for it through Pachamama idolatry and by relentlessly promoting the legalization of sodomy. God has
placed before humanity temporal (2Pe 2:6) and eternal (Jud 1:7) fire as a warning example of punishment for sodomy. Through his criminal activities,
Bergoglio has consciously brought a curse on the Church and humanity. This pseudo Pope has cynically boycotted the urgent warnings from experts against
the mRNA vaccination. He has forced the whole Vatican into getting vaccinated. All except three guards have succumbed.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP), on the other hand, has supported the true stance of moral incorruptible scientists, who have stood in defense
of truth against the system of lies. Let us recall their voice. They include top US scientists such as Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. David Martin, Czech
microbiologist Soňa Peková, and Prof. Alexander Redko from Russia. Let us briefly mention the scientific conference in St. Petersburg held on October
20-21, 2021 and the summit of physicians in Rome on September 12-14, 2021 where over 12,700 doctors and scientists signed the Rome Declaration. They
referred to the forced experimental vaccination as a crime against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Code.
Dear Vatican staff – cardinals, bishops, priests, or whom it may concern,
you have already received two vaccines under strong pressure from the illegitimate Pope. In doing so, you have set a detrimental precedent for
compulsory vaccination all over the world. You have caused great offence as your gesture gives the impression that the mRNA vaccine is harmless
and good for health, which is a colossal lie! Even if you only took a placebo, your guilt over the misleading offence caused to many persists.
Of the entire Vatican staff, only three guards have left the Vatican honestly. It is a shame that there is no cardinal, bishop or priest who would
likewise prefer to leave the Vatican rather than take part in this vaccination criminal precedent.
ADear Fathers in the Episcopal Ministry,
the Vatican has announced that whoever of the staff refuses to receive the third vaccine by 1 February will be fired immediately without notice.
Realize that you are under the dominion of the occupier, archheretic and criminal Bergoglio. He will force you to carry out his crimes against
Christ and humanity in your diocese and in your nation. You will have to fulfil his genocidal vaccination plan. Surely you know that the mRNA
vaccine disrupts the human genome, among other things. It is associated with graphene, spike protein production, and the blood of sadistically
murdered unborn babies. Actually, this is not even a vaccination, this is satanic anti-baptism. In addition, there is a vain hope that it will
be all over after the third vaccination; there is already talk of a fourth one. This ushers in a system of permanent vaccination, the aim of
which is to turn humans into biorobots and genetically modified organisms. The end result is the reduction of humanity, and then? The lake of fire.
What is the current situation in the world and in the Church, and what is the solution? The analysis has been made by the former US Apostolic
Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. In short, the Deep Church, headed by the invalid Pope Bergoglio, is cooperating with the Deep State on the
covid affair. It is a planetary coup that is supposed to lead to the establishment of a New World Order, the goal of which is hell on earth and hell
after death.
Where does this covid affair have its roots? It seems paradoxical that the spiritual roots of this deep crisis are closely linked to the Second Vatican
Council and its spirit. Given the system and spirit it has brought into the Church, the Council cannot just be revised, but it needs to be rejected as
heretical. The inner restoration of the Church through repentance, that is, through acceptance of and emphasis on the basic truths of faith and morality,
is impossible as long as the spirit of Vatican II continues to rule in the Church. This spirit protects and privileges the heresies of neomodernism and
As early as 2017, Cardinal Brandmüller emphasized the need for the Pope to publicly profess the faith. He reminded that this practice had
existed in the Church from time immemorial.
At present, it is highly topical to revive this practice and extend it to bishops and priests. The faithful must know whether their priest or bishop
adheres to orthodox doctrine or is a heretic who has excluded himself from the Church.
The Cardinal also drew attention to a document of 26 June 684 proving the practice of professing the faith. The Council of Constantinople (680-681)
posthumously excommunicated Pope Honorius I for complicity in the heresy of Monotheletism.
Today, there are many bishops and priests who are ipso facto expelled from the Church for unity with the heresy of neo-Modernism, syncretism, or the
proclamation of a covid anti-gospel (Gal 1:8-9). Both the papacy and the episcopal authority are to guarantee the orthodoxy of the teachings. If
heretics in office defend and enforce heresies instead of defending the faith, the faithful must not obey them.
Dear pseudo Pope,
the whole world knows, and you yourself certainly know it too, that you have one foot in hell. Through the BCP, God is urging you to take one last
chance to repent publicly of your spiritual crimes against God, the Church, and humanity. A person approaching death is held in spiritual blindness
and false peace so as not to repent and be saved from eternal hell. We feel sorry for you as well as for the souls you have misled by your heresies,
cunning, and especially an abuse of papal authority. Out of love for the crucified Christ and immortal souls, we therefore want to remind you of what
is necessary on your part:
1) To repent for Amoris Laetitia, wherein you denied the existence of universally valid moral principles, and hence God’s laws and commandments. You
thus committed a grave crime of rebellion against God.
Word of Life – Heb 1:1-2 (26/12/2021 – 9/1/2022)
“In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son,
whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe.”
God has spoken most powerfully by giving us His own Son. When the fullness of the time had come, God, who became man, was conceived by the Holy
Spirit and born of the Holy Mother of God. He spoke with His gospel message and clearly revealed the most basic truths and mysteries that pertain to
our salvation. Ultimately, He was condemned by the church hierarchy and crucified through Roman state power. But Jesus rose from the dead and entered
into His glory, where He prepared a place for us. God has also spoken to the New Testament Church at many times and in various ways. He spoke through
the Apostles who died as martyrs, He spoke through the Doctors of the Church, and in the first three centuries He spoke especially through millions
of martyrs, not only through their words before their death, but also through the extraordinary and great miracles that accompanied their suffering.
Incorruptible experts sound the alarm to warn people against getting vaccinated, but they are being silenced and persecuted.
Vaccine from the ethical point of view
If the vaccine is ethically judged on the basis of deceitful statements of treacherous doctors, it cannot be ethical but unethical and criminal.
Pseudo Pope Bergoglio is a frightening example of unethical and criminal conduct. He boycotts true experts and absurdly claims that the experimental
vaccination is an act of love. In fact, it is an act of Satanism. His evil lies lead to earthly genocide and eternal death. He commits a crime not
only against humanity but also against God. One must know it! Francis Bergoglio is not a legitimate Pope. He has excluded himself from the Church
because of his multiple apostasy (Gal 1:8-9).
Quotation from a letter of a Catholic believer: “I live in a constant uncertainty. I am guessing the approval of a mandatory vaccination will be granted soon.
When I consider the situation in Austria, they anticipate the fines for non-compliance with a vaccination mandate at 92,000 or as high as 182,000, or even
4 months in prison. We can expect a similar situation in the Czech Republic…
I don’t want to end up living somewhere under the bridge, especially when considering what it means to live on the streets. That is why I am afraid that
I would be forced to get a vaccine against my will. If the punishment would be just time in a prison, I would not hesitate. Could you please advise how I
should act if all this happens? I worry very much about what is happening and that I do not want to, nor can I betray God.
The last drop in a bucket was a pastoral letter of His Eminence Dominik Duka, who not only cites from Graubner’s letter in agreement, but adds on his own
words encouraging the vaccination.”
The entire Vatican, except for three guards who left the corps, received the mRNA vaccine. This “vaccine” is in serious conflict with morality and God’s law.
The Vatican set a bad example for all Catholics and started the suicide process of humanity. It abused the highest ecclesiastical authority, which was always
the pillar of truth and the conscience of humanity. By embracing the vaccination, the apostate Vatican committed a serious crime.
True experts urgently warned against the mRNA vaccine, but Bergoglio, an illiterate in medicine, cynically boycotted it. He thus promoted himself to the greatest
specialist in virology. What is that supposed to mean? He either suffers from ultimate spiritual blindness or a mental disorder. He arrogantly campaigned on the
slogan: “Vaccine for all” and “It must be done!” We ask: Which of the statements of specific incorruptible virology experts formed the basis for Bergoglio’s
slogans? None! His slogans are deliberately confusing and criminal!
Word of Life – Heb 12:1-2a (12/12/2021 – 26/12/2021)
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles,
and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.”
The Word of God says that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. They are especially spiritual beings, angels, who are witnesses of our life.
God speaks to us through them, too – for example, a saving thought flashes through our mind in a crisis situation. Unfortunately, we often cast it aside and
pursue the vision of sin. Therefore, the Scriptures encourage us to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. Our life is like
a strenuous run to reach the heavenly goal through various obstacles. In this run we are to have our eyes fixed on Jesus! He is, as the Scripture continues
in verse 2, “the author and perfecter of our faith”, because He guides our faith from the beginning to the end along the narrow way of the cross until we
obtain the eternal crown in the joy of heaven. We should be aware that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses – angels.
Dear Cardinal Dominik,
all honest citizens in the Czechia, both believers and non-believers, were shocked by your pastoral letter on the First Sunday of Advent, 28 November.
The fact that the Chairman of the Czech Bishops’ Conference Graubner publicly showed who he served and serves (https://bcp-video.org/advent-call-to-repentance/)
was clear to many. But the fact that you have united with the system and the spirit of lies and thus spit in the face of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is a painful
shock. By doing so, you have thrust a knife into the heart of the Czech nation. You are sending the nation to a gradual slaughter. Many are unable to understand
how this could have happened to you.
Advent is a time of repentance. The Lord, through the prophet Isaiah, speaks to those who have received the vaccine, and especially to those who promote it:
“Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; give ear to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah.” (Isa 1:10) “The ox knows its owner and the donkey its
master’s crib; but the Vatican does not know, these people do not understand.” (Isa 1:3)
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa 5:20)
“The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the
curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it must pay the price for their sin.” (Isa 24:5-6)
Dear Archbishop Jan,
the Czechs and Moravians are shocked by your frivolous and criminal propaganda campaign for a fatally dangerous experimental gene serum called a vaccine. As the
chairman of the Czech Bishops’ Conference, i.e. as the highest Catholic authority in the Czech Republic, you wrote an appeal to Czech Catholics at a time when
brave doctors organized demonstrations in Prague on November 14 and 17. These doctors opposed the covid terror and media lies, as well as the pressure from
corrupt politicians.
Your duty, Dear Archbishop, was to support true medical experts and to speak to the conscience of the Czech nation. Everyone should hear your warning voice against
the dangerous mRNA “vaccine”. But you are doing the exact opposite! You did not stand in defense of truth and life, but of lies and death. By doing so, you certainly
do not serve God and immortal souls, but you serve the devil, who is a liar and a murderer. Do you realize that, Archbishop Jan?
Every honest Slovak must spit in the eye of Judas prelates Zvolenský, Bober and Babjak, who sold themselves to the devil. Like serpents, they
deceitfully lead astray trusting souls onto the path of temporal suffering and eternal destruction.
Zvolenský: “Dear brothers and sisters, we beseech you to listen to us so that our Christian community may take the right stance at a crucial moment.”
Dear Judas Archbishop Stanislav, you have betrayed Christ, your conscience and the Slovak nation, and you have become a deceiver. The stance you advocate
is not right, but wrong and self-destructive.
Bober: “We are witnessing a rise in Covid infections and deaths alongside a growing number of exhausted medical staff, which may cause an imminent collapse of hospitals.”
Dear Archbishop, are you not ashamed to retell this worn-out lie?! You are a manipulator like the lying mass media and corrupt politicians!
Word of Life – Jn 16:9-11 (28/11/2021 – 12/12/2021)
“Of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.”
What is the sin against the Holy Spirit?
Obstinately affirming that the power of God is demonic power. Jesus delivered and healed a man whose blindness and deafness were the consequences
of being bound by demonic power. The Pharisees could not deny the power of God by which Jesus had cast out the demon. However, in order to avoid
accepting the truth about Jesus being the Messiah, the Son of God, they committed the most brutal lie as if Jesus had been in union with the devil.
They said: “He does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons.” (Mt 12:24) This is the sin against the Holy Spirit. Therefore,
Jesus said: “I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.” (Mt 12:31)
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP), which defends the fundamental pillars of Christianity, draws attention to an alarming declaration.
On behalf of all sincere Christians, we express thanks to 12,700 doctors and scientists for standing in defence of the truth against the system of
lies which exploits medicine. Their international alliance has issued a declaration opposing coronavirus policy and accusing policymakers of crimes
against humanity. Doctors are prevented from providing life-saving treatments for their patients, and open scientific discussion is suppressed or even
punished. The document states that neglect of treatment has resulted in unnecessary illness and death.
The devil is a spirit; he has no body. He can directly affect our thinking. Imagine a problem is being discussed and suddenly someone has an “amazing”
inspiration that influences his thinking at that moment. But he finds that in order to obtain the desired goal, he must commit a serious lie, deception,
evil... Such inspiration can be directly from the spirit of lies, or it can come from the source of evil in us, which the Bible calls the old self,
(hereditary) sin. This source affects our reason and our will. It is necessary to know that the source of evil in man, together with the spirit of
lies, is the main cause of all evil on this Earth, all crimes and wars, hatred, murder, perversion, etc.
On October 20-21, 2021, a scientific conference was held in St. Petersburg. Its first part was titled “Medical and political peculiarities of
the Covid-19 vaccination prevention in Russia”. The conference was attended by scientists and medical professionals who are independent of the global fascism.
Quotation from the resolution of the scientific-medical conference:
The consolidated, but legitimate OPPOSITION against immoral and transhuman trampling on rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Earth by a
small group of globalists, which developed a mechanism of biological and information terrorism, and uses it cynically, MUST rely on a firm scientific
foundation, accurate arguments, and opinions of professionals in authority. Only then we will be able to dispel fabricated accusations leveled against
us by mass disinformation media and educate the population of the countries, which were subject to the hybrid intervention; mobilize and reshape the
force of the public opinion in a correct direction.
Word of Life – Jn 16:2-3 (14/11/2021 – 28/11/2021)
“They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will
do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me.”
Jesus begins this passage by saying: “These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble.” Jesus tells the apostles, as well as
countless Christians throughout history, that those who are faithful to Him will be persecuted and expelled from the synagogues, that is, from the official
Christian community. Today we can see that the Church of Christ is occupied by ecclesiastical leaders, such as pseudo Pope Bergoglio and other pseudo bishops,
we will not name any, who are like the vinedressers that Jesus speaks about in the parable. They have seized God’s vineyard and Christ’s servants, and even
mistreated the Son of God Himself and killed Him in the souls. They have replaced the Son of God, who is the owner of the vineyard – the Church, with the
Pachamama demon. God allows it, but ecclesiastical criminals will not escape God’s judgment and just punishment. In the present hour of darkness, these
invaders and their collaborators form the public opinion in such a way that whoever kills true diciples of Christ will really think he offers God service.
This is a total confusion of mind, exchanging the truth for lies and the true teaching for heresies. The question arises: Why are these people doing this?
Because they are spiritually blind and notoriously refuse to repent.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the US, takes a clear stance against vaccines
The First Commandment: “I am the Lord your God… You shall have no other gods before Me; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.”
Hundreds of thousands of martyrs preferred to suffer the cruellest torture and death rather than to drop a grain of incense to worship pagan gods – demons!
Bergoglio set a precedent for mass apostasy from the true God to other gods – demons. It happened in October 2019, when he presided over a witchcraft ceremony
in the Vatican Gardens and then enthroned the chief Pachamama demon in St Peter’s Basilica. He committed the gravest sin, an act of apostasy, thereby gravely
dishonouring God Himself and cynically mocking all the martyrs of the Church.
Word of Life – Jn 15:26 (31/10/2021 – 14/11/2021)
“But when the Comforter comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.”
Quote from the press: “In his 16 October video message, the (pseudo) Pope called on the technology giants – Big Tech – to hasten the censorship of
fake news, hate speech, conspiracy theories and political manipulation, and in the name of God he asked them to put an end to their spread.”
Commentary: What does Bergoglio consider to be fake news, hate speech, conspiracy theories and political manipulation? Everything that is still true on the
Internet is labelled by him with these derogatory terms. However, he himself brazenly spreads real fake news, which has a catastrophic impact! Why does
Bergoglio want to completely suppress the voice of truth? Because more and more scientists and doctors report the true statistics and the tragic impact
of forced experimental vaccination. These experts have become the voice of conscience for humanity and are disrupting the plans of contemporary Satanists,
who, along with Bergoglio, are behind the pseudo-pandemic. Bergoglio is the Apocalyptic false prophet!
Bergoglio’s quotation: “In the name of God, I ask the tech giants (Big Tech) to stop abusing human weakness... and make a profit without worrying about hate speech,
grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation.”
Commentary: The information and psychological war between truth and lie is going on. The true intention of Bergoglio’s statement is to achieve a total censure
to make sure that no source of accurate information is allowed. How did he encipher this intention?
The Epiclesis in Eastern and Western Liturgy
In the Eastern liturgy, Christ’s words of Institution and the Epiclesis, though with a time interval between them, form one spiritual whole.
Their culmination is the Consecration (Transubstantiation).
In the Western liturgy, the Epiclesis – the invocation of the Holy Spirit, whether implicit or verbal, precedes Christ’s words of Institution. When
the priest utters the words of Christ, the Holy Spirit makes present Christ’s Calvary sacrifice on the altar in a way surpassing understanding. Here
also, two conditions apply to the Consecration: the words of Institution and the Epiclesis – the working of the Holy Spirit, without whom the sacrament
would be invalid.
Excommunicated arch-heretic, occupying the papal seat, Francis Bergoglio, not only kicked off the suicidal so-called Synod on Synodality in the first
ten days of October, but is also actively involved in preparing COP 26 and has initiated other decadent activities. The purpose of the Synod is a gradual
transition into one global pseudo-religion worshipping Satan and demons.
In preparation for COP 26 Summit in Glasgow a meeting titled “Faith and Science” took place in Vatican on October 4.
On October 5 Bergoglio invited pagan leaders to a round table discussion on global challenges in the fields of upbringing and education. Global education
system constitutes a part of the Agenda 2030. Bergoglio said: “We care about a comprehensive education…” Beware! Vatican does not organize a global action
to save the children, their morals, and a genuine education. No, on the contrary, Vatican organizes a global action to demoralize and destroy children since
a very young age! This “comprehensive education” dictates demoralization, occultism, neo-paganism, and decadence of all kinds. This is a crime against children!
Its association with Agenda 2030 discloses that projects which separate children from parents, intending to plant chips in their heads and use them as biorobots,
are a part of Bergoglio’s comprehensive education. These are the most serious crimes against mankind!
Word of Life – Jn 15:18-19 (17/10/2021 – 31/10/2021)
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the
world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
Jesus speaks about hatred on the part of the world. By the world here is not meant beautiful nature but the thinking that defies the truth and places
vanity and the pride of life at the centre. Why? Because the prince of this world, as Jesus calls him, is the spirit of lies and death. With the first sin
disharmony entered not only the human heart but also the material world. The Word of God says that the world lies under the sway of the wicked one (1Jn 5:19)
and hates God (Jn 15:18). This world is the opposite of everything that comes from the will and wisdom of God (1Cor 1:20-27; 3:19; Jn 14:17; 15:19). The answer
to the question of how the form of this world can be compared with the Bible’s account of God creating a good world (Gen 1:31) is given in Romans 5:12, where
the Apostle Paul states that through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin. However, it did not happen according to the necessity of fate,
but through an act of human will, disobedience and obstinacy. What is even more serious is that the world – that is, people conformed to worldly thinking –
did not recognize the One who came to His own.
The heresy of Bergoglianism is the ultimate form of clericalism which abuses ecclesiastical authority for anti-ecclesiastical purposes. Bergoglian
clericalism originated from the symbiosis of the Deep State world government and the Deep Church. It is a plan to abuse and then destroy Christianity
itself. Bergoglianism is the fruit of the spirit and letter of Vatican Council II, without which such monstrosity in the Church could not exist at all,
let alone seize the papacy and gain control of most of the hierarchy. The main architect of Bergoglianism is pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who has committed
crimes against faith and morals.
Dear priests, dear Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Chicago,
we have issued an anathema, excommunication, against Archbishop Blase Cupich for his crimes against God and the Church. According to Gal 1:8-9, he has embraced
a new covid antigospel and the heresy of Bergoglianism, which fact places him under a curse, i.e. excommunication. All actions of the heretic Cupich are without
force, and no one is bound by obedience to him anymore. He holds office illegally, because a Judas and traitor of Christ and of the Church cannot be the head of
Catholic Christians in the Archdiocese of Chicago. If anyone obeys or submits to him, he places himself under God’s curse which is on Cupich.
In the name of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, we hereby declare before God and before
the Church an anathema on Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, for promoting vaccination terror and proclaiming a covid antigospel (Gal 1:8), as well
as for the heresies of Bergoglianism which deny the fundamental truths of Catholic doctrine in matters of faith and morals.
Who do you trust? Do you trust virology experts or those who lie non-stop on all TV channels?
The mass media are instilling fear in people, producing hysteria and professionally brainwashing them. For what purpose? To make as many people as possible
believe the lie that the only way out and the last hope is vaccination against Covid. They say that if you get this vaccine, for which neither the manufacturer
nor the government nor the doctor want to be held responsible, everything will return to normal. However, real experts say the exact opposite. The facts
already prove that those who die of Covid today were fully vaccinated! So they died of the vaccine rather than Covid! British Funeral Director John O’Looney
is blowing the whistle, confirming that those who have died recently were vaccinated. The myth of the miracle vaccine has turned out to be a big fake.
In short, Bergoglianism means turning the whole of theology and all of Christianity on its head.
A group of ten so-called theologians in Italy have drafted a document entitled Rescuing Fraternity, but it should better be called Safe Way to Hell. It is
a paradigmatic conspiracy headed by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia and Msgr Pierangelo Sequeri. They only allow the so-called renewal of theology in the spirit
of pseudo Pope Bergoglio’s heretical encyclical “Fratelli Tutti”. The false basis for that is: 1) “freedom of action”, 2) “freedom of dialogue”, 3) “the need
to open up hitherto non-traditional and unusual areas of theological research” (we can already see from practice that it is, for example, the enforcement of
experimental vaccination under penalty).
Bergoglio’s visit to Slovakia was associated with the condition of undergoing double experimental vaccination. This is not only the promotion of deception
and crime, but also an abuse of the Church to the detriment of believers and the whole nation. Under the Nuremberg Code, experimental mRNA vaccination is ranked
among crimes against humanity. Moreover, receiving the vaccine itself contradicts God’s laws.
1) The vaccine represents rebellion against God the Creator because it changes the human genome, destroys the work of creation, and transforms people into
genetically modified organisms. Pseudo Pope Bergoglio knows this well, and yet he has introduced the so-called vaccination passport in the Vatican as the
first country in the world to enforce the devious method of genocide of humanity through the Church. The Bergoglian sect with its vaccine “gospel” drags souls
to perdition.
The Synod on Synodality is to open in Rome on 9-10 October 2021. A week later, its gradual implementation will begin through so-called Episcopal conferences
in individual nations.
The question arises: What is the hidden essence of this so-called synodal process?
1) Is it the abolition of the institution of the papacy or its further abuse for the autogenocidal process in the Church?
2) Is it the gradual transition of the Catholic Church to one religion – the anti-Church of the New Age? To completely satanize the world, the Masons seek to
establish one government, one currency and one so-called religion. One world religion is to arise by merging apostate Christianity with paganism, which worships
demons and Satan. The beginnings of paganization can be seen in the Nostra Aetate declaration (1965), in an apostate act in Assisi (1986), and its culmination in
the Amazon Synod and the subsequent enthronement of the Pachamama demon in the Vatican (2019).
St Maximus was a high-ranking imperial official, but due to the Emperor’s falling into heresy he left the palace and entered a monastery. The heretical
Patriarch Sergius convinced the Emperor to publish the so-called “Eсthesis” (Exposition), a heretical creed, and to command all without distinction to abide by
it. Seeing the schism in the Church and the persecution of the orthodox, the venerable Maximus strengthened them in the fight against heresy. He also took the
credit for this dangerous heresy being bravely opposed by the future Pope St Martin, who was later forcibly carried off from Rome to Constantinople. There he
was imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to death. He said: “You can threaten me and cut me into pieces, but I will not agree to the heresy of Constantinople.”
Pope St Martin died in 655 as a result of torture and cruel imprisonment.
Word of Life – Jn 15:16 (3/10/2021 – 17/10/2021)
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”
It was reported that “the Mexican Bishops published on August 30 four cases in which their health service will not pay for bills the priest cannot pay by himself:
- when a priest exposed himself recklessly to Covid;”
Commentary: De facto anything can be considered reckless – for example, the fact that the priest will not force the faithful to wear masks. Thus, any ideological
opponent of corona-psychosis can be innocently punished.
The Holy Mass starts with the Penitential Act: “Let us acknowledge our sins…” A brief pause for silence follows. To really acknowledge their sins,
it would be useful for priests and believers alike to use, at least sometimes, the following examen: “In order not to deceive ourselves, let us realize
that there is a source of evil in each of us. Let us now acknowledge how it manifests itself. Firstly: I am an egoist; I push my own will over God’s.
Secondly: I am a hedonist; I seek pleasure, even sinful pleasure. Thirdly: I am a critic; I condemn others, but I refuse to see or admit my fault.”
(Pause for silence)
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP), which repeatedly calls for the setting up of prayer watches, i.e. continuous prayer, fully supports the initiative
of US Catholics, P. J. Altman and M. Gibson, in prayer mobilization – 54 day Rosary Novena. Archbishop C. M. Viganó as well as other bishops and priests likewise
call for the Rosary Novena and, above all, this has always been the most fundamental call of Our Lady of Fatima.
Today, motivation for prayer is alarming. There is a threat of autogenocide not only of America but of the whole world. God alone can save us from this
self-destruction, and therefore we have to cry to Him with great fervor, praying Him to save us and our nation.
Journalist Bohumil Petrik (Denník Štandard): “Vaccination has divided Christians, also in Slovakia. You say that getting the vaccine is an act of
love. …there are different approaches in the different dioceses on this point. So, we would all like to know how to get along, how to reconcile on this issue.”
Quote by Francis: “…the uncertainty about the reputation of some vaccines which are nothing more than distilled water. This created fear in people.
Then others who say that it is a danger because with the vaccine you are infected… I do not know how to explain it well: Some say the vaccines are
not sufficiently tested. In the Vatican, everyone is vaccinated except a small group…”
Commentary: Bergoglio admits that he does not know how to explain it well, but in spite of that he uses papal authority to promote slogans such as
“vaccine for all”, “it must be done”, “getting the vaccine is an act of love”. The reality today is that the manufacturer, the government, or the
healthcare professional who injects the vaccine into you refuse to take the responsibility for the vaccine, but if you refuse to get the vaccine,
you are labelled as irresponsible! And Bergoglio adds that you also have no love!
The Mother of God repeated only one thing in all the apparitions: Repentance... Today, on the feast of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, the abuse
of the authority of the Church for the spiritual and physical self-destruction not only of the Church but also of the Slovak nation has culminated.
The crucified Jesus Christ was dealt four blows – the first in Bratislava, the second in Prešov, the third in Košice and the fourth in Šaštín.
You ask: How? And what to repent of after a four-day prestigious visit to Slovakia? Let us admit that we did not seek the truth, did not love it,
and exchanged it for a comfortable lie and a path of death. But it is not enough just to admit guilt, it is also necessary to perform acts of
repentance for the consequences that a lie has brought. The consequences are not only temporary but also eternal. As for eternity, we will all
pass through the gate of death, and then there will be God’s judgment, followed by either hell or heaven.
Word of Life – Jn 15:12-13 (19/9/2021 – 3/10/2021)
“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.”
The Novus Ordo marked a radical interference with both the liturgy and liturgical space. This caused a change of spirit. The horizontal began
to be emphasized at the expense of the vertical – the relationship with God. A means of achieving this spiritual change was the turning of both
the altar and the priest to “face the people”.
The biblical model of the Jerusalem Temple had three separate sections:
1) the place where the presence of God dwelled – the Holy of Holies
2) the place where the priest offered the daily sacrifice to God
3) the place for the people
ad 1) In analogy with the Catholic temple, here the place where the presence of God dwells is the tabernacle (the Holy of Holies). In the Eastern rite, it
is separated by an iconostasis.
ad 2) During the liturgy, the priest and the people should face the tabernacle. There should be a large crucifix, preferably a full-size one, placed between
the tabernacle and the altar, or attached to the altar.
So much for rearranging the liturgical space.
The Synod on Synodality is to begin in the Vatican on 9 and 10 October 2021. A preparatory document and the so-called Vademecum have been published these days.
This document has the same spirit and uses the same vocabulary as the mainstream media, which promote the ideology of the NWO and the New Age. It uses camouflage
terminology and phrases that an ordinary Christian can hardly decipher. From the destructive activities of pseudo Pope Bergoglio, however, it is clear that this
is a precisely prepared programme that is fully in line with the programme of the powers that be, namely to convert the Catholic Church into the New Age Babylon
of pagan religions. These religions do not worship the one God and the Son of God, our Redeemer Jesus Christ, but demons and Satan. With his gesture of enthroning
the Pachamama demon in the Vatican (2019), Bergoglio committed public idolatry, thus denying the First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods.”
Dear Archbishop Jan,
I personally turn to you with a call for true repentance. When coronapsychosis began in Slovakia, you committed the gross crime of abusing ecclesiastical
authority against the Fifth Commandment, forcing priests to undergo testing under threat of suspension from priestly ministry. You are now putting even
more pressure by promoting vaccination associated with the visit of pseudo-Pope Bergoglio.
Every priest, but also every believer, must ask himself the question: Is Bergoglio a valid Pope or not? Pseudo-Pope Bergoglio opposed the first and greatest
commandment with the public enthronement of the Pachamama demon, and expelled himself from the Church.
Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich ordered “all employees and clergy” to receive the COVID-19 injections. If they do not comply, they will face disciplinary measures!
Quote by Cupich: “The goal of this policy is that all employees and clergy will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.” In addition to receiving the injections,
the clergy must provide documentation to the archdiocesan website so that the archdiocese will have full oversight into the vaccine status of all clergy and
Your Eminence,
you gave journalists an interview about the Eucharistic Congress, which is to culminate in a solemn Mass with the participation of “Pope” Francis,
and you also mentioned a Mass sung with a Mass setting in the Romani language. Unfortunately, the journalists did not ask you about the essential
things. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you about them. There are three of them:
1) Who is “Pope” Bergoglio?
2) What is the purpose of his visit to Hungary?
3) What should be the reaction to his visit?
Dear Bishops of Poland,
from the biography of this saint we learn that at historic moments, when the Polish Church was devastated by war and then oppressed by the communist
regime, Cardinal Wyszynski stood resolutely in her defence. Thanks to him, communism could not destroy the Church in Poland as much as in other
countries, such as the Czech Republic. At a strategic moment, this Cardinal took a heroic stance, the Church mobilized, and the communists then
had to respect her position.
Word of Life – Jn 15:7 (5/9/2021 – 19/9/2021)
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”
This is an extraordinarily great promise! Jesus says: You will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. Of course, this has its limitations,
as we cannot ask for things that are bad or harmful. Next, there are also two conditions: we should abide in Christ, and His words should abide in us.
If we fulfil these conditions, being truly united to Christ by faith and surrendering to God’s will according to His word, we will surely ask for things
which are in accord with God’s will. This is the will of God – our salvation, that is, our ultimate good. It is God’s promise that He will hear our prayer
from this perspective. We should know that many times when we ask for something, even a hard trial, i.e. a certain evil, may work out for our eternal good.
If we remain faithful to Christ in the face of this suffering, this trial will eventually bring us even more blessing and good than we specifically asked for.
Therefore, it is important that when we ask God for a certain thing, we should be in a position of agreement with our ultimate good and the good of those we
carry in our heart.
The heresiarch Bergoglio is sending a compromised person, his supporter Cardinal Schönborn, to the Czech Republic. Every sincere Christian and citizen
of the Czech Republic must protest against this defilement of the commemoration of the 1100th anniversary of the martyrdom of St Ludmila by a man who has
betrayed Christ, tramples on God’s commandments, and serves the system of destruction not only of Christianity but of humanity as well. Saint Ludmila
received an orthodox doctrine, and not the teachings or practices that the Vienna Cardinal introduces to destroy the faith and the nation. If she lived
in our time, she would strongly refuse to meet this heresiarch.
In addition to metaphysical nuances, behind the tip of the digitization iceberg beneath the thickness of the promised visible benefits is the rest of the
icy colossus. Some consequences may be inconspicuous until you encounter them, such as the threat of total control of society and man. It means a total
control over the information sphere of life and external activities of man. But even worse and more dangerous is control over one’s inner life. It is so
hidden and delicate that one will not be aware of it. On the contrary, a person will consider himself self-sufficient, independent, free and, of course,
progressive. Do you think you have a smartphone just for your benefit? Try to give it up for at least a few weeks. You will find that you are unable to
do so; it has enslaved you.
Pseudo Pope Bergoglio, together with six prelates from the American continent, have recorded a video message intended to support massive experimental
vaccination, which forms part of the chipping process. Not only Bergoglio, but also these prelates have thus publicly confirmed their excommunication from
the Church. By this act they rebel against the essence of faith and morals (cf. Gal 1:8-9). To cover up his crime subject to the Nuremberg Code, Bergoglio
misuses the word “love”. In order to unmask the spirit of lies behind Bergoglio, let us supplement his false and misleading expression – love – with the
word “lie”. Bergoglio consciously and cynically deceives the public; this is no love, but the most appalling crime against God and against humanity.
On 11 August 2021, Polish Catholic researchers addressed an open letter to bishops and priests.
Quote: “We are addressing you regarding the use of churches and parishes as vaccination centres against Covid-19.”
Commentary: It is shocking that the Church in Poland has adopted the agenda of creating vaccination centres in parishes with the aim of imposing
an experimental vaccine on Catholics.
Quote: “The vaccination programme uses HEK-293 cells. HEK-293 are human embryonic kidney cells. HEK-293 cells are derived from abortions. The HEK-293
cell line is used to produce two types of experimental vaccines against Covid-19. Isn’t that a reason to think more deeply?”
Commentary: Surely, that is a reason to think more deeply! Where are the roots of the spiritual blindness of Polish shepherds?
Catholic bishops of the US state of Colorado have issued a pastoral letter on the subject of vaccination against Covid with experimental vaccines.
It states that conscientious objection must be respected when vaccinating with all types of vaccines. This attitude of the bishops rejects mandatory
vaccination. It is in stark contrast to the criminal pro-vaccine propaganda by pseudo Pope Bergoglio, who knowingly ignores the alarming warnings of
incorruptible medical authorities. His absurd slogan a vaccine for all proves that Bergoglio not only ignores the conscience of believers, but also
abuses it by falsely claiming that everyone must be vaccinated so as not to endanger their neighbor. He said, “We must do it!” This attitude of the
pseudo Pope is a serious sin against the Fifth Commandment.
Word of Life – Jn 15:5 (22/8/2021 – 5/9/2021)
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
Jesus indicates in these verses that the condition for us to bear fruit is to abide in Him. We should then allow Him to live in our soul
by making little sacrifices, by renouncing our will, so that He may work through us and promote the will of God. We will then truly bear fruit
for eternity. Our acts of self-denial for the sake of Jesus, when we not only renounce bad things but we are willing to renounce even trivial
good things in order to prefer God’s will in a particular situation – this is what has lasting value throughout eternity. The condition is to
abide – but in order to abide with Christ, we need to realize Christ’s presence in an act of devotion by faith, to give Him this particular
situation, and to abide in communion with Him at least during this short time at this very moment. To abide with Christ ceaselessly at every
moment is impossible for us, because we have to focus on certain duties, but we can at least sanctify them with a short prayer or sigh.
Quote by Bishop Williamson: “God has given His Church a great light, and that’s Archbishop Viganó. Read carefully what Archbishop Viganó says, because
he has the whole picture like St Paul. In his recent articles, there’s a marvellous article on the Great Reset, which is this diabolical plan of tyranny
over mankind. Archbishop Viganó takes it to pieces and puts it in its place, puts it in its context. It’s the work of delinquents; it’s the work of the
wicked. It’s a pack of lies, says the Archbishop, and he’s right. Of course, people should not receive the jab. It threatens this autumn in particular
to cause many more casualties. Many serious doctors say it’s preparing their death within two or three years or even sooner. Some die even immediately
upon receiving the jab. The lies are appalling today. It’s because people have turned their backs on God. God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If
you turn your back on God, you’re turning your back on the truth; if you turn your back on the truth, you’re laying yourself wide open to lies. The
agents of the devil are lying how they like. Therefore, pay no attention to the vile media which are great channels of lies – television, newspapers,
magazines. But listen to a true churchman – Archbishop Viganó.
Dear US Bishops,
the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate addresses you at a time when the Catholic Church has ceased to be the light and the salt of the world and is
becoming part of a system that leads to spiritual, moral and physical reduction of humanity and to eternal death.
Deep roots of apostasy go back to the 18th century. They are connected with the Enlightenment and with the decadent philosophy of the 19th century
which penetrated into the Church through so-called Modernism. This destructive spiritual current was stopped for a short period by St. Pius X. A time
of spiritual awakening followed under the motto “To restore all things in Christ”, which was associated with the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and with Our Lady of Fatima’s call for repentance.
Dear Hungarian Catholics and people of good will,
on Sunday 12 September, your nation is to be honoured with a visit from not only a contradictory personality but also a promoter of
homosexuality, gender perversions, idolatry, experimental vaccination, Islamization of European nations, etc. It would be foolish to
welcome such a notorious person with applause or to produce false euphoria in the mass media. Celebration balloons are only intended
to deceive and manipulate the public. On the other hand, it is not enough to stay passive. This serial spiritual and mass criminal is
going to visit Hungary not because he pursues the good of the country, but because he wants to cause chaos, division, or even provoke
a coup, as was the case in Armenia, for example. It is the duty not only of Catholics but of every honest citizen of Hungary to express
disagreement with the visit of this intruder who spiritually brings along entire legions of demons wherever he comes.
Dear Bishops of Slovakia,
on 12-15 September 2021, a heresiarch occupying the papacy is to visit Slovakia. It is publicly known that according to Gal 1:8-9 and
according to the Dogmatic Bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, Bergoglio has excommunicated himself from the Church.
What should you do to preserve the saving faith, the true Catholic Church and the papacy?
Because he wanted to remain faithful to Christ, the teachings of the Scriptures and the Holy Tradition, Bishop Gojdic spent ten years in
prison, from which he never returned alive. Bishops Vojtassak and Buzalka showed similar bravery. What would these true Catholic bishops
do in your situation? You are to meet face to face with a manifest heresiarch who, moreover, has already prepared a plan to destroy the
institution of the papacy through a so-called synodal process. It is to begin one month after his visit to Slovakia. You even turn a
blind eye to Bergoglio’s rampant heresies, you respect this false Pope and justify it with a higher good, saying that you can in no
way break with the so-called Holy Father. In fact, your unity with him, which you profess in every Holy Mass, creates the conditions
for him to pull the rug from under your feet and, under the guise of synodality, to totally destroy the Catholic Church and abolish
the papacy.
Word of Life – Rev 20:4b (8/8/2021 – 22/8/2021)
“Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshipped the beast or his
image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands.”
In another vision, the Apostle John saw those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God. The reason why they were
killed was that they had not worshipped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. The Apostle
then says that they reigned with Christ. It is also written that over such the second death, that is hell, has no power. Before this vision, the
Apostle gives the following description: “And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against
Him who sat on the horse and against His army. Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence,
by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of
fire burning with brimstone.”
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP), which is the prophetic voice of one crying in the wilderness, comments on the visit of pseudo Pope Bergoglio.
Quote from the mass media: “On Sunday, 12 September, Pope Francis will arrive at Budapest Airport before eight o’clock in the morning.”
Commentary: Who is so-called Pope Francis and what does he promote? He is an invalid Pope who, according to Gal 1:8-9 and the Dogmatic Bull
“Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio”, has expelled himself from the Church by preaching a false gospel. So he is neither a Pope nor a Christian,
but an apostate. Bergoglio is an idolater, heretic, promoter of sodomy, agent of the highest Masonic circles.
On prayer and vaccines
Abp B. Bober has blessed the vaccination centres in Košice. Moreover, before the visit of pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio, he has pushed through
simulated vaccination centres in parishes.
We are shocked by the clerical cynicism and malicious disregard of the reality with which he imposes the mRNA vaccine, as if it were a safe means of
healthcare. He makes no mention at all of it being a criminal experiment on humans, which is prohibited by the Nuremberg Code. In addition, he does
not take into account the fact that the warnings of specialized doctors are still increasing and the statistics of serious consequences and even
deaths are growing. There are already tens of thousands of dead! Nevertheless, Archbishop Bober, a hardened cleric, does not consider it necessary
to at least preserve the right to informed consent. On the contrary, he grossly misinforms the public and manipulates people. It is a frightening
example of a mean religious impostor.
Quote from the press: “The day before St Vladimir’s Day, 27 July 2021, more than 300,000 people from all over Ukraine passed through Kiev, according to
police. Hot weather, the so-called pandemic (none of the participants wore a mask), and 35 degrees in the shade. But the nation gathered! The nation went in
procession! The nation prayed!”
Thank God that the nation gathered, that the nation went in procession, and that the nation prayed. The Orthodox Christians in Ukraine expressed their
manifesto of faith by commemorating the anniversary of the baptism of Kievan Rus. They do so every year, with ever greater participation. The last time
there were over 250,000 participants in the march. This year there were more than 300,000 of them.
Bergoglio is a bearer of a spirit, namely of the spirit of antichrist. His visits leave behind spiritual, moral and political chaos both in people’s
minds and in the particular countries. In Rio de Janeiro, he called on young people to take to the streets and cause chaos!
Bergoglio is hiding behind God’s authority, but he has severed his connection with God by his apostasy and legalization of sin. He has publicly committed
idolatry by worshipping the Pachamama demon – which is a provocative gesture of apostasy from God, and he has thus de facto abolished God’s first and
greatest commandment. He has consciously connected both himself and those who recognize him as a legitimate Pope to the forces of darkness. He is
therefore responsible for the world heading for a catastrophe.
Quote from the media: “Only fully vaccinated people will be able to take part in the programme during Pope Francis’ visit and meeting with him in September.”
Response: Why did the Slovak Bishops’ Conference not ask the Slovak Government to refuse Bergoglio’s visit during the coronapsychosis? Why did they not ask
Bergoglio to cancel his visit due to exposing believers to pressure from the state to get vaccinated with an experimental vaccine?
What a nonsense to organize a pointless visit and, under the guise of welcoming the so-called Holy Father, to force Catholics to become laboratory rats!
On the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, patron saint of Slovakia, the National Shrine in Šaštín is about to be desecrated by a gesture of unity with
a public heretic and apostate Francis Bergoglio. This will have an impact on the entire Slovak nation! In the past, Šaštín was a source of God’s blessing,
which is associated with repentance and true faith. Bergoglio brings a false faith, legalization of immorality, and curse.
Word of Life – Rev 15:2 (25/7/2021 – 8/8/2021)
“And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and
over the number of his name.”
The Apostle John was given a vision of the future of the Church. This whole vision, which the Apostle expresses through images of angels and
various catastrophes, revealing spiritual battle with the devil and his angels – demons, ultimately ends with the casting of Satan into the lake
of fire and the coming of God’s kingdom in glory. In several places of his revelation, he points to a so-called mark which the beast will force
on all people. The Apostle warns against this mark of the beast and points out the terrible consequences of the mark. We feel that this testimony
applies in an extraordinary way to our present. That is why we need to be very careful and vigilant, because this danger is linked to eternal
punishment. On the other hand, he who overcomes shall receive an eternal reward in heaven.
Synodal process or the abolition of the papacy Bergoglio’s visit to the V4 countries – Hungary and Slovakia
On 9 and 10 October, a two-year so-called synodal process of unprecedented proportions is to begin in the Vatican, culminating in October 2023
with the de facto abolition of the papacy and the break-up of the Catholic Church with the purpose of transferring it to the Antichristic Church
of the New Age. However, this intention is hidden. Patriarch Elijah personally, in a speech of more than an hour, not only reveals in a fiery
manner the hidden intention of Bergoglio’s synodal process, but above all points to a saving solution. This seems very paradoxical at first
glance, but it is an original way of salvation.
BCP: Global mRNA vaccination from the medical point of view (part 1) and from spiritual point of view (part 2)
Part 2
Many experts in the West and in the East have already expressed their views on the current genocidal Covid-19 vaccination.
In part 1, we presented some of them and in order to provide an opposite view, we included their opponents as well.
In part 2, Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate + Elijah addresses those who had already been vaccinated:
Part 1
1) Pavel Vorobyov, medical doctor, professor, Head of the College of Hematology and Geriatrics in Moscow:
“Covid vaccination is a nonsense from beginning to end. Presently, we know several thousand mutations of this virus. What kind of vaccination can we use
in such a case? The situation around Covid, that is just politics. Upon my word, I have not heard of one real vaccine against Covid. Yes, I know what
genetically modified viruses are, which are injected to people under the guise of the protection against Covid. Such experiments had never been practiced
in people before… This can bring about a change of person’s DNA. And that is why these so called Covid vaccines have nothing in common with vaccines!
Although they have been registered, no one knows how and why. How is it possible to register viruses?! I really don’t know. In addition, such vaccines
are virtually being tested on people as mandatory. You know, historically, nuclear bombs had been tested in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And this Covid
vaccine is practically the same. It is a mass destruction of people.”
Word of Life – Rev 14:11 (11/7/2021 – 25/7/2021)
“And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
These words, too, are extremely topical at this time we are going through, and they are a clear warning. They warn people not to receive
the mark of the beast’s name or to worship him and his image. It means not to pay divine honours to the beast because divine honours belong to
God alone. As for those who take no heed of the warning, laugh at it or make their own interpretation so as to avoid the least sacrifice, the
Scripture says to them: “Their torment ascends forever, and they have no rest day or night” already in this life and unquenchable eternal torment
awaits them.
The media produce more and more shocking news on a daily basis: there must be a vaccination passport by this and that date; the Minister of Health reports:
The population, including newborns, must also have a genetic passport... etc., etc.
No one asks what the threat is, who is pushing for it, and what their aim is. It is only known that whoever disobeys will be expelled from society. Nonsensical
and criminal measures taken by the government are accepted without examining their consequences.
Nuclear weapons were the greatest threat of mass destruction. What is happening today, however, is an even more effective way of mass and total self-destruction
of humanity.
In a letter to the Jesuit Martin, Bergoglio responds to the Conference on so-called LGBTQ ministry to Catholics. Martin is known as a shameless and
hardened promoter of sodomy. Bergoglio eulogizes him and presents him as an example of zeal and so-called holiness for all bishops and priests.
This is a crime against Christ and a repudiation of the Gospel of salvation. Bergoglio as an archheretic is not a valid Pope. The Catholic Church
currently has no Pope, and is in a state of Sede Vacante.
Word of Life – Rev 16:2 (27/6/2021 – 11/7/2021)
“So the first angel went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image.”
Quote from the media: “Researchers at Columbia Engineering have built the world’s smallest single-chip system, consuming a total volume of less than 0.1 mm3.
The system is visible only under a microscope. The team used ultrasound to both power and communicate with the device wirelessly.”
Commentary: The inventors justify this injectable microchip by use in healthcare. Unfortunately, healthcare today is not concerned with the health of the people,
as the current pseudo pandemic has shown, but rather pursues vaccino-chipping and genocide. The chip is the most effective means of mentally enslaving mankind.
The Bible urgently warns against receiving a chip, speaking about the threat of the lake of fire!
Word of Life – Rev 13:16 (13/6/2021 – 27/6/2021)
“He forces all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads.”
For two thousand years, believers read these words and they remained shrouded in mystery. But now they have become extremely topical.
It is now the second year we have been going through a period that began with an artificial Covid-19 pandemic connected with lockdowns.
Thus, the ground was gradually prepared for mass vaccination and associated chipization of humanity. In recent days, a report has been
published about the invention of a miniature microchip that can be injected through a needle. We get into a situation when even those
who are quite clear about this issue can be trapped. For example, when visiting a dentist, a microchip may be inserted into their body
with the dental anaesthetic injection. Of course, the question of voluntariness also plays a role here. Whoever receives the mark of
the beast in a chip voluntarily is subject to the punishment mentioned in the Bible. Whoever receives a chip through no fault of his
own but rather by fraud becomes an innocent victim and bears no personal guilt.
Transhumanism (TH) is an ideology which claims that man (in a biological sense) has already reached the peak of evolution, and yet he is bad. So it
says it is necessary to improve his “mental and physical abilities, eliminate suffering, illness, aging, and even death” through nano-, bio-, information-
and cognitive technologies (NBIC technologies).
Commentary: The ideology of TH reveals that it is not only evolutionist but also utopian. In the field of technology, development has progressed, but man
himself remains equally sinful and mortal. He can become like an angel or the devil, depending on his thinking and how he acts according to it – doing
either good or evil. Man has free will. If he becomes addicted to alcohol, sexual perversion, drugs or destructive sects, he is no longer free but has
become a slave. If he receives a chip, he is completely deprived of his free will, ceases to be a human, and becomes a biorobot, a transhuman, and
eventually a so-called superman – a demon incarnate.
Dear Bishops of Poland,
pseudo Pope Bergoglio has taken many steps by which he has destroyed the very foundations of the Catholic Church. He is an invalid Pope.
The mass media announced that on Friday, 21 May 2021, Bergoglio officially presented a new synodal process. It will last two years and will
be divided into three stages. Bergoglio will inaugurate the diocesan stage in the Vatican on 9-10 October 2021, which will take place in individual
dioceses from 17 October. The process will be conducted by two Instrumentum Laboris and will end in October 2023. This will put an end to the existence
of the Catholic Church as such, as the papacy will be officially abolished.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) has pointed out that Francis Bergoglio is an archheretic and is not a legitimate Pope. Therefore, the
Church is currently in a state of Sede Vacante! According to the Bible (Gal 1:8-9) and according to the Dogmatic Bull Cum Ex Apostolatus..., all
actions of a heretic are without force and he must not be obeyed by anyone.
Quote from the media: Pope Francis approved the launching of a synodal path of unprecedented proportions. It will start in October 2021 and culminate
in Rome two years later...
Commentary: What does a synodal path of unprecedented proportions mean? Germany has already shown us a synodal path of unprecedented elimination of
basic dogmas and moral principles. This time we can expect that spiritual poisoning will reach unprecedented proportions and affect the entire Catholic Church.
Dear Bishops of Hungary,
in a letter of 29 April 2021, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) asked you to cancel the Eucharistic Congress scheduled for 5-12
September 2021, and hence also the planned visit by pseudo Pope Bergoglio. Through manifest heresies and apostasy, he has brought on himself
God’s curse (Gal 1:8-9) and excluded himself from the Church. Whoever is in inner unity with him participates in his apostasy and anathema.
Such a bishop or priest celebrates the Mass invalidly! As for the validity of the Consecration in the case of those who are not in inner
unity with Bergoglio but are forced under existential pressure to say the name of the archheretic in the Mass, it is something different.
We can speak of it as dubium.
Dear Cardinals and Bishops of the United States,
you are to be good shepherds of Christ’s flock. You are neither doctors nor experts in virology. By what right and on what basis do some of you make
criminal decisions obliging people to receive experimental and genocidal vaccines? You cynically oblige believers in conscience to obey you. Do you
realize that you are involved in crimes against humanity? Appealing to pseudo Pope Francis in the question of virology is a sign of the utmost stupidity.
Bergoglio has nothing to do with specialized medicine and, moreover, he consciously serves a system aimed at the genocide of 6 billion people, which
exploits vaccines for this purpose.
Word of Life – Jn 14:21 (30/5/2021 – 13/6/2021)
“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
The condition for an interior knowledge of Jesus is to receive His commandments. But this is not enough. We also need to keep them. The keeping
of Jesus’ commandments is a sign of our love for Him.
Why should we love Jesus? Because He first loved us, took our sins upon Himself, and paid for them by shedding His blood and dying on the cross.
He thus obtained for us eternal happiness in heaven. The first stage of love is gratitude at the least. Even a dog can be grateful to someone who
has done him good. Or even a predatory animal, as we see in the example of the lion in the life of St Gerasimos. After the saint removed a thorn
from the lion’s paw and cleansed the wound, the lion helped him faithfully in return. Finally, full of gratitude to his benefactor, the lion died
of grief at the saint’s grave.
At a time when gender ideology is being promoted, the German Episcopal Conference is massively introducing the blessing of sodomite unions.
Most Episcopal conferences, in union with pseudo Pope Bergoglio, promote fatally dangerous mRNA vaccination which real experts urgently warn against.
Why does at least one Episcopal conference in the world not stand up for the salvation of the Church and for a moral revival? The system of Episcopal
conferences has turned out to suppress and kill the prophetic voice among bishops and in the Church.
The present-day Vatican under Francis Bergoglio issued a document in March 2021 rejecting same-sex church marriages on the grounds that they
“cannot bless sin”. On the other hand, Bergoglio advocates the legalization of sodomite unions (2020). The proclamation of opposed attitudes causes
chaos. They make no difference between truth and falsehood, good and evil. However, the primary duty of the Pope and the Vatican is to take a clear
and unambiguous position on the fundamental issues of faith and morals, and also to clearly express it in words. Jesus says: “Simply let your ‘Yes’
be ‘Yes’, and your ‘No’, ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one (the devil).” (Mt 5:37)
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby files a lawsuit against Jorge Bergoglio, so-called Francis occupying the papacy in the Catholic Church,
for crimes against humanity in connection with the Covid-19 scandal.
Jorge Bergoglio
1) sounded a false alarm and ordered the closure of churches worldwide on grounds of false information, thereby manipulating and mentally traumatizing
millions of Catholic believers. His false alarm, factually confirmed by the closure of churches, mentally traumatized even the world public. With his
complicity in the Covid-19 scandal, Jorge Bergoglio joined organized crime against humanity.
Brief information from the press:
This Covid-19 crisis should be renamed the “Covid-19 Scandal”. All those responsible should be prosecuted. An international network of dozens of lawyers
and medical experts will plead the biggest tort case of all time. The Covid-19 fraud scandal has turned into the largest crime against humanity to ever be committed.
Reiner Fuellmich is the head of the lawyers who have initiated legal proceedings against the WHO and World Leaders (Gates, Hancock, Fauci...) for crimes
against humanity as defined in the International Criminal Code. The hearings have been conducted of around 100 internationally renowned scientists,
doctors, economists and lawyers. The Covid-19 scandal was at no time a health issue. Rather, it was about solidifying the illegitimate power obtained
by criminal methods of the corrupt “Davos clique”.
Word of Life – Ps 143:10 (16/5/2021 – 30/5/2021)
“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me in the land of uprightness.”
The “Truth Over Fear” Summit took place in the USA on May 7-9, 2021. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) expresses its thanks to the participating
doctors, lawyers and other prominent personalities. The Summit strongly warned of a conscious abuse of vaccination with the purpose of damaging the health
of the population and depriving people of their basic human rights (digitization, chipping) which will result in reduction, i.e. genocide of humanity.
The Summit was also attended by the former US nuncio, Archbishop C. M. Viganò, who in his speech pointed to the hidden backstage of the artificial pandemic.
By contrast, pseudo Pope Bergoglio vehemently advocates the false pandemic and vaccination.
Many experts warn that those who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 will become laboratories or factories for the production of spike protein.
They will exhale or release through the pores of the body dangerous, even deadly viruses, and infect the unvaccinated. Therefore, some experts conclude
that we will need to keep away from the vaccinated – e.g. by maintaining a distance...
Question: How to look at someone who has been vaccinated with the experimental Covid-19 vaccine?
Response: Everyone has reason and conscience and is obliged to seek the truth and act according to it. If he does not seek the truth due to negligence
and then causes damage to his health or the health of others, he bears the moral responsibility and consequences for it.
Word of Life – Ps 139:16 (2/5/2021 – 16/5/2021)
“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
Dear Bishops of Hungary,
thanks to God and the policy of your Prime Minister, the Hungarians are protected from the closure of churches, strict lockdown, forced testing
and fatally dangerous vaccination. Neighbouring Slovakia has been exposed to all this these days. The current artificial pandemic with the aim of
launching the Great Reset, chipization and reduction of humanity is abnormally proactively promoted by the false Pope Bergoglio. It should be noted
that he enthroned the Pachamama demon (2019), and promotes the legalization of sodomite unions (2020) and a fatally dangerous mRNA vaccine. If,
instead, he listened to the calls of real medical experts who urgently warn against an artificial pandemic, inadequate measures and, above all,
dangerous vaccination, Catholics, and not only them, but the whole world, would be saved from this organized crime. Bergoglio, however, issues
documents to enforce it.
Dear Prime Minister,
Dear Members of the Government,
Dear citizens of Hungary,
Bergoglio has scheduled a visit to Hungary for 12 September 2021 under the pretext of the so-called Eucharistic Congress. It is necessary to realize
who Bergoglio, so-called Pope Francis, is and what he promotes. Is Bergoglio a valid Pope before God and before the Church? He is not! He is an
archheretic who has excluded himself from the Church. He publicly promotes homosexuality and the legalization of sodomite unions (2020). God
threatens to punish this perversion with fire from heaven (2Pet 2:6) and eternal fire (Jud 1:7). For the promotion of sodomy, Bergoglio is
under God’s anathema – excommunication from the Church according to Gal 1:8-9.
The media reported that the Polish Episcopal Conference had raised “serious moral objections” to the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines
because they were closely linked to the killing of unborn children. But what is the attitude of the Polish bishops in reality?
Quote: “Therefore, Catholics should not agree to vaccination ... unless they are obligated by their profession.”
Response: What a guideline to use employment reasons to justify receiving an mRNA vaccine containing cell lines from an unborn baby! What is more,
the bishops thus allow Catholics to commit gradual suicide through changes in the genome.
The invalid Pope Francis has placed behind his desk in his personal study a painting of a nude Jesus embracing and caressing the face of
a dead Judas partially covered with a red cloth. This painting was published on 1 April, Maundy Thursday, on the front page of L’Osservatore
Romano under the title of Judas and the Scandal of Mercy. This is no scandal of mercy; this is a scandal of apostasy! The papal throne has
been usurped by a satanist!
Both the one who has painted the picture and the one who has it on the wall deliberately ignore that only those who repent can receive God’s
mercy. Presumptuous reliance on God’s mercy is a sin against the Holy Spirit!
Humanity is being forced into mass vaccination, although millions may die from experimental vaccines. These vaccines do not prevent infection
or virus transmission.
There are three major problems with mRNA vaccines:
The first problem is serious adverse effects. However, most institutions refuse to admit that these are the consequences of vaccination. Healthy
young people die a few hours after vaccination, but the public is told it is just a coincidence.
The second problem caused by the mRNA vaccine is pathogenic activation or cytokine storm.
Word of Life – Ps 127:1 (18/4/2021 – 2/5/2021)
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”
Contribution to the upcoming summit „Truth Over Fear: Covid-19, the Vaccine, and the Great Reset“
On April 30-May 1, 2021, a summit will take place, featuring over 20 of the world’s top doctors, researchers, and attorneys, with a contribution
by Archbishop C.M. Viganò.
Dear Americans,
what you are experiencing now in connection with a false pandemic is already mass satanization and programmed genocide. Its tool is mainly a
new mRNA vaccine forced under extremely strong pressure. This violates the Constitution and fundamental human rights. The aim is total control
resulting in destruction and self-destruction of the individual, family and society.
Who exerts this pressure of planned genocide? Who is responsible for organized crimes against humanity? It is the Deep State aligned with the
Deep Church. They promote satanism, and eliminate the natural moral principles and the essence of Christianity. Today, the papal office is
occupied by a religious imposter and a professional liar, an archheretic under multiple anathema – Bergoglio.
Dear Archbishop Jan,
it is known from your public speeches that you advocated not only the orthodox teachings of the Church but also the family. Today, Czech children have
found themselves in a very critical situation. On the one hand, their right to education is at stake and, what is worse, they are at risk of compulsory
vaccination. You, as archbishop and chairman of the CBK (Czech Bishops’ Conference), have a moral obligation to stand at this moment as a true shepherd
of Christ in defence of the rights of Czech children and their parents.
Surely you know that the lawyer J. Z. Hamplova has prepared a complex legal analysis of the regulation of the Ministry of Education on compulsory testing
of minors. The regulation violates up to ten Czech laws, international conventions and the Charter of Human Rights! Even worse, the European Court of
Justice has reached a groundbreaking and frightening verdict, which can really lead to the introduction of compulsory vaccination of all children and
adults in the EU!
A group of satanists under the guise of animal protection made a mockery of the Way of the Cross at the Vienna cathedral this Easter. The cross was
carried by a person with a pig’s head. What would be the reaction of the Muslim community if Muhammad were degraded in such way outside a mosque? The
participants would probably not survive.
The brutal blasphemy at the Vienna cathedral on the most important Christian holiday should provoke a wave of protests throughout Catholic Austria! Cardinal
Schönborn, along with the Vatican, should demand just punishment for insulting religious sentiment! They should then also hold penitential devotions and
processions to atone for such unprecedented blasphemy!
Word of Life – Ps 119:164 (4/4/2021 – 18/4/2021)
“Seven times a day I praise You, because of Your righteous judgments.”
On 25 March 2021, Cardinal Schönborn publicly criticized the 15 March decree from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the inadmissibility
of blessing so-called same-sex couples. Schönborn has won 350 Austrian priests who will continue to bless sodomites in union with him.
Quote by Schönborn: “If the request for a blessing is honest, if it is truly the request for God’s blessing for the life path that these two people are
trying to make, whatever condition they find themselves in, then this blessing will not be denied them.”
Response: It begins with the blessing of sodomites, but faced with the current gender ideology that Schönborn-style prelates are embracing, one can soon
expect a man with a goat coming with an honest request for a blessing. If even such a “couple” asks for a blessing for the life path, this blessing will,
according to Schönborn’s new teaching, not be denied them either.
On 19 March 2021, pseudo Pope Bergoglio declared the Amoris Laetitia Family Year. Two basic questions arise:
1) Is Bergoglio a true Pope or has he excluded himself from the Church as a heretic? The answer is clear: He is not a true Pope; he is a public heretic
excluded from the Church.
2) The second question: Does the exhortation Amoris Laetitia represent the teachings of the Church, or does it contain heresies? The answer is also clear:
The exhortation is heretical, denying God’s commandments and objectively valid moral norms.
Christians, on the Day of Resurrection, 4 April, gather outside the churches! Stop to a false pandemic!
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP), which is a prophetic voice, calls by the authority of God: Christians and people of good will, on the Day of
Christ’s Resurrection, 4 April 2021, gather outside the churches and celebrate Christ’s resurrection with songs and prayers! This will also be your spiritual
resurrection from fear and death. Throw masks on the ground outside the churches! Trample this mark of slavery and programmed death!
3,964 DEAD 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Word of Life – Ps 119:9 (21/3/2021 – 4/4/2021)
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.”
Dr. Vernon Coleman:
If you have been reading my articles for a while you will know that I never exaggerate. You will also know that for the last year my predictions, assessments
and interpretations have been absolutely accurate.
Now, more than ever I need your help. Unless we work together we are doomed. I need your help because we need to reach millions with this article. And with the big
platforms and the mainstream media having banned me I cannot reach those millions without you.
I believe this is the most important article you will ever read. You have to share it. You have to do nothing for the next few days but send this article to everyone
you know or don’t know who has an email address. And send it to every journalist whose email address you can find. You can send it easily from www.vernoncoleman.org
The current so-called pandemic, or tragicomedy, has revealed the root of human idiocy. On a global scale, the governments of all states tell lies to the
people through the mass media and force them to make a spectacle of themselves by wearing masks and respirators, and by undergoing testing and genocidal
vaccination. Real medical experts define all this so-called health care as a crime against humanity.
Healthcare has a mission to save lives and take care of health. Within the new system, it has become an instrument of genocide and the destruction of health.
This is madness.
Physicians took the Hippocratic Oath, in which they pledged to protect life. Today, they are forced to do the exact opposite. They become tools of programmed
genocide! This is the most serious crime and madness!
The papal office has been occupied and the Catholic Church headed by the greatest archheretic of all time, Jorge Bergoglio, so-called Francis.
He promotes idolatry (2019), legalization of sodomite unions (2020) and chipping (2020). Those who submit to him betray Christ and the way of salvation
and are on the path to eternal damnation. It is a paradox that whoever tells the truth about Bergoglio in Catholic circles is immediately branded as the
greatest enemy of the Church. Many Catholics believe that defending Francis Bergoglio they defend Jesus Christ. However, the exact opposite is true today.
He who defends the archheretic Francis opposes Christ. As the papacy is occupied by a heretic, the Catholic Church does not have a Pope. There is a state
of sede vacante! This state lasts as long as the heretic occupies the office. In no case can a Judas and traitor of Christ be the visible representative of Christ.
Dear Catholic bishops, priests and believers! What are you waiting for? If you stand up for Christ, you cannot lose anything. If you lose your life
for the sake of Christ and His Gospel, Jesus promises that you will gain it back. (Mk 8:34) But if you want to save your life by collaborating with satanic
vaccination, you will lose both this earthly life and eternal life. These are the words of Jesus. This appeal obliges each of you in conscience. This is what
God requires of each of you. You will be accountable for this letter at the hour of death and on the Day of Judgment. You will either be a traitor or a hero.
You will either be saved or condemned. Everyone has to make a choice today!
Dear bishops and priests of Poland,
Poland is under great pressure to receive the mRNA vaccine and to carry out the Great Reset, the end result of which is the destruction of Christianity
and the Polish nation.
The Church, headed by a Judas Pope, has so far cooperated intensively on the spiritual and physical autogenocide of humanity. If Poland begins to repent,
not only the Polish Church but the whole nation will see an awakening! It will set an example for the whole Catholic Church and for the whole world.
Satanization, associated with the Great Reset, vaccination and chipping, will be stopped. The eternal salvation of millions is at stake! Dear Polish
bishops and priests, are you aware of this responsibility before God?
Word of Life – Ps 116:16 (7/3/2021 – 21/3/2021)
“O Lord, truly I am Your servant; I am Your servant, the son of Your maidservant; You have loosed my bond.”
However, these days the whole world is exposed to a feverish campaign forcing vaccination with a fatally dangerous mRNA vaccine, which is associated
with a purposeful pandemic. The biggest tragedy is that although the unproven vaccine is a forbidden experiment on humans and a crime against humanity, it
is promoted by many bishops, theologians and Catholic physicians, who abuse ecclesiastical authority. They all appeal to so-called Pope Francis, who also
forced Vatican employees to be vaccinated under threat of losing their jobs. In doing so, he set a pernicious precedent for the Church and the world. He
uses the slogan “vaccine for all” and hypocritically claims that those who do not undergo vaccination sin against others because they pose a threat to
them. Experts not only deny this, but have also published the finding that whoever receives the mRNA vaccine becomes dangerous to others and must be
isolated. The Bible warns that the punishment for chipping is the lake of fire. The planned series of vaccines is part of a process to chip humanity.
The Slovak nation is outraged by the media statements of the Catholic physician Jozef Glasa, a member of the Subcommittee on Bioethics of the Theological
Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Slovakia (KBS). In a TV broadcast, he likened the dangerous mRNA vaccine to the gift of the birth of the Saviour.
This is blasphemy! Moreover, he shamelessly and suggestively intimidated the believers by saying that those who refuse to receive the vaccine commit a serious
sin. This is another malicious lie and manipulation. The authority of a Catholic physician and expert, who is closely associated with the Conference of Bishops
of Slovakia (KBS), has been abused for a mass campaign and a grave crime against God, the Church and the nation. By his act, Prof Jozef Glasa, MD, has brought
on himself the punishment of excommunication from the Church of Christ – anathema (Gal 1:8-9).
Question: What is the essence of the condemnation announced in the Bible, in Apocalypse 14, as punishment for receiving the mark of the beast?
Answer: The main reason for the impossibility of salvation, described in Rev 14, is the submission to the system of the antichrist and the receiving of
a clearly visible form of this submission = a chip. This chip bears the mark of the beast 666. The act of receiving it is immediately preceded by a
voluntary decision of man to reject God and His warning in God’s Word, as well as the warnings of medical experts who from their position can know
the truth and who warn others even at the cost of persecution. If anyone receives a chip under these circumstances, that is, knowingly, he commits
a sin against the Holy Spirit. He becomes open to demonic possession, and hence unable to resist the spirit of evil and its system, for whose sake
he has renounced his will.
We must distinguish: there is the Church of Christ, which keeps God’s commandments and respects the basic truths – dogmas – necessary for salvation,
and on the other hand there is the Bergoglian sect (Deep Church), which keeps the majority of the Catholic Church in bondage of deception. The latter
gradually leads the Church to hell on earth and hell in eternity, abusing the highest authority. Therefore, every priest, but also every believer, must
consider who they will listen to: whether a bishop or priest who is faithful to Christ and is persecuted, or one who only says that he is faithful to
Christ, but in fact is in inner unity with the archheretic Bergoglio and promotes the system of satanization through criminal vaccination. Eventually,
each of us will be held accountable before God’s judgment seat for our decisions. What matters is who we serve – either God or the devil, either Christ
or the antichrist. Accordingly, we will receive either eternal reward in heaven or eternal punishment in hell.
Word of Life – Ps 112:1 (21/2/2021 – 7/3/2021)
“Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.”
The Word of God says that the basis of the relationship to God is the fear of God. This fear begins to be born when we ask ourselves: Who am I
and who is God? He created the whole universe, everything that is, and I am only a grain in this vast universe. What also helps us to have true fear
of God is when we become aware of our sin before God. This fear disposes us to true repentance. We admit our sin before ourselves, stand in spirit by
the cross, where we confess it and receive forgiveness from Jesus. This fear of God then grows into pure love of Jesus. And finally, perfect love
casts out fear. The love of Jesus means that we are ready even to lay down our life for His sake and the Gospel’s (Mk 8:34). We have our life from
Him and when we give it to Him, we thus lose our soul for His sake, and consequently by doing so we actually save both our life and our soul.
Dear Senators of the Czech Republic,
on 24 February 2021, you shall decide definitively whether the so-called pandemic act will be approved or rejected (Draft Law No. 1158). In this situation,
the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, which is the prophetic voice in the Church, addresses you on behalf of all the sincere Christians.
Today, lies spread panic, which, however, does not lead to salvation but to suicide through a pandemic law. If it were approved, the Czech Republic would be in
danger of being put in a permanent state of emergency!
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby appeals to you, dear Senators of the Czech Republic, to act according to your conscience and to be aware of the
responsibility for the catastrophic consequences. Punishments for those who will cause mass death will be both temporal and eternal.
The culmination of apostasy in the Church is the apostate Vatican itself, headed by so-called Francis Bergoglio. He has arrogantly enthroned
the Pachamama idol in the main basilica of St Peter, seeks to legalize sodomitic unions, and promotes the mRNA vaccine which alters the human genome
and is an integral part of chipping which the Bible warns against saying that the punishment is the lake of fire. In addition, the heavily-promoted
vaccination programme is a means to achieve the mass genocide of humanity – the annihilation of 6 billion people! The whole Bergoglian sect, occupying
the highest offices in the present-day Church, is in line with both Bergoglio’s attitude of betrayal of Christ’s teachings and the programme of genocide.
Word of Life – Ps 105:4 (7/2/2021 – 21/2/2021)
“Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore!”
The psalms often encourage us to seek the Lord. We should seek His face and His strength, that is, His almighty power. The process of seeking is painful.
When you lose something, you feel worried and distressed, especially if it was an important or valuable thing. The most valuable thing for us is eternal life.
And this life is given us by God in His Son Jesus Christ.
To seek the Lord’s face means to enter into God’s presence, to realize that God sees me, and I open my heart fully to Him, knowing that there is no point in
hiding anything from Him because He knows everything.
Margaret Karram, an Arab who studied Judaism in Los Angeles and worked at the Italian consulate in Jerusalem, was elected the new president of the
Focolare Movement on 31 January 2021. She has a unity of spirit with Bergoglio on the question of syncretism, including reverence for the Pachamama demon,
as well as on the question of the Islamization of Europe through planned immigration. She is a supporter of Bergoglio’s universal brotherhood and also of
the legalization of sodomy. Moreover, the president is of one mind with him on the promotion of the genocidal chipping vaccine “for all” which real experts
in medicine and the Holy Scriptures urgently warn against.
At this time, Christians want to be clear about global and forced vaccination in terms of conscience.
By authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate urgently warns against vaccination autogenocide.
Real experts, but also reason, conscience and God’s Word, strongly warn against the dangerous mRNA vaccine! The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, in the name
and authority of the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, warns against this vaccination autogenocide. At the same time, this Patriarchate
hereby obliges all Christians and people of good will both before God and in their conscience to offer unified and categorical resistance.
Dear Christians of America,
what can you expect after the presidential election, when the deep state is taking over the official government again after four years? It carries out
a genocidal policy of the planet, including America, as Bill Gates has said. This concerns a system of fatally dangerous mRNA vaccination, promoted by
the shadow government and media terrorism. After his inauguration, Joe Biden announced that he would have one hundred million Americans vaccinated in
three months! In this post-election situation, your fight is similar to David’s fight with Goliath.
“Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah…” He was called to urgently warn the people of Nineveh: “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”
But Jonah tried to escape his responsibility.
God has given His word to the Church, a word that gives eternal life, a word of truth that is intrinsically linked to repentance. The Church is obliged
to proclaim the truth of salvation to the whole world. Today it is doing the opposite. It proclaims anti-repentance. Since Vatican II, mission has been
replaced with the anti-mission of paganism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam... The apostate Vatican, contrary to medical experts, spreads lies about Covid-19
instead of truth, promotes genocidal vaccination, enthrones the Pachamama demon, and seeks to legalize same-sex unions.
Word of Life – Ps 77:2 (24/1/2021 – 7/2/2021)
“In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; my hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; my soul refused to be comforted.”
Each of us faces days of trouble in our life. The solution is not to fall into depression but to look for a way out. We have to seek it mainly
from God. If we seek it from people rather than from God, it may be useful sometimes, but we can often get into more trouble. If we seek help from God
in the first place, God will enlighten us or put people in our path to give us advice or to help us solve our seemingly unsolvable problem.
Today, among other things, abused authorities are becoming an effective means of influencing public opinion on taking a fatally dangerous vaccine.
To this end, a report was published: “Benedict XVI (94) and his entire household staff will receive the Covid-19 vaccine, Archbishop Georg Gänswein told
the German Catholic News Agency (KNA).”
The aim is to break public opinion about taking the vaccine. This gesture is intended to drown out the warning voice of real experts and to force
Catholics to be mass-vaccinated.
The public discussion of scientists reveals the essence of the so-called new mRNA vaccine, which is not really a traditional vaccine, but is a
tool for mass mutilation and genocide of humanity.
David Martin, MD: Let’s make sure we are clear. They are using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is not a
vaccine. This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell ... to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator...
Promoting a means of the mass mutilation and subsequent annihilation of humanity under the guise of a vaccine is the most serious crime ever! Humanity
must bring Bergoglio before an international tribunal as a mass criminal and mass murderer! It must be done! This must be done! We must not get
vaccinated at any cost!
Word of Life – Ps 69:14 (10/1/2021 – 24/1/2021)
“Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink; let me be delivered from those who hate me, and out of the deep waters.”
Regardless of the human author of the psalm, who applied these words to himself, it is God’s word that applies to each of us to some degree. Deliver
me out of the mire, and let me not sink! We are confronted with the image of a man sinking in the mire. We know that the more he moves and tries to get
out of it, the deeper he sinks. The only solution for him is to be saved by someone else. In a figurative sense, for each of us, the mire is our sin or
addiction that enslaves us so much that we cannot get out of it by our own efforts. What is the solution? Call on the One who can save me. The soul cries
to God, it cries for deliverance.
What is now the situation in America? After the election fraud, the Deep State is almost taking over the government, preparing an economic collapse
and a gradual genocide through vaccination.
Dear US Christian, it also depends on you whether God will work a miracle and save America! Jesus’ word is still valid today: “Ask, and you will receive!”
What to ask for? For salvation from genocidal vaccination and the lake of fire. Jesus said of a certain kind (Gr. genos) of demons that “[it] cannot be cast
out except by prayer and fasting” (Mt 17:21).
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, which exercises the prophetic ministry, hereby addresses you, the Supreme Commanders of
the United States Army, and other soldiers.
The victory in the US elections was fraudulently won by a representative of the shadow government which pursues the genocide of the
world and of America. This shadow government has declared an absurd pandemic leading to fatally dangerous vaccination.
Vaccination pursues the following under the guise of health care: 1) to make humans genetically modified organisms with the use of
mRNA and mDNA, 2) to totally enslave Americans by chipping, and 3) to achieve depopulation which, as Gates said, should reduce the
population by 10-15% in the first stage of vaccination. This will mean genocide of one billion people.
The Catholic Church under Bergoglio is becoming a dangerous organization that collaborates with mass murderers in the genocide of humanity. Today,
the United States represents a hope for the Church and the world. How will salvation come? In this crisis situation which has arisen after the rigged
election, it is the military who must take over the government to restore order in the United States (see General Jehu, 2Kings 9-11). They must first
punish the criminals who initiate or support the genocide of America and humanity. These criminals are on the territory of the United States. The
reason for the takeover of the government by military power is not only the gross falsification of the Presidential election, but mainly the salvation
of America from the genocide that has already begun.
Eternal life has the highest value. We have to expect that the devil will try to steal it from us. He will try to lie to us to make us accept the fatally
dangerous vaccine along with the chipization as something quite normal and subsequently lose eternal life. Man prefers to avoid troubles and refuses to admit
that they lead him into even bigger problems, which become unsolvable. That is why everyday prayer is so important and it keeps us in truth and alert, to make
sure we do not surrender to the web of lies.
The Scripture says that faith overcomes the world. The faith in Jesus Christ overcomes death! He said: “He who believes in Me shall live even if he dies”
(John 11:25).
Word of Life – Ps 59:2 (27/12/2020 – 10/1/2021)
“Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloodthirsty men.”
To some extent, America has found itself in such a situation before Christmas. And not only America, but also the whole Christian world and the whole world
in general. We are faced with a depopulation plan, which involves so-called testing, vaccination, chipping, and finally death and the lake of fire. So not only
when we recite the word of life seven times a day, but more often can we pray in our thoughts from the bottom of our heart: “Deliver me from the workers of
iniquity, and save me from bloodthirsty men.” And God will deliver us by His Spirit as He delivered David from the bloodthirsty Saul and just as He also
delivered the Child Jesus from the power-hungry Herod.
Is Francis Bergoglio the antichrist, or should we expect someone else? Go and tell people the things which you hear and see: Many who were able
to see are blind, many who were able to hear are deaf, and all have a false gospel preached to them. (cf. Gal 1:8-9; Mt 11:2-5)
A false gospel in seven points:
1) Enthronement of the Pachamama demon
In 2019, Bergoglio enthroned the Pachamama demon in the main basilica of the Catholic Church. He thus made a gesture of public betrayal
of Christ as the only Saviour and, at the same time, a gesture of embracing the spirit of antichrist. By his crimes he caused his serial
excommunication from the Church. He completely fell away from God and committed a supreme betrayal. This must be clear to every ordinary
Catholic, and all the more so to every bishop and priest. If it is not clear to them, they are spiritually blind.
You ask where to find a fixed point in this confusion, amid a sea of lies and deception? Where to find pure love, where to find certainty and security,
when the same spirit as the one that has been promoting satanization and genocide in the world for several decades is now at the head of the Church? The
time has come for man to turn to God and find a personal relationship with Him. That is why prayer and the reading of the Holy Scriptures and the lives
of saints and martyrs, who are a model of the true Church for us, are so important.
The Congregation has prepared a Christmas present, this time to defend Herod’s plan. Let us quote from the Congregation’s proclamation of 21 December 2020:
Citation: “...vaccines against Covid-19..., this Congregation desires to offer some indications for clarification of this matter.”
Response: How is it that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith did not desire to offer some indications for clarification of the matter of the enthronement
of the Pachamama demon in the main Basilica? It was a grave sin of idolatry and apostasy, and that concerns the essence of the faith! But now this Congregation desires
to offer some indications for clarification of vaccination. In fact, Bergoglio and his Congregation notoriously boycott the clarification given by top experts in
virology and immunology who are persecuted for the truth and reject vaccination.
Dear young people, boys and girls,
you want to start a family, have children. Today, however, the demon of death controls the human population. At every stage of a child’s life, he seeks to
kill or maim it physically, morally and spiritually. The expectant mother and the future father look forward to the child. However, during the very first
medical check-up, the mother is under extreme pressure to have an abortion, because the child is said to be at risk of Down’s or other syndromes or autism.
But the reality is that the child is healthy.
A new vaccine has emerged that real medical professionals urgently warn against, even though they suffer persecution for it. There is a force,
however, that boycotts this warning and vehemently promotes vaccination with this fatally dangerous vaccine.
The purpose of this warning against the new vaccine is to save as many people as possible from mutilation, planned killing and eternal damnation.
The Catholic media (11 December 2020) announced that Bergoglio plans to vaccinate his employees against COVID-19 in the first months of next year.
Commentary: Why does Bergoglio bring this plan into the open? He sets a precedent for the majority of the population in order to destroy the instinct of
self-preservation against fatally dangerous vaccination.
Quote: “The Vatican will offer the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (bio-nano-technology).”
Commentary: What pharmaceutical company does Bergoglio advertise? Bio-nano-technologies use the vaccine for a covert form of chipping! This company is
also known to use the tissue of children murdered by abortion, which must be torn out while the fetus is still alive in order to be used for the given
purposes! The new vaccine changes the genome of the vaccinated human with modified RNA and DNA.
We, the US bishops, address you, dear Catholics of the United States, not only at this Christmas time, but also at a critical time that has come. Yet
this year, the Christmas “today” is to become extraordinarily relevant – indeed, today the Savior is born to you, today the Savior has come to save His Church and
America from the curse and the planned genocide. Today we can sing with all our hearts, together with the angels, the joyful Gloria – Glory to God in the highest!
Dear brothers and sisters, it is our duty to provide you with the correct spiritual direction based on true and accurate diagnosis of the current situation.
With regards to political, economic, medical and other fields, we are aware that you who follow only mainstream media, which are in a firm grip of the
globalization promoters, are disoriented. Those of you who listen also to the other side, which is being intentionally silenced, and sincerely seek the
truth, you can form your own objective idea of the events that are currently unfolding.
We, the bishops of Bohemia and Moravia, hereby declare before the whole Church that Francis Bergoglio has excommunicated himself from the Church due
to his heresies and crimes. That is why we separate ourselves from this dead limb – from the invalid Pope Bergoglio – and declare that we have nothing to
do with him as he is an apostate. At the same time, we ask the Vatican Nuncio to leave Prague. On the basis of the Holy Scripture, Gal 1:8-9, and on the
basis of the dogmatic constitution Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, the Czech Republic enters a state of Sede Vacante.
We oblige in conscience all priests in Bohemia and Moravia not to say the name of the archheretic and apostate Francis Bergoglio in the Mass, starting from
the Fourth Sunday of Advent, i.e. 20 December 2020.
This Christmas will thus indeed be the feast of the birth of Christ in the Czech Church and in the Czech nation! The words of the Gospel: “There is born to
you today a Saviour!” will be truly fulfilled. He will save us from the planned genocide.
At this time of Vatican apostasy, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate exercises the apostolic and prophetic ministry. It defends the truths of the faith
against heresies and warns humanity against the lies that lead to temporal and eternal death. The Patriarchate, in unity with the real medical experts,
radically rejects the fatally dangerous vaccination against Covid-19.
By authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, we hereby oblige in conscience the Catholic faithful and all Christians to accept the truth and life,
and to reject the lies and death associated with the new criminal vaccination. The Lord says again today: “Therefore choose life, that both you and your
descendants may live!” (Deut 30:19b)
Bergoglio makes fools of Catholics. This year’s representative nativity scene in Vatican Square, which is to remind us of the birth of our Saviour, is a
public blasphemy. It is a testimony of total apostasy from the living God. It demonstrates that the Vatican is under the sway of the Masonic ideology which
worships the Pachamama demon instead of our Lord and Saviour.
Nevertheless, bishops and priests will celebrate Christmas Mass with a limited number of physically distanced believers, under a ban on Christmas carols, wearing
gloves and face masks, or possibly Christmas coveralls, and faithfully continue to repeat like a mantra: “in union with Francis our Pope”. And they should add
truly and loudly: “and in union with Gates, Soros and Satan”. The impudence of the archheretic Bergoglio has no limits.
Word of Life – Ps 51:1-2 (13/12/2020 – 27/12/2020)
“Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly
from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.”
We will recite this word of life in the time of Advent, a time of repentance and anticipation of the coming of our Saviour. He has already come and was
born in poor Bethlehem, died for our sins and rose from the dead. Because of our sin, God is far from us; grave sins make Him depart and minor sins obscure
our spiritual sight, so that we do not perceive God’s nearness. But if we have learned to repent, or if we have received the Spirit of truth, through
repentance our spirit unites itself with the Spirit of God in intimate union again – our union with God is restored. External suffering often intensifies
the perception of God’s presence, so that we feel God’s closeness very strongly. There is no salvation without repentance.
Dear Bishops of Central and South America,
we live in a serious time; profound changes are taking place in society. Deep state, which operates in all your countries too, pursues the gradual destruction
of Christianity. The tragedy is that to achieve this aim it uses not only many Catholic priests and lay people, but even bishops. What puts the lid on is that
the Argentine Bergoglio, an archheretic abusing the papacy, deals the heaviest blows to the Catholic Church today. Unfortunately, the crisis we are undergoing
has its roots in the Second Vatican Council, which marked a spiritual turning point. Abp. Viganò has described it clearly in his recent address
(see https://youtu.be/NbO-1jO1LlE).
Dear US Catholics,
today, December 6, 2020, on the second Sunday of Advent, we address you with this pastoral letter. Not only the Catholic Church in the United States but the whole
world is in an extremely dramatic situation. These hours decide the being or not being of America itself. Will the already-begun process of the planned spiritual and physical genocide of
humanity be stopped? The political pandemic under the guise of Covid-19 is accompanied by senseless wearing of masks and repeated antigen or PCR testing in many countries. The goal is mass
vaccination and subsequent chipping, ending with the reduction of humanity by 6 billion and the eternal condemnation of the chipped in the lake of fire.
Word of Life – Ps 42:1-2 (29/11/2020 – 13/12/2020)
“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?”
If one has not suppressed a sense of truth, one is aware of the futility of life, and if one has faith, one longs to stand before God in prayer, i.e. in
God’s presence. Some saints would look for hours at the face of Christ on the cross. Here was the source of true wisdom. Here the mysteries of life encoded in
the Bible were revealed to them. Here they were drawn deep into the great love of Christ for them and motivated to make heroic sacrifices for the salvation of
souls. Here many even received the strength to die martyrs.
Dear US Bishops,
we were stunned to read a report: Representatives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Msgr. Kevin C. Rhoades and Archbishop Msgr.
Joseph F. Naumann, distributed a memo to all US Catholic bishops stating: It is not immoral to be vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
We respond: The two bishops thus say that the use of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines is morally acceptable. This statement is a gross lie which has
dire consequences for both temporal and eternal life. Pfizer and Moderna are subsidized – i.e. controlled – by Gates, the number one public activist
in depopulation agenda, i.e. mass genocide of humanity through vaccines.
One can watch an online Russian Orthodox broadcast Re:Action on the topic “A chip under the skin” of the Spas channel. Among the guests were Orthodox
activists who defended the truth, and Prof. Katasonov provided brief specialist information over Skype. However, the directors of the programme did not mean
to warn the Orthodox public against chipping. On the contrary, they also invited a young man who had two chips under his skin and advertised them. In the same
way, an Orthodox priest present manipulatively promoted chipping. What methods were used? Gross manipulation, trivialization of the truth, and even ridicule
of God’s Word.
The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers (Lk 20:9-19) fully applies to Vatican II and the post-conciliar period culminating in the archheretic Bergoglio.
Bergoglio and the apostate structure have taken possession of God’s vineyard and are destroying it.
Modernism, formerly condemned by Saint Pius X, came to power through Vatican II, with the promotion of the Modernist Roncalli (John XXIII) to the papacy. Its
heresies and spirit of the world (aggiornamento) have ravaged God’s vineyard, the Church. However, this anti-Church disguises itself as the true Church of Christ.
By authority of the prophetic and apostolic office, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, as a prophetic voice safeguarding the depositum fidei, has previously
made this fact concerning the invalidity of Vatican II public on grounds of its heresies and destructive fruits. Without acknowledging this reality, the
restoration of the Church is not possible.
Quote of the Italian bishops: “Biden is a man of reconciliation...”
Response: What reconciliation do Italian bishops mean if Biden is not reconciled to God? A Catholic priest was even forced to deny him Holy Communion
as his public views contradicted the teachings of the Catholic Church. Biden is an irreconcilable promoter of the killing of unborn children, even in
the ninth month. He is also known to endorse sodomy and gender ideology. His closest collaborator is a transsexual. The Italian bishops, with their
support of Biden, publicly deny Catholic teaching and God’s commandments.
God demands continual prayer to save the United States at this critical time. Let us build a net of one-hour prayer watches (cf. Lk 18:1; 1Th 5:17). You,
pensioners, are needed to fill the hours during the working day, because students and workers can only start praying when they return from school or work.
At this time, when the spiritual struggle of the forces of darkness culminates, God seeks those who will pray with perseverance and zeal. Politicians, teachers,
doctors, priests, pastors, and everyone else need God’s light and spiritual strength to succeed in this struggle. Some of you pensioners live with your children
and grandchildren, others live alone or in retirement homes. The third group consists of you who are in long-stay wards in hospitals. Realize that mission and
spiritual awakening will not be possible without the battle of those who pray and offer their suffering to God for the salvation of souls.
Quote from the press release: “With the second wave of the pandemic, France entered into its second lockdown, which includes a ban on public Masses
starting with 3 November.”
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, asks: Does France repent adequately for the Church’s internal apostasy
from God? Put your hand on your heart, dear French bishops and priests: Was it not through your apostasy and impenitence that God allowed the closure
of churches? You refuse to break with the root of sin and curse in the heresies of the historical-critical method. This is Neomodernism in essence.
You have distanced yourselves neither from syncretism with Vatican II’s paganism, nor from the criminal tolerance of immorality.
Word of Life – Ps 39:7 (15/11/2020 – 29/11/2020)
“Surely every man walks about like a shadow; surely they busy themselves in vain; he heaps up riches, and does not know who will gather them.”
True wisdom is to think about the end. We will leave everything around us: our belongings, our property, our dearest ones. We will take nothing into
eternity. But Scripture says that love never ends. And the Apostle says what love is like. It is patient, it does not envy, it is not proud, it does not
behave rudely, it does not seek its own, it keeps no record of wrongs. It does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. So love is intrinsically
linked to truth. Pure love, agape, means that we are to give God the first place, that is, to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul and with all
our strength, and we are to experience this above all in interior prayer. Here we first give God our sins and then we give Him all our problems and worries.
This is the way out of the futility of life and a taste of a happy eternity into which we shall sooner or later enter.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) has recently expressed public thanks on behalf of all sincere Christians and people of good will to courageous
doctors in Germany, America, Italy, Spain, and around the world. It has appreciated the movement of medical doctors bravely and heroically opposing covid-hysteria
and the abuse of medical science. Many doctors, but also ordinary citizens, have been encouraged by this fair recognition and appreciation given to real heroes
in medicine. Today, we would like to highly appreciate the movement of Czech doctors who have fearlessly stood up for the truth and health of the people.
Dear American people,
Let each of you make a promise to God for one year and commit yourself to devote one hour daily to God and your soul. He will give you wisdom and strength
in the current psychological and spiritual struggle.
It is God’s will now, after the election, to take to the streets in support of President Trump! The Belarusian people demonstrated their support of their
President and took to the streets. Do hold weekend rallies too! The first big rally for your President is to take place in Washington DC on November 14,
2020. May similar rallies begin to be organized in all US cities!
These days, there is a struggle to expose fraud in the US election. The president of the US Episcopal Conference (EC), José Gómez, at the moment
when the psychological struggle culminates, publicly congratulates the globalist representative on election victory, although it has not yet been
decided at all. With this gesture, he paralyzes the fighters against the globalization system. This system now promotes vaccino-chipping and reduction,
i.e. genocide of the planet.
At the end of October, Bergoglio gave the nuncios orders for the bishops. He manipulated them to approve and promote laws on same-sex unions.
In essence, this contradicts the teachings of the Church! This is the practical impact of the promotion of homosexuality in the documentary Francesco,
where Bergoglio approved unnatural and sinful laws on so-called registered same-sex partnerships as well as the crime of child adoption by homosexuals
and paedophiles as a precedent.
The servants of darkness and death have a hundred options for trapping the righteous. But God has thousands of ways to catch them in their own traps.
“They have prepared a net for my steps … they have dug a pit before me; into the midst of it they themselves have fallen.” (Psa 57:7)
Americans, don’t delay but start; it’s a fight to the death! “My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the net.” (Psa 25:15)
Brother and sister, promise God one hour of prayer a day! And God will save your nation from the net through you.
Word of Life – Ps 37:5 (1/11/2020 – 15/11/2020)
“Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.”
President Trump had the courage to stand up for America and say: “This is a struggle for the survival of our nation ... we only have the illusion of
democracy, but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests. They will lie, lie, lie... Their financial resources are virtually
unlimited, ... their media resources are unmatched. And most importantly, the depth of their immorality is absolutely unlimited.” This was what President
Trump said referring to those who plan to reduce humanity by 6 billion through vaccination. Why has the Vatican not said the words of truth? This is a hidden
struggle for eternal life! New vaccines are connected with eternal damnation in the lake of fire!
Dear bishops and priests, at this time God gives you and the souls entrusted to you three means of salvation:
1) renounce contemporary heresies,
2) profess orthodoxy,
3) accept and spread the commitment of prayer.
Where there are prayer watches, God will save His faithful from the lake of fire.
Excerpt from the book “The Resurrection of Christ” by monk Elijah
Card. Müller, Card. Burke and other bishops are outraged by Francis’ apostasy. Some bishops hold the position of Vatican Radio, as if the film were a
manipulation of Bergoglio’s words. And what about Czech Bishop Holub? How did he express himself, in contrast to these attitudes?
Quote: “I think it’s a mighty challenge...”
Response: Holub indicates that he is aware that Bergoglio’s words bring about a radical shift in the attitude towards the sin of sodomy, and he fully
supports it.
The current threefold anathema for the enthronement of the Pachamama demon, for the promotion of vaccino-chipping and for the approval of sodomy is
a sign of supreme apostasy of this apostate hierarch occupying the papacy. A Catholic believer must not obey or follow this invalid Pope – archheretic.
Otherwise, they will fall under the same anathema – excommunication from the Church.
On 20 October 2020, a so-called interfaith meeting took place in Rome, where Bergoglio convened representatives of various pagan cults. Then
he prayed with them to their gods – demons, one of whom as he believes is also his god, but it is definitely not the true, Triune God. At such events,
paganism is placed on the same level as Christianity and is de facto considered an equally valid way to salvation. This is the supreme heresy! It is
a false gospel for which one falls under God’s anathema: “If anyone, even an angel from heaven, should preach any other gospel, let him be accursed!”
(cf. Gal 1:8-9)
What should a truly orthodox Pope do in this situation? Be the prophetic voice and, as a good shepherd, following the example of Christ, sacrifice
even his own life for the flock entrusted to him.
After the first wave of the artificial pandemic, a second wave is being groundlessly pushed on us. Among the main promoters are, in addition to the
secret ones, so-called Pope Francis and Moscow Patriarch Kirill. Both are responsible for issuing orders to dishonour the Eucharistic Christ, that is,
for the crime of sacrilege.
Bergoglio supports this genocide, so bishops and priests should consistently add in the Mass: “in union with Francis our Pope and Bill Gates” – chipped
and reduced to hell.
Will bishops and priests repent and finally stop repeating the mantra about unity with a murderer of the Church and of humanity?
Take a leaf out of the book of the brave doctors who have staged a million-strong demonstration in Germany against the pandemic fraud and continue to
fight for the truth. Unlike them, Bergoglio and you, in unity with him, keep people passive. If you woke up, you would bring in a spirit of zeal and believers
could hold mass demonstrations and penitential processions every month in this time of crisis. Medical specialists and ardent bishops or priests would speak
out calling for true repentance and conversion.
If you, the bishops and priests, rise up, the Polish nation will rise! If the Polish nation rises, Europe will rise! If Europe rises for Christ, the whole
Christian world will rise! Recognize your responsibility and beware of indifference and negligence! Get started today, it may be too late tomorrow! God still
gives you a chance. You will be accountable to Him for this at the hour of your death.
Word of Life – Ps 27:8 (18/10/2020 – 1/11/2020)
“When You said, "Seek My face," My heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, which defends the fundamental truths of the Christian faith and morals, notes with pain that although the
voice of truth has already been clearly heard from brave doctors, corona psychosis has not yet been stopped and the threat of vaccination leading to
chipping persists.
You, doctors, do remain faithful in this fight for the truth! May there be more courageous doctors who will be ready to make even great sacrifices to
help the truth about corona psychosis and genocidal vaccines come to light and to save humanity. The greatest commandment, besides the love of God, is
the love of neighbour. But this is connected with the truth.
Be brave and follow the example of heroic doctors from the past who were even able to sacrifice their lives for the love of their neighbours. God is on
your side! He will not be your debtor. After your life’s struggle, there is an eternal reward in store for you. Endure to the end!
Archbishop Viganò criticizes 'equivocal' statements of Fratelli Tutti that 'are lacking clarity,' and he once more rejects the novel concept of religious
liberty introduced by the Second Vatican Council and which Pope Francis once more now endorses.
October 6, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – In comments to LifeSite (see full statement below), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò strongly criticizes different statements
of the new papal encyclical on human fraternity, Fratelli Tutti, that seem to promote religious indifferentism (the idea that other religions are just as
pleasing to God as the Catholic faith).
Dear Cardinal of Vienna, Ch. Schönborn,
Dear Patriarch of Moscow, K. Gundyayev,
the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) hereby addresses you as well as Austrian Catholics and the Russian Orthodox concerning a serious matter. A New
Age syncretistic centre for apostate Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism is to be erected in the Kommunarka district in Moscow on an area of 5 hectares
by 2022. A similar centre is to be built in Vienna.
Dear hierarchs, if you consider yourselves one Catholic and the other Orthodox, and you even hold the highest offices in the Church, you are obliged before
God as well as before Catholics and the Orthodox to strongly protest against this suicidal project. It is a tragedy that, as the mass media have reported,
both of you support this NWO project aimed at destroying Christianity.
Word of Life – Ps 23 (22):1-3 (4/10/2020 – 18/10/2020)
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me
in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.”
The psalm clearly depicts God as the shepherd. In the Gospel, Jesus Himself says that He is the Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep. Every bishop
and every priest should be such a good shepherd. Similarly, every Christian father should be a good shepherd for his children and all family. They will be good
shepherds if they keep faithful to the Lord, feed on the pasture of God’s word and drink the waters of God’s grace which restore the spiritual life. They will
walk in the path of righteousness if they enter into God’s name in which is the fullness of our salvation. This name is Jesus – Yehoshua.
Many images show Jesus carrying the lost sheep on His shoulders. And we read in the Gospel that He leaves the ninety-nine and goes after the one which is lost.
In this way, Jesus manifests His caring love of a shepherd towards each one of us. But we must be aware that this love of the Good Shepherd went through great
suffering for our salvation, which had been foretold by God through David in Psalm 22 (21) one thousand years before.
Saying this Bible verse, let us gratefully think about the Good Shepherd who loved us so much that He gave His Son for us. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord –
Yehoshua – Jesus – shall be saved.
What was the aim of Bergoglio’s speech to the UN on September 25, 2020, i.e. before the announcement of the second wave of coronavirus which is to
be associated with vaccino-chipping? Was his speech the voice of God’s or a false prophet?
Before that, on September 19, 2020, he spoke to representatives of the Pharmaceutical Bank and emphasized the necessity of vaccination for all!
We quote from his speech to the UN:
Quote: “In these days, our world continues to be impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has led to the loss of so many lives.”
Response: Bergoglio keeps lying. This was reflected in the quarantine period which was announced at the beginning of 2020 as well as in his speech
to the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2020. He takes no account of real experts in medicine, i.e. in immunology, virology, bacteriology...
As for deaths, he said at another time that one million people have died. In fact, he just consciously creates panic in order to promote vaccino-chipping.
Dear Archbishop and CBK President Jan (Graubner),
why did you hide the CBK members behind face masks at the pilgrimage in Stara Boleslav? As the CBK’s president, you were obliged to warn them: “Dear Brother Bishops,
let us have common sense and be men!” Every sober citizen of the Czech Republic knows that the next stage of organized fraud has been launched these days. The first
stage of this farce involved putting on a muzzle, i.e. a face mask. Real medical experts have described wearing masks as harmful. Today, a face mask is just a symbol
of subordination to the so-called pandemic. What will be the end of it? Vaccino-chipping which will turn people into biorobots and reduce them in number. Their doom
is in the lake of fire.
Do you not know the fundamental truths of Catholic teaching, according to which all this diametrically contradicts the Gospel of Christ and Tradition? Do you have
the nerve to hold Bergoglio’s crimes up as a model at this critical time?
If we asked a young person a question: “Do you want to be happy?”, they would certainly reply: “YES!” and even raise both hands in agreement. – But how long
would you like to be happy? A day, a week, a year? Ten years, thirty years, all life up until your death? And do you want to be happy after death as well?
Deep in their souls, people desire happiness, true happiness, which cannot be taken away. That is to say that even a thought about happiness that ends one day
brings sadness. Man is looking for happiness in relationships with other people, property, wealth, career, fame, success. He looks for happiness in pleasures,
alcohol, drugs, but happiness cannot be found there. What follows is a disillusionment, even bigger emptiness, abandonment and pain in one’s soul. Back in his
time St. Augustine expressed this desire for happiness with these words: “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.”
Civilized Europe and America were built on Christian foundations. A healthy family founded on lifelong marital fidelity and indissolubility of the
marriage bond has always been the basic cell. When St Vladimir, ruler of Kievan Rus, embraced Christianity, he dismissed his three wives and all
concubines and remained faithful to one wife until his death.
Jesus said about marriage: “A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” (Mt 19:5), one being.
“What God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Mt 19:6) Marriage is therefore raised to the dignity of a sacrament and is associated with
indissolubility. Making marriage vows before God, the couple promise to stay together for better for worse until death do them part.
The first letter – To persons consecrated to God
The second letter – To married couples
The third letter – To youth about purity
The first letter
Dear bishops, priests and religious,
in a seven-part commentary, the BCP reacted to the promotion of sodomy by the Jesuit J. Martin. What was the attitude of the pagan sage Diogenes towards
immorality compared to Martin? It is told of Diogenes that one day at noon he went walking in the market-place at Athens, with a candle, looking for something;
and when asked: “What are you looking for?” he said: “I am looking to see if I can find a man.” “Why? Don’t you see the market-place full of them?” “These,”
he said, “are not men, but beasts, since they live not as men but beasts, ruled and guided by their bestial appetites.” But the fact is that immorality
literally turns men into predatory and dangerous animals – beasts – if not demons incarnate. The Gospel of Christ, by contrast, gives man true dignity.
Dear bishops and priests of the United States of America!
Therefore, let each of you stand before God and make a historic decision. Stop saying the name of the invalid Pope in the Mass who promotes homosexuality,
kisses the feet of transsexuals, worships the Pachamama demon, and promotes vaccino-chipping and the genocide of humanity. Instead of this apostate’s name,
start saying the name of the new Pope: Carlo Maria Viganò. We believe that for your love of the Church, he will then accept the office of Peter in these
hard times. He will be able, together with you, to fight effectively for the spiritual restoration of the bleeding Catholic Church. Be brave! God is waiting
for your step of faith!
Jesuit Martin: “The Church is obligated to help persecuted minorities and not to intensify the persecution.”
Commentary: With this statement, Martin manipulates the fact as if homosexuals were the persecuted minority and it is the duty of the Church to help them.
We ask: Is homosexuality a sin or is it not? It is! And how is the Church obligated to help those that are tangled in the slavery of sin? It has to lead
them to saving repentance and not to legalize the sin, as Martin is trying to do. As for the worldly laws, are there any laws, according to which the
homosexuals are persecuted? No, on the contrary, there are laws that are globally adopted and that lead to persecution of those, who are fighting back
the immoral invasion. All it takes is to make a true statement about homosexuality and you get be punished with up to three years in prison. If a person
defends natural values, such as family and raising children, they allegedly discriminate against homosexuals and can end up in court. However, that is a
discrimination against the majority!
Word of Life – Ps 9:16 (20/9/2020 – 4/10/2020)
“The nations have sunk down in the pit which they made; In the net which they hid, their own foot is caught.”
Publicist: “Do you see any changes in Francis’ teaching on this issue (LGBT) compared to his predecessors?”
Jesuit Martin: “No, I don’t see any changes in the teaching on same-sex marriage, but I do see changes in tone and approach.”
Commentary: The claim that Bergoglio has not changed the teaching is false. No Pope before him approved of sodomy. Only the false Pope Bergoglio has done so.
As early as July 2013, he said: “... who am I to judge him (a gay person)?” It is the duty of the rightful Pope to identify sodomy as a sin and abomination in
accordance with the Bible. Bergoglio, on the other hand, approves and promotes homosexuality, and has thus brought down on himself God’s anathema, that is,
excommunication from the Church. The American gay magazine The Advocate has declared Bergoglio ‘person of the year’ for the approval of sodomy.
The publicist asks the Jesuit Martin: “How has the Church come to have a concern in our sexuality? This is a minor theme in the Gospel, after all. It makes
no mention of gays or lesbians.”
Commentary: Jesus does not clearly use terms like gay or sodomite in the Gospel, but He cast out unclean demons, including ones associated with homosexuality.
The letters of the apostles, which are a continuation of the Gospel, unequivocally condemn sodomy (Rom 1:25-28; 1Co 6:9; 2Pe 2:6; Jud 1:7...).
The Jesuit Martin answers the publicist’s question: “This is beautifully expressed in the first lines of the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes: ‘The joys and the
hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and
anxieties of the followers of Christ.’”
Publicist: “What do you think about the idea of homosexuals undergoing conversion therapy?”
Martin: “Conversion therapy has been rejected by almost all renowned psychiatrists and psychologists. It can cause great psychological, emotional, and even
physical harm to a person. It should be completely rejected.”
Commentary: It is a lie to say that conversion therapy is rejected by all renowned experts in the field. We must add: it is rejected by those experts who
promote homosexuality. The need for conversion therapy follows from the teaching of the Church and should be the fruit of repentance. A person must first
admit the sinful addiction that enslaves him and then resort to appropriate means of liberation, which are repentance, prayer and austerity. Above all, it
is necessary to avoid the near occasion of sin and those who tempt to sin. However, the Jesuit Martin radically rejects conversion and says that it will
cause great psychological, emotional, and even physical harm to a person. Such statement is absurd and false.
In order to eliminate moral laws and the teaching of the Church, the Jesuit Martin in his interview appeals to science and declares hypocritically:
“Why shouldn’t we open ourselves to what science can teach us?” However, we must distinguish: there is a science which seeks the truth, and there is a
pseudoscience, an instrument of politics and ideology, which destroys the truth. Martin appeals to this pseudoscience.
Quote by the Jesuit Martin: “LGBT people are everywhere and so are LGBT Catholics. You can see why the Church in all countries is called to treat them
as the Catechism dictates: ‘with respect, compassion, and sensitivity’.”
Commentary: We respond to this manipulation with our open letter which we addressed to Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. We demanded a revision of the Catechism
which the Jesuit Martin now appeals to. This Catechism, approved by John Paul II, contains heresies.
Here are a few excerpts from our letter “The Catechism (CCC) approves of homosexuality (therefore it needs revision, art. 2357-59)”:
The promoters of homosexual immorality purposefully appeal to the CCC.
Through lies and abuse of ecclesiastical authority, the apostate Martin leads souls to eternal damnation. His anti-service spreads a spiritual plague
which would require a real worldwide rather than artificial quarantine.
Is it a coincidence that the spread of this plague infection by the Catholic Church on social networks came at the time of the visit by the Vatican delegate?
It is public knowledge that the agenda of the invalid Pope Francis is the promotion of homosexuality, pagan idolatry with the Pachamama demon, micro-chipped
vaccination, the subsequent reduction of humanity, and the destruction of souls!
Archbp Kondrusiewicz is in complete spiritual unity with the apostate Bergoglio, so he instigates a coup d’état pursuing the same agenda.
Download book: MICROCHIP AND NANOCHIP IMPLANTS – Mark of the Beast, the Ultimate Danger – Final Warning
When I started writing this booklet 18 years ago, I was convinced that humanity, learning the truth about these slavery and death technologies, would wake
up and react … I suppose that this was to be attributed to the enthusiasm and naivety of youth.
If the message undoubtedly helped awaken certain souls, it was not read with the seriousness it deserves, and never started serious opposition to the evil
globalist projects. I have always tried, as much as possible, to source everything I have written. But attempts by the beastly system and the mainstream media
to discredit anyone who denounces global conspiracies have unfortunately helped keep many people away from studying these facts. Those responsible for these
abuses will one day have to answer for their actions before divine justice.
Today, some RFID applications have practically become commonplace, and cashless payments too. The barely believable decrease in freedoms over the past 20 years
has completely transformed our world – in a bad way ! Countless liberticide technologies have swept the planet, and our ultimate freedoms (free will, freedom
of choice and freedom of thought) are now threatened by the peril of microchip and nanochip implants.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate receives information on vaccines from real medical professionals. It draws a conclusion from the perspective of the Bible
and Church tradition. Schema-Hegumen Sergei Romanov in Russia along with the Orthodox believers who remain faithful to their Church tradition publicly hold the
same position as the BCP. In contrast to them, the official hierarchical structure of both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches promotes the dangerous nanoparticle
vaccination, and that is an anti-Biblical and anti-human attitude.
The Belarusian public asks: What is the purpose of a four-day visit from the Vatican in this situation when the Catholic Church vigorously promotes a coup
d’état in Belarus?
Bishop Kasabutski has unintentionally revealed in the media that Archbp Kondrusiewicz, who is blacklisted as an anti-state activist, follows only the instructions
of Francis (pseudo Pope Bergoglio). Did he mean to say that the effort to overthrow the legitimate Government is being directed straight from the Vatican?
The official website of the Belarusian Catholic Church has posted a defamatory article about the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP). It is a response to
the BCP’s articles and videos which rightly convict Archbp Kondrusiewicz of organizing a coup d’etat. The archbishopric uses a method of totalitarian systems
which fight against the truth by wickedly defaming its preachers. The leadership of the Catholic Church does not respond at all to the weighty arguments that
convict Archbp Kondrusiewicz of initiating the Maidan, although his name was included on a list of subversive agents, for which reason he was not allowed into
Dear young people of Belarus,
seek the Truth, love the Truth, and defend the Truth until death!
We are created by God and everyone longs for truth and justice. However, the sincerity of man’s heart as well as conscience is wounded by original sin and personal
sins. Man is prone to lies and evil, and therefore is easy to manipulate. He often considers the lie to be truth and evil to be good.
The only solution and salvation for each of us is sincerity! What does it mean? This means to sincerely believe in Jesus Christ and accept His laws. Jesus is the Way,
the Truth and the Life, and His laws are a light for our path through life.
Repentance and love for God consist in seeking God’s face daily and striving to humbly confess our sins and mistakes to Jesus. This is true heroism – to sincerely
confess your mistake and sin.
Dear Belarusian youth, we beseech you in the name of Jesus Christ, do separate yourselves from these Maidan deceivers. Give your lives to Jesus Christ. In Him you
will find true freedom and eternal life.
Become a blessing and not a curse for Belarus!
Long live Jesus, long live Belarus!
Quote by Bishop Kazimierz: “Conscience is the voice of God resounding in the human soul. The one who drowns it...”
Response: Your Excellency, does the voice of God resound in your soul, or do you drown it? With your letter, you justify the devil’s policy pursued by Kondrusiewicz
through a coup d’etat and resulting in globalist satanization of the Belarusian nation. Of course, he disguises everything with religious phrases. You are well aware
of that. What about your conscience? You, the oldest bishop, declare your spiritual unity with the public apostate and heretic Bergoglio – pseudo Pope Francis – in
every Mass. Are you not familiar with the Catholic teachings? On the one hand you hypocritically cite these teachings in your letter, but on the other hand you pursue
the exact opposite – the same aim as Kondrusiewicz, namely a coup leading to the globalizing satanization of Belarus.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate calls on all sincere Catholics in Belarus, but also on all people of good will, to take part in a penitential procession
to atone for the betrayal of the Catholic Church hierarchy headed by Archbishop Kondrusiewicz. These hierarchs have manipulated sincere Catholics and young people
to take an active part in a coup d’état that would result in the satanization of Belarus. One should realize again that this crime is qualified by Jesus Christ
Himself as a sin against the Holy Spirit, because sacred means such as prayer, the Way of the Cross, etc. are used here to promote globalist satanization.
What is the purpose of the political coup?
It is one of the series of colour revolutions that will subsequently subjugate the nation to the globalization system. Through homo laws, child stealing laws,
gender insanity, vaccines, microchip implants and depopulation, this system promotes the satanization of individual nations with the aim of casting mankind into
the lake of fire.
Archbp Kondrusiewicz is well aware that the purpose of prayers organized by him and his Vicar General Kosobutski is not to lead people to true repentance
or to spread God’s kingdom in human souls, but quite the opposite. This is an abuse of the prayers and faith of the believers to overthrow the legitimate
Government and to establish the globalization system, de facto satanization of the whole of Belarus. By committing the sin against the Holy Spirit, Archbp
Kondrusiewicz and his Vicar General have excommunicated themselves from the Church of Christ as apostates and traitors of Christ – Judases. No one should
submit to them or obey them.
Word of Life – Ps 2:1-2 (6/9/2020 – 20/9/2020)
“Why do the nations rebel? Why are the countries devising futile plans? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord
and against His Anointed One.”
God’s Word in Psalm 2 is very topical for this time. We live in a time of mass apostasy from God; God’s laws are being destroyed by supranational
institutions (see Lisbon Treaty in place of Ten Commandments) as well as by the apostate Pope Bergoglio. In his exhortation Amoris Laetitia, he eliminates
objective moral principles and de facto calls for apostasy from God. The psalmist asks: Why do the nations rebel? Why are the countries devising futile
plans – quarantine, vaccines, microchip implants, artificial intelligence, depopulation...? Moreover, these are not just futile plans, but literally
suicidal plans! Why? Because God’s laws have been abandoned.
Dear Mr President,
this month, under the pretext of prayers and devotion to St Michael the Archangel, Archbishop Kondrusiewicz is igniting the fire of political coup from abroad
through his Vicar General. From the position of faith, it is the most serious sin – a sin against the Holy Spirit (Mt 12:31-32). In essence, they have misused
the external form of prayer and devotion to the Archangel, which the public respects as something sacred, to make way for a coup leading to the satanization
of Belarus. This purposeful and hidden confusion is the most serious sin, a sin against the Holy Spirit! By this sin, both Kondrusiewicz and his Vicar
General have automatically excommunicated themselves from the Catholic Church (latae sententiae) and must not be obeyed by any of the Catholic believers.
According to the Law of God and the Canon Law, both of them occupy the ecclesiastical office illegally.
Who should begin this revolutionary and divine change which the Old and New Testament prophets called for? You, dear bishops and priests of Belarus! How?
The first step is to stop saying the name of the greatest heretic and apostate Francis in the Mass. You will thus remove the curse both from yourselves and
from the Belarusian Church. But you know that the curse is brought down on the Church in Belarus not only by Bergoglio but also by Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz.
So stop saying his name in the Mass too. Get started!
Dear bishops and priests, be an example to young people in a true spirit of change from lies to the truth, from the path of the devil to the following of Christ!
Be heroes! Start a spiritual revolution! May the fire of the Holy Spirit burn in you with zeal for the salvation of immortal souls and for the spiritual awakening
of your entire nation! You will be a blessing to Belarus and, moreover, the President who faces strong pressure in protecting the nation from globalization suicide
will be grateful to you.
Even an unbelieving person, when suddenly confronted by a difficult situation, subconsciously cries out like a small child: “Mummy!” We can have recourse
to Mary as our Mother. Jesus gave her to us as our Mother. Eve is the mother of the human race. Mary became our spiritual Mother. The task of a mother is not
only to give birth to or receive children, but to feed and rear them. Mary accompanied Jesus on His Way of the Cross. None of the people knew Him so intimately,
none was in so deep unity with Him as His Mother. And Jesus gave His Mother to us, His children. We have the same Mother: you and I and Jesus.
Dear Archbishop Kondrusiewicz,
the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate has appealed to you recently to realize what great moral and physical disaster would be caused by the Maidan which the
global elites are imposing on Belarus through you. Do you realize, Archbishop Kondrusiewicz, who you serve? You serve neither Christ nor the nation, but you
help establish the system of Antichrist towards the destruction of the Church and the nation. You are leading souls to hell.
Your pastoral letter of 30 August 2020 starts with these words:
“Our country is going through an unprecedented socio-political crisis which is deepening by the day.”
This is demagoguery and a lie. There is no crisis deepening. The Belarusian people have overcome the crisis artificially provoked by you and have proved once
again that they support their President.
Your artificial quarantine in the churches, Dear Archbishop Kondrusiewicz, has failed too. The so-called quarantine measures which you imposed on the priests
meant a gross desecration of the Holy Eucharist. You thus brought even the Catholic faithful under a curse. Surely you know that according to the canon law
you incur a latae sententiae penalty, i.e. excommunication, for the desecration of the Eucharist. This is one more crime against the Church, in addition to
others concerning faith and morals, by which you excommunicated yourself. It is clear that you no longer serve Christ but Antichrist like Judas.
Today, people communicate intensively through the Internet and mobile phones on a horizontal level and neglect spiritual communication with God in the
vertical dimension. The prayer practice we propose here is an old one, and was followed by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. (Acts 3:1) It is the practice
of prayer stops every three hours during the day. (Acts 10:3-9)
These time intervals have been observed in some monasteries to this day. Moments of faith during the day strengthen our relationship with God. Therefore,
accept the proven order of prayer into your Christian life!
The World Economic Forum is held in Davos every year. The next meeting is scheduled for the next year, that is, after the elections in the US are over.
The elections will decide whether President Trump, who represents the opposition to the globalizing structures, will remain in office. Unfortunately,
Russia no longer represents this opposition. On the contrary, it intensively promotes global quarantine and the digitization of man. The elites have
declared that if Trump remains President, their plan – a global economic reset initiated by the artificial pandemic – will fail. The worldwide reset
planned by these architects of the world is intended to shut down all states, that is, all economic systems, and to cause collapse. The purpose is
to make humanity find themselves in a hopeless crisis so that they will be ready to accept any so-called solution only to save themselves. In fact,
it will be a suicidal solution in the form of micro-chipped vaccination. This global suicide is to be the basis for a new economic system that plans
to annihilate 6 billion people! What plays a key role in this is the induction of new waves of artificial pandemic and serial vaccinations leading to
this goal, i.e. genocidal reduction.
A smear campaign has been launched against Schema-Hegumen Sergei. All the slanders against Father Sergei are purposeful and false, but even if it were the
absolute truth, every citizen of Russia must ask himself: Who is Father Sergei and what is he fighting for? As a true priest and monk, he has bravely stood
in defence of faith against heresies. Those who are obliged to defend the truths of the faith neglect to do so, and on the contrary, promote and defend
heresies. His courageous defence of Christ and of the teachings of the Church is extraordinary heroism at this time. He thus exposes himself to persecution
not only by the apostate church leaders but also by the globalization structure.
Today, God seeks to save the United States through heroic men who are ready to struggle against sin to the point of shedding their blood (Heb 12:4).
What is the Bible’s position on sins against the Sixth Commandment?
When a young man turns from the path of sin to God during evangelization or by another intervention of God’s grace, he faces a tough fight with the
strongest passion, which he did not even consider a sin before.
Quote from the Moscow Patriarchate’s website: “Patriarch Kirill upheld the judgment of the Eparchial Court of the Eparchy of Yekaterinburg that
Schema-Hegumen Sergei (Romanov) should be defrocked.”
Commentary: The judgment is null and void for a number of reasons. The main reason is that both Kirill Nakonechny and Kirill Gundyayev are heretics
under God’s anathema (Gal 1:8-9). Everything they do is contrary to canon law and has no force. Both of them committed the crime of abuse of authority.
They seek to destroy a priest – a monk dedicated to God who protects divine truths against heresy promoted by these two apostates. They kill a prophet,
and thus they kill Christ within the Orthodox Church.
What are you, many of whom are still true-Catholic bishops or priests, waiting for? Bergoglio does not wait; he is in a hurry! He knows that his time is short.
He promotes microchip implants in the form of vaccines, has destroyed the foundations of the Church, and issued heretical documents. Remaining under his illegitimate
rule means suicide – both spiritual and soon even physical as part of depopulation.
Dear sincere priests and bishops, pray for the creation of conditions for a legitimate Pope. His residence can be outside the Vatican or even outside Europe.
Word of Life – Ps 1:1 (23/8/2020 – 6/9/2020)
“Blessed is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked, take the path of sinners, or join the company of mockers.”
The Book of Psalms begins with these words. It points to a blessed man who has taken an attitude of three “noes” towards unwise and wicked people.
1) ... does not follow the advice of the wicked
Wicked or ungodly people respect neither conscience nor justice towards others. They do not submit to God, and therefore their god is their ego and the
things that suit them alone. They do not care about seeking and doing God’s will in their lives, and so it will do no good to follow their advice.
Dear priests and pastors of the United States,
there is talk of global quarantine, which is due to start again this year, and there is also talk of compulsory vaccination. Gates himself
states: “If we do a good job on vaccines, we will reduce the world population by 10-15%.” And what next? This will not be the end of it.
The plan is to perpetrate genocide of not one billion but six billion people!
What specifically are we supposed to do at these apparently apocalyptic times in order to save ourselves, the souls entrusted to us and
the whole of America? Dear priests and pastors, God sets before you, as His request, one day of penance in a month.
Robert Trump, the brother and close associate of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has died suddenly. The mainstream media have given
just dry facts. The alternative media, on the other hand, show his courageous fight against a series of crime waves in the United States. He opposed
pedophilia, the mass abuse of children by elites, even involving satanic orgies. And most importantly, he openly stood up in the fight against Bill
Gates. On his Twitter, he accused him of crimes against humanity. He called for Gates to be brought to justice by the end of this year.
Unfortunately, a second wave of quarantine is already planned, artificially linked to mandatory worldwide vaccination promoted by Bill Gates. He also
promotes reduction of the population by six billion. New RNA vaccines are dangerous because they change the human genetic code (see Medical Conference in Madrid,
July 25, 2020).
In addition, the vaccine should be associated with a form of chipping in either the first or subsequent waves of mandatory vaccination. This disrupts the human
essence; man becomes a biorobot deprived of his free will. The Bible warns against this by speaking about sores and the lake of fire as a punishment.
Bergoglio’s Vatican gives no heed to real and truth-speaking experts in virology, bacteriology or epidemiology. Despite their warnings, it promotes a
micro-chipped vaccine for all.
Dear Mr President,
You enjoyed an excellent reputation and high favour in the Czech Republic. Today, however, many Czechs do not understand what is now happening in Russia.
They assumed that You, like President Lukashenko, had a clear position on the artificial panic associated with Covid-19 and saw its connection to depopulation
openly declared by Gates. He literally says: “If we do a good job on vaccines, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%.”
Start one-hour prayer, try this method, and God will give You the light and strength. Those who promote genocide worship an idol, Satan, who is a liar and
murderer and brings death. Their projects of death are really devilishly cunning and we will not defeat them by human effort. In this spiritual war, You need
spiritual light and spiritual strength!
Dear Mr President,
we are Czechs, like John Amos Comenius, a teacher of nations, a world-renowned pedagogue, and we turn to you, concerned about the issue of contemporary education.
The role of education has always been not only to teach children but also to bring them up for future life. Education, as Comenius taught, is based on self-denial
and leads to self-discipline. Education is motivated by faith in God, i.e. the awareness of responsibility not only in relation to people, but above all in relation
to God. The purpose of life is to save our soul from evil, the devil and eternal hell and to obtain eternal life.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) hereby appeals to the Episcopate of the Catholic Church, especially the Czech Bishops’ Conference (CBK), to
responsibly begin the process of rehabilitating the Czech priest Jan Hus. Card. Beran and Card. Vlk have already taken some steps in this. However, this
just duty is still awaiting completion.
The BCP thoroughly studied the orthodox teachings of Jan Hus and testimonies of his moral and exemplary priestly life. On the jubilee day of his martyrdom,
that is, 6 July 2015, this Patriarchate announced his canonization.
Dear Metropolitan Kondrusiewicz,
after the elections in Belarus, we could see a violent coup d’état attempt. According to pre-prepared instructions, the protesters drive cars into the police,
throw Molotov cocktails at them, etc. Fanaticized youth do not perceive that they have been deceived into digging their own grave. They do not respect the will
of the vast majority of Belarusians and thus oppose the nation which voted for its President. We ask: Are the Catholic clergy and episcopate involved in this
orchestrated terror? And specifically, are you yourself involved and complicit, Dear Metropolitan Kondrusiewicz?
Human life is a test in which man decides his eternity. He will either be in heaven with God or with demons in hell. The Antichristian system today, with the use
of positive and ambiguous terms, presents evil as good and lies as truth. This system under the slogan of aggiornamento was the basis of the apostasy of the Second
Vatican Council. To this day, the Catholic Church has refused to repent of apostasy and heresies disguised under ambiguous terms, and thus brings a curse wherever it
is. The fruit of Vatican II is the enthronement of the Pachamama demon, followed by the senseless closure of churches and the order to desecrate the Holy Eucharist.
This betrayal has now resulted in the promotion of destructive vaccination. The Vatican is well aware that, according to medical experts, vaccination is absurd and
is the first stage of micro-chipping. The pseudo Pope is well aware of who Bill Gates is and that he promotes the genocide of six billion people, and yet he cooperates
with him on the satanization and genocide of humanity. Bergoglio is well aware that God’s Word clearly warns against the eternal damnation of the chipped in the lake
of fire. Through micro-chipping, a person becomes a biorobot or a demon incarnate. This is the greatest crime against humanity ever.
Word of Life – Rom 8:38-39 (9/8/2020 – 23/8/2020)
“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any
other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Medical specialists opposed the deceitful leadership of WHO with boldness. Are there also some bold bishops who would stand up against the deceitful church
leaders with Bergoglio on the forefront? Lo and behold, 152 bishops stood up shamelessly against the President of Brazil, who is bravely facing the corona
psychosis and related planned genocide. Treacherous bishops, how those could unite! One bishop in Argentina closed up a seminary due to corona psychosis,
because theologians refused to receive Communion in the hand. What an audacity there was in this corrupt bishop! Is there among you, who have been up until
now falsely obedient, a courageous bishop who will stop saying the name of the murderer of Christ and souls, arch-heretic Bergoglio, during the Mass?
Our struggle is not physical but spiritual. That is why we use spiritual weapons. In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul names six weapons that are defensive,
and only the sword of the Spirit is used for both defense and attack. Our life is a struggle for the salvation of our immortal soul and for the salvation of our loved ones.
The essential thing is faithfulness and union with Christ. The martyrs preferred to die rather than lose this union with Jesus...
In addition to prayer, the basis for the struggle of Christ’s soldier is constant repentance. When he falls in everyday life, he must immediately confess, “I have been
deceived, I have sinned.” A soldier of Christ stands by the cross in spirit and asks Jesus for forgiveness. He breaks with the spirit of deception which presented to
him evil as good. Through true repentance, he is free again in Christ.
You ask what you should do? You ask: Can this punishment which is near at hand be averted or changed? By the authority of an apostle of Christ and a prophet of God,
I answer you in the name of God: God wants to show His mercy on America, but He will only do so on one condition: Metanoia – a change of mind! Your mind is now rooted
in lies and self-deception. It must be rooted in truth and reality. You believe in yourselves, in the sin which is in you, and in the lies that are promoted by the
spirit of the world and sweeping like an avalanche through the mass media. Jesus our Savior Himself says to you today: “Believe in the Gospel!” Believe in the joyful
news of salvation!
You ask what will happen when America falls on its knees – not before Satan or Antichrist but before its God and its Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? I answer you by the
authority of a prophet again: God “will destroy the covering cast over all people, the veil that is spread over all nations” (Is 25:7). Then the words will be fulfilled:
“Sing, O heavens! Be joyful, O earth! And break out in singing, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted His people, and will have mercy on His afflicted. But Zion said,
‘The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.’ Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget,
yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands. (Is 49:13-16)
I hereby address each US bishop personally: If you are truly an apostle of Christ and a good shepherd of the flock of Christ, in this critical situation you
will not be evasively waiting for some instructions from above. You yourself are obliged in your diocese before God to see to it that the curse is removed.
Meanwhile, it hangs like a black cloud over your diocese. This curse is repeatedly reactivated through the mention of the name of the apostate and false
Pope Francis in the Mass. Your indifference or cowardice is inexcusable in the given situation and is a crime against Christ, the Church and the souls entrusted
to your care. You are to be a true shepherd according to the example of Christ who gives His life for the sheep. Are you like Him? Or are you a hireling who
does not have at heart the flock entrusted to him but rather its mass destruction? The imposter and arch-criminal Bergoglio is the wolf that tears and kills
the flock today. If you are in union with him, you are not leading the flock in the footsteps of Christ to heaven but in the footsteps of the antichrist
Bergoglio to hell.
Therefore, stand before Christ in prayer. Here you will receive the light and strength to take a step to save yourself and the souls entrusted to you. Your salvation
depends on this step! Do separate from pseudo Pope Bergoglio!
Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, as you can see from this article at La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana and this article at Infovaticana, San Rafael Seminary in
Argentina has been closed by the bishop, using the excuse of Covid-19, but in reality because many seminarians and Catholic faithful – more than 150 families –
objected to receiving the Eucharist in the hand. The bishop informed the Congregation for the Clergy in Rome, headed by Prefect Cardinal Beniamino Stella, one
of the members of Pope Bergoglio’s “Council of Cardinals,” and he took immediate action. We are publishing the open letter that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
has sent to Bishop Eduardo Maria Taussig. Happy reading.
Word of Life – Rom 8:36-37 (26/7/2020 – 9/8/2020)
“As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us.”
The struggle for the salvation of the soul is above all an inner struggle. Those who really fight will understand these words: “For Your sake we are killed all day
long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” And they will also understand the second part: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who
loved us.” We will experience the power of God, the power of Christ’s resurrection, which has already been given to us through holy baptism. This power grows in various
situations through our surrender to death with Christ. It is not a physical surrender to death but rather a spiritual death to ourselves with Christ. One must completely
renounce oneself, one’s fear, and this is spiritual death. Nothing will then separate us from the love of Christ, as we have recited over the past two weeks – neither
tribulation nor distress nor persecution nor famine nor nakedness nor peril nor sword. By dying to ourselves every day, the power of God works in us and we store up
for ourselves treasures for all eternity, which, as the Lord Jesus says, rust will not destroy and thieves will not steal.
The fact that even America is rebelling these days against the globalization government of death is evidenced by a speech of a brave woman in the
American political arena:
“What I wanna say is: We the People will work day and night to clean every single seat if need be. We will get together and do a citizen’s arrest on
every single human being that goes against the freedom of choice. You cannot mandate, you literally cannot mandate somebody to wear a mask knowing
that that mask is killing people. It literally is killing people. And my, the people – We the People – are waking up and we know what citizen’s arrest is.
Because citizen’s arrests are already happening. And every single one of you that are obeying the devil’s laws are going to be arrested. And you, doctor,
are going to be arrested for crimes against humanity. Every single one of you have a smirk behind that little mask, but every single one of you are going
to get punished by God. You cannot, you cannot escape God. You cannot escape God. I’m gonna say that again: You cannot escape God. Not even with the mask
or six feet.
Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov visited the Sredneuralsk Monastery in memory of the assassination of the tsar’s family. Schema-Hegumen Sergei Romanov gave him a special
blessing on the occasion: “Dear Vladimir Vasilyevich, may God bless You in a heroic struggle, that You may carry the truth to the Russian nation, the officers and the
soldiers of our martyr land. Amen.”
Then Colonel Kvachkov gave a brief speech, touching on the current situation in Russia. He showed that a solution could not be sought in the purely political sphere:
“Without the spiritual side, without the struggle for the Christian faith, for Holy Orthodox Russia, we will not achieve victory. If someone wants to go to war for
better food, better housing, more money, it’s all human. We live in the world, and our soul, which is eternal and immortal, is preparing here for eternal life
in heaven.”
Contemporary democracy is the preparatory phase of the transition to satanocracy. Satanocracy is a spiritual government established by chipped vaccination.
The power behind it is the spirit of lies and death – Satan. Theocracy, on the other hand, is a spiritual government by the Triune God.
Over the past 10 days or so, counter-critiques of Archbishop Viganò’s position – namely, that Vatican II should simply be “dropped” as a whole and “forgotten” – have
been published by Professor John Paul Meenan via LifeSiteNews, Sandro Magister via L’Espresso, and JD Flynn via Catholic News Agency.
Prayer for The United States of America
Composed by His Excellency
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Almighty and Eternal God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords: graciously turn your gaze to us who invoke You with confidence.
Bless us, citizens of the United States of America; grant peace and prosperity to our Nation; illuminate those who govern us so that they may commit themselves to
the common good, in respect for Your holy Law.
What follows is the response of Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò to the June 17, 2020 open letter of Sr. Antonietta Potente. In her letter, Sr. Antonietta condemned Abp.
Viganò's recent outpouring of support for President Donald Trump, endeavoring to couch her umbrage in the theological tradition of the Church. In his response, Abp.
Viganò sets the record straight, delivering a paternal (yet trenchant) rejoinder. We have produced Abp. Viganò's response directly below, but have also included, in
its wake (and for posterity), the original letter of Sr. Antonietta (far bottom).
Your Eminence,
God has put You in this historic time. The existence of the Church and the Russian nation is at stake. You are facing a decision which God is expecting from You.
It will also have an extremely positive impact on the Western Church which has fallen into deep apostasy and idolatry with the Pachamama demon. The apostate
Patriarch Kirill and his closest collaborators, such as Metropolitan Hilarion, Metropolitan Kirill Nakonechny and several others, are in unity with the apostate
Vatican. They have fallen away from the orthodox teachings of the Scripture, the Holy Tradition of the Apostles, the Fathers and the saints. They have received
the spirit of Judas and serve the spirit of the Antichrist. Through their globalization activity, they have opened the door to an artificial pandemic and profaned
the Body and Blood of Christ. Now they are working towards micro-chipped vaccination and reduction of humanity.
Word of Life – Rom 8:35 (12/7/2020 – 26/7/2020)
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?”
When doubts come upon us or when we fall into sin, yet we do not abide in it but repent, the Word of God applies to us: “Who shall separate us from the love of
Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” None of this can separate us from the love of God. Neither
evil angels, nor all hell with demons, nor various occult energies, nor deceitful people serving the devil. The only thing that can separate us is our pride and
our unbelief which we align ourselves with and obey. If, however, we convict pride with the truth, even these temptations and trials finally strengthen us in Christ
and the truth. Then it is true: If we are in Christ through repentance, nothing shall separate us from His love.
5G boost in the Czech Republic reveals: “Mobile operator Vodafone plans to switch off 3G networks in the Czech Republic as of March 31, 2021 and to replace
them with more modern 5G networks which will cover larger Czech cities. According to Vodafone, this will improve customer service. At the beginning of July, O2
became the first domestic operator to commercially offer 5G networks. 5G will change everything – and the changes will be dramatic...”
The publicity article makes not the slightest mention of the dangers of introducing 5G. Here are excerpts from a scholarly article, which, on the contrary,
draws attention to an extremely threatening impact of 5G on individuals and society as a whole...
The last book of the Bible, the Revelation of the Apostle John, says: “Malignant sores (16:2) will come upon those who have received a mark – chip (13:16-18),
and their fate is in the fiery lake (14:9-11; 19:20). Those who will not receive the mark – chipping – will obtain eternal life (15:2; 20:4).”
Do these statements of Scripture refer to currently programmed vaccination and chipping?
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, by authority of the prophetic and apostolic office, definitely answers: YES, THEY DO. The statements in the Book of Revelation
13:16-18 and the following ones concern current vaccination, already associated with a certain form of chipping, and they also concern the chips themselves.
Schema-Hegumen Sergei has spoken out against the Covid-19 demon whose aim is vaccination, chipping and autogenocide of the individual nations. His prophetic voice
is given for the salvation of all people of good will, be they Orthodox or other Christians or even atheists. He calls for true repentance – a change in thinking and
respect for God’s laws. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) hereby presents a theological and dogmatic view. This patriarchate is not one having jurisdiction
over a territory. Rather, it is a community of bishops and monks who defend the basic dogmas of Christianity itself at the present time. The Byzantine Catholic
Patriarchate was established by a synod of seven bishops in 2011. Schema-Hegumen Sergei has openly and boldly opposed the ruling NWO system which promotes reduction
of the population to a so-called golden billion. His appeals go beyond the scope of religion, as was the case with the prophets Jeremiah or Isaiah, and concern public
life. The word of salvation has an impact not only on the Russian nation but on other nations too.
Dear Patriarch Kirill,
under the guise of a pandemic, You have committed brutal desecration of the Holy Eucharist and manipulated the entire Synod to approve blasphemous documents. You have
ordered that after Holy Communion is given to each person, the spoon which a priest uses to distribute the Body and Blood of the Lord should be immersed time and again
in the so-called disinfectant – alcohol. This is a gross desecration of the Lord’s Body and Blood! What happens is that the Blood of Christ remains in alcohol, while
at the same time alcohol gets into the chalice with the Blood of the Lord. We ask You: What do priests do then with this solution containing alcohol and the Blood of
the Lord? When some believers asked the priests about that, some replied that they drink it, others that they burn it. What about You, Dear Patriarch Kirill? Do You
also burn the Blood of the Lord? Even if You do nothing, the responsibility for this mass crime in the Orthodox Church falls on You! By virtue of obedience, You have
strictly ordered the priests to perform these blasphemous procedures. The Head of the UGCC, S. Shevchuk, has ordered the Eucharist to be profaned in the same way. You
have abused the supreme authority in the Orthodox Church to commit a serious crime for which God’s punishment falls on You, namely the most severe punishment:
excommunication from the Church!
Word of Life – Rom 8:33-34 (28/6/2020 – 12/7/2020)
“Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the One who died – more than that,
who was raised – who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.”
We can see that God’s election is associated with heroism. The assurance of our salvation is based on the fact that we have Jesus, that we are with Him.
The Scripture says: “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” (Mk 16:16) Some of the saints said: “Those who pray will be saved and those who do not
will be damned.” Prayer is a sacrifice. Jesus humbled Himself and offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sake, and we should follow Him. We do so when we
follow the order of prayer, fight to overcome laziness or distraction, and sacrifice time. God will then give us the light and strength so that we may be
able to guard the treasure of our faith in Jesus until the moment when we cross over the bridge of death to eternity. We must keep the faith because it
is the condition of salvation. The Apostle says: “I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of
eternal glory.” (cf. 2Tim 4:7f)
Dear Metropolitan Kirill,
we, bishops from the Czech Republic, hereby turn to You. We have learned of Your crime against Christ and the Church, and we feel obliged to respond. The same betrayal
which is committed by You is also committed by the apostate Vatican. You have the same spirit. If You did not agree with the content of the Schema-Hegumen’s sermons or
speeches, You should have stated the specific heresy concerning faith or morals he had committed and You should have given reasons why it contradicted the Gospel and
the Apostolic Tradition. You did not say anything specific, and yet You punish him. By publicly opposing the prophetic voice that God is giving at this critical time to
save the Church and the nation, You have unmasked Yourself. Your inner apostasy from Christ and His teachings has come to light. You have proven to be part of a system
that actively destroys those who defend the life of the Church and the foundations of Christ’s Gospel and Apostolic Tradition.
Dear Catholic Christians,
surely you seek the truth and strive for the salvation of your souls. Many of you may have already learned, or will soon learn, the distorted information denigrating the
Schema-Hegumen of the Sredneuralsk Monastery in Russia, Sergei (Romanov).
Who denigrates him and pursues his moral destruction and why? They are the people in the Church who have sold themselves to lies and promote the globalization agenda
associated with vaccines, chipping and population reduction. Among them is, in the first place, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyayev), against whom the Byzantine Catholic
Patriarchate has previously published anathema for his betrayal of Christ and the Gospel (Gal 1:8-9).
We have the “Catholic” Vatican and Rome, the “Catholic” Pope, cardinals and bishops, “Catholic” schools, seminaries and diplomacy, “Catholic” dioceses and
parishes..., but we no longer have the Catholic teaching, the Catholic faith or the Catholic sentire cum Ecclesia. What is the Catholic faith and what is it not?
The Catholic faith is most briefly expressed in the Catechism by six fundamental truths: 1) There is one God. 2) God is the righteous Judge who rewards the good
and punishes the evil. 3) In God there are three Persons. 4) God the Son became man and died on the cross to save us. 5) The soul of man is immortal. 6) The
grace of God is necessary for salvation. At present, the highest ecclesiastical authority has undermined all the basic truths of the Catholic faith. The new
faith of the Catholic Church is no longer Catholic.
Schema-Hegumen Sergius has opposed the demon called coronavirus that prepares the ground for Gates’ vaccines, chipping and reduction, i.e. spiritual and physical
suicide of the Russian nation. This demon of lies and death seeks to cast as many souls as possible to eternal hell.
Word of Life – Rom 8:32 (14/6/2020 – 28/6/2020)
“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”
There is a worldwide quarantine these days, people are watching the mass media, and they are in fear and panic; however, this word of God
fills our souls with confidence and peace. It shows the infinite love of God for each of us which He already made manifest when He gave us
life, breathing His spirit into us and making us in His likeness. But He loved us more, and after we had sinned He gave His only begotten Son for
us to redeem us from our sins. What more could God give us?! And in addition to that, with Jesus He gives us all heaven and makes us partakers of
eternal happiness.
Dear Catholics, you are obliged to obey God, and if someone, even if it is a Pope, opposes God, the Gospel and the commandments of Jesus Christ, you must no longer
obey him as he is an apostate. If you submit to him, God’s curse which is upon him falls on you as well.
Whoever now appeals to the authority of the Pachamama demon worshiper has betrayed Christ and is an apostate. One must know that Bergoglio is not a valid Pope. He is
neither the successor of the Apostle Peter nor the Vicar of Christ on earth.
The Bible reveals that those who will believe lies will accept chipping. But those who will pray and repent will either completely avert disaster from the
particular territory, or they will have the light and strength to reject vaccination and chipping even at the cost of great sacrifices. Those who will accept the chip
will be subjected to great suffering. The worst thing for them, however, will be that they will come under the rule of the beast and will no longer be able to repent
unto salvation. Their tragic fate will be the lake of fire together with the beast.
That is why the time God gives us is so important for us to truly begin with true repentance today. If we obey and begin to pray, God will give us the strength to
enlighten others and thus save their lives and their immortal souls.
The mission of a true prophet is to defend the truths of the faith – Bergoglio does the exact opposite, as he manifested through Pachamama. He prepares chipping,
and he knows what that means. Man will be deprived of free will and hence of the chance of saving repentance. However, Bergoglio covers up for the priests and bishops
who openly promote it. The Orthodox bishops of Moldova have given a clear prophetic word concerning vaccines and chipping as well as in connection with the impending
introduction of 5G. Bergoglio approves of this path to temporal and eternal destruction and cynically shields himself with religious phrases. Bergoglio, as a heretic
and apostate, occupies the papacy illegitimately. He is neither the Vicar of Christ nor the successor of Peter.
Word of Life – Rom 8:31 (31/5/2020 – 14/6/2020)
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
How can one talk publicly with impunity about a plan for the mass genocide of 6 billion people and seek its fulfilment by concrete steps?! How is it that nations
do not oppose it but rather support it under the threat of sanctions?! It is the most serious crime, a crime against humanity! How is it that those who prepare it are
not punished? They represent a whole criminal system with a genocidal programme, which includes Gates’ vaccination and chipping.
When it comes to distinguishing who to obey, we must respect the basic rule: what kind of spirit the person concerned has and what his aim is! A deceiver can act
as the greatest benefactor. It is therefore necessary to find out what the fruits of his activity are. Beautiful words, smiles or the impression of familiarity are not
enough, it is necessary to look at the goal he is pursuing.
It is a tragedy that many church leaders today are among these very people who abuse authority.
So be careful today who you listen to!
Although Bergoglio and other contemporary church hierarchs, apostates – Judases, in fact – are not ethnic Jews, they are in unity with the Masonic Jews.
They promote the reduction programme with the same if not greater intensity than the supranational elites.
Jesus Christ is the only salvation for all people in these apocalyptic times. “He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies.” (Jn 11:25)
When is God for us? When we are with Him, turn to Him, and give Him our sins and our weaknesses. He gave His Son for us to redeem us. Therefore, we should not wait
until we go to confession or think that we will confess to a priest before death. Let us give even our small sins to God immediately. If we have told a minor lie or
committed a minor evil, let us make an act of contrition within a few seconds in spirit as soon as we become aware of it. We can say, “Lord, have mercy!” and look in
spirit at the cross of Christ with faith. In the precious blood of Jesus our sins are forgiven and our union with God restored. Then the words which we reflected on
for the past two weeks are true about us: “All things work together for good to those who love God.” In this intimate relationship with God through the Lord Jesus
Christ, we need not be afraid of illness or persecution, ridicule or death, demonic attacks or attacks by evil people, or apocalyptic times. If we love God, all
these things work together for our good, because God is for us, and if He is for us, we have nothing to fear. If God is for us, who can be against us? Our task
is to do our utmost to be with Him. He is with us all the days of our life, but we ususally forget God’s presence. We forget to enter into union with Him by
admitting even our small sins and bringing them to the cross of Christ.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby addresses all bishops in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Ask your Presidents and Governments
to give the order to open all the churches on Sunday May 31, which is the great feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
Background: In the plan to reduce humanity, the strongest component is chipping. What does it need to work? 5G antenna system. In addition, the introduction of
the 5G system has a significant devastating effect on the human body (it causes a number of diseases – the so-called 5G syndrome). An example is Wuhan in China, where at
the end of 2019 they built 10,000 5G antennas. They activated the system, and people using wireless internet or smartphones were falling like ninepins. Everything was
promptly disguised with coronavirus. Subsequently, a planned pandemic was declared.
What solution did humanity reduction engineers prepare? Vaccines! It is a well-known fact that with the vaccine not only toxic substances but today also a nanochip
enter the body. The common flu vaccine is also dangerous, and every vaccine in general!
Word of Life – Rom 8:28 (17/5/2020 – 31/5/2020)
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Let us point out what the Abu Dhabi Declaration is. It contains Bergoglio’s heretical statement that all pagan religions which worship demons are “willed by God”. This is a
gross lie and heresy. Although Bergoglio had been publicly convicted of this heresy, instead of repenting he took further steps: he initiated the Amazon Synod and adopted
documents on the introduction of pagan elements, rites and gestures into the Liturgy. He brought the Pachamama demon to the Vatican and is now taking the next step: he appeals
to Catholics to fast and “pray” to demons together with pagans to obtain chipping from them. It is a tragedy that bishops and Catholic priests still declare in the Liturgy unity
with this greatest blasphemer, heretic and apostate. If a believer hears his name in the Liturgy, let him quietly say “anathema” (cf. Gal 1:8-9). He will thus separate himself
both from him and from the curse which is upon him.
Invalid Pope Francis Bergoglio and B. Gates promote chipping through vaccines. To achieve their aim, they exploit the COVID-19-induced panic. The attitude of the Catholic
Church, represented by Archbishop C. M. Viganò, Cardinal Pujats, Cardinal Zen and the other bishops, is unfavorable. We attach an appeal signed by cardinals and personalities of
the world, which is also supported by the bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate.
It is desirable that bishops of the Catholic and other Churches express their support for the Christian and moral demands contained in this appeal before their faithful and
national governments.
These days we commemorate the martyrdom of St Stanislaus (8 May 1079). This bishop of Cracow defended God’s laws even at the cost of cruel death.
What exactly does God want from you today?
Call on the false Pope to repent publicly for Pachamama idolatry. Inform him that the Episcopal Conference of Poland ceases to name him in the Mass until he repents properly
for his apostasy. This is your first step to repentance. This is what God wants from you. God will then enlighten you what next steps to take for the good of your soul and the
good of the Polish nation.
May the holy martyr bishops St Adalbert and St Stanislaus be an example to you! Follow them!
A Catholic believer is faced with two options today: either he does not recognize the heretical Pope or he does recognize him and hence is under a curse – anathema – together
with him. He has excluded himself from the Church of Christ and is now in the synagogue of Satan. This is a serious thing! This is no trivial matter! What is at stake is the
salvation of every believer! Whoever submits to a heretic no longer obeys God and opposes Christ and His Gospel! Such a person consciously goes into eternal destruction. If he
now died in this condition, he would end up in hell. Are you aware of it, dear Catholics? Are you aware of it too, dear bishops and priests?
Jesus urges all His faithful today: “Beware of these ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing.” (cf. Mt 7:15)
Word of Life – Rom 8:27 (3/5/2020 – 17/5/2020)
“Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”
Dear religious brothers and sisters!
You left the world for the sake of Christ and His Gospel and for the salvation of your souls and the souls of others. You chose to follow Christ in a life consecrated to God.
You resolved to fulfil His words contained in the Gospel, particularly His call: “Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me.” Your first love for Jesus led you to make
a resolute step. You renounced physical fatherhood and motherhood in order to receive spiritual one. Jesus says: Everyone who not only hears My words but also puts them into
practice is My brother and My sister and mother. You chose evangelical radicalness. You can confess with the Apostle: “We are fools for Christ’s sake.” “For to me, to live is
Christ, and to die is gain.” “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”
For the first time, a member of the Ticuna tribe in the diocese of Alto Solimões in Amazonia was ordained (in line with Bergoglio’s program) a permanent deacon on March 15, in a
ceremony fraught with indigenous symbols. The report was published by Vatican News.
Commentary: To achieve a breakthrough in Bergoglio’s program of introducing pseudo-sacraments with the spirit of paganism, the first to be ordained a deacon was a man. However,
even during the Vatican quarantine, Bergoglio does not let the grass grow under his feet and is intensively preparing the ordination of Amazonian women – witches – first as
deacons, prospective women priests, in accordance with the heretical documents of the Amazon Synod. Bergoglio said he had not cancelled any of these documents, and he had
deliberately not addressed the issue in the exhortation “Beloved Amazonia”. Now he has switched to systematic implementation. He transfers the Church of Christ to the Church of
the New Age – the synagogue of Satan.
The seemingly orthodox dogmatics of German Professor Müller from Munich, who was promoted to bishop in 2002 and then to cardinal and prefect of the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, is not orthodox but heretical. The fact that perhaps he also tells many Catholic truths in his books does not make him a Catholic, because by denying
the reality of Christ’s resurrection in the flesh, as we have shown in the previous sections, he has abolished the very foundation of faith. Therefore, all his pious phrases
are just meaningless clichés. He speaks of God in whom he does not believe.
It is also necessary to know from what spiritually poisoned roots this German theology rises and what fruits it has borne for Germany and for the Church.
On several pages, Müller with his heretical vocabulary and heretical spirit questions the inspiration of Scripture, as it is done by this whole heretical school. With such
premises, it is only a matter of time before gender ideology is introduced in the Church as something quite normal and legal. Denying the inspiration of Scripture, one may deny
all moral precepts as well as everything supernatural in the Scripture and regard morals as mere culture rather than the law of God. Müller thus also denies sins, the need to
repent and salvation in Christ, and the distinction between good and evil in general. This spirit has its roots in the conciliar aggiornamento. If Müller has now voiced
opposition to Pachamama, it is inconsistent on his part since his heretical dogmatics has paved the way for this Bergoglio’s idolatrous gesture!
The spirit behind the Gospel leads to eternal life; the spirit behind Müller’s dogmatics leads to eternal perdition.
The last words of the extract really ring down the curtain on the whole swamp of heresies. In Müller’s view, the resurrection was in fact a “sensory-mental cognitive image”.
There is nothing to add. Thus, according to the faith of Card. Müller, Christ is not risen and so Card. Müller is still in his sins.
We hereby call on Cardinal Müller to repent publicly of his heresies. In this way, he will set an example to all who have been misguided by his writings.
Ad B) Quotes and responses to Müller’s statements in his book “Catholic Dogmatics”
Cardinal Müller, who is regarded as strongly conservative today, wrote a textbook of dogmatics, which definitely is not conservative, at a time when he was not yet a bishop.
The book was published in 1995 under the title of Katholische Dogmatik: Für Studium und Praxis der Theologie. Thereafter, it was published in many editions and translations
and is still used for theological studies. Here, in Chapter 5, Section 3, Müller speaks about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in the sense of completely rejecting
and denying it. Card. Müller has never repented of his heresies.
After reading the section on the resurrection in Card. Müller’s Dogmatics, a Christian believer is shocked. The fundamental truth of Christianity is: Jesus Christ is true
God and true man. He died on the cross for our sins. He proved His divinity by His glorious resurrection and thus confirmed His teachings. Müller denies this truth of Christ’s
historical and real resurrection in a sophisticated manner. And this is a grave heresy.
A) First, we give clear Catholic teaching on the resurrection
B) Quotes and responses to Müller’s statements in his book “Catholic Dogmatics”
C) The roots of German theology – the basis for Card. Müller
O Son of man – Prophetic prayer Ezek 37 VIDEO>>>
But if prayer is certainly indispensable, we must not fail to fight the good fight, making us all witnesses of a courageous militancy under the banner of the Cross of Christ.
Let us not find ourselves being pointed out as the handmaiden did with Saint Peter in the high priest’s courtyard: “You too were one of his followers”, only to then deny Christ.
Let us not be intimidated! Let us not allow the gag of tolerance to those who want to proclaim the Truth! Let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary that our language may proclaim with
courage the Kingdom of God and His Justice. Let the miracle of Lapa be renewed when Mary Most Holy gave the word to little Joana, born mute. May She also give voice to us, Her
children, who for too long have been mute.
Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Victories, Ora pro nobis.
Word of Life – Rom 8:26 (19/4/2020 – 3/5/2020)
“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with
groanings which cannot be uttered.”
This truth is extremely topical for us. If we have believed in Jesus and received His Spirit, the Spirit of God especially in a simple prayer literally groans in us
without words or makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered. How often we feel pain or fear and we are unable to explain it or to express it in words. But
if we stand before God, aware of His presence, and give Him our pain, fear, instability, suffering, the loss of our loved ones, an uncertain future – both ours and of our
close relatives, we do not even know how to pray and what for. And it is said that right then the Spirit of God makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be
Dear bishops, monks and priests,
it depends on you whether the Orthodox Church as well as your nation will experience a spiritual awakening. Every reform movement begins with individuals.
You have your national saints. These true heroes need to be set as examples to contemporary believers. The saints first began to reform themselves on their knees. No reform could
start without prayer and true repentance. God will then raise your nation spiritually. If you throw away this chance, multiculturalism hand in hand with gender ideology will
lead to the self-destruction of the Church and nation.
The Great Saturday is the day when we remember Our Lord Jesus Christ as He descended into Hades to free the souls of the Fathers
from Satan’s chains. Abp. Viganò warned of the extraordinary seriousness of the current situation not only because of the pandemic but
mainly because of the tragic apostasy within the Church.
There is no human solution. In this most critical situation, Abp. Viganò pointed out the focus of infection, and that is the devil himself
and his angels occupying the heart of the Church. He therefore called for collective exorcism.
This is the joy of Easter! Christ suffered and rose on the third day. In His name, repentance and remission of sins is being proclaimed
to all nations! And to you as well! Give Him therefore your sins with faith! He forgives you. This Easter joy is confirmed by the reality
of Christ’s physical resurrection! He has proven that He is the Son of God and that His Word which He has given us is the unchangeable
and eternal truth! He is truly your Resurrection and your Life!
His words are directed to you who have received Jesus: “Peace be with you! Do not be afraid, it is I Myself! I am with you always, all
the days of your life!” (Mt 28) And this refers to you personally: Peace be with you! Hallelujah!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Word of Life – Rom 8:23 (5/4/2020 – 19/4/2020)
“We ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of
our bodies.”
It is said that even we ourselves, who already have the firstfruits of the Spirit, do not yet have His fullness.
We do have the firstfruits of the Spirit, but while we are in time the poisonous seed passed on us from our first parents works in us
until the last moment, and therefore sin subjugates our body. We have believed and received Jesus, we are children of God and the
Spirit gives us strength; nevertheless, we still groan because sin, spiritual darkness and apathy towards spiritual things pull us
down. It is beyond human power to change our physicality with the seed of original sin in it which will last until the hour of death;
and so we await the redemption of this body. How will redemption be accomplished?
Bergoglio delivered a homily from the Casa Santa Marta to the whole world.
Quote by Bergoglio: “Moses made a bronze serpent and lifted it up. Jesus will be lifted up, as the serpent... He took our sins upon
Himself to the point of becoming sin, all sin...”
Commentary: Jesus did not become all sin because He would thus cease to be the Son of God, but He did take upon Himself the sins of
mankind. There is a difference between taking sins upon oneself and becoming all sin. Lucifer became all sin – and an angel became a
devil. He thus changed his angelic nature into devilish one. Jesus, by contrast, being the true God and Saviour, destroyed sin and
overcame the devil, the author of sin, through His death. Let us look at the cross with faith where Christ overcame the hellish
serpent and his poison – sin. This is the saving faith which saves us from the serpent’s bite and poison passed down from our first
You, Bishops of Italy, be heroes; be the first in the whole Church to launch a temporary synodal path by ceasing to name Bergoglio in the Mass
until a true and valid Pope is installed.
Be heroes of faith. You have nothing to lose but only to gain both for you and for the souls entrusted to you.
Dear Bishops, the Polish synodal path will lead to restoration not only in Poland but in the whole Church. You will thus also remove the curse
from the Polish nation, and God will save Poland from the coronavirus, Islamization and gender demoralization and give His blessing. Unless you do so,
you will gradually transfer the Polish Church to the antichristian structure of the New Age.
Dear Bishops of Hungary,
the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, which struggles to defend the depositum fidei, addresses you in these last days of Lent. The coronavirus outbreak
continues to spread in Europe, but far greater is the outbreak of coronavirus panic created by the mass media with the purpose of inconspicuously
imposing total control. We have presented a similar proposal to the Bishops of Italy and Poland. It concerns the need for a radical step of deep
repentance which alone can lead to restoration of the Church.
Dear Christians in the United States,
we are facing a wave of the coronavirus associated with an extremely intensive mass media campaign which pursues its goals. It is a certain testing of
the population and a hidden preparation for total control.
Concerning the coronavirus outbreak, Wolfgang Wodarg, a German specialist in lung diseases and epidemiology, and the former chairman of the Council of
Europe Health Committee, said that the current coronavirus-induced panic did not correspond to the real danger and was artificial. This is not a
condition requiring a pandemic.
From an objective point of view, taking into account the real exposure of the so-called pandemic by true experts such as Dr Wolfgang Wodarg
(physician specialist), Dr Borovskich (psychotherapist) and others, Patriarch Filaret, unlike the above-mentioned church leaders, has appeared as a
true shepherd of Christ’s flock. This is almost heroic in this critical situation. Prominent church leaders, on the other hand, have proved to be
practical atheists and, moreover, tradesmen with globalization fear and artificial panic.
Dear bishops and priests,
to name Bergoglio in the Holy Mass means to be in unity with him and to be subordinate to a spirit other than the Spirit of Christ, namely the spirit
of Pachamama, a demonic spirit. Bergoglio enthroned the Pachamama demon in St Peter’s Basilica in place of the Son of God. His secret aim is to destroy
the sacrament of the priesthood, and hence the Eucharist, by ordaining pagan male and female witches from Amazonia. To succeed, he purposefully
diverted attention with the issue of the abolition of celibacy, and caused chaos. It is similar with the coronavirus. Bergoglio purposefully created
an atmosphere of panic when he issued an order to close the Catholic churches instead of showing repentance himself and calling on bishops, priests
and faithful to repent too.
Word of Life – Rom 8:18 (22/3/2020 – 5/4/2020)
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
There is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus which has caused a global panic. Reasonable preventive measures must be respected, although they alone
cannot save us. There is also an order of spiritual principles that is often forgotten about. We should keep to it. An old proverb says:
“Doctors treat, but God heals.”
The cure for death – prescription:
1) perfect contrition – seven times a day “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me” (prayer to the five wounds)
2) holy hour – 20:00-21:00
3) blessing – at 21:00
“Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord God of their fathers... they went and served other gods and worshipped them (Pachamama) ...
Then the anger of the Lord was aroused against this land, to bring on it every curse.” (Deu 29:24-27)
We are witnessing an artificial mass media coronavirus campaign. All areas of public life today highlight coronavirus as problem number one.
Interestingly, there has been a deadly AIDS disease for years, most commonly spread by homosexuals and drug addicts, but no one has caused such panic.
Word of Life – Rom 8:17 (8/3/2020 – 22/3/2020)
“And if children, then heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”
The previous verse 16 reads: “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” And this is followed by verse 17
which we are going to reflect on at the beginning of Lent: “And if children, then heirs – heirs of God…” Are we aware of what it means to be an
heir of God? If someone had said in the past that he or she was the Emperor’s child, and hence his heir, others would have been envious: “They will
get so much without making any effort, and they inherit a fortune! Why not us? Why not me?”
In this situation, the solution to how to be saved from the apostate system under Bergoglio is the synodal path. The Germans used this opportunity for bad purposes,
namely to destroy the Church even more intensively. The responsible bishops and priests in each nation should immediately use the synodal path for true restoration of
the Church. Why? Because if the process of apostasy continues, it will penetrate so deeply that the true Church of Christ will become a little flock. The Scripture says
about it, however, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, though it will only survive as an underground Church. If the individual nations are offered the
opportunity for spiritual restoration through the synodal path, true Catholics can then be united again under a Pope who will defend orthodox doctrine and God’s commandments.
The synodal path, though it may look like a schism, is no schism in this situation but the way of salvation from the dictates of heresy leading to hell. The goal is
to remain in unity with Christ and His teaching which guarantees eternal salvation.
Your Beatitude,
You, as head of the Orthodox Church in Russia, are fully responsible for its current spiritual state. A shepherd holds a
staff in his hand. It symbolizes that his task is to fight against ravenous wolves who seek to devour the defenceless
Christ’s flock. Do You fulfil this task, or do You have the same spirit as the apostate Pope Francis Bergoglio? In
October 2019, Bergoglio had a pagan Pachamama demon brought into the main basilica of the Catholic Church, which was
accompanied by a pagan ritual and a subsequent concert in support of this idolatry.
Word of Life – Rom 8:16 (23/2/2020 – 8/3/2020)
“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”
Let us realize that the Spirit of God is in us. But let us also realize that the deepest part of our being is our spirit. What is the difference between our soul and our
spirit? Both are spiritual and it is hard to distinguish between them. The soul has God-given powers, but the spirit is the pure “self”, the deepest essence of our being.
At the same time, it is the opposite of the negative self, the so-called old self, ego, which binds and substitutes for the spirit. Our spirit longs for God as the magnetic
needle always points to the North, because God is our beginning, and we are created in His image having an immortal spirit.
Dear bishops, priests and believers,
on Ash Wednesday, 26 February 2020, the Western Church enters the Lenten period. The essence of Lent is conversion and repentance. Conversion means turning from the way
of the world to the way of God – to Jesus – and then following Him. He is our Way. In His light one can truly see the meaning of life, truthfully distinguish between good and evil,
truth and lie, and self-critically confess one’s sins before oneself and before God. Conversion is followed by repentance, which includes the way of purification, illumination
and union. The way of purification is particular austerity, both external and internal. On the way of illumination, God enlightens man on matters of salvation. On the way of union,
man achieves inner union with God. These three ways overlap.
Exhortation “Beloved Amazonia” and the Antichrist
“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him
understand)...” (Mt 24:15)
Bergoglio changes the nature of the Christian liturgy by taking up into it pagan gestures, elements, rituals and symbols, and thus accepts the
abomination of desolation which is connected with the spirit of paganism, i.e. with the worship of Satan and demons. He thus expels the Holy Spirit,
without whom the sacraments lose their efficacy.
On 12 February 2020, Bergoglio released the so-called post-synodal apostolic exhortation “Beloved Amazonia”. Many authors have already made
clear public statements on the Amazon Synod. It committed blasphemy against God, idolatry, sins against the First Commandment, and apostasy
from Christ to antichrist.
Pseudo-synodal versus true path
The Germans have already begun to implement the synodal path of apostasy towards the destruction of the Church. It is therefore high
time for a true reform movement to emerge from among religious, priests and bishops! Otherwise Marx, following Bergoglio’s line, will
soon globalize the entire Catholic Church under his demoralization programme. Now is the historic moment when there is a chance to come
up with the programme of a true synodal path thus saving at least some regions from total spiritual genocide and curse that is being
brought down by the apostate Church structure.
The synodal path of the German episcopate was started at the first assembly in Frankfurt on 30 January-1 February 2020.
The working document confidently promotes the ordination of women and the abolition of celibacy. Apart from that, it promotes the crime of contraception, sinful masturbation,
and perverted and unnatural homosexual activity. The statements of the document clearly contradict the teaching of the Church as expressed in the Scriptures and Tradition.
Card. Marx has absurdly stated that homosexuals belong to the Church’s sacramental community and has defended same-sex church marriages! Instead of leading homosexual persons
to repentance and to the pursuit of their own deliverance and salvation, he normalizes sin and promotes impenitence! He does harm not only to them but to the whole Church.
And this is his main intention and a crime crying to heaven!
Word of Life – Rom 8:15 (9/2/2020 – 23/2/2020)
“For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’”
Jesus is the Heavenly Father’s own firstborn Son, true God and true man, and through faith in Christ we receive adoption as sons, we become children of God.
As it is written in the following verses, we are heirs of God, heirs of God’s kingdom, and so we can call God our Father like Jesus, and even intimately “Abba”, “Daddy”.
This is great dignity! But there is one problem – we always forget who we are. We forget who created us, who our true Father is. We also forget at what price we were redeemed
from sin so as not to be its slaves anymore, and we forget our ultimate end, our true homeland and true home which Jesus prepared for us in heaven.
“I, Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, during my papacy, proclaimed John Paul II blessed. Now, however, I retract it and declare his beatification invalid because it contradicts
the teaching of the Church, thus being to her great spiritual and moral detriment.
I admit that, being a Pope:
1) I inexcusably neglected to clearly condemn, like Pius X, the current heresies of Modernism denying the Divinity of Christ, His real and historical resurrection, and the Divine
inspiration of the Scripture.
2) I also neglected to condemn by papal authority the syncretism of Vatican II which proclaimed a regard for pagan cults, de facto for their demons.
This is a sin against the First Commandment.
3) Committing an offence by neglecting these two basic things, I became the cause of destructive fruits as stated in Rom 1:18-25. That is why homosexualism has spread even
in the highest places in the Church and the world has been dominated by satanic gender ideology.
I am aware that without my repentance of these sins and crimes, no true restoration and reform in the Church can start. If I had repented in truth, I could never have beatified
an apostate Pope.”
Behind all occult practices is profane fire. There are 12 million practitioners of magic in Italy alone, several thousand fortune-tellers in Paris, witches
in Great Britain are listed as an occupation. But we need not go far: Bergoglio promotes witches as privileged women deacons, prospective women priests. What kind of a Church
will it be under the Pachamama demon and her women deacons and priests? This is where Bergoglio is leading the Catholics. Frankly speaking, they will be women deacons and priests
of Satan. Will you put up with that, dear Catholics?
All who opened themselves to profane fire in the past must renounce it and repent of the occult.
On 23 January 2020, MP Monika Jarošová spoke in Parliament and convicted Minister Jana Maláčová and her Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
of secretly brainwashing children in micro-nurseries with gender immorality. Minister Maláčová disguised this evil programme with a plethora
of positive phrases.
The situation in the Church these days is that the Papal Office is illegitimately occupied by Bergoglio, a manifest heretic and apostate! The episcopate,
clergy and people are like hypnotized under the influence of the papal dogma of infallibility, and therefore they are unable to expel the invalid Pope or to separate themselves
from his public apostasy. Auxiliary Bishop Schneider presents erroneous theories that even if the Pope was the greatest pervert or heretic, he must by no means be deprived
of his papacy. This view leads to the spiritual suicide of the Catholic Church.
Bergoglio, being a heretic, grossly abuses the office of pastor and teacher of all Christians, breaks God’s commandments and introduces both by word and gesture a different
gospel which is contrary to the Scripture and the Holy Tradition. So if papal primacy is in force, this manifest heretic along with his adherents must be expelled.
However, if the episcopate, clergy and people still regard this heretic as a valid Pope and leave him in office, the dogma on papal primacy must be eliminated. The Church
with a heretical Head ceases to be the Church of Christ. She becomes the harlot of the antichrist!
Bear in mind for the following two weeks, when reciting the Word of God, who you are. You are a son (daughter) of God. Through baptism and faith you have the life of God.
And therefore you need to be led by the Spirit of God, and not by the spirit of the world. Try to bear it in mind in your private prayer too. Recite the word of life also before
you fall asleep.
Word of Life – Rom 8:14 (26/1/2020 – 9/2/2020)
“As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”
At the request of pseudo Pope Bergoglio, the Pontifical Biblical Commission has elaborated a 330-page study entitled “What is Man? An Itinerary of Biblical Anthropology.”
In actual fact, it imposes a heretical interpretation of the Bible. One ten-page section of the document deals with the question of homosexuality.
Citation by the Pontifical Commission: “Certain formulations of biblical authors, as well as the disciplinary directives of Leviticus, require an intelligent interpretation…”
What the Commission has presented, however, is an example of no intelligent but stupid, false and heretical interpretation.
Quote by Card. Marx: “Approach the new decade with fantasy.”
The apostate Cardinal urges us to lay aside reason and moral principles and to embark on a journey of boundless fantasy ending in self-destruction of the individual,
family and society. Here fantasy is just Marx’s positive term to cover up the betrayal of God and mass suicide of Christianity.
Word of Life – Rom 8:12–13 (12/1/2020 – 26/1/2020)
“Therefore, brethren, we are debtors – not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die;
but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”
When you will recite Rom 8:12-13 daily for two weeks during the seven prayer stops, renew time and again your resolution to fight against the deeds of the body.
Every day you write one page in the book of your life and this book will be opened in the hour of death before the judgment seat of God. Your fight has an impact on others too.
You obtain for them the light and strength to turn from the broad way which leads to damnation. Whenever we fall, we must repent immediately, break with evil and take again
the safe way of following Jesus to eternal life.
Word of Life – Rom 8:11 (29/12/2019 – 12/1/2020)
“But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit
who dwells in you.”
Let us be aware that the Spirit of God who dwells in the Father also dwells in us through the saving faith. This Spirit raised the Lord Jesus from the dead
when He was dead physically. By the same power by which He raised Christ from the dead, this Spirit of God will now not raise us physically, because we are still in the flesh,
but He will give us life already now. What does it mean that He will give us life? This is the crucial question. Our main focus will no longer be the spirit of the world,
our selfish interests, or service to the system and spirit of darkness which enslaves man by sin and leads to destruction. He will give us life so that while we are in the flesh,
amidst our life’s trial, we may no longer live our own life but rather live according to God’s plan; live a different life, a life for God and for the salvation of our soul
and of the souls of our neighbours.
Word of Life – Rom 8:10 (15/12/2019 – 29/12/2019)
“And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.”
Without repentance and without putting God’s Word into practice there is no spiritual life; there is only stagnation because we do not allow the Spirit of God to live in us.
Thus at the same time we do not allow Jesus Christ to work in us and through us. The very secret of a victorious life lies not only in the receiving of or the baptism with
the Holy Spirit – this is just the beginning – but it is necessarily connected with walking in the Spirit, in the Spirit of truth, who unites us to Jesus through the cross.
Then Jesus can live and suffer in us for the sake of the salvation of souls, especially those in our immediate surroundings, so that we may truly become living atoning sacrifices.
The need of the time requires an authoritative statement against the repeated apostate activities of the Society of Jesuits. The current line of the Jesuits and the spirit
governing this religious order are at complete variance with the agenda of the founder and with the deposit of faith. In the past, this Society was abolished by the Pope.
The reason was not heresies at the time. Nowadays, however, this Society promotes heresies whereby it has excluded itself from the Church of Christ.
Carlo Maria Viganò, as the supreme authority holding Peter’s keys, has taken a clear position on the most topical issues threatening the present-day Church.
It concerns the so-called House of the Abrahamic Family of Universal Brotherhood within a new religion, and discontinuity between the pre-conciliar Magisterium and the new
teachings of Nostra aetate. He also points out the connection between Pachamama idolatry and the house of a new religion in Abu Dhabi. Both are crimes against the First
Commandment and lead to apostasy from the living and true God.
The solution for the present-day Catholic Church is not only prayer and fasting, but also concrete steps of repentance. The first step is to be separated from the invalid Pope Bergoglio.
Word of Life – Rom 8:9 (1/12/2019 – 15/12/2019)
“But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”
Let me ask the essential question: Are these words, saying that I am not in the flesh, really true about me? Does the Spirit of God dwell in me? Is it not the mind and spirit
of the world that rules in me? The sign of the Spirit of God really dwelling in me is that I allow Him to work in prayer as well as in decision-making; in other words, I live according to the Spirit.
How shall we obtain the Spirit of Christ?
Archbp. Viganò has not rejected his extraordinary election as Pope. He carries the burden entrusted to him by the Lord. He has become the supreme authority
in the present-day Church. He defends the faith and morals, and thus he fulfills the primary duty of the successor of the Apostle Peter.He has also authoritatively commented on the Amazon Synod.
Quotes from a November 6, 2019 interview with LifeSiteNews.The first question was: How would you characterize the arc of the synod narrative?
Your Excellency, You exactly identify Bergoglio’s heresies and apostasy, yet You have imposed a false axiom on Catholics: An apostate Pope must stay in office.
You are deceiving true Catholics! These souls are not in unity with the apostate Francis but they are in unity with You because of Your public orthodox conduct.
You are well aware that Your unity with the apostate Bergoglio will gradually bring these sheep under his apostate system, and the curse which has been placed on Bergoglio
will pass on to them too and will not only obscure their minds but also deprive them of the light of faith which they now have. Behind Your activity is the spirit of antichrist.
You threaten the Church more than the manifest apostate Bergoglio. Repent, and separate Yourself from the spirit of antichrist which You serve!
Word of Life – Rom 8:7-8 (17/11/2019 – 1/12/2019)
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”
The carnal mind is synonymous with the mind of the old self. The old self embodies the connection between the carnal mind and mental life, which only affects the horizontal.
The old self philosophizes about purely human values and things but ignores or even rejects God’s truths and God’s commandments. The mind of the old self, i.e. of the flesh,
revolves only around its own false interests but constantly boycotts the most important thing, namely the salvation of the soul. The focus of the carnal mind is its own human
pride, career, self-divinization and practical independence from God.
The Amazon Synod, having brought the spirit of paganism into the heart of the Church and into the Holy Mass, is a total betrayal of the essence of Christ’s Gospel
and of Christianity as a whole. The Church of Christ is being secretly but officially converted to an anti-Church of the New Age. However, this moment of the supreme crime
and betrayal requires distraction, and that is why chaos has been created around the issue of the abolition of celibacy. It is intended to stop beforehand God’s call for true
repentance and restoration of the Church. The very Prophets called for repentance mainly in relation to the First Commandment, for the sins of idolatry. They described the sin
of idolatry as spiritual fornication, and God punished the people for this sin with wars and Babylonian captivity.
Immediately after the Amazon Synod, Major Archbishop of the UGCC S. Shevchuk called for the abolition of celibacy. He falsely claimed that this would resolve the moral decline.
Most of the UGCC bishops apparently disagree with his statement. Moreover, it is a paradox that Shevchuk says this but both he and Archbp. Gudziak openly promote immoral LGBTQ
ideology. Nevertheless, Shevchuk calls on the UGCC priests to report the priests of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine for moral offences. But what if priests of both rites
begin to report Shevchuk?
Your Eminence / Excellency,
27 October 2019 marked the end of the apostate Synod represented only by selected 26 cardinals and 134 bishops. God’s anathema – excommunication from the Mystical Body of Christ –
according to Gal 1:8 has been declared publicly not only on pseudo Pope Bergoglio but also on these traitors of Christ. The Synod has opened the door to the process
of gradual satanization of the Holy Mass, the abolition of celibacy, and the ordination of women and Amazon witches as deaconesses with the possibility of presiding at religious
ceremonies and administering the sacraments. Dear bishops, all are now waiting for your response. If you remain passive, the pseudo Pope will accept these conclusions of the apostate
Synod as binding for the whole Church. The Catholic Church will thus be formally – under false papal authority – converted de facto to a New Age Church of the Antichrist.
Word of Life – Rom 8:5-6 (3/11/2019 – 17/11/2019)
“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life
and peace.”
We need to realize again that setting our minds on the things of the Spirit and living according to the Spirit is connected with the law of the Spirit. And the law of the Spirit is essentially connected with Jesus, it is in Him.
Those who are in Christ are spiritually rather than carnally minded – that means, they do not set their minds on themselves but on Jesus. Their focus is not on their self-realization or their ego but on true good – spiritual good.
However, they need not care about obtaining it. Our main concern must be to have a true relationship to Jesus, to love God, and to love our neighbour as ourselves.
What is the true diagnosis of the apostate Amazon Synod? We present it not only from the human perspective but from the perspective of God’s Word. It is exactly described
in the following God’s statement:“The devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” (Rev 12:12)
God complains about idolatry in the temple: “He said to me, ‘Son of man, do you see what they are doing (in the Vatican Gardens and in other places in the Vatican)?
The great abominations ... to make Me go far away from My sanctuary!’ (Eze 8:6) I saw figures of all kinds … foul idols (from Amazonia)… (v.10) …and there, between the porch
and the altar, were about twenty-five men (there were about twenty-five men – cardinals – at the Amazon Synod.
The Amazon Synod has led to a treacherous coup within the Catholic Church. Bergoglio has officially changed the essence of Christ’s Gospel, for which reason he is under an anathema – excommunication from the Church of Christ –
according to Gal 1:8-9. The supreme authority has been abused against Christ, against the First Commandment and against the way of salvation. The relationship to Christ thus falls and is exchanged for the relationship to the devil.
The whole sphere of occultism is inherently connected with paganism, i.e. with the worship of the devil and demons. These are sins against the First Commandment.
This sphere, however, is so hidden (occult) that many practices of magic and divination are unknowingly promoted even by a large number of monks and priests.
The principle is as follows: If any practice contains hidden elements of magic, divination or spiritualism, even its modern form is already condemned by God!
Through pagan occultism, individuals, nations as well as the Church are kept in spiritual darkness.
Word of Life – Rom 8:4 (20/10/2019 – 3/11/2019)
“That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
If God Himself is really my ultimate goal, I am ready and desire to lose even good things, even if it should look like a defeat in people’s eyes.
I know that I receive much more from Him – His Spirit!
So if my heart is truly set on God, and not on myself, I take steps in the Spirit rather than in the flesh.
Walking in the Spirit of God, however, does not mean that we will be free from temptation or struggle. Again and again, we need to get out of our egoism through repentance,
because we automatically lose our focus on God. We need to draw strength in prayer every day. We are heading for eternity; here we are on the battlefield,
fighting sometimes great, sometimes small battles.
Dear Cardinals and Bishops!
On 14 October 2019, at a Synod of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate in the monastery near Olomouc,
Czech Republic, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was elected and proclaimed in an extraordinary election
as the rightful Pope.
Francis Bergoglio is an open heretic and apostate, i.e. an invalid Pope. The consequence was a state of
Sede Vacante. Before the extraordinary election of the new Pope, Patriarch Elijah declared an anathema –
a repeated announcement – excommunication from the Church – on Francis Bergoglio, a manifest heretic.
From 6 to 27 October 2019, the Synod on Amazonia is held in Vatican City. Pseudo Pope Francis aims to bring the spirit of paganism into the centre of the Church.
By the expulsion of the Holy Spirit, he will cause the daily sacrifice to cease (cf. Mt 24:15, Dan 11:30). Instead of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of paganism
is to reign in the liturgy. Behind pagan rituals is a hidden worship of the devil. This will open the way for the transition of the Catholic Church
to the anti-Church of the New Age.
A sorceress ritually placed rings on Bergoglio’s fingers. What did it symbolize? A spiritual covenant, in other words dedication to the one whom the sorceress serves –
the devil. Then another sorcerer placed a magic necklace with amulets around his neck. By receiving it, Bergoglio made it manifest that he received the yoke of subordination
not to Christ but to the devil and became his slave just like the sorcerer who gave him the necklace. Those who are still in inner unity with the apostate Bergoglio follow him
on the path of apostasy to hell.
“… you will see the ‘abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place…” (Mt 24:15)
Jesus draws attention to Daniel’s prophecy which refers to the period of mass internal apostasy:
“…they shall defile the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifice, and place there the abomination of desolation.” (Dan 11:31)
The sanctuary of God is defiled – the interior sanctuary – the living temple of the Holy Spirit, the Mystical Body of Christ – rather than an external temple.
How was this temple defiled? By the spirit of antichrist.The Holy Spirit was expelled from the centre of the Church as well as from her members. Apostasy removes Christ’s
redemptive death on the cross which is made present in the Mass. This crime could be committed by no external force; it was caused by traitors inside the Church.
Today, this betrayal is reaching the culminating point at the Amazon Synod.
What are God’s children waiting for? Will they allow the apostate Bergoglio and the excommunicated Amazon team to drag them straight to hell?.
God has given free will to everyone. If anyone wants to follow the apostates to hell even against God’s will, they can. But they will suffer from a painful regret
for all eternity. And it will be too late. There will be no more chance to repent. But now there still is!
Word of Life – Rom 8:3 (6/10/2019 – 20/10/2019)
“For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh,
on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh.”
Invisible spiritual reality which blinds our mind, paralyses our will and drags us to both temporal and eternal destruction is indeed the greatest problem which all mankind
and every individual is faced with. The solution to this problem is found neither in Buddha nor in Muhammad nor in Freud nor in Rousseau nor in Zen meditations or yoga practices.
The solution is found only and only in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became man, took flesh without sin, to carry all sins of mankind to the cross in His flesh
and to pay for them with His death. Jesus is not only true man but He is also true God, and therefore He is the only Saviour
of mankind and there is salvation in no one else but Him (Acts 4:12).
There was a robber synod in Ephesus in 449. Another one – on Amazonia – is to be held in the Vatican this year.
The aim is to introduce the spirit of paganism, occult practices, witchcraft, magic, divination and spiritualism, even into the liturgy.
This is evidenced by the preparatory document Instrumentum Laboris. It contains manifest heresies, especially related to pantheism, which destroy not only
the essence of the Catholic faith but fully contradict the whole of Christianity.
A synonym for the term ‘anathema’ is excommunication, curse, exclusion from the Body of Christ – the Church. This most severe punishment is established by God Himself.
It expresses the spiritual reality that applies to heretics who have abandoned the Gospel of Christ and the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8). Instead, they have received
the spirit of heresy and preach an antigospel. They have thus excluded themselves from the Mystical Body of Christ and are on the road to perdition,
even though they hold the highest offices in the Church.
Question: Why did Francis give an order for this interview on the issue of an upcoming schism in the Church?
Answer: Bergoglio takes into consideration that tension in the Church will increase before the Amazon Synod because there are strong reasons and arguments
from many bishops and cardinals. He needs to intimidate Catholics and to paralyse the bishops and priests who join Archbp. Viganò in demanding his abdication.
That is why his answers in the interview are intended to rebuild his reputation.But he avoids answering the question whether he is willing to prevent a so-called schism
by resigning from office and giving place to an orthodox Pope. Only an orthodox Pope can carry out a true reform of the Church.
Word of Life – Rom 8:1-2 (22/9/2019 – 6/10/2019)
“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”
These two conflicting laws – the law of the Spirit and the law of sin – cannot work simultaneously. Only one of them can work.If at the moment of trial and decision-making we
enter into unity with Christ through active faith and watchfulness, the law of the Spirit works and we win. If we are in our self and only rely on our own efforts,
we lose as the law of sin and death works here.
Remember that without repentance and prayer even the best advice of the Fathers of the Church or the promises of the Scriptures will be ineffective for you.
Conclusion of the Memorandum:
“We commit to effect all these reforms in the period from 1 May 2016 to 16 August 2020 in order to allow the changes to be made
and to fully enter the New Age on 1 May 2016. … We pray to one god and one man that he would appear to the world for the sake of solving all the problems of the planet.”
Response: The practical introduction of the New Age means total destruction of Christianity. The god they pray to is Satan. And the one man who shall be revealed in the world
is the Antichrist! All the reforms carried out by the apostates Kirill, Bartholomew and Francis lead to the self-destruction of Christianity and prepare
the ground for the appearance of the Antichrist! All three of them as well as their delegates who signed the Strasbourg Memorandum fell under God’s anathema.
It was published on 15 February 2016.
Question: What should every sincere Catholic do today?
Response: Let every Catholic make a promise to God to pray one hour every day throughout the year for the election of a true Catholic Pope
and for the restoration of the Church.
Question: What is the true devotion to the Blessed Virgin?
Answer: The true devotion to the Blessed Virgin is the one that is fully biblical and leads to Christ. The false devotion is antibiblical and leads away from Christ.
The Virgin Mary said about herself: “I am the bondslave of the Lord.” – He doule Kyriou. (Lk 1:38.48) Being children of Eve, we are slaves of sin by nature. Being children of Mary,
we become slaves of the Lord. The Apostle says: “We are slaves of the one whom we obey.” (Rom 6) Being slaves of the Lord brings us freedom from sin.
There is not a single day that passes without Bergoglio promoting interreligious dialogue. He thus purposefully destroys the Church.
In the present time the only and right solution is the following: to abolish interreligious dialogue and to open the door for true reevangelization and mission.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus highlighted moral purity: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” He also said: “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully
has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” And He added: “If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off…” The Lord Jesus calls for a resolute stand in this sphere.
Scripture warns against homosexuality: “Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those
who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” (Jude 1:7) Francis Bergoglio, by contrast, systematically promotes homosexualism, thus abusing the papal office and bringing a curse
on the whole Church.
Word of Life – Rom 7:24-25 (8/9/2019 – 22/9/2019)
“O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God (for doing so) through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then,
I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.”
“O wretched man that I am!” Like a man who suddenly awakes to find himself in a burning building, his cry is now for help,
for he has come to the point where he despairs of himself. Have you despaired of yourself, or do you still hope that you will change and be a better Christian
by your own efforts? Happily the “wretched man” does not merely deplore his wretchedness; he asks a fine question, namely: “Who will deliver me?” Who? Hitherto he has
relied on himself; now his hope is only in Him! Hitherto he has looked within for a solution to his problem; now he looks beyond himself for the Saviour!The cry:
“O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me?” changes to a song of praise. He has found the answer to his question. “Thanks be to God (for doing so)
through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Rom 7:25)
Dear bishops and priests,
what would the Apostle Paul say to you today on solving the crisis in the Church by abolishing celibacy? He would first listen to all your
arguments about the explosion of paedophilia, homosexuality and a moral crisis, and then he would say to you: Being apostles of Christ,
you are sent to open people’s eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may
receive forgiveness of sins by faith in Jesus. (cf. Acts 26:18) You cannot be in unity with pseudo Pope Francis who legalizes sin,
homosexualism, and even witchcraft! Do you mean to solve the crisis in the Church in unity with him without repentance? You will not
become holy priests by abolishing celibacy. Today the Church and the world need you for the sake of their salvation!
The solution to all our problems is in Jesus Christ the Crucified!
– In his homily at Casa Santa Marta in May 2013, Francis said that even atheists can be saved as long as they do good.
Response: By this half-truth Bergoglio deliberately obscures the basic conditions of salvation, namely repentance, the faith in the just God and implicitly the faith in Jesus Christ as the only Saviour.
The essence of the papacy consists in the defence of faith and morals against heresies and in the encouragement of brethren in the faith and in the following
of Christ. Peter and the other Apostles gave their lives as martyrs for Christ and His Gospel. They gave us an example of a true loss of their soul
for the sake of Christ. For only in Jesus Christ we have eternal life! Even in our lives, the most important thing is the personal relationship with Jesus!
Jesus asks even you: “Who do you say that I am?” On your answer depends all your eternity.
The Saviour said to Peter by the Lake of Gennesaret: “Feed My lambs… Feed My sheep.” (Jn 21:15f) Before His death, He commissioned Peter with a ministry:
“…when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” (Lk 22:32)
Pseudo Pope Francis is currently planning, in particular through the Amazon Synod, to trigger such chaos that the Church will not recover from it over the next 50 years!
The Amazon Synod not only opens the Church to the spirit of paganism but it wants to transplant it directly into the Holy Mass. Moreover,
with the use of phrases like enrichment by indigenous traditions it seeks to legalize witchcraft, i.e. Satanism, in the Catholic Church. In Africa, by contrast,
bishops have written a pastoral letter against witchcraft and Freemasonry. Thus, orthodox African Christians have entered into controversy with Bergoglio.
Interestingly enough, Africa has no problem with celibacy and has enough priests.
The Word of God indicates two opposite polarities – Adam and Christ. He who abides in Adam is in death and slavery. He who enters into the death of Christ
has new life and true freedom.
We were born as children of Adam without the divine life. If we are not born again but continue in this state of spiritual death, we will be condemned for ever.
Jesus said: “You must be born again. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (Jn 3:6f) How shall we be born again?
This means that we receive the Lord Jesus into our life through metanoia and faith! “To all who received Him He gave power to become children of God.” (Jn 1:12)
Word of Life – Rom 7:22-23 (25/8/2019 – 8/9/2019)
“For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind,
and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members”
The inward man mentioned in God’s Word is in agreement with the law of the mind and delights in the law of God. In another place in the Scripture,
the Apostle Paul calls this spiritual man “pneumatikos”. The spiritual man is led by the Spirit of God. The natural – old – man, by contrast, is governed by the lusts
of the flesh and pride. We have to fight against the old man, i.e. original sin in us, until the end of our lives. He must not be our Lord! Jesus must be our Lord!
When we are deceived by sin and we fall, again and again we must repent and arise on the way of following Christ. This is a daily programme for a true Christian.
We would like to draw attention to topical issues which are necessarily connected with the true restoration of the Church.
It concerns the question of original sin and Christ’s death on the cross.
The first sin caused the incarnation of deceit and consequently spiritual death. Man did not become like God but since then has carried a god,
ego, within himself. Man no longer respects God and objective truth. He has his own subjective truth and subjective good which, unfortunately, drags him into perdition.
He uses positive terms to promote his own interests and in his pride elevates himself higher than God. Jesus says: “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.” (Jn 8:34)
However, because of spiritual blindness man considers this slavery as his good.
Do you know the purpose of your life and what will be after death? Do you know the meaning of your physical and mental suffering?
The answers you get to these questions may be either true or false. True answers are found in true Christianity, false answers are found in paganism.
Christianity worships the true God, Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead. Paganism worships demons. Will you choose the way of life or the way of death?
Eternal life is in Christ Jesus. “He who has the Son has eternal life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1Jn 5:12)
There are also false ways of pagan myths behind which are demons who lead people to eternal death. The Catholic Church is going to embrace pagan demons
through the Amazon Synod.
The Synod will result in a total transition to the neopagan Church of the Antichrist, the anti-Church of the New Age.
The First Commandment of the Decalogue forbids paganism and its practices.
Question: How to do penance?
Answer: Every Christian must break not only with the spirit of paganism but also with the practices of divination, magic and spiritualism and all superstitions.
Christians cannot live their life by horoscopes or signs of the zodiac, nor consult fortune-tellers or occult healers.
Jesus warns: “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” (Lk 13:3)
Word of Life – Rom 7:18-20 (11/8/2019 – 25/8/2019)
“For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me,
but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do,
that I practise. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.”
The working of sin is unjust, but there is one more thing that is unjust and thanks to it we are saved.
Jesus died for us on the cross and delivered us from sin. According to justice, we have no right to salvation.
It is the greatest gift. And so in order to know Christ more and more we need to give Him our sins more and more,
not to keep them and not to allow them to proliferate. Let us repent immediately even after committing a minor sin in thought,
word or deed. Let us stop immediately and make an act of contrition.
St Thomas Aquinas says: “It is wrong to seek to learn from the devil when we have the Divine Scripture.” The Amazon Synod,
however, takes no account of God’s Word but just revolves around myths, pagan rites and celebrations that include a transcendent,
in fact demonic dimension. The Amazon Synod thus continues in the spirit of Vatican II!
It is already widely known that the Instrumentum Laboris of the Amazon Synod is a purposeful destruction of Christianity.
Certain authorities in the media referred to it as heresy, apostasy and stupidity! Time is ripe for every priest and bishop to stop mentioning the name of the heretic in the Holy Mass
and to do their utmost to remove him from the papal office which he holds illegitimately. Archbp. C.M. Viganò appealed for Bergoglio’s resignation already a year ago.
The Amazonia programme promoted by pseudo Pope Francis and his co-workers leads to the self-destruction of the Church.
It embraces the spirit of paganism connected with amorality and pseudo spirituality covertly worshipping Satan. A short letter entitled
“Malignant tumour of German theology in the Church” and another one entitled “Vatican II was and is heretical” briefly describe two poisonous roots,
namely Modernism and syncretism. Furthermore, they make a repeated appeal for the resignation of the heretical Pope and the election of an orthodox one.
His primary task will be to reform the Church through true repentance.
Word of Life – Rom 3:14-19 (28/7/2019 – 11/8/2019)
“Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways;
and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes. Now we know that whatever the law says,
it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.”
This whole passage highlights the truth that all have sinned and all the world is guilty before God.
Verses 10-18 describe the old self and its evil works. But we know that Jesus has come to take on Himself all sins
originating from the poisoned root in us which the Scripture calls the old self.
Jesus says: “A tree is known by its fruit: a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” (Mt 7:18) Many religious superiors started inviting Buddhists
and Hindus to their monasteries. This pseudo mission, based on Vatican II’s syncretism, is a rebellion against God. It has brought along the invasion of pseudo culture
behind which is the spirit of drug addiction and sexual perversions. This is, in essence, a worship of demons and Satan! Aggiornamento preaches a different Jesus,
a different spirit and a different gospel (cf. 2Cor 11:4).
The attitude of God’s Word towards paganism is clear. It is expressed in the First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods or worship them!” (Deut 5:6-9)
Vatican II documents are the exact opposite.
Contemporary German bishops and theologians, with some honourable exceptions, are heretics and apostates. President of the Bishops’ Conference, Card. Marx,
and also Card. Kasper push for the transition of the Church to the New Age. They promote sodomy as well as the programme of the Amazon Synod associated with acceptance
of pagan Satanism towards the so-called revitalization of the Church and Liturgy. In this respect they are in unity with pseudo Pope Francis.
Moreover, the majority of German bishops advocate the Islamization of Europe. These German false prophets are the biggest ulcer on the body of the Catholic Church.
They are neither Catholics nor Christians anymore. All of them are excluded from the Mystical Body of Christ according to Gal 1:8 and if they do not repent,
they will end up in eternal damnation. The spiritual poison has spread from Germany already for decades and borne the fruits of death.
On 24-26 June 2019, a preparatory meeting for the Amazon Synod was held in secret. Among the main persons involved are Cardinals Hummes, Barreto, Kasper, Baldisseri…
In 1986, John Paul II in Assisi opened the door of the Church to paganism. He implemented Vatican II’s document about reverence for pagans – de facto reverence for demons to whom they sacrifice.
The archheretic Bergoglio abuses the papacy and promotes a pagan spirit in the Liturgy by introducing animistic elements. Thus instead of offering sacrifices to God,
the devil and pagan demons will be covertly worshipped.
Word of Life – 1Jn 3:24 (14/7/2019 – 28/7/2019)
“Now he who keeps His commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.”
The true meaning of the commandments is to create the conditions for God to be in us and for us to be in Him. Therefore we also have to find time for prayer,
i.e. for God and for our immortal soul. Without prayer one can hardly speak of the love of God and the love of neighbour.
1) Who do we propose and why?
2) The diagnosis of the present state of the Church
3) What is the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP)?
With the condemnation of colonialism, it at the same time condemns the apostolic work of missionaries, their sacrifices and martyrdom.
The heretical and gnostic text fundamentally contradicts the Catholic faith. Man is understood as an integral part of nature. This is the heresy of pantheism.
Creation is referred to as “Mother Earth”. This term is commonly used by the New Age movement. Animism, which offers sacrifices to demons, is praised here as an authentic spiritual value.
As such, according to the document, it should become a new language of the Church. The Holy Scripture, however, strongly warns: “The things which pagans sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God.” (1Cor 10:20)
Auxiliary Bishop Schneider wrote a treatise on March 20, 2019, entitled “On the question of a heretical pope”.
It is based on the absurd assumption that a heretical pope can in no case be deprived of his office. Moreover, he claims that even if a pope committed the gravest heresies
or monstrous moral crimes, he must – in his view – remain in office. This Schneider’s view is against Holy Scripture, Gal 1:8-9, against the Bull of Paul IV as well as against the words of many saints.
To confirm his theory, he uses a manipulative comparison.
Word of Life – 1Jn 3:22 (30/6/2019 – 14/7/2019)
“And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.”
This word of life emphasizes that we receive whatever we ask. The condition for our prayers to be heard is to keep His commandments
and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
If anyone obeys the heretical and apostate Pope Francis, he brings a curse – anathema – on himself. This anathema is for heresies, i.e. for another gospel,
which Francis proclaims today. Bergoglio is under triple anathema, which was declared on 15 September 2009, 2 August 2013 and 14 February 2018.
He occupies the papal office illegitimately and the believers must not obey him, otherwise they bring God’s curse – anathema – on themselves.
The attitude of Card. Burke and Bp. Schneider is not identical with the attitude represented by Archbp. C. M. Viganò. Viganò rigorously demands true repentance,
which is to begin with the inevitable resignation of Francis and the elimination of the homosexual network in the highest places in the Church.
Archbp. Viganò produced concrete evidence and demands an adequate remedy. Unlike Viganò, the authors of the 40-point document only generally defined the areas where heresies are being officially proclaimed and implanted today.
However, they did not clearly call them heresies and do not demand a radical solution, i.e. correction and resignation of the heretical Pope.
Dear Poles, are you willing to initiate the revival of the Church and to stand up today for the Lord Jesus Christ,
for His Gospel and for the salvation of your souls? If so, then you are obliged to reject the whole heretical stream introduced into the Church
by your fellow countryman Karol Wojtyla. Do not delay and do so while there is time!Poland with its Primate Wojciech Polak and the episcopate must repent!
Otherwise mass apostasy from the Church will not stop.
Word of Life – Gal 5,13-14 (16/6/2019 – 30/6/2019)
“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You
shall love your neighbour as yourself.’”
The Apostle says that the whole law is fulfilled in one word: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. Let us bear it in mind and put it into practice. To love my neighbour means to
sacrifice myself for him, to desire his salvation, to try to communicate to him the divine truth of salvation, and to lead him to conversion and to the receiving of the Holy Spirit, so that
he may live and walk in the Holy Spirit just as I try to do so – this is true love.
Francis has made a change in the supplication “do not lead us into temptation” in the Lord’s Prayer. He argued that the phrase was inaccurate and gave the impression that God provokes man to sin. It is interesting that something like
this has occurred neither to the apostles nor to the martyrs nor to the saints over the centuries. None of them would have ever thought that they would formulate the Lord’s Prayer better than the Lord Jesus.
By this pseudo editing of the Lord’s Prayer, Francis reveals that he does not know at all the essence of the fight for the salvation of immortal souls. It is a fight with the source of evil which is in the heart of man as well as with
the spirit of evil – the devil.
Word of Life – Jam 2:21-22 (2/6/2019 – 16/6/2019)
“Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?”
Not only Abraham, Moses, David and all the prophets but above all the Virgin Mary is an example of the obedience of faith for us. Jesus gave her to us as our Mother at the hour of death. We ask: Why? A Czech proverb says:
Like mother like daughter. Unfortunately, our natural mother is Eve. We all have inherited the programme of sin from her. We revolve around our ego, which leads us into suffering, problems, and ultimately into eternal death.
That is why we must be born again of the Spirit of God. We must receive Christ. But we also need educators, teachers – and who is the best teacher for children in life? Who else than their mother? If a mother is good, then her children
are good too. If a mother is bad, then her children are bad too. A mother brings up her children both by word and example. Let us look at the Mother of Jesus. She was preserved from original sin, i.e. spiritual poison, which was passed
on to us through Eve, our common earthly mother. However, Mary not only was preserved by God but she also cooperated with grace and acted in faith.
Word of Life – Gal 5,17-18 (19/5/2019 – 2/6/2019)
“For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”
If we are led by the Spirit of God, the law can no longer judge us because the Spirit of God does not lead us into sin. On the contrary,
He gives us the strength to fight, and when we fall He gives us the strength to repent and rise at once and to continue our fight rather than to be plunged in despair
or in the spirit of betrayal of our soul and of Jesus who redeemed us by paying the price of His life.
Word of Life – 1Cor 11,31-32 (5/5/2019 – 19/5/2019)
“If we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged,we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.”
The First Epistle to the Corinthians says that if we judge ourselves, we will not be judged.However, with this judgment,
this true self-criticism, we cannot stop halfway. Judas judged himself but ended up committing suicide in despair. True judgment of myself
must be connected with the faith that Jesus Christ paid for my sins. So I give my sins to Him and have them covered under His blood.
Then it is true: “If we walk in the light, the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin.”
Word of Life – Rom 7:16-17 (21/4/2019 – 5/5/2019)
“If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.”
We have to fight with sin, and not forget the words of Christ: “Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me.”
“Because narrow is the way which leads to eternal life.” (Mt 7:14)
Every true scientist should be a believer if he is a real expert in his field. He need only look at the wisdom and the thousands of laws that are in the physical world or in the world of
biology or zoology... We humans have computers, we launch spaceships into space, but we can not produce a single wheat grain that would grow and contain a life hidden within.
Word of Life – Rom 7:14-15 (7/4/2019 – 21/4/2019)
“For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practise; but what I hate, that I do.”
Everyone can see by experience that the law of sin is at work in us. This is proved by the fact that we want to do good and we love good but we do evil which we hate and do not want to do. There is a law of sin here.
Therefore we need to walk by faith. For there is not only the law of sin but also the law of the Spirit – which will be mentioned in the next verses – and the latter is at work if in concrete situations we unite ourselves to our Saviour,
Jesus Christ.
The reality is that even if we have been converted and try to follow Christ, the power of original sin, which is in us, is still at work. Its source is deep in our soul. We should bury it into the death of Christ, paralyze it by faith.
It means that at a particular moment we surrender ourselves, or our will, wholly to God and unite ourselves by faith to Christ crucified. At that moment the source of evil is paralyzed and we cannot sin. But because our life continues in time,
after some time we are faced with a test again. We are influenced by the world, the devil and the source of evil – our corrupt nature. They want to deceive us again to make us believe in lies, lose contact with Jesus and begin to do good
on our own, without God.
Word of Life – Rom 7:5-6 (24/3/2019 – 7/4/2019)
“For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death.
But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.”
The passions, which are produced by sin in us, bear fruit to death.Union with Christ’s death makes us able to serve God, i.e. commit ourselves wholly to God,
in the newness of life. The Spirit of God, who participated in the resurrection of Christ, then works in us, so that this new life in us may grow.
You have publicly drawn attention to the heretical statement in the document signed by Francis in Abu Dhabi.
Therefore, we hereby appeal to You to make at least an additional demand that Francis publicly revoke his heretical statement or resign from the papal office,
as unconditionally insisted on by Archbp. Viganò. By Your ambiguous attitude You block the reform of the Church more than the manifest heretic Card. Marx by his heresies.
During their 11-14 March assembly in Lingen, the German Bishops’ Conference presented proposals concerning contraception, cohabitation,
homosexual relationships and gender theory. It is quite evident that it is absolutely contradictory to the Church’s existing doctrine.
The German bishops take no account of the reality of death, God’s judgment and eternity.
The document signed by Francis in Abu Dhabi contained the following statement: “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.”
Despite many admonitions, Francis obstinately defends heretical attitudes. It is clear that he is an invalid Pope!
We have entered the Lenten season, the essence of which is repentance. Jesus says clearly, and His words apply to everyone, “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” And this is a very serious thing!
Not only the existence of Christianity but even the existence of the Czech nation is in store today. Neglecting what we ought to do is a serious sin.
The Parliament is currently working to implement a law enabling 12-year-old children to change their gender. These are crimes not only against God and His order but also against humanity. To be silent on them means to participate in the crime!
What should the Church do? Avert the curse from the nation by showing true repentance and call down God’s blessing again. Without it, the fight against autogenocidal laws will remain ineffective!
On 11 March 2019, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate pronounced an anathema – excommunication from the Church – on Borys Gudziak.
B. Gudziak, not only as President of UCU in Lvov (Ukraine), promoted gender immorality, which is rebellion against God and God’s law.
Word of Life – Rom 7:4 (10/3/2019 – 24/3/2019)
“Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another – to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God.”
In the previous verses 1-3, we find a picture of a wife and two husbands. The first husband represents the law of God, which is just and perfect. The other husband represents Christ. So long as the woman is joined to the first husband,
there are always demands made on her, but the perfect husband, the law, never lifts a little finger to help her carry them out. She desires to marry the other husband, but she cannot be freed from the first one. And because he refuses to die,
the only way out for her is to die herself. Next, the verse says that we should bear fruit to God, but the condition is that we should be married to another – to Him who was raised from the dead – Jesus. Then we will bear much fruit.
Jesus said: “Without Me you can do nothing.”(Jn 15)
At the World Youth Day in Panama, Bergoglio approved gross blasphemy! The mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God was horribly ridiculed.
The girl playing the Virgin Mary wears white jeans and a loose blouse and her hair is disheveled. Her unchaste gestures, screams and movements bring an unclean spirit into the audience.
The angel, played by a young man with licentious behavior, tries to persuade his screaming and resisting victim. This is the height of satanic blasphemy!
Did the February summit help radically eradicate the homosexual network from the Church? No! Francis did not even touch on the main problem. Instead, he made the Church absorb suicidal gender ideology coupled with evil juvenile justice under
the guise of Ending Violence against Children.
Francis’ deliberate disregard of the demand for the elimination of the homosexual network is a clear proof that Francis turns the Church into perverse Sodom and Gomorrah.
The summit ended, Francis successfully outmaneuvered; he and perverse eminences can remain calm. No one can demand anymore that the homosexual network, and hence child abuse, be eradicated from the Church! The gravedigger of the Church – Francis –
has done his utmost!
Francis did not deal with the core of the problem at the summit, namely the need to eliminate the criminal homosexual network in the Church. This very network is responsible for the abuse of children and seminarians!
Instead, each of the summit participants received an official UN document on so-called violence against children. Today the UN organization is known to be the ideological and legislative foundation for introducing global demoralization of children
as well as the stealing of children from their parents by social services!
Word of Life – Rom 7:3 (24/2/2019 – 10/3/2019)
“So then if, while her husband lives, she marries another man, she will be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so that she is no adulteress, though she has married another man.”
The Council of Europe is imposing the Istanbul Convention on Ukraine and Russia. Crimes of gender demoralization and mass child stealing are disguised with positive terms. These crimes are committed by social services under the monitoring
of the supranational organization GREVIO.
Dear Sirs and Madams, wake up and stand against this satanic policy which kills the family and nation! Abolish not only all laws that secretly or openly promote gender madness, but also all decrees and other documents that establish gender
and juvenile mechanisms in society. Follow the example of Hungary’s pro-family legislation built on sound Christian principles rather than on heretical and apostate Christianity. There is an urgent need for positive education in moral life
and in responsible parenthood! Be heroes!
The Second Vatican Council has sidelined repentance for sins and the cross of Christ! It has brought into focus human egoism and rights coupled with an obstinate rejection of truth and true repentance. Today we reap the fruits of the spirit
of Vatican II. The head of the Church does not call the truth the truth, rejects the Law of God in Amoris Laetitia, and seeks to legalize homosexuality in the Church. This is a path to the self-destruction of the Church and the nations,
a path to damnation!
Francis has previously determined that the response to terrible abuse will not be a tribunal or the imposition of sentences on the culprits but:
1) the abuse will continue,
2) the Church criminals will not be punished,
3) there will only be general guidelines laid down on how to paralyze the victims in all countries.
This is a criminal program for the suicide of the Church!
The head chieftain of the robbers’ summit is a heretic and apostate Francis illegally occupying the papal see.
The Second Vatican Council was heretical. Its initiator, John XXIII – Angelo Roncalli, is no saint but a Modernist and heretic. He was included in the list of Modernists in 1911.
Similarly, Paul VI – Giovanni Montini – is no saint but brought an anathema on himself primarily because he signed the documents of the Council containing heresies.
If Pope Honorius I was posthumously excommunicated from the Church as a heretic for the heresy of Monothelism, it applies far more to John XXIII and Paul VI.
The canonization of these two Modernist Popes is a flagrant mockery and blasphemy, the responsibility for which falls on the pan-heretic Francis.
Francis said on his return flight from the United Arab Emirates that all his actions were in full accord with the Second Vatican Council (SVC). He said that he had not moved one millimeter from it.
Francis proclaims subjectivism and rejects the universally valid moral principles as well as God’s commandments. He proclaims a new teaching, a new gospel, which, however, carries the punishment of expulsion from the Church of Christ! (Gal 1:8-9)
The tragedy is that this different gospel was implicitly proclaimed even by the SVC.
When speaking about the fundamental truths of faith, Francis deliberately uses inaccurate and ambiguous terms. He thus opens the door to all sorts of heresies.
St. Bernard said, “For if a heretic arises as an open enemy, he is cast out and withers. But now whom shall we cast out? All are friends and all enemies. They are the ministers of Christ and they serve Antichrist.” This applies to Francis
and those bishops and priests who share the unity of spirit with him.
Dignitatis Humanae has an ideology of false humanism encoded therein. Here the focus is no longer on God but on man with his “rights” and false freedom and dignity. The Council ignores the reality of sin and does not take seriously
the Commandments of God which protect man. The Council does not emphasize repentance as the way to salvation and liberation from sin. The spirit of the SVC is pushing Catholics onto the way of rebellion against God and into apostasy.
A sincere Catholic must agree with Your Manifesto and Your quotes from the Catechism which has been used in the Church since 1992. The reality, however, is that all Catholic schools teach the heresies of syncretism with paganism and
the modernism of the historical-critical method based on atheistic philosophy.
A radical step towards rectification has been proposed by Archbp. C. M. Viganò, who speaks of the necessity of the restoration of the Church, specifically by the elimination of a homosexual network in the Church and by the abdication of Francis.
You did not provide moral support to C. M. Viganò in this stance. The believers ask You: If You were Pope, would You stagnate at the evasive quotes from the Catechism? Are You willing to condemn heresies and the spirit of Vatican II
and thus to begin a true reform of the Church?
The true name of Francis is a pan-heretic and as for Vatican II, it is a heretical Council. The latter caused derailment from the path of truth and life onto the path of lies and death. Jesus says, “The truth shall make you free” (Jn 8) and then,
“Unless you repent, you will all perish” (Lk 13).
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby calls on bishops, whether present or not present at the Synod, to become aware during this Synod on February 21-24, 2019 that Francis is a heretic. Being an apostate, he occupies the highest office in
the Church unlawfully.
Word of Life – Rom 7:1-2 (10/2/2019 – 24/2/2019)
“Or do you not know, brethren, that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives? For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is released from the law
of her husband.”
In Romans 6 we saw how God delivered us from sin; in Romans 7 we see how He delivers us from the Law. In chapter 6 we were shown the way of deliverance from sin in the picture of a master and his slave; in chapter 7 we are shown
the way of deliverance from the Law in the picture of two husbands and a wife. The relation between sin and the sinner is that of master to slave; the relation between the Law and the sinner is that of husband to wife.
Jesus said: “A tree is known by its fruit.” Today we reap the fruits of Vatican II. The homosexual network has infiltrated the highest positions in the Church, and the head of the Church promotes Islamization and gender immorality.
Man is a creature dependent on his Creator – God. He is created in the image of God.
God created man male and female. God created no gender monster.
If anyone receives Christ, it is true about him: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20) The devil’s transgender ideology says that someone else lives in the body, not the one to whom the body belongs.
Whoever believes it, it is true about him that it is no longer he who lives, but the gender demon lives in him. Jesus cast out these unclean gender demons! He neither had a dialogue with them nor tolerated them.
It is patently obvious that Francis, an apostate and heretic, is an invalid Pope! This is laid down in the Bull of Paul IV Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio and in the Letter to the Galatians 1:8-9.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò made the first step to save the Church, even at the cost of risking his own life. You, Catholics of the United States, are to make the second step! Separate yourselves from the manifest heretic and apostate,
otherwise the Church in the United States and throughout the world will become the harlot of antichrist and the synagogue of Satan. In the present situation, there is only one step towards salvation: To choose a legitimate Pope!
Extraordinary conditions require extraordinary procedures.
Quote by Francis: “I think it is important to teach sex education in schools.”
Commentary: This statement by the pseudo Pope is a crime against God, against parents, and the gravest crime against defenseless children! Francis is well aware what the term “sex education” means today! It does not mean education
but rather programmed demoralization and even satanization of children since earliest childhood!
Question of a journalist: “What are your expectations or hopes for the meeting in February...?”
Quote by Francis: “We felt the responsibility to give a ‘catechesis’ on this problem to the Episcopal conferences. That is why I summoned the presidents.”
Commentary: What kind of catechesis on this problem?! What an absurdity! One must call crimes “crimes” and establish just and effective punishments. The goal must be to eradicate crime from the Church. The culprits must be punished,
be it a priest, cardinal or pope. There must also be an entire change of priesthood formation. The current one is heretical and its fruit is sodomy within the Church, as evidenced in the Letter to the Romans 1:18-28.
The homosexual network in the Church must be eliminated. A homosexual cannot be ordained a priest. A cleric who has committed homosexual sin must be laicized.
Word of Life – Rom 6:23 (27/1/2019 – 10/2/2019)
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The root of sin in us bears poisoned fruits which are harmful both to us and others and set us against God. The verdict is final – death. We need to be aware of it. That’s the reality. There is only one way out – only in time;
on the day of God’s judgment there will be no more chance of salvation, for the time of test and trial, which is our life, will have ended. Therefore we have to know and bear in mind that the solution – salvation from eternal death –
is only in Jesus who is the Son of God and became man just for our sake, to deliver us from sin.
Central America is known for its special devotion to the Mother of Jesus. Francis therefore chose Lk 1:38 as the motto for World Youth Day in Panama as a means of manipulation.
We ask: What is Francis’ devotion to the Blessed Virgin if he declares himself to be her great devotee? Francis has recently uttered a heresy against the Blessed Virgin by which he denied the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
According to his words, the Virgin Mary was not preserved from original sin and was born a sinner! Francis is a heretic and gravely dishonors the Blessed Virgin!
From January 22 to 27, 2019, the World Youth Day is being held in Panama with Francis who arrived from the Vatican.
What is the goal of his meeting with youth? To encourage youth on a slippery slope towards destruction by pious phrases and theatrical gestures.
How should Francis encourage youth in Panama? First of all, he should encourage them to be converted and to repent. However, he will not be able to do so unless he himself becomes an example of repentance.
You are right that one cannot generalize and accuse all priests for the crime of one clergyman. You are right, too, that sexual abuse has nothing to do with celibacy. In Your commentary (“Nothing is going to be made better
by denying the facts”), however, You do not mention the true cause of homosexual crimes. The cause is heresies and neopaganism (cf. Rom 1).
Francis has de facto established a new Church of the New Age this Christmas: “Fraternity among persons of different religions. (...) Our differences, then, are not a detriment or a danger; they are a source of richness.
As when an artist is about to make a mosaic: it is better to have tiles of many colours available, rather than just a few!”
Francis says, “Fraternity among persons of different religions.” This is impossible! Fraternity means to have one father. There can perhaps be fraternity among different pagan cults because they have one father, the devil
(cf. 1Cor 10:20). But it is not possible for those who have received Christ and become children of the heavenly Father to have fraternity with those who worship demons.
The heresies which Francis proclaims and incorporates are not merely his fabrication, but are deeply rooted in the spirit of aggiornamento. Aggiornamento was Vatican II’s main programme. Jesus speaks about a tree and its fruit
(cf. Mt 7:17f). We can see pernicious fruits on Francis, but the poisoned tree is Vatican II. Through aggiornamento, the Church has adopted the spirit of the world and expelled the Holy Spirit. The spirit of lies has exchanged
the Spirit of truth!
Conclusion: If the Church is to be restored, it is necessary to call things by their proper names:
1) Francis must be called an apostate and heretic, and hence an invalid Pope,
2) Vatican Council II must be called heretical, and hence null and void!
Francis has canonized three Popes who are closely connected with the Second Vatican Council.
John XXIII devised the Council, Paul VI confirmed its heretical programme and spirit, and John Paul II by his apostate gesture in Assisi and admission of Freemasons into the Church (new Code of Canon Law) brought the conciliar
aggiornamento into effect.
All the three Popes are accountable for the invasion of heresies and internal disintegration of the Church after the Council.
The programme of these three Popes and the following of their example is not a path of salvation but a path to eternal condemnation.
In its newsletter “El Oriente”, the Great Lodge of Spain responded to Francis’ Christmas message (25/12/2018) about universal fraternity, and hence about the programme of the New-Age Church. The Great Lodge clearly understands
that by his Christmas speech, Francis de facto cancelled the Church document Humanum Genus.
The programme of the Masonic lodges is the internal destruction of the Church. Francis is of one spirit with the Freemasons. The question is whether the Masonic lodges did not pull a few strings to ensure his election as Pope.
Fifty years ago, a spiritual adviser in a theological seminary compared German theology and its speculation to a dissecting room where doctors mess about with corpses. They dissect every detail but there is no life there anymore.
Fifty years later, we can see that the spiritual adviser from Litomerice gave a true assessment of German theology. Its fruits concerning the faith and morals are gradual disintegration of the whole Church and, in addition,
total loss of common sense. Today, an ordinary citizen of Germany knows that Islamization is the suicide of Europe, but the members of the German Bishops’ Conference are so blind that they cannot see it. Moreover, they support
Islamization both by agitation and financially. Even treacherous politicians have already started to restrict this suicidal policy to some extent; however, the members of the German Bishops’ Conference, following the example of Francis,
stop at nothing and continue to promote it.
Word of Life – Rom 6:22 (13/1/2019 – 27/1/2019)
“But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.”
The condition for being set free from sin is to become slaves of God. Chapter six of the Epistle to the Romans very often uses the term “slave”. On the one hand, there is a reality of slavery to sin. Even if we want to get out
of this slavery by our own efforts, we cannot. We can be set free from this kind of slavery neither by our own efforts nor by any other means but only by the power of God, and we receive this power under one condition – that we give
ourselves wholly to God. It means that we accept His commandments and are guided by the Spirit of God, and no longer by the spirit of the world, the spirit of lies. This freedom, however, has one basic condition – we must lose our soul
for Christ’s sake and the Gospel’s (Mk 8:35).
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) hereby issues a public admonition to Bishop Miklós Beer before all Catholics of Hungary. By his public call he supported demonstrators against the legitimate government which defends
Christianity and Hungary. The government is under great pressure because it effectively protests against violent Islamization and gender demoralization associated with the stealing of children and their adoption by homosexuals
or paedophiles.
Word of Life – Rom 6:19 (30/12/2018 – 13/1/2019)
“I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness
for holiness.”
This verse expresses again what this chapter has already said before, namely that we should not present our members as slaves of uncleanness, or of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness. On the contrary, we should now put our
members fully at the disposal, i.e. present them as slaves, of righteousness for holiness. The Apostle indicates here that sin particularly exploits uncleanness and lawlessness. Therefore we have to stand firmly on the side of
righteousness. There are as it were two banners here – the banner of slavery to evil against the banner of true freedom. In this battle, we have to learn the art of fighting. Above all, we should avoid the near occasion of sin,
which is a sign of true humility and wisdom.
Dear Mr Prime Minister, dear Members of the Hungarian Government, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate would like to thank You on behalf of all honest citizens of the Czech and Slovak Republics for having stood against Goliath
like David. On 17 December 2018, You did not sign the UN crafty pact on so-called refugees the aim of which is the same as that of the pact on migrants, i.e. Islamization.
The meaning of Christmas is that God became man and was born as a defenceless child in a poor stable in Bethlehem. He came to save us from the slavery of sin, the source of which is in us, as well as from the devil,
who is a liar and a murderer. We have a Saviour, and that’s the good news of great joy! It is not just about obtaining the good here on earth; He gives us eternal life in God’s kingdom! As many as have received Jesus have become
children of God. If they remain faithful to Him, after crossing the bridge of death they will enter eternal glory. He has prepared it for those who love Him and keep His commandments.
The year has passed, not one minute will return. Again, we stand before the mystery of Christ’s birth to be spiritually united with Him. Before our spiritual sight a history unfolds, associated with the town of Bethlehem.
The Holy Virgin and Saint Joseph came here all the way from Galilee for the census ordered by the Emperor Augustus. The child’s birth is approaching, and there is no place for them anywhere. The child is the promised Messiah,
predicted by the prophets, and so long awaited by all mankind. They did not find a place in any house, in any shelter, except in the Bethlehem stable, where our Saviour was born, who is Christ the Lord!
Word of Life – Rom 6:17-18 (16/12/2018 – 30/12/2018)
“But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.”
Thanks be to God that, being converted, we were given the grace to receive the salvific teaching based on the faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We have been delivered by Him from enslavement caused by sin,
and we have taken the new path of righteousness.
In these times of spiritual chaos, one needs to have a clear grasp of the means that lead to spiritual life – orthopraxy.
Many have been baptized, even confirmed, but without conversion and the path of repentance they are dead members of the Church (cf. Lk 13:3). Although Jesus was without sin, He was baptized with the baptism
of repentance, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him (Mt 3). He gave us an example.
Conversion and repentance are the foundations of orthopraxy.
Why is the present-day Church in such a deep crisis? Much of the blame for this falls on John XXIII’s aggiornamento and the postconciliar spirit.
What then should bishops, priests and religious do in Advent time, the time of repentance? They should separate from the spiritual poison of the aggiornamento and of the postconciliar spirit promoting heresies which destroy
the essence of Christianity.
The Catholic Church has no Pope. It is in a state of Sede Vacante. In accordance with the Scripture and Church doctrine, a heretic must not be obeyed by anyone because he is excluded from the Church of Christ.
Bergoglio promotes paganism not only by fanatical migration propaganda, but also by the destruction of natural moral standards through Amoris laetitia and by the promotion of sodomy. He has so far protected it even in the highest
Vatican posts.
Word of Life – Rom 6:16 (2/12/2018 – 16/12/2018)
“Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?”
This verse from the Scripture reveals a deep truth about obedience the fruit of which is eternal life in heaven or eternal death in hell.
If we do not serve God wholeheartedly, we are not free but we are slaves of original sin which is in us. We automatically obey original sin, i.e. the source of lies and evil in our heart. Original sin clouds our mind and weakens our will
so that we hate the truth about ourselves, reject the true good and refuse to serve God and keep His commandments.
The Eastern Liturgy of St Basil the Great and St John Chrysostom (4th century) contains the Epiclesis. The Epiclesis is also found in other Eastern rites. It comes directly from the Apostolic Tradition.
What is the difference between Eastern and Western Liturgy? The Western Liturgy was radically modified at the Second Vatican Council. The reform introduced four Canons instead of one. The pre-conciliar Latin Liturgy had no mention of
the Holy Spirit in the Canon. The reformed conciliar Liturgy does make mention of the Holy Spirit but it has been inserted before the words of Institution. Unlike the Latin Liturgy, the Eastern Liturgy includes a so-called intense invocation
of the Holy Spirit, or the Epiclesis, after the words of Institution.
When did the Holy Spirit come? Only after Jesus accomplished His sacrifice on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven on the fortieth day where He was glorified. Only then does He send the Holy Spirit in fullness
on the Apostles, and the Holy Spirit enlightens their mind and strengthens their will. The Apostles, who fled out of fear and did not stand by the cross, now become heroes of faith who, one by one, shed their blood for Christ’s sake
as martyrs. After the descent of the Holy Spirit they understood what Jesus had done at the Last Supper when He established the new covenant and gave His body and blood for the remission of sins. They understood that the Holy Spirit
makes present this mystery through His words of Institution and through those whom Jesus chose, i.e. the Apostles and their successors.
We present one of the ways how to experience the Epiclesis, as practised in some monasteries.
The biblical model of the Christian temple is the vision given by God (to Moses). It was applied to the Jerusalem Temple. The basic structure consists of the Holy of Holies, where God is present in a special way, the Holy Place,
where the priests offered sacrifices to God, and the place for people.
The Eastern temple with an iconostasis, altar and tabernacle has preserved this biblical structure to this day. The Western Church had preserved it only until the Second Vatican Council which carried out an absurd reform.
After the reform, the priest, who represents the people and offers sacrifice to God on the altar in their behalf, has turned his back to the centre of the temple, which is the tabernacle where God’s presence dwells constantly.
The basis for the necessary reform today is to restore the liturgical posture of the priest so that he faces the tabernacle – the spiritual centre of the temple – as it used to be practised throughout the history.
It is incomprehensible that someone now wants to sign the UN Global Compact on Migration, which is an accelerator of Europe’s Islamization. It is currently presented as a non-binding document. So we ask why you need to sign it?!
This is obvious manipulation because the document uses the term “we bind ourselves” dozens of times. It means that tomorrow one can expect this document to acquire a binding character as a document of international law. This is
a tactics of leading the states into a trap and destroying their sovereignty with their own hands.
An open heretic Francis Bergoglio issued two documents aimed at destroying contemplative monasteries, one on 29 June 2016 and the other on 1 April 2018. Of course, everything has been wrapped up in pious phrases and positive terms.
Obviously the purpose of this church globalization is to put into practice his statement about the hosting of Islamists in every monastery, and thus a gradual transition from monasteries to Muslim mosques.
At this historic moment, we call on all contemplative religious communities, and especially the Little Sisters of Mary in France: Separate from the heretic and pseudo Pope Bergoglio!
Word of Life – Rom 6:13 (18/11/2018 – 2/12/2018)
“And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.”
“...do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin…”. What does it mean? It calls for steps of practical faith and following Christ. Everyone can gain personal experience from this faith. Naturally,
it involves a struggle, a kind of transformation or gradual spiritual operation – we should no longer present our members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin. On the contrary, we should present our members as instruments
of righteousness to God.
Life is a test which decides whether we will have a happy or unhappy eternity. The biggest reality is death. The purpose of life is not the pursuit of sensual pleasures, the less so becoming their slave. The purpose of life is
to seek the truth, to love it, to sacrifice ourselves for it, and, if necessary, even to die for it. Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is the Truth Incarnate. We who have accepted the Truth – Jesus – become the adoptive
(second-born) sons and daughters of God (cf. Jn 1:12). God wants us to save our souls for eternity (cf. Mk 8:35; Jn 12:24). If we actively enter into spiritual unity with Jesus, we have the strength to resist the source of evil in us,
the system of lies in the world as well as the spirit of lies, the devil (cf. Jam 4:4-8). Jesus is the Way (Jn 14:6). To follow this Way, God has given us laws and commandments whose observance requires self-denial and the following of
Jesus (Mt 16:24).
Word of Life – Rom 6:11 (4/11/2018 – 18/11/2018)
“Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
This verse from chapter six of the Epistle to the Romans again is a mystery. The condition for its revelation is a living faith and walking by faith, in other words putting the truth of faith into practice.
We can see that the most important thing for us to reckon with spiritual laws by faith is our union with the Lord Jesus Christ, because these laws work in Him alone. In His death on the cross and in His glorious resurrection
is the victory over sin. That is why it is important for us to have a personal relationship to Christ crucified and risen. Through baptism we were immersed in Christ’s death and resurrection, and we should live these truths by
faith within the framework of time: in Christ Jesus we are dead to sin and alive to God!
The Second Vatican Council set out a liturgical reform. Latin as the liturgical language was abolished and the mother tongue was introduced.
Before the liturgical reform, the priest faced the tabernacle with his back to the people. In this position, he was better able to concentrate on experiencing the mystery of the Eucharist, and he also did not disturb others
as he did not draw attention to himself. In many cases, the tabernacle was placed in the side chapel. The biblical model of the temple – the holy of holies, the sanctuary, and the place for the people – was thus distorted.
Although Francis Bergoglio is a heretic under an anathema and a promoter of sodomy, he vehemently presents himself as a valid successor to the Apostle Peter. The fact that he does not have the Spirit of Christ but
the spirit of Antichrist is proved by his line of purposeful incorporation of sodomy into the Church and unyielding promotion of Islamization. His last breakthrough was that he handpicked the delegates for the Synod of the Bishops,
with the purpose of, for the time being semi-secretly, promoting the legalization of sodomy in the Church.
The final document of the Synod of Bishops is contrary to Scripture and the two-thousand-year Tradition of the Church! It is heretical!
By the final document proclaimed on October 28, 2018, the Bishops’ Synod in Rome legalized sodomy in the Church which the Holy Scripture warns against with the punishment of eternal fire (2Pt 2:6). This led to the culmination of
an internal schism in the Catholic Church. The apostate hierarchy present in the Synod thus embedded in the document open rebellion against God and His commandments. The main initiator of this rebellion is pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio,
who occupies his office unlawfully, protects and promotes sexual perverts in the highest positions.
On October 4-28, 2018, the Bishops’ Synod on Youth took place in Rome. By a final document dated October 27, 2018, the Synod legalized LGBTQ in the Church. It thus abolished sin, the commandments of God, and introduced antimorality.
It rejected the basic condition of salvation – repentance – and spat in the face of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!
On October 28, 2018, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate declared an anathema: All members of the Bishops’ Synod who approved the final document are, according to Gal 1:8-9,
excommunicated from the Church! (anathema sit!).
Both the Catholic and the world public are shocked by the gesture of Francis at the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican. On October 17, Francis wore a rainbow cross where Christ is replaced by LGBTQ rainbow symbolism.
The bishops and cardinals present, following his example, were wearing rainbow crosses as well. They thus demonstrated unity with Francis in promoting LGBTQ deviation. Everyone knows what a rainbow symbol means today.
Perhaps no one would be surprised if the Synod ended with a Vatican gay pride parade.
Contemporary Christianity is incapable of giving young people a goal to aim for or answering the most basic questions about the meaning of life, death, God’s judgment and eternity. It does not emphasize the struggle with evil
in us and in the world and with the spirit of lies. This should be considered by the bishops at the current Synod. First, they must set a personal example of repentance and return to the orthodox teaching and morals given us by God.
One cannot expect that the bishops at the Synod would motivate youth to make a commitment to premarital chastity and to one hour of prayer daily. This Synod does not aim to create conditions for real spiritual life. To replace this
foundation with some sociology or psychology – just to hide the real intention of legalizing homosexuality at the Synod – is a great deceit and crime against Catholic youth!
Word of Life – Rom 6:7-8 (21/10/2018 – 4/11/2018)
“For he who has died has been justified from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.”
What is the meaning of the words “he who has died has been justified (freed) from sin”? In this context, it does not mean dying physically but dying spiritually to the power of sin which dominates man. Thus, he who has died
spiritually with Christ has been justified and at the same time freed from the bondage of sin.
In his sermon on October 12, 2018, Francis deciphered the aggiornamento – i.e. the spirit of the world in the Church – coming with polite demons more dangerous than a manifest obsession.
Francis thus unmasked the Council’s aggiornamento. By this expert diagnosis he proved that the Second Vatican Council does not have the Holy Spirit behind it but well-mannered demons of the spirit of the world! We can see the fruits
today. Francis’ revelation is truly revolutionary! Until now, no one has been able to decipher the spirit of the conciliar aggiornamento so exactly!
It is shocking that on October 14, 2018, after such an ingenious revelation of the spirit of Vatican II, Francis canonized Paul VI! He thus canonized the aggiornamento demons!
A global project “The Wisdom of Time” should be launched at the Synod of Bishops on October 23, 2018. It would be appropriate if this project launched the resignation of Bergoglio and the process of restoration of the Church
initiated by Archbishop Viganò.
“The Wisdom of Time” is the abdication of Francis and the restoration of the Church! It must come as soon as possible! If it is neglected even now, salvation from eternal fire will then be just a quick escape from the Church of Sodom.
Francis has changed his strategy at the moment, and is now preaching purely evangelistic and profoundly spiritual sermons as if he were the greatest charismatic leader.
His fascinating homilies are intended to give him an air of holiness, so that he can the more effectively promote homosexuality and Islamization leading to the self-destruction of the Church. The aim of his strategy is to split up
the opponents; then he will not have to answer questions or admit the crimes of the homosexual lobby, and most importantly – he will avoid resignation.
The Synod of Bishops on Youth is taking place in Rome from October 3 to October 28, 2018. The Synod in fact seeks to embody the heresies and spirit of Amoris Laetitia which opens the door to the legalization of homosexuality
in the Church. The main initiator is Francis.
The Synod fails to respond to the need to create conditions for Catholic youth to escape the demoralizing influence of the world. Quote from the Synod’s documents: “The question of sexuality and corporality, dimensions that
should not be recognized as the enemy of but as fundamental to the development of a person”. This statement confirms that when the world drags Catholic youth into a moral cesspit, the synodal Fathers do not recognize it as the enemy
but rather as fundamental to so-called personality – subjective – development, including homosexuality and other deviations, instead of treating it according to God’s commandments.
In September 2018, Francis visited the Baltic countries. However, he is currently under pressure from the world’s public due to the unanswered question concerning homosexual crimes in the highest places in the Church. He is silent
and not only protects these crimes but even promotes them and indirectly attacks those who demand that the Church be cleansed of them.
In promoting homosexualism and autogenocide of the Church, Francis uses the antichrist’s method of positive terms. He even abuses the Scriptures, namely the most delicate moment – Christ’s testament from the cross, when Christ
gives His Mother to the disciple.
Word of Life – Col 3:1-3 (7/10/2018 – 21/10/2018)
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ
in God.”
The Scripture verses contain a call: “Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” The literal translation is: “seek intensively the realities which come from above”. And we read further
that we are to set our minds on them rather than on the deceit of the world. Naturally, we need to think about things on the earth when seeking and doing the will of God. However, we should not think about them in the spirit of
the world but from the perspective of eternity, and that’s a big difference. Things should serve us, and not vice versa. We should serve God, and therefore we have to set our minds on things above.
In his homily during morning Mass in the chapel of St. Martha’s House, Francis spoke about the devil and hypocrites. In the present atmosphere, he thus indirectly but clearly referred to Archbp. Viganò and the bishops who demand
an investigation of homosexual crimes. Francis himself and homosexuals, on the other hand, are presented positively as sinners who are forgiven by Jesus.
Francis cleverly removes the saving fear of God to keep sinners on their way to destruction. Repentance is only a phrase in his mouth because he does not associate it with the intention to avoid sin. It is a heretical approach and
a sin against the Holy Spirit! Talking of forgiveness and at the same time avoiding true repentance is suicidal deception of oneself and others.
Francis has barricaded himself at Santa Marta, from where he protects the most serious crimes in the Church and blasts all efforts to promote the truth and to restore the Church.
He is not ashamed of grossly denigrating a person who has stood in defense of truth risking his own life. Archbishop Viganò has done his utmost to start true restoration of the Church. This restoration is connected with the cleansing
of the most serious crimes that destroy the Church from within and also offend the people outside.
Archbishop Viganò has exposed the crimes of the homosexual lobby at the highest places in the Church, and he calls for true repentance. Francis abuses papal power, covers up for the criminals and supports them.
The Pope’s primary duty is to protect faith and morals. Francis, however, authoritatively destroys faith and morals. And this is a crime against God and against the Church.
On September 29, 2018, Francis urged the faithful all over the world to join in prayer during October for the unity of the Church against the devil, who aims to divide Christian community.
Who does Francis mean by the devil? Does he mean Archbishop Viganò together with those who demand that the culprits be punished and the Church cleansed, or does he mean himself and the homosexual lobby in the Church?
The answer is unequivocal.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Nuncio to USA, has bravely revealed homosexual network crimes in the highest places in the Church. His courageous step has broken the ice.
Nevertheless, the behind-the-scenes psychological and spiritual struggle continues, aimed at self-destruction of America as well as other nations in line with the program of so-called reduction of mankind. The Scripture says,
“Our struggle … is against the demonic forces in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:10f)
Word of Life – Rom 6:6 (23/9/2018 – 7/10/2018)
“For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.”
The Word of God says that our old self was crucified with Christ so that the body of sin (soma hamartiás) might be done away with (katargéthé) or paralysed, or, in other words, so that the source of evil in us or our old self might
be inactive – crucified. And the Scripture says that as a result we should no longer be slaves (dúleuzin) to sin. We are not even aware that we are slaves to sin, that we serve a master who is called sin and who holds us in bondage.
We think we are free but we are not; we are slaves to sin. Only the one who is in unity with Christ is free. Jesus won true freedom for us through His death on the cross. And we can taste this freedom at the very moment when we are
united to Christ.
Archbp. Viganò, the former Papal Nuncio to the United States, has made a bold step. He has pointed to a shocking fact – homosexual crimes in the highest positions in the Church.
Archbp. Viganò has broken the ice. Now there is a need for a specific programme of the inner restoration of the Church.
It must be admitted, remorsefully, that the Council was a historical breakthrough, and we are reaping its poisoned fruits. The conciliar and postconciliar Popes did not resist this spirit; on the contrary, this spirit of
aggiornamento with the world was promoted by them. The only solution today is true repentance (Mk 1:15). It must begin with the abdication of Francis and continue with the purification of faith and morals.
Word of Life – Rom 6:4 (9/9/2018 – 23/9/2018)
“Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”
In this verse, the word of life emphasizes the word “buried”. When someone is buried, it means that it was preceded by an absolute death. So if we are united to Christ’s death by faith at the present moment, sin in us, our old self,
i.e. the source of evil, is dead, inactive. And right here the second mystery reveals itself to us concerning baptism – a new life begins to work in us. It is not the life of angels or something like our past life but it is the life of
God, the life of Jesus Christ in us! Through faith and unity with Christ’s death, we allow God, Jesus Christ, to live in us. And this is our greatest dignity!
Archbishop Vigano called on Francis and the hierarchs to abdicate by reason of covering up homosexual and pedophile crimes. The strong hand of supranational elites will certainly not help Francis to resign but will rather
consolidate him.
During his visit to Ireland, Francis openly promoted homosexuality since early childhood. He forbade parents from bringing up their children according to God’s commandments. He thus opposed God and His laws as a manifest heretic.
Francis goes hand in hand with the mainstream of amoral terror which aims at the destruction of humanity and drives it into eternal condemnation.
On August 25, 2018, former Apostolic Nuncio to the US (2011-2016), Archbp. Carlo Maria Vigano (77), called on Pope Francis to resign. The reason is complicity in the moral crimes of Card. McCarrick against young people.
Archbishop Vigano made this courageous appeal for the good of the Church. He even risked his life.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby calls on the entire Catholic world, and especially the Catholics of the United States and Italy, to morally support this approved servant of God at this critical moment.
The Patriarchate also proposes that Archbp. Vigano take over the papacy which was deeply disgraced by Francis and the Cardinals co-responsible for the crimes and apostasy.
Former Papal Nuncio to the United States (2011-2016), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, has published an 11-page document on the complicity of Pope Francis in the cover-up of pedophilia and homosexualism, and called Francis to resign.
Quotation of the Archbishop’s words: “In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church, he (Francis) must acknowledge his mistakes and, in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be
the first to set a good example to cardinals and bishops who covered up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of them.”
On August 26, 2018, US Senator John McCain died.
The deceased Senator and his family are Christians. Every Christian knows that after death comes God’s judgment and then the eternal reward or eternal punishment, heaven or hell. Did the Senator have the Spirit of truth or the spirit
of lies? Did he promote peace or war? Did he serve God or the devil? Of course, these questions also apply to every US Senator who will attend the solemn funeral, because each of them will also face death, God’s judgment and eternity.
Word of Life – Rom 6:3 (26/8/2018 – 9/9/2018)
“Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?”
It is said that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized – immersed – into His death. Let us realize that by dying on the cross, Jesus overcame sin which is in us, i.e. the source of evil and lies,
as well as the devil. At the moment when He said, It is finished, the devil and sin was overcome, and the narrow way to eternal glory was opened for us. Finally, He added, Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit, and died.
So we need to realize the essence of baptism as well as the essence of Christianity – through baptism we are united to Christ, to His supreme sacrifice on the cross – i.e. death. Let us live this mystery by faith.
Unless we abide in Christ, we cannot bear fruit. Jesus says: “Without Me you can do nothing.” We can only do one thing – we can sin. This is programmed in us. But we are unable to do
good. Perhaps we can do good outwardly, but this is full of pride and it bears the fruit of death.
If we are to bear fruit which is of worth for eternity, we must be united to Christ and His cross. Jesus says: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” (Mt 6:20)
The Lord shows us that the harder and deeper the fight is, the more humility and self-surrender to Jesus we need. We need to deny ourselves! Here we can no longer defend the divine
truth by human means, however good they may be. There is only one rule here: to carry the cross and enter into death with Christ through the Mother of God. This is the way – the way of
death towards resurrection.
Each day has enough trouble of its own, but I need to give it to the Lord. Don’t let it worry me, and if I must carry it, so let me carry it together with Jesus – Jesus and I. Only one
thing is needed: together – Jesus and you!!! Jesus and I, together! Never more alone! We need to try it in practice not just every day but a number of times a day. And not just for one or
two days but until death.
Word of Life – Rom 5:18 (12/8/2018 – 26/8/2018)
“Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.”
It is emphasized here again: Adam’s one trespass led to condemnation for all his descendants. On the other hand, one act of righteousness of the second Adam, Jesus Christ, leads to justification and life for all men.
But there is one problem. Christ died for all people, but not all people will be saved. To be saved they must admit their sin both to themselves and to God, and accept by faith justification and life given us through Christ’s act
of righteousness.
The Grandmaster of the Masonic Lodge has spoken on the radio in the Czech Republic and, among other things, said: “Masonry is more or less a spiritually charitable organization.”
The Masons promote satanization of human nature through antilegislation, gender immorality, the stealing of children from their parents, their abuse and devastation, and eventually promote
genocide of humanity – reduction to a so-called golden billion. These are planned and mass crimes against humanity. It is necessary that this semi-secret organization be brought before a just international court and dissolved before
it is too late.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate calls on all Christians who have entered the network of Masonic lodges, orders and clubs: Withdraw from membership! Do not put off, death comes
unexpectedly! Then there will be no more time for repentance and salvation of the soul from eternal hell!
Word of Life – Rom 5:15 (29/7/2018 – 12/8/2018)
“But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to
This Word of life points out again the relation to Adam, through whom sin entered human nature, and it points out our relation to Christ, through whom we have been justified by grace.
For two weeks we are going to recite verse 15, which says, “But the free gift is not like the offense. By the one man’s offense many died.” For example, we know that if someone practises occultism, the curse for this offence
is passed on through three to four generations. Naturally, its manifestation is not the same with all the offspring. For example, when the father is a chronic alcoholic, his children, mostly boys, are strongly predisposed to alcoholism.
Of course, if they become conscious of the sins of their parents and pray with perseverance for the grace of God, they can overcome these consequences and are not affected by them.
We can say about the present time: “The dragon declared war… He gave power to the beast... over every nation…” (Apocalypse 12-13) If we want to be saved, we have to fight against evil and “the spiritual forces of evil under heaven”
(Eph 6:12). Jesus says even to you: “O man, what will you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?” (Mk 8:36) The devil is a liar and a murderer, and the apocalyptic beast is a system whose aim is to cast entire
nations into temporal death and eternal damnation.
When you will be dying, the most important thing will be to make an act of perfect contrition. This means to admit your sin and sinfulness and to call on the name of God. “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Rom 10:13)
In the hour of your death, your eternity will be decided. Therefore, prepare for it in interior prayer.
Under the influence of the elites, the programme of lies is being implemented and is bearing disastrous fruits. I would like to show the solution.
The Czech martyr John Huss said: “Search for truth, love truth, defend truth, for truth will deliver you from sins and from the devil and, ultimately, from eternal death.”
Today, however, the elites dictate the opposite: do not search truth, do not love truth, defend lies... But the end of it is eternal death.
Word of Life – Gal 5:16-17 (15/7/2018 – 29/7/2018)
“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict
with each other, so that you do not do what you want.”
Walking in the Spirit is a stimulus to self-sacrificing love, as Jesus says: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My words.” And He continues: “We will come to him,” – the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus – “and make Our home with him”
(Jn 14:23). The keeping of Jesus’ words entails little sacrifices, a kind of self-discipline, without which self-sacrificing love of God and man is impossible. And this sacrifice indeed is our spiritual act of worship. Whenever we lose,
for God’s sake, the evil desires that tempt us, this our sacrifice in which the Holy Spirit strengthens us brings us true freedom and, moreover, we bear the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace. This spiritual act of worship
involves short moments of a living faith and inner self-denial – that is a sacrifice which brings us peace and joy.
If we even tried to apply the historical-critical method to the system of the New World Order (NWO), we have to know that this method is insufficient because it ignores the spiritual essence.
The NWO is inspired by the spirit of lies and death. So on one side is the kingdom of God, and on the other side is the kingdom of darkness. We must know it. Without this assumption, neither the Bible nor the NWO can be properly analysed.
The critical method examines only the external activity and structure of Freemasons or the Illuminati. It arranges certain historical facts, reveals contexts, and shows goals. The power behind the NWO is the world’s elites which worship
Satan and are in rebellion against the true God.
Today we can speak of an era of posthumanism, which basically renounces human nature. Behind this ideology is Satanism. It disturbs the human mind, eliminates reason and conscience. Man becomes a medium of demonic forces;
life becomes a hell on earth. The aim is spiritual genocide – eternal damnation of the vast masses.
An anti-reform, the Church and Sodom
Part 1: Methods of the priest Kobylinski towards a change of thought
Part 2: The attitude of the Scripture and Apostolic Tradition
Part 3: The Bible’s call for repentance and purity
Part 4: Responses to statements in the TV broadcast
Part 5: Responses to statements in the TV broadcast
Part 6: Responses to statements in the TV broadcast
Part 7: The roots of apostasy in the Church
Word of Life – Gal 4:18-19 (1/7/2018 – 15/7/2018)
“It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good, and to be so always and not just when I am with you. My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.”
Let us focus, in this Word of life, on the depth of the words: “I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.”
The word formed is of great importance here. It is the Greek verb “morfoó” which means “to morph, or to form” or in the passive voice “to assume a form, or to be formed”. “Metamorphosis” is a familiar word which means transformation.
The Apostle is zealous for one thing: that Christians become mature, that they be truly rooted in Christ, and he literally says, that Christ be formed in them. And he himself not only prays for them, not only instructs them in God’s Word,
but he himself undergoes this process of change spiritually. He literally says: “I am in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” The Apostle undergoes this process and endures this pain practically until the end of his life.
It culminates in his martyr’s death in Rome, which again is a sacrifice for his spiritual children, won by him for Christ, who became children of God, heirs of God’s kingdom.
Martyr John Huss – Part I-IV
Word of Life – Gal 3:26-27 (17/6/2018 – 1/7/2018)
“You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”
Let us be aware that we are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus rather than through works. We are in Him spiritually; not only through baptism – as it is written that being baptized into Christ we have clothed ourselves with Christ –
but also through faith and through the holy sacraments we should be aware of this deep truth, draw strength from it for spiritual struggle and rejoice that Jesus is with us, that we are in Him, and He is in us. As Jesus said: “Whoever eats My flesh
and drinks My blood remains in Me, and I in him.” And this happens during Holy Communion in the Divine Liturgy.
Dear Bishops of Poland, we believe You are aware of Your responsibility before God and of the extreme seriousness of the present situation.
This year, Poland has the Sword of Damocles hanging over its head, namely Islamization and gender amoralization dictated by the EU.
In short, the Polish nation has the only way of salvation, and that is repentance. But it is You who must begin.
There are cunning efforts to incorporate gender ideology into the legislation of democratic states. This ideology is a totalitarian one, similarly to the ideology of fascism. Therefore, it should likewise be condemned by the public before
it is too late. It is even worse than all the previous totalitarian ideologies because it deforms the human mind as well as male and female identity from early childhood and turns people into mental and physical wrecks. It bears the signs of open
Satanism. From the Christian point of view, it is an obvious rebellion against God and God-established order.
Word of Life – Rom 5:9 (3/6/2018 – 17/6/2018)
“Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him!”
Let us notice the words justified by His blood – i.e. the blood of Jesus. It means that we have received the righteousness of Jesus, and through His blood God no longer sees us as debtors since Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God,
has once and for all paid the debt for all our sins. On our part, we need to realize again and again the saving faith which presupposes that we admit our sins both before God and before ourselves, and not conceal them, and that we turn with trust
to Jesus on the cross every time we say during our prayer stop: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner!”
The world’s media have published a report on Francis Bergoglio’s meeting with three victims of homosexual paedophilia from Chile. Instead of a responsible approach, Francis has used these victims as a precedent for promoting false tolerance
towards homosexuality and paedophilia. He has thus denied divine and natural laws. He literally said to a gay: “God made you like this.”
This is a lie and a heresy. Man was created in the image of God as a man and a woman. There are only two sexes, male and female. God did not create sexual perversion. It is the fruit of sin.
On 9 May 2018, the Greek Parliament passed legislation allowing homosexuals to abuse children and to enrich themselves by their suffering.
The law was passed by 161 MPs. For this crime against God, conscience and humanity, they have brought God’s punishment – anathema – curse on themselves. They have excluded themselves from the Mystical Body of Christ – the Church!
Word of Life – Gal 3:22 (20/5/2018 – 3/6/2018)
“But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.”
The whole world is a prisoner of sin. In other words, the law convicts us of sin but does not deliver us from it. We are delivered through faith in Jesus Christ. So that what was promised is given to those who believe in Jesus Christ.
Therefore the centre of our faith and salvation is a personal relationship to Christ. The purpose is not to observe external rites or commands and then to give Christ the second or tenth place. Christ must have the first place! And how?
Through the saving faith, because our sins force us to go to the source of forgiveness, which is the cross of Jesus. So not through the observance of some rules, however good or holy, for appearances’ sake, but through repentance of sins and faith
in Jesus who died on the cross for our sins.
Word of Life – Gal 3:18 (6/5/2018 – 20/5/2018)
“For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no longer of promise; but God gave it to Abraham by promise.”
The Apostle explains that God gave the inheritance to Abraham by promise, and we receive it through faith in Christ. This faith cleanses us from sin. But the condition is to admit sin, to believe that Jesus, the Son of God, died for my sins,
and to give my sins to Him. Through this faith the Holy Spirit gives us everything that Christ has done for our sake. But first of all, this faith unites us to Jesus Himself, who dwells in our hearts through faith (Eph 3:17). In the hour of death,
this faith then changes into the sight of God in the light of glory.
Dear ex-Pope Benedict, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate addresses You with a request the purpose of which is restoration of the Church. It concerns primarily the issue of Vatican Council II and its fruits that we are reaping today.
In Your interview with Messori 19 years after the Council, You presented some critical views of the Council and the post-conciliar spirit.
What is required of You is a gesture of repentance for Vaticanum II which You attended as a peritus. It is enough if You make a single statement today: “Concilium Vaticanum Secundum was heretical. Its fruits today are the evidence.”
Without this clear attitude, the truth cannot be called the truth, a lie a lie and a heresy a heresy, and so the Church cannot repent.
Word of Life – 1 Cor 15:3-5 (8/4/2018 – 22/4/2018)
“For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas,
then to the twelve.”
In the Letter to Corinth, the Apostle Paul speaks about the resurrection from the dead. He writes: “Now I would remind you, brethren, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are saved,
if you hold fast to the word I preached to you.” (1Cor 15:1-2) Then the Apostle mentions that Jesus appeared to Peter and the Twelve, and he continues: “After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part
remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep.”
During this Eastertide, let us realize that Jesus not only died for our sins but was really raised from the dead and is with us all the days of our life!
What is the relation of our Patriarchate to the Mother of Jesus?
Fully biblical, in line with the whole Church’s tradition. Jesus is true God and Mary is the Mother of God – Birth-giver of God – Theotokos. It was proclaimed at the Council of Ephesus in 431. She well deserves special honour from everyone
who has received Jesus, as stated in the Scripture: “All generations will call me blessed.” (Lk 1:48)
When God assumed human nature, it happened through the Holy Spirit and through the obedience of faith of the virgin chosen by God (cf. Lk 1:38).
The authority in the Church is based on the vertical – on the relationship to God – and determines the horizontal – human relationships. The essence of the papacy is to protect the vertical, i.e. to protect the Church against heresies
in matters of faith and morals. If the Pope does so, every Christian, including non-Catholics, must gratefully accept this service of his, even if they do not fall within his jurisdiction, such as the Orthodox or Protestants. If the Pope neglects
to protect the Church against heresies, or if he does the opposite, as is the case today, he does harm to the whole Church. Every Christian must distance himself from such a manifest heretic.
The Lenten season culminates; we are entering the Holy Week. We commemorate Christ’s redemptive death and His glorious resurrection.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate is pleading You, Most Reverend Bishops of the V4 countries: Please, encourage Your priests and believers to hold the Easter procession on 2 April 2018. This demonstration in support of the family and nation
will then take place in every village and town.
Dear bishops and priests, prepare the way for God’s miracle through this specific form of repentance. God will then save the V4 countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland!
Word of Life – Gal 3:11 (25/3/2018 – 8/4/2018)
“But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for ‘the just shall live by faith’.”
It is clearly said here that no one will be justified by the law, and it is emphasized that the just shall live by faith. Let us focus again on the term ‘the just’, both from the natural point of view and from the point of view of the Scripture.
The just is the one who gives everyone his due, i.e. giving God, neighbour and oneself what is due by right.
Word of Life – Gal 3:8 (11/3/2018 – 25/3/2018)
“And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, ‘In you all the nations shall be blessed.’”
It is said that the Scripture foresees that God would justify the Gentiles by faith. An example is Abraham himself, who was a Gentile but he believed in God, in His almightiness, acknowledged God as his sovereign Lord and surrendered his life
to Him. He accepted the moral laws which God had put into the heart of man through conscience. In this respect, Abraham is an example to the Gentiles. If they have the faith of Abraham, God will justify the Gentiles.
However, we have to distinguish between the Gentiles like Abraham and the Gentiles who have embraced religious systems which block them and are the greatest obstacle for the Abrahamic faith because they force the Gentiles to worship demons
rather than the one Sovereign God as the Creator and Supreme Lawgiver.
A draft pastoral letter for Czech bishops
Word of Life – Gal 3:6-7 (25/2/2018 – 11/3/2018)
“Just as Abraham ‘believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’ Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.”
The Apostle points to Abraham again and sets him as an example of faith. He believed God, believed in God’s almightiness, and he stood in this faith even in the face of hard trials. Faith was accounted to him for righteousness; in other words,
he was justified of his sins by faith. The Apostle continues in verse 7: “Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.” The faith in one God the Creator is the foundation for justification of sins.
After the Second Vatican Council, the positions in the Church have been gradually filled by liberal priests who have embraced the new heretical doctrine (“new gospel” – see Gal 1:8-9). The whole ecclesiastical structure has thus, little by little,
fallen into apostasy. It is separated from “the apostles’ doctrine” (Acts 2:42) and the Gospel of Christ! The Holy Spirit – the Spirit of truth and life – has been driven out of the ecclesiastical structure. The spirit of lies and death has come to
power; its fruits are clearly visible today. If the present-day Vatican in such state represents the Church of Christ, it no longer has the right to be called by this name as it has betrayed its essence and deceives the faithful! Those who want to
be saved can no longer obey the apostates because these pretend to march under the banner of Christ but in fact they lead those who obey them to perdition!
Francis Bergoglio, a Jesuit, has been admonished, warned several times to distance himself from heresies. However, he obstinately rejects any repentance. By abusing the supreme church
authority through heresies, he intensely promotes the self-destruction of the Church, in matters of both faith and morals. For these heresies, Francis Bergoglio excluded himself from the
Catholic Church. Therefore, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, in the name of the Triune God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
declares Francis Bergoglio to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Unless the person concerned shows repentance at least in the hour of death, he will be eternally condemned.
The main problem in the Catholic Church today is the abuse of the papal authority and the unity of Catholics with a heretic, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Therefore, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate has made public the excommunication of the invalid Pope Francis and declared that he has been expelled from the Church! However, Francis is
just the tip of the iceberg and the external manifestation of the internal cancer of the Church. Every Catholic, if he wants to remain in the Church and be saved, must separate himself
from the heresies advocated by pseudo Pope Francis.
Word of Life – Gal 3:2-3 (11/2/2018 – 25/2/2018)
“This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?”
In chapter two, the Apostle points out that we are not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Christ (v.16) and if justification came through the law, then Christ died in vain (v.21). So justification requires faith in Christ Jesus.
And now the Apostle reveals that this faith in Christ is also necessary for man to receive the fullness of the Spirit of God like the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost. He makes it clear that one does not receive the Spirit of God by the works of
the law but again, only and only by faith in Jesus.
Francis wants friendly relations with China; therefore he is careful so as not to meet with the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama’s repeated requests for an audience in the Vatican repeatedly meet with a negative response.
The Dalai Lama does not fit in with the Vatican’s strategic plans with China any more. However, he still fits in with the plans of Halík, Holub, Bělobrádek, university snob clubs and non-profit organizations. They use the myth of the Dalai Lama
and the Tibetan flags as a weapon against the Czech President because he is not in line with the NWO like them.
In his address on January 30, 2018, President Trump clearly expressed his attitude of a return to the foundations of the American nation, that is to Christian values. He said: “Together, we are rediscovering the American way.
In America, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the center of American life. Our motto is ‘In God we trust’.”
It was encouraging that after these words, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, sitting behind Trump, lifted his right hand and his eyes to heaven and said loudly, “Amen!”
German Cardinal R. Marx has introduced blessing ceremonies for homosexual couples as part of pastoral care. The priest who wants to administer this new “sacrament” will be authorized by his bishop. (Britain’s newspaper Catholic Herald,
Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Radio), 3 Feb 2018).
Card. Marx and all the bishops who are in unity of spirit with him incur the punishment of exclusion from the Mystical Body of Christ – the Church (excommunication).
The main responsibility for Islamization and gender-homosexuality in Germany rests with German heretical bishops. They lead the nation to autogenocide and to eternal condemnation in hell.
Lilianne Ploumen, former Dutch Minister, has been honoured by Pope Francis with the title of Commander in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St Gregory the Great.
Ms Ploumen is extremely active in the promotion of abortion and homosexualism. She has been loaded with honours for it. It is scandalous that Francis has also honoured her with a high pontifical award! He has thus publicly approved of abortions
and homosexuality.
Word of Life – Gal 2:21 (28/1/2018 – 11/2/2018)
“I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.”
What does it mean to set aside the grace of God? It means to disregard it, to misuse it, or not to accept by faith what God gives. He paid so dearly, did His most, and not to make the least effort on our part – i.e. not to accept by faith
what God has done for me – is really a grave insult to God. This is setting aside grace! The Apostle says that this is not what he does – he does not set aside grace but rather uses it. And this should be true of each of us – I do not set aside
the grace of God!
It’s not about the candidate’s artificial image. It’s about the inside! What system either of them represents.
Today, reduction of humanity is being promoted with the use of two basic means:
1. the positive term of aid to refugees – Islamization and the destruction of the nation;
2. the positive term of human rights – moral degradation through gender schizophrenia coupled with child stealing by so-called social services.
President Zeman not only uplifts the state economically and gradually delivers it from the yoke of bondage, but also defends the nation against these two autogenocidal streams.
Word of Life – Gal 2:16 (14/1/2018 – 28/1/2018)
“...knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law;
for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.”
Both in the Epistle to the Romans and the Epistle to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul points to the deep truth which concerns our justification from sin. He says that we know that a man is not justified before God by his works but by faith
in Jesus Christ. He emphasizes that by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified. We who have believed in Christ Jesus have been justified from our sins by faith in Him.
On 31 December 2017, Archbishop Tomasz Peta, Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider and the retired Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga published a statement responding to Francis’ approval of pastoral guidelines issued by the Buenos Aires bishops which
degrade Holy Communion and the sacrament of marriage.
The statement by the Kazakhstan bishops as well as the statement by four Cardinals against the Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, which was also opposed by a number of signatories of the “Correction”, are an appeal to Francis to correct his statements
by which he undermines the dogmas of the Catholic Church.
Word of Life – Rom 4:13 (31/12/2017 – 14/1/2018)
“For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.”
What does the word heir express? The Word of God says that if we are children, we are also heirs. And how do we become children of God? By receiving Jesus: “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God,
to those who believe in His name.” (Jn 1:12) Salvation, which Jesus obtained for us through His blood in a hard struggle on Calvary, is given us freely as an inheritance through faith. We should obtain grace for other people too,
that they also may receive Jesus and share in the inheritance of eternal life after death.
In 2018, we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of our independent republic.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) proposes launching a revival programme with the motto “Restoration of the family = Restoration of the nation”. Let nationwide demonstrations be held in all the regional capitals on six memorable
days in the jubilee year.
The BCP hereby appeals to Czech bishops to fulfil their task, to engage the priests and believers, and to support the moral and national revival process in the jubilee year.
Christmas wishes 2017
Word of Life – Rom 4:9-10 (17/12/2017 – 31/12/2017)
“Does this blessedness then come upon the circumcised only, or upon the uncircumcised also? For we say that faith was accounted to Abraham for righteousness. How then was it accounted? While he was circumcised, or uncircumcised?
Not while circumcised, but while uncircumcised.”
The Apostle asks: Does this blessedness, stemming from faith, come upon the circumcised only, or upon the uncircumcised also? The Jews were very particular about circumcision and related it to the whole religious system of certain rites.
The danger has always been that an emphasis on secondary things eliminates the essence – here the essence of salvation, which consists in personal relationship to God. Salvation depends on the saving faith based on the awareness that
I am a sinner in the sight of God, which should lead me to humility and at the same time to trustful prayer for the forgiveness of my sins.
Word of Life – Rom 4:3-4 (3/12/2017 – 17/12/2017)
“For what does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’ Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.”
“Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Here the meaning of righteousness is more like ‘justification’. Man does unspeakable injustice to God by sinning. The holiness of God is infinite, and so an insult to God
deserves the highest punishment.
We can offend God by our sin, but we cannot make amends for the offence by our works. Only the One who is equal to God – the Son of God – can make just reparation for our offence. He did so by His death on the cross. He took on Himself
the punishment for our sins, the just punishment.
Word of Life – Rom 3:25 (19/11/2017 – 3/12/2017)
“...whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in His divine forbearance He had passed over former sins.”
Let us realize that God forgives our sins because Jesus became a propitiation. The condition on our part is the faith in Christ who is the Saviour, the Son of God, who paid the just price for my sins by His blood and obtained the forgiveness
for me. This is the most important truth, the necessary condition of our salvation. We must know it and put it into practice through faith.
This year marks the centenary of the apparition at Fatima. What preceded it and what followed it?
The 18th century saw the rise of the Enlightenment. The continuation of the Enlightenment in the 19th century was Modernism. It resulted in the destruction of the fundamental truths of Christianity – apostasy in the Church.
The papacy was abused to launch a process of autogenocide of the Church.
The essentials of the Christian life – Part I
Word of Life – Rom 3:23-24 (5/11/2017 – 19/11/2017)
“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”
Here the Word of God says clearly that all have sinned. Naturally, little children cannot sin because they are not able to discern sin; however, they are already programmed for sin and it is only a question of time before it manifests itself.
It means that all have been infected with the spiritual poison of original sin and, as a consequence, all fall short of the glory of God. This is a sad reality. But there is another reality too. The reality of God’s love. God has given His Son
for our salvation. So we are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
At a critical moment at the Battle of Vienna in 1683, the King of Poland intervened with his troops, and Europe was saved from the crescent rule!
Faced with current Islamization, the Poles turned to God for help by the prayer of the Rosary. The government subsequently quitted a credit line from the IMF and refused to implement migrant quotas! At the same time, however,
Archbishop Wojciech Polak abused his pastoral authority with a gross lie and opposed the authority of God! He threatened to exclude every priest who protects the faith and the nation. Let the punishment by which he threatens fall on him.
Let him be excluded!
Word of Life – Joh 5:8-10 (22/10/2017 – 5/11/2017)
Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was healed, took up his bed, and walked. And that day was the Sabbath. The Jews therefore said to him who was healed, “It is the Sabbath; it is not lawful for you
to carry your bed.”
Jesus healed a man who had been sick for 38 years. It happened in Jerusalem near the pool called Bethesda.
Jesus showed that He is Lord of the Sabbath. The man did not break the Sabbath rest when he carried his bed, the more so because he had been told to do so and because it was connected with a miraculous healing. Here we can see the blindness
of the Pharisees who are unable to perceive that a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years was healed. They strain out a gnat and swallow a camel; they are unable to discern what is essential.
In his Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, Francis de facto subverted the existence of universally valid moral norms and instead of objective facts he promotes mere subjective attitudes resulting in the abolition of God’s laws. He hypocritically
calls it “mercy”.
Czech bishop Holub, in contrast to the signatories of the Correction, covers up and advocates the heresies of Francis.Holub substitutes the fundamental articles of the faith – dogmas – with so-called evolution, and calls in question and
eliminates the saving teaching of the Church.
In a radio broadcast, Tomáš Holub (Czech bishop) advocated and promoted the heretical Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. This Exhortation was opposed, among others, by the signatories of the Correction.
The Exhortation de facto abolishes the universal law of God and establishes subjectivism as a norm. It is a heretical phenomenon which the Church has not seen since her inception.
Word of Life – Jn 1:12-13 (8/10/2017 – 22/10/2017)
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of the man, but of God.”
The Word of life confirms that as many as received Jesus and believe in His name – this is the condition – to them He gave the right to become children of God. Ask yourself: Am I a child of God? Whether you understand it or not,
whether you feel it or not, if you have received Jesus by faith and believe in His name, you are a child of God. This is the truth revealed by God, and you believe the testimony of God.
The signatories of the “Correction” pointed to 7 heresies.
Francis abuses the highest authority for self-destruction of Christianity. This is evidenced by the fruits.
A man who kisses the feet of morally perverted and demon-possessed people, who advocates Islamization in every parish, who has never stood in defence of devastated children stolen from their parents, who has never even stood up for persecuted
Christians, and who, on the contrary, breaks natural and divine law, must be forced by the faithful to resign from office! All the cardinals and bishops who were in unity with him must repent publicly or resign.
In recent years, Germany has witnessed mass Islamization which the citizens must not defend themselves against! Making the crimes of migrants public is a punishable offence! Still, Merkel’s party has won the elections (2017) again.
Has the German people taken leave of their senses or was the election falsified?
Vatican II is responsible for the Islamization of Europe. Its heresies deny the essence of Christianity, yet they are taught in all Christian schools. The only solution today is repentance, i.e. renunciation of heresies.
Salvation is in Christ alone. Not in various heretical theologies or pagan cults.
Word of Life – Isa 53:5-6 (24/9/2017 – 8/10/2017)
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
God gave the prophet Isaiah a vision of the future Messiah, who is Jesus. The prophet says: “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities.” The same Holy Spirit who revealed the mystery of our salvation
in Jesus Christ to the prophet Isaiah has to enlighten the mind of each of us personally, that each of us may realize that Christ was wounded for my sins and bruised for my iniquities. Jesus suffered it all out of His love for me, to pay the just
price for my sins and iniquities, and to open for me the way to eternal happiness in heaven. So, we were not redeemed with gold or silver but with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Let us also realize that the chastisement for our peace was
upon Him.
The devil often uses sadness to break the relationships in the family or community! Sometimes, without meaning to, we focus our mind on a problem or begin to daydream and we do not realize that our face speaks louder than words
(that is why people, when talking together, watch the face in order to sense what the other person means by his or her words). However, our face speaks even when our mouth is silent. Our thought, behind which is a certain spirit, becomes visible
on our face – in our eye. That is why we should abide in and be filled with Christ and His Word at least out of love for our neighbours.
Word of Life – 1Jo 5:11-13 (10/9/17 – 24/9/2017)
“And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.”
If someone asked: Do you have eternal life? If you say: “I don’t know” or “I’ll know after death”, it is a bad answer. You must know: If I have the Son, I have eternal life now! And I do not doubt it.
Because the Word of God witnesses to it, and the witness of God is greater than the witness of men.
We can practise it until death. This is the Law and the Prophets (cf. Mat 7:12). You can write down concretely what you do not want others to do to you, and then stop and
think if you do not do exactly the same to others, perhaps in a subtler form. How simple and topical for our everyday life!
Word of Life – 2Ti 4:2-4 (27/8/17 – 10/9/2017)
“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have
itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”
It is important that we also should preach the Word of God, preferably in our personal contact with people. The condition is to have a heart burning with the fire of God and to be aware that the Spirit of God works through the Word of God.
The Word of God is a means of saving souls; it turns them from the broad way which leads to destruction to the narrow road which leads to eternal life. Therefore, it is said: “Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.”
This is the prophetic ministry – edification, exhortation and comfort (cf. 1Cor 14:1-3).
The way of holiness is the way of purification. We need to be healed by Jesus, little by little, of all kinds of wounds or bad habits. This mostly concerns our soul. Suffering is usually spiritual rather than physical, but the various
sufferings lead to deliverance and healing. We suffer, for example, when we face the truth about ourselves, our neighbours and the world. It is so simple and yet so disguised. In essence, we need to begin to live the Gospel to the full.
Word of Life – 2Th 2:9-10 (13/8/17 – 27/8/2017)
“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth,
that they might be saved.”
The Word of God speaks of the coming of the antichrist, who will come with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish.
Today, we can see that this spirit of antichrist, the ruler of the spiritual powers in space, has manipulated almost the whole Christian world, i.e. the Christian nations. Within several years, this rapid apostasy which took place above all
after the Second Vatican Council, has grown in intensity. God alone can stop this process in a miraculous way, or turn it into spiritual resurrection. However, this will not be possible without suffering, prayer and a living faith; and we can add:
and without bloody or bloodless martyrdom.
The first form of love is constant self-humiliation. But you need not fabricate anything. You only need to accept the truth! If you feel bitterness towards your neighbour, remember his good qualities and his good deeds, and on the other
hand your bad qualities and evil done in the past, and humble yourself before him in spirit and see Jesus in him. And God will then give you the light and fill your heart with love for this person.
Word of Life – Col 2:12 (30/7/17 – 13/8/2017)
“You were buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the power of God, who raised Him from the dead.”
In the mystery of baptism, the work of Jesus’ death for our sake is accomplished on His part. We have been baptized into this reality. On our part, however, we must begin to live our own baptism, to actualize it. It means that when we unite
by faith with the power of Christ’s death in relation to our corrupt nature, or in other words we actualize our baptism, at that moment we die together with Christ to our selfishness, our egocentrism, our pleasures and passions which enslave us
and lead us away from salvation. We cannot do so by our own strength but only by faith in the power of Jesus’ death. This power of God, which works in us, is called the working of the Holy Spirit, or God’s grace.
The process of putting off the old self and putting on the new self begins in our mind! Human nature, without respecting the law of the Gospel, reacts in the same way in essence: envy towards others, rivalry, envy when someone
has something better, when someone has spiritual gifts, or even when someone carries a cross, and on the other hand self-pity and sulkiness (both before God and people). This all takes the subtlest forms, but it is in essence our “self” which
refuses to humble itself, to live in uncertainty, to obey God and to submit to Him.
To love means – to humble ourselves again and again, to accept our brother just as he is. His old self exploits us, is jealous of us, enslaves us. But the fact is that we are bound by the same bonds – chains, the only difference being
that we easily see it in others but not in ourselves. This is humility: the faults and bad habits of my brother should be like a mirror to me. The old self is essentially the same in everyone, it only has different shades. I need to look at
my brother by faith, i.e. to be aware that Jesus is in him, though hungry, thirsty and in prison. But the same is true about me. Jesus is in me too, hungry, thirsty and in prison. One can speak of a law of love which leads to healing
and liberation.
The time you spend in the place where you are is predestined by God and will never return. What you sow in faith, you and others will reap once. Sow in faith, even if you do not see any results. Sow every day by accepting the situations
you face rather than by being dispirited or overwhelmed by them. Accept them in faith and in union with Jesus – learn to abide with Him!
Word of Life – Col 1:27 (16/7/17 – 30/7/2017)
“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
In verse 27, the Apostle points out a mystery. We ask what this mystery among the Gentiles is. It is the mystery concerning us who often live among non-believers. The mystery is this: Christ is among us and in us at the same time. In verse 29,
the Apostle Paul says: “I strive according to His working which works in me mightily.” He thus points out that Jesus is in him. But Jesus is in us, too, and we have to know about this might of God. We have to rely on His might in our struggle
with original sin which is in us, as well as in our struggle with the system of the world which boycotts divine truths concerning our salvation and in our struggle with the spirit of lies and evil which works through this system of the world and
has a direct impact on our thoughts and feelings. So it is an ideological and spiritual fight.
Dear Mr President, we hereby address You with a request for help and protection of our monastery in Lvov-Bryukhovychi since the lives of our Sisters are repeatedly in danger!
On 13 July 2017, at 23:30, there was an attack on our monastery. An unknown group of men threw Molotov cocktails at the windows. There were 30 religious sisters and 5 guests sleeping inside.
Only by a miracle of God there was no catastrophe and the monastery was not turned into a mass grave.
We should pray in such way as to pull down the strongholds of the forces of darkness and to lift up the mountains of demons in our territory, so that the Holy Spirit may descend, God may show His power, send His blessing,
the kingdom of God may come into human souls, and a spiritual breakthrough and change may take place. When and how shall it come?! Let us leave it to the Lord; what we need to do is stand in faith and not doubt in prayer. Then on the Day of Judgment
our prayers will become manifest – it will be revealed how we prayed.
Word of Life – Eph 6:11-12 (2/7/17 – 16/7/2017)
“Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
It is said that we should put on the whole armour of God. So not only part of it, but the whole armour. And it is said that it must be the armour of God, and not of man. Why should we put it on? That we may be able to stand against the wiles
of the devil. And what does the devil, the spirit of lies, wile us into? Into doing evil under the guise of good, or into promoting lies through a sophisticated mosaic of partial truths.
So we need the armour of God, for we do not wrestle against human enemies but against principalities, against spiritual powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
It is a spiritual battle.
What did the Prophet Elijah say when the fire of the Lord fell on Mount Carmel and consumed the burnt sacrifice? “I have done all these things at Your word.” Nothing more and nothing less. But we often want to add something,
because we like it that way, or on the other hand we think that something is extreme. However, God wants us to learn obedience through small things; He teaches us to walk in the Spirit, to follow Christ. Jesus says: “Follow Me.” (Lk 5:27),
and He also says: “Father, My food is to do Your will.”
The greatest power is the almighty power of God. By His almighty power God created the whole universe out of nothing – millions of stars, our Earth... By the almighty power of God Christ was raised from death. And He gives us a share in
this power; He gives us His authority – “in My name”.
Word of Life – Eph 5:15-16 (18/6/17 – 2/7/2017)
“Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
We must be careful, every one of us. Careful about whom? About ourselves. And about what? About how we live. And why? Because we should live not as unwise but as wise. So what should we do? Redeem the time, because the days are evil.
What does it mean to redeem the time? Not to walk after vanities which pass away but to do our best in time to store spiritual treasures which thieves will not steal and rust will not destroy.
When we are to fight, we need to know who we fight against. We do not fight against a dead territory – factories, airports, arms depots… We do not fight against any physical, i.e. dead energies but we fight against the kosmokratoras –
spiritual forces, intellectual evil beings, who have spiritual power. But they too must bow to God’s Majesty, to the Word of God. To the Word of God spoken through His faithful servants. They must bow whether they like it or not. However,
the Word of God must be spoken in faith, with no doubting.
How can the Vatican be a conscience for the believers and the world if it supports satanic globalization? It approves perversion (e.g. the kissing of the feet of transsexuals), promotes the Islamization of Europe, and denies
the existence of basic moral norms (see Amoris Laetitia). The Vatican must repent of heresies of the Second Vatican Council, which are the poisoned root of that all. It must renounce false reverence for pagan religions and thus even for
their demons! It must renounce the heresy of identifying the Triune God with Allah, the highest (akbar) of 360 pagan gods of Mecca. Through Vatican II, the spirit of the world (of aggiornamento) denied the fundamental truths of faith and morals.
Word of Life – Eph 4:11-12 (4/6/17 – 18/6/2017)
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”
The Lord Jesus builds up the Church, which is His Body – the Body of Christ. In building up the Church, He uses truly converted Christians, not only priests or monks. Every baptized Christian, who has been converted and received
the Spirit of Christ, should thirst after the salvation of souls, especially those living around him. It is a mistake to think that it is the task of priests or monks or special missionaries to convert people. A priest should be a shepherd,
but sheep give birth to sheep, shepherds don’t. So every Christian has a duty of mission – he should be an evangelist to this effect. He is called to save the souls in personal contact, face to face, in the place where he is.
On the feast of the translation of the relics of St Nicholas, 22 May, Patriarch Kirill solemnly welcomed a delegation from the apostate Vatican in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow who brought one of the saint’s ribs.
It was said impressively that his rib was far more powerful than other relics the Orthodox Church had possessed long ago. The delegation was led by the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (in heresy),
Msgr. A. Palmieri, and members of the delegation were also representatives of the Ecumenical Institute in Bari. Russian President Vladimir Putin was forced to thank Pope Francis for lending the rib. Kirill awarded the First-,
Second- and Third-Class medals to the Vatican delegates who manipulated the holy relics with the aim of opening of the door to ecumenism and consequently creating globalization unity with the heretical Vatican.
Prayer is of the greatest benefit when we have the full armour of God and we know which Bible verse to use as the sword of the Spirit – the Word of God spoken in the Spirit and at the right time – the word of prophecy – rather than
the letter of Scripture or a phrase. The spirits of darkness in the heavenly realm – kosmokratoras – cannot be fought against by firing in the air or by using guns, rockets or atomic weapons. That is child’s play to them. They fight against
human souls through occultism, magic, deceit, by leading them into a false faith in pagan pseudo spirituality...
Through the obedience of faith in union with Jesus crucified the greatest power – the almighty power of God – works through us. The condition is to be in the will of God, in the presence of God.
Catholics, pray before Pentecost for the Holy Spirit to blow upon the blind and apostate Vatican on the Day of Pentecost (4 June 2017), so that it may gain sight! May the resurrection of the Catholic Church come through true repentance!
28 people, including 2 children, were massacred and another 22 wounded in the terror attack against Christians in Egypt yesterday as they travelled by bus to church services.
Who is guilty? Definitely Islamic terrorists who follow the orders of the Quran.
Who created the conditions? The postconciliar Vatican along with Francis! They stopped proclaiming the Gospel and began to preach a lie about the same God and peaceful Islam.
The Word of God says clearly, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age – so-called kosmokratoras.” (Eph 6:12) Are we aware of it? If we want
to fight with a sling or a bow against an army with tanks, it is de facto suicide. Similarly, if we want to fight against the kosmokratoras with our feelings or anything human only, for example with our cunning, the battle is lost in advance.
First of all, we must realize that the spiritual powers are leading a spiritual struggle against us. In the spiritual struggle, as the Apostle Paul writes in the Ephesians, we must have spiritual weapons and spiritual armour: the breastplate
of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. The sword of the Spirit, i.e. the Word of God, is not a physical sword, but a symbol of a spiritual weapon. The Apostle Paul also
constantly repeats and emphasizes that we should act “in faith”.
If you are absent-minded during the prayer and you use the prayer model as a mere formality, you benefit minimally from the prayer. If you pray with the heart, you benefit more. But what is most important is to pray with faith,
to concentrate your thoughts and to be in union with Christ, with His death – and the power of God works.
Word of Life – Eph 2:8-9 (21/5/17 – 4/6/2017)
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
These Bible verses need correct interpretation. Mainly: we have not been saved through our works. God has given us the grace of salvation; it is the gift of God, as the Scripture says. So no one can boast. But it does not mean that once
we have obtained salvation in Christ we do not need to do good works. We should do them in cooperation with the grace of God and in union with Christ. But the foundation – salvation – has been given us freely. That is why it is necessary to carry
out mission of prayer. To obtain the grace of God for the conversion of particular people, and above all to pray for the spiritual resurrection of the nation.
Word of Life – Eph 2:1-2 (7/5/17 – 21/5/2017)
“And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.”
We could entitle this word of life as follows: “We have passed from death into life”. “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked…” Without Christ people live in their trespasses and sins, and are spiritually dead.
There is a kind of power which keeps them in the system of death. The Apostle refers to it as the course, or the system of this world, which prompts people to follow demonic inspiration, i.e. the prince of the power of the air whom the Apostle
calls the spirit of evil. Where is this spirit, this prince of the power of the air, at work? He is at work in those who refuse to obey God.
On the day of the Resurrection of Christ, 16 April 2017, Patriarch Kirill uttered a heresy:
Quote: “I know that there are Christians and Muslims, but each refers to the same God, the Creator, and in response to this we have the real God’s help.”
According to Kirill, the Orthodox and Muslims refer to the same God. This is the Catholic heresy of Vatican II (1965). On the other hand, the leading representatives of Islam, unlike Kirill and Vatican II, do not say that we have the same God.
On the contrary, Mohammed wrote about Christians in the Koran: “Indeed they are disbelievers who say: The Messiah, son of Mary, is God!” (5:72) “And slacken not in seeking these people!” (4:104) “You killed them not, but it was Allah who killed
them…” (8:17) This is evidently, in Kirill’s view, the real “God’s” (Allah’s) help we have!
The prayer mobilization was announced until May 1, 2017. However, the insidious struggle continues. The President is under strong pressure, changing his program and losing the initial direction. It is necessary to continue in prayer
mobilization! Therefore, it is extended until December 31, 2017.
In the first and second part, there was a reference to Christian as well as natural morals. The present-day generation, poisoned with consumerism and the terror of amorality, grows indifferent and is reduced to the level of beasts.
Reason is no longer used to search for truth but to justify a lie which leads to self-destruction.
In order to be able to resist the psychologically developed genocidal system of the NWO and to start to promote moral values, one has to wage the hardest struggle in one’s personal life in the first place. It is a struggle with oneself,
with the evil embodied in us. When one resolves to engage in this fight, one necessarily needs a mobilization stimulus or motivation!
Word of Life – Gal 4:6-7 (23/4/17 – 7/5/2017)
“And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”
Everyone who has been born anew has received the Spirit to know God, to know His heart, His laws, and since he himself is known by God, he can know Him as a child knows its mother or father. Therefore St Paul reproves the Galatians and us too
by beseeching us not to lose the inner relationship with Jesus, our first love, the grace of the inner light of the Truth. Only in Jesus we are sons, and therefore God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit crying out
“Abba, Father!” What joy! I am no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God, an heir of God’s kingdom!
On 4 April 2017, Pope Bergoglio declared that Jesus made himself the devil and the serpent for us! Not Jesus Christ but Francis Bergoglio made himself the devil – Satan for us. Not Jesus but Bergoglio made himself the serpent for us.
He uses the cunning of the serpent to cast us into hell.
What Bergoglio has done is a crime crying to heaven, the height of blasphemy and a sin against the Holy Spirit!
The authors of Vatican II documents with the spirit of aggiornamento encoded heresies in positive and ambiguous formulations under the aegis of the Council and the Pope. Nobody could dare to point out hidden fraud!
They committed the gravest crime – an abuse of ecclesiastical and divine authority against the Church and against God!
The Byzantine Patriarchate appealed to You during Lent to consider Your resignation from office.
It has been reported recently that You have stood up for paedophile priests, child abusers, by introducing a ‘prayer not prison’ punishment scheme. The victims are shocked! Child abuse thus becomes normal and paedophiles are now free to continue
the torture of children.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate appeals to You again this Easter: do consider Your resignation responsibly before God, Your conscience and the faithful!
Today we celebrate the day of the glorious Resurrection of Christ! This day Jesus encountered women and the apostles several times. Even you can encounter the Risen Christ today!
At the moment of our death, we will see Jesus in all His glory. Maybe some of us very soon. But how shall we encounter the living Jesus today? Jesus is in our midst, even though we cannot see Him with our physical eyes. He is present not only
in the sacraments but He is also in us when we show true repentance. We experience His powerful presence especially in the hard trials of life, such as the death of our loved ones. If we abide and believe in His Word, we experience His closeness
and comfort. Like a blind person who feels the closeness of the one who loves him, hears his voice and feels his presence, even though he does not see him. In such moments, Jesus speaks to our heart.
We need to experience what it means to be in the Lord’s presence. It does not mean that we will have a vision, or that Christ will appear to us. Standing before the Lord is very simple: I stop, realize God’s presence and stand in truth,
as a sinner, before God. I confess at least one sin to Him, and I am ready to accept that He will expose my other sins too. I am also ready to forgive all who have hurt me, because I want God to forgive me.
The power of God is manifested in our powerlessness. If we give rein to our ego, Christ – the almighty power of God – cannot work. We take everything into our own hands. We are guided by our perception, by our feelings. Admittedly,
we can do something, but we are like a steam locomotive, puffing, sparks flying in all directions… Yet it keeps running, though the efficiency is only 5%. We run on the same principle. What shall God do with us? He takes us as we are. However,
in order to use us, God must first purify us so that we may become His effective instruments. We must be dependent on God; therefore we freely choose to become slaves of God. This is true freedom.
What should our attitude be toward God, His providence and the mystery of sin in the world, in us and in the Church? Again, we need to humble ourselves. When Job complained, God said to him: “Where were you when I laid the foundations
of the earth?” Our understanding is very limited! We must not complain but rather accept with humility and in faith everything that God allows in our life.
The root of the terrorist act in St Petersburg is religious fanaticism arising from the essence of Islam – the Koran! The Koran commands Muslims to kill, cut off the hands, feet and heads (of so-called disbelievers). Every Muslim, according to
the Koran, must hate what Allah hates, and Allah hates Kafirs (non-Muslims) /Koran 33:60/, so he hates every citizen of the Russian Federation who is not a Muslim!
Let the representatives of Islam in the Russian Federation publicly burn those parts of the Koran which call for violence, killing and terrorism! Unless they do so, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation they are outlawed!
The Byzantine Patriarchate calls on all countries of the world to resist the evil exploitation, the enslavement by the world’s elites worshiping Satan. These NWO architects covertly dictate and change the laws in all states and establish
a dictatorship leading to their destruction. They are responsible for all coups and civil wars over the last years. Moreover, they are provoking a self-destructive third world war.
We call on all countries of the world to nationalize the banks and properties of these mass murderers of mankind located in their territories. Nobody is bound to them by any debts! This most evil structure dedicated to Satan, which works hand
in glove with the Masons, must be destroyed before it destroys mankind!
Word of Life – Gal 1:7-8 (9/4/17 – 23/4/2017)
“Not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you,
let him be accursed (anathema)!”
This statement of God’s judgment, given through the Apostle Paul, is extremely important! It is a protection against heresies which destroy the Church of Christ from within. Not only in the distant past but especially since the days of
Vatican II, heresies have swept forward like an avalanche. The Council approved the heresy concerning a regard for pagans, and de facto for their demons too! This heresy is contrary to the apostles’ teaching, and contrary to Scripture
and the whole 2000-year Tradition.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) hereby turns to You with an appeal to resign from office and following the example of Benedict XVI to retire as emeritus Pope. The fact that God allowed You to exercise the ministry of the successor of
St Peter for a period of four years ultimately served the “good” of the Church.
We have to admit that You take credit for breaking the monolith of religious pharisaism among the hierarchy, the clergy as well as the laity. Nevertheless, this good for the Church does not justify Your gestures and attitudes by which You brought
multiple anathema on Yourself according to Gal 1:8-9 as well as according to the Dogmatic Bull of Paul IV “Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio”.
On the occasion of Your approaching 90th birthday, we are bound to remind You again of the disastrous situation in the Church as well as of what You can still do both for her sake and for the sake of Your soul.
In the light of God, bring Your past to the cross of Christ that You may attain eternal salvation and not be condemned. In addition, it is necessary that You make it manifest in a certain manner that the beatification of John Paul II approved
by You did not meet the requirements, was too hasty and forced; ergo, it is invalid!
Concerning Vatican II, do admit that not only the fruits but also the root was poisoned! So Vatican II is invalid and is the main obstacle to true restoration of the Church!
Christian theocracy, or Christocracy, has deep roots in the millennial tradition of the Russian people and the two thousand year tradition of Europe. Current democracy, by contrast, is just a precursor to a total satanic dictatorship of the NWO.
The salvation of peoples necessitates a wise dictatorship based on the natural and God’s laws! However, this Christocracy can by no means be built on the rule of Judases in the Church, such as the Vatican’s Francis, and they must also be
prevented from interfering in it.
Christocracy must be built on a foundation of truth about God and man.
Russia is surrounded by NATO troops which have been increasing their military potential these days. The oligarchs inside, both Russian and foreign, are leading Russia into economic crisis. The external and internal enemy is coordinated
by global Masonic elites whose aim is to destroy Russia and to eradicate Christianity both in Russia and in the whole world.
Russian citizens consider that there should be no oligarchs in the country and their assets should be returned to the state. The wounded Russian nation is being deceived and manipulated by NWO’s psychological technologies into a coup.
They do not know that the aim is destruction of Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to remove in time the real cause of their righteous rebellion, especially corruption of the oligarchs at the expense of the state, and thus at the expense
of the Russian people.
Today we know two false theocracies: NWO satanism and the establishment of Sharia law coupled with jihad – terrorism. Both these pseudo theocracies lead to hell. True theocracy is Christocracy! It must be founded on just laws, God’s and
Christ’s commandments, which call good good, evil evil, justice justice and injustice injustice.
It is necessary to outline a clear revival program and to embody it in the legislation! The NWO architects have masterfully embodied antihuman principles, psychologically formulated as positive aspects, in supranational recommendations and
resolutions. Therefore it is all the more necessary that true, just and well-tried principles should be enshrined back in the laws.
In spiritual mobilization, the most important thing is unity with Christ. The Blood of Christ cleanses from sins. However, original sin, the hotbed of evil, remains in us, and it infects and paralyzes the soul.
Realize the following truth at least for 1 minute in prayer: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20) If you stand in this truth by faith, the old self – the root of evil in you
– is crucified with Christ. Realize this, and at the same time realize the last minute of your life!
Show trials have started against mothers whose children are stolen on grounds of all kinds of syndromes, which mechanism has been imposed on the Czech Republic by the Council of Europe. We hereby call for concrete steps of salvation,
while there is still time.
On 5 March 2017, Cardinal Nycz called on the Polish people and the Polish government in his “pastoral letter” to urgently admit Muslim migrants to their territory. Nycz is not satisfied with the fact that Poland provides assistance to
people affected by war on the territories where they are. He calls for openness, in fact, for a breaking through the barrier which up to this time has protected Poland from planned Islamization.
Word of Life – 2Cor 5:14-15 (26/3/17 – 9/4/2017)
“For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”
In this Lenten time, we will repeat the following words of verses 14-15: “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died…” These verses speak about the mystery of Christ’s death which is
connected with our baptism and our faith in this mystery. We are still physically alive. When Jesus, the Only-Begotten Son of God, became man out of love for us and died for us, we also died in His death to evil and sin. We see, however,
that sin continues to work in our life. But we forget that it does not work in Christ’s death; it is overcome. If in a particular moment I unite with Christ and His death in faith and self-surrender, the power of sin is ineffective, dead.
Your Eminence, on Sunday 16 April, when the Church will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, we will also commemorate Your 90th birthday. We wish You not only health but above all grace for spiritual resurrection both in Your life and through
You in the whole Church! Spiritual resurrection depends on one condition, and that is repentance. Become an example of repentance to the paralyzed Church!
Call Vatican II heresies by their proper and full name.
Make a public declaration about the invalidity of the beatification of John Paul II.
One of the most prominent theologians of Greece, Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Thessaloniki, Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis, refused to accept the conclusions of the Council of Crete and broke
Eucharistic Communion with the Greek Orthodox Church.
This is a heroic act. May it set a precedent for all the Orthodox monks, bishops and priests of Greece. By this gesture, Fr Theodore freed himself and those who are in unity with him from the curse resting on Bartholomew and Anthimos,
who had been deprived of the grace of God.
The spiritual curse which is making progress in Europe today has its deepest roots in Vatican II, especially in the declaration Nostra Aetate. This Declaration states falsely and heretically that the Christian Triune God is the same
as the Islamic god of Mecca who says in the Koran that Christians must have their hands, feet and heads cut off. However, the heretical Neo-Modernists do have the same god as Buddhists, Hindus and other pagans – because they have fallen away
from the faith and no longer worship the true God. They believe to be ranked among the so-called great Abrahamic religions together with Muslims. To those who said, “Abraham is our father”, Jesus replied, “You are of your father the devil
because you seek to kill Me” (cf. Joh 8:44). Today, Modernists kill true Christians spiritually, and the worshippers of Allah kill them also physically.
You were invited to meet Pope Francis at the Vatican on 24 March 2017. The audience will be held on the eve of the EU summit which is to set a new direction for the European Union after Brexit and after the election of President Trump
in the USA.
Who is “Pope” Francis and what are his priorities?
1) Islamization of Europe;
2) Promotion of demoralizing gender ideology (LGBT);
3) Depopulation in line with the idea of the Masonic Club of Rome.
Be aware that during the audience with Francis on 24 March 2017, You will not be addressed by Vicar of Christ but rather by Vicar of Antichrist.
A young Slovak woman has burned these commands about brutality and killing included in the Koran. She now faces six years in jail.
In the current situation in Slovakia, it is the duty of the Slovak Bishops’ Conference, in token of condemnation of violence, to burn at least those parts of the Koran which are contrary to the Constitution of the Slovak Republic.
They will thus also express moral support for a heroic Slovak patriotess.
If the Conference of Slovak Bishops remain passive at this crucial moment, their passivity will mean that they support jihad against their own people and against Christianity!
The Koran commands brutal killing, crucifying, cutting off people’s hands and feet, and ritual beheading with a knife. The Koran is responsible for 548 wars of conquest and 270 million deaths.
A 24-year-old Slovak citizen, standing in front of the Slovak national flag, burned Muhammad’s “instructions” for hatred and killing in a desperate protest against Islamic violence (jihad). She was absurdly arrested by a special police unit
as a dangerous criminal and faces several years in jail.
We ask: Does Slovakia still abide by its Constitution or does it begin to implement Sharia law?
At a time when Islamists are terrorizing the whole of Western Europe, let every politician burn the Koran as a protest, or at least the parts of the Koran which are contrary to the Constitution. This will be proof that they really defend
the interests of their nation!
Speaking about repentance, Jesus emphasized twice: “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” And He continued with the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree: “Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking
fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, well. But if not,
after that you can cut it down.’” (Lk 13:1-9) This parable concerns you too. Jesus gives you a chance this year also, in this Lenten time. Unless you bear fruits worthy of repentance, you will suffer the same fate as the barren fig tree.
You will be cut down, thrown out of God’s vineyard and thrown into the fire.
Word of Life – 2Cor 4:16-17 (12/3/17 – 26/3/2017)
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”
Saint Paul the Apostle tells both the Corinthians and us, using the example of the Apostles themselves, that if we love the Lord Jesus and strive to serve Him with all our strength, we must also reckon with the cross of physical exhaustion.
Spiritual battle, involving prayers, sleeplessness, fastings and toil, exhausts our body and soul. Nevertheless, our spirit is renewed like the strength of the eagle. The inward man, born again of the Holy Spirit, is full of the inward power of God,
a childlike joy and the love of God and people. Our spirit “rejoices in God our Saviour” and as if contrary to natural laws we come to see that as we grow older, we are more and more vigorous, filled with God’s strength, in our service to God.
If not, we must repent because something is wrong with us and we are wasting our life.
Marine Le Pen does not support gender ideology nor Islamization nor dechristianization nor satanization of France. This all is advocated by the NWO globalists and by Francis and the Vatican. The lifting of Le Pen’s immunity and her
prosecution is purposeful. It is a judicial crime. There are hypocritical arguments that in 2015 she posted a photograph of an American journalist beheaded by ISIS. In any case, the photograph was used as an incentive to prevent violence
rather than promote it. Those who have the duty to warn against crime and to combat it must not remain silent, otherwise they become participants in a crime. The accusation against Le Pen was fabricated and was purposefully timed for
the election campaign. Why did they not start with this nonsense already in 2015?
At the beginning of the 18th century, a semi-secret association of Freemasons was founded. It is a mixture of gnosticism and occultism. The goal of the Masons is to destroy Christianity and to establish the worship of Satan by asserting their global supremacy. If a Catholic has become a member of the lodge, he is automatically excommunicated from the Church and is no longer a Christian! In the 18th century, a movement called the Enlightenment arose under the influence of the Masons. It had an impact not only on the worldly affairs but on the Church too. The Enlightenment had its continuation in nineteenth-century Modernism. Modernism sought to conform the truths of faith to the world – so called aggiornamento. That actually meant elimination of the essential truths of Christianity – spiritual euthanasia.
The Pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals when speaking ex cathedra, if he is in the Church – i.e. if he is in unity with Christ, with the teachings of Christ! Similarly, the sacraments act “ex opere operato” with the condition
that the priest or bishop is in unity with Christ and with the orthodox teachings of the Church. If he has fallen away – become an apostate, “ex opere operato” does not work anymore. And neither does papal infallibility. In brief, a heretic
is no Pope anymore, and never was one.
Vatican Council II and heresies
The Council represented a system of manipulation on the part of the active minority of theologians with a liberal spirit rather than the Spirit of Christ! They pursued a specific goal, namely to smuggle their heretical spirit in the Church
and to expel the Holy Spirit!
The demand of the times was to give clear doctrinal and moral directives against the heresies of Neo-Modernism and against demoralization. Instead of the renewal of Christianity came the opposite. The programme of John XXIII through
so-called aggiornamento started the process of opening to the world. Its culmination today is the heretical exhortation Amoris Laetitia which destroys objective moral standards.
Heresy of syncretism
The Second Vatican Council introduced a heresy concerning a regard for pagan cults and hence de facto for their demons too. It is a manifestation of total blindness and ignorance of the Scripture and Tradition. In addition,
this Council introduced a heresy teaching that we and Muslims have a common God. The fruit of this heresy is the invasion of paganism and the Islamization of Christian nations. As a result, the true mission to pagans and Muslims,
and even the Jews, has been paralyzed.
Conversion, personal relationship to Jesus Christ
Deep in his soul, man has a desire for happiness, true happiness, which no one can take from him. Only the very thought of happiness ending one day makes us sad. People search for happiness in human relationships, wealth, money, career,
fame, success or in pleasures, alcohol, drugs. But they cannot find it there. They experience disillusionment, an even deeper emptiness, loneliness and pain in their soul. St Augustine expressed this desire for happiness with the words:
“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.”
Original sin (in Adam) and deliverance (in Christ)
Christ paid for our sins with His blood on the cross. Our old man (Adam) was crucified together with Him. Christ became the satisfaction for our sins as well as for our Adam-nature. On that day on the cross, there were not only
our sins but also our nature. When Christ was crucified, we (our Adam-nature) were crucified too. Provided that we understand this single point, the rest will be clear: “I (Adam’s nature) have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I
(ego) who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20)
Repeat the name of God with gratitude for a while, and then invoke it in faith for the salvation of the whole American nation and for the protection of the President. If you call on the name of God with a heart purified by repentance,
God hears you. Your true prayer paralyzes even the forces of darkness represented by witches, magicians and other dark powers who seek to bring both temporal and eternal disaster to the US people.
WND reported that witches, occultists and representatives of other magical groups decided to join together in the fight against US President D. Trump. They want to continue their rituals until – as they said – they remove
the President from office. Basically, it is an incitement to organized crime! This psychological campaign and demonic spirituality is associated with black magic, i.e. with Satanism. Satanism and black magic use criminal means,
which include poisoning, and manipulating their clients into becoming an instrument of felonies. By putting up opposition to the President these servants of darkness made it manifest whom they serve and whom the President serves.
The President promotes the societal and moral good of the whole nation. Witches and sorcerers, by contrast, harm the entire nation! They should be adequately punished by state laws for their crimes.
Word of Life – 2Cor 4:10-11 (26/2/17 – 12/3/2017)
“...always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested
in our mortal flesh.”
What does it mean to be delivered to the death of Christ? Example: If you are to bear witness to Christ in a particular situation, and you know that it is the will of God for you to do so, you have to be innerly prepared beforehand
for being ridiculed or persecuted, which is like being spiritually killed for the sake of Christ. Or a similar situation: You act according to conscience and it is disadvantageous to you. It would be easier to commit fraud or betrayal.
However, you refuse to do so. Aware that God sees you, you want to keep Christ’s commandment in this situation and make this sacrifice for His sake. When you are to overcome fear and to resolve to accept suffering, it is like being united
to the death of Christ on the cross.
Heresies of the historical-critical method in theology
Nowadays, the historical-critical method in theology (HCT) lays claim to academic exegesis of the Scripture and hence of the whole Catholic doctrine. HCT has subordinated itself neither to divine inspiration nor to Church tradition
in the matters of doctrine (dogmas) and morals. It is based on atheistic philosophy, does not accept any miracle, denies the Resurrection of Christ, does not accept that Jesus is true God and true man, the only Saviour, in the way the Church
has taught it for 2000 years. HCT upholds the heretical doctrine that Christ is divided into the historical Christ and the Christ of (false) faith who is said to have been imagined by the early community of believers.
Diagnosis of the time
The present-day Church with the spirit of conciliar aggiornamento has so much merged with the world that it no longer distinguishes between good and evil, truth and lies, heresy and sound doctrine! Moral and spiritual autogenocide of
the Church and nations continues. The Church helps in the process of this programmed genocide by its silence or by different gestures of John Paul II or Francis! No barrier to Satanic globalization! No resistance to the programme of autogenocide
of nations and the world! The Vatican Titanic is sinking. Instead of efforts at internal restoration, the Church is pressurized into mass self-destruction. Heresies of Neo-Modernism, syncretism and tolerance of amorality are at the root of it.
The basic programme of theological schools is this autogenocide of the Catholic Church and Christianity. Spiritual cancer has completely penetrated the apostate Vatican which is to blame the most for the process of self-destruction of Christian
nations! It persistently rejects repentance! Can there be deeper apostasy than this?
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate has called for prayer mobilization. In these days and hours, we are witnesses to not only psychological but above all spiritual warfare! If the President is to promote the true good for the US and the world,
he is de facto powerless in this fight although he started well. There are many traps and dangers around him which are prepared not only by evil or deluded people but behind which are the kosmokratores in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).
Therefore, the victory over the forces of lies and death does not depend on him only but on each one of you who join the prayer mobilization.
California is considered one of the most depraved US states for the spread of LGBT immorality. The perversion of homosexuality was legalized here as early as 1976. Since 2003, these perverted people in California have had the privilege of
“adopting” children stolen from their parents!
The new US President Trump rolled back the LGBT rights as well as the law on microchip implants in the hand and stopped the process of Islamization.
California, however, puts up the fiercest resistance to the revival process! That was also why it launched a separatist campaign with the purpose of retaining amoral – satanic legislation. The result was the finger of God as a warning.
Pseudo Pope Francis radically opposed Trump as early as a year ago, when the presidential campaign started in the US.
He spoke out against him shortly before the elections again, and immediately after the inauguration he made a derogatory and false remark about Trump, comparing him to Hitler. He thus creates a wall of hatred against the President who
promotes Christian moral values against the NWO globalists at the risk of his life. Francis declares that Trump is not a Christian in order to influence the Christians against him. On February 9, Francis said hypocritically: “In the social and
civil context, I appeal not to create walls but to build bridges.” So why, in the social and civil context, is Francis creating a wall of hatred against the US President and destroying the bridges of rightful sympathy for him? Francis thus promotes
the program of the NWO globalists.
Word of Life – 1Cor 15:45 (12/2/17 – 26/2/2017)
And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living soul.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
The first man was a living soul and committing sin he lost this life given to him by God. The last Adam, i.e. Christ, however, is a life-giving spirit. A dead soul cannot enter the kingdom of God unless and until given life by
the Spirit of Jesus. He Himself said: “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” So through the faith in Christ and through Baptism we are born into the kingdom of God. At that moment,
Jesus gives us life through His Spirit. Of course, it is our task to keep this life even in the moment of our physical death and thus to enter the kingdom of heaven.
In these days and hours a spiritual battle is going on. On one side is our Savior Jesus with His servants. On the other is Satan with his mediums and Judases in the Church (Card. DiNardo, Archbp. Gomez…). It is a matter not only of
the survival of our planet but of eternal damnation or eternal salvation!
Remember that by Your prayer You join in the fight under the banner of Christ against the forces of darkness which are under the banner of the Antichrist. These 100 days after the President’s inauguration are historic for both the US and
the whole world!
President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Card. D. DiNardo, and Archbishop J. Gomez, Vice President, hypocritically called on Catholics to unite their voices in so-called defense of “human dignity” against “any form of discrimination”.
Using this positive phrase, in cooperation with NWO architects, they advocate two most powerful autogenocidal means: 1) LGBT dictatorship, and 2) Islamization. They betrayed Christ, the Church and the American nation!
It is commendable that the Russian Federation has never legalized LGBT perversion nor allowed demoralizing gay pride parades on its territory. In the field of
juvenile justice, thanks are due especially to You, Mr. President, for the Dima Yakovlev law prohibiting international adoptions as well as for the recent abolition
of the juvenile law which punished parents with up to two years in prison for a sound upbringing. Unfortunately, there are still many laws in Russian legislation
which allow the so-called care authorities to steal children from families. These most serious crimes have been legalized under the guise of positive terms and
enforced according to the evil UN Convention on the “Rights” of the Child and the resolutions of the Council of Europe.
The fact that Donald Trump is President is God’s miracle! It is a hope for the US and for the whole world. His program of rolling back LGBT rights (Jude 7) and microchip implants (Rev 13), and combating IS terrorism is de facto a program
to combat the New World Order globalists. The NWO elites exploited America for their genocidal purposes. Not only psychological but also spiritual warfare is being waged today. It is a battle between Satan with his demons and human mediums
on the one hand and Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, with His angels and true Christians on the other. No honest American Christian can remain neutral in this battle. Unless You fight under the banner of Christ, You will be deceived and
brought under the banner of the Antichrist.
What is the situation in the Church 50 years after the Second Vatican Council? Instead of true mission, we are witnesses to an expansion of paganism into the Christian territories. Apart from yoga, we see the spread of various sects with
a Hindu background, such as Transcendental Meditation, Hare Krishna...
The Nostra Aetate decree is contrary to the Bible, the Holy Tradition as well as the doctrine of all previous Councils and all papal documents, and has no continuity with the doctrine of the Church.
The Patriarchate hereby appeals to all EU Member States: Following the example of the new US administration, abolish the absurd laws privileging LGBTQ rights! Stop the self-destruction of individuals, families and European nations!
Furthermore, cancel the Lisbon Treaty as soon as possible as it de facto removed the Decalogue, the foundation of Christian and civilized Europe!
Word of Life – 1Cor 14:3-4 (29/1/17 – 12/2/2017)
“But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.”
At the beginning of chapter 14, it is said that we should pursue love but desire earnestly spiritual gifts, especially that we may prophesy. The Apostle Paul compares the gift of prophecy with the gift of prayer in a tongue. He explains
that if someone prays in an unknown tongue, other people are not edified because it is the Spirit of God who prays to God the Father from the depths of the soul and no one understands it. He who prays edifies himself but not the community.
It is different with the gift of prophecy. The gift of prophecy is no fortune-telling, although it is true that sometimes God reveals future things through prophecy. But this is not the purpose of prophesying. Verse 3 says what the purpose is:
1) edification, 2) exhortation, 3) comfort.
The presidential election was a great miracle. Almost all the mass media served the NWO architects by promoting their candidate. Their candidate did not conceal her program of promotion of homosexualism, microchip implants, Islamization
and satanic globalization of the planet! Thank God for all who prayed in America and asked God for this miracle!
Dear Catholic faithful of the USA, are You aware of this turning point in history? After the assassination of President Kennedy, semi-secret elites, NWO architects, took power who exploited USA to establish systems of self-destruction of
the world by spreading immorality and promoting antilaws. In this election, God gave an extraordinary chance to the United States! It is sad that only half the Catholics voted for President Trump. The rest of the Catholics had apparently been
victimized by the lies of the mass media. Today we are witnesses to an extraordinary turning point in history, and every honest US citizen is obliged in conscience before God to fully support the revival process started by the President,
especially by prayer.
Dear members of the Episcopal Conference, false Pope Francis is a tool of the NWO architects, and his goal is self-destruction of Christianity and Europe, and promotion of Satanism. Owing to Your unity with him, You are collaborators
in crimes against humanity. You likewise are under God’s curse. According to Gal 1:8-9 and the Dogmatic Bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, not only Bergoglio is an invalid Pope but You also are invalid bishops if You are in spiritual unity
with him in the heretical spirit! You are under God’s curse which has fallen on the apostate Vatican.
How could 45% of Catholics, for whom You are responsible, elect a person who had on the agenda radical promotion of homosexuality, even at the cost of imprisoning Christians if they remain faithful to God’s commandments?
Francis Bergoglio in unity with the program of the NWO architects heavily influenced voters in the US in February 2016. He purposefully defamed D. Trump, saying that “he is not a Christian”. He thus effectively intervened in the election campaign. President Trump is a Christian! By contrast, Bergoglio is neither a Christian nor a Catholic nor a valid Pope! He brought down on himself God’s anathema – curse for heresies acc. Gal 1:8. His invalid election is also confirmed by the Dogmatic Bull of Pope Paul IV.
Bergoglio abuses papal authority to destroy the Catholic Church (Amoris Laetitia), all moral values (he kisses the feet of transsexuals), and to degrade moral personalities.
President Trump already on the day of his inauguration took decisive steps to save Christianity and moral values.
A living fellowship and certain forms of self-humiliation are the best means of dying to our self. The first and basic form is that I accept the order established by God and that I want to be open to the Holy Spirit every day and to do
the will of God to the extent I am able to discern it. Humility also means that I sincerely consider others better than myself (cf. Phi 2:3).
Word of Life – 1Cor 10:20-21 (15/1/2017 – 29/1/2017)
“No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord
and the table of demons.”
True Christianity built on a true relationship to Christ, when we trust in Him and make sacrifices for His sake, cannot be associated with various occult practices or superstitions which are false beliefs and lead us away from Christ and
salvation. A true Christian who has received Jesus as his personal Saviour and Lord must renounce these practices which influence him from all sides in order to bring him under their control. One must know clearly that the Church has always taught
that pagan cults do not lead to the true God but to the worship of demons.
You can ask yourself: How does pride manifest itself?
The others around me are better than me – jealousy. And this manifests itself even if we follow Jesus: competitiveness, comparing with others, sadness or bad mood if I am not who I want to be. For the most part I am not interested in who God
wants me to be and what His plan for my life is.
Of all people, the Virgin Mary is the supreme model of humility. The Lord Jesus, God and Man, said: “Learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart.” He said clearly that this is what we should learn from Him. He clearly demands it from us.
We should practically deny ourselves, accept our cross and follow Him humiliated, abandoned and crucified. Humility is the basis of all virtues. The opposite of humility is pride which leads to eternal death, while humility is the key to heaven.
Humility overcomes the devil and the old self in us.
Word of Life – 1Cor 6:19-20 (1/1/17 – 15/1/2017)
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.”
The Word of God expresses three truths: 1) our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, 2) the Spirit of God lives in us, 3) we are not our own. And it adds that we were bought at a price. This price was the death of Christ on the cross!
Therefore we are called to glorify God in our body. The Scripture says in another place: “The body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord.” (v.13) Life is short, and what is more, we know neither the day nor the hour, so we must be ready
at all times for departure from this life, God’s judgment and eternity.
The enemy of God attacks in order to destroy the work of God, Christianity, to steal Christ – the life of God – from the souls and to lead them to eternal damnation. His attacks are from both without and within and have a meaning.
We need to see them as a cross to be borne. The carrying of this cross is the will of God. However, before we can carry this cross, we need to deny ourselves. Jesus first demands: “Deny yourself!” and only then He adds: “Take up your cross!”
To deny oneself means to be poor in spirit, to be humble.
Holiness consists in the fact that we stand in the light every day and repent immediately of our self-will, stubbornness or pride which rebels against God. We need to become aware of our sins which we have committed in our life,
to bow our head and to confess: “Lord, I have done this and this, and now I have rebelled against You again…” In this way, we immediately bring the spirit of pride to light, so it flees very quickly and we receive peace and light for the next steps.
All rebellion, self-pity… must be nailed to the cross daily, at all times. Without this it is not possible to truly follow Christ and to be delivered from sin. Only then will God’s Word be true in our life: “Christ lives in me.”
At Christmas, we commemorate the coming of Christ into this world. He was born as a defenceless Child for our sake. Let us realize the great joy which the Word of God brings us: “To you is born this day the Saviour, who is Christ the Lord!”
(Lk 2:11) This day and to me is born the Saviour! This day and to you is born the Saviour!
During Christmas Mass, we wish to experience our encounter with Jesus. Let us realize again the Word of God especially at the moment of Holy Communion: “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.” Let our soul be
the Bethlehem stable where God Himself comes. Let us be like the Blessed Virgin who bore Christ and gave Him to the world. Let us also bear Him in our hearts, abide in Him, remain rooted in Christ and bring Him to others.
The “Pope” plans a visit to Belarus. According to statistics, the population comprises 78% Belarusians, 13% Russians, 4% Poles and 3% Ukrainians. The majority of the population is Orthodox. What is the aim of Francis? Only he and NWO architects
know it. What was the benefit of his visit to the other countries of the former Soviet Union such as Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan? None; neither political nor religious, quite the contrary.
Word of Life – 1Cor 6:9-10 (18/12/16 – 1/1/2017)
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers,
nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”
The Word of God says that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. The opposite of unrighteousness is righteousness. He is righteous who gives God what is due to God and man what is due to man. It is written about Saint Joseph
that he was a righteous man. The Holy Scripture, however, speaks above all about the righteousness of God which consists in the fact that sin was justly punished. Dying on the cross, Jesus suffered the punishment for all our sins and all
our unrighteousness. Only if we have believed in Christ, i.e. put on His righteousness, we can be saved. We cannot make amends for sins or the root of sin in us by our own efforts.
The devil deceives us and we believe lies. The spirit of antichrist rules and changes the thinking to such extent that people no longer distinguish good from evil. We literally breathe this atmosphere from television,
music or contact with people who have the spirit of the world.
We must be aware that we are powerless and work out our own salvation with diligence, grieve about this situation and give it to Jesus in prayer again and again. We need a living fellowship, and we also need to carry out mission.
However, we first need to be rooted in Jesus ourselves and only then can we give Him to others. We need to seek what God’s will is. It is important to have small groups, a fellowship, and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
We really need the Word of God. The mere letter of Scripture is not enough. We need the word of prophecy which God gives for a particular situation. Therefore, God’s Word says: “Desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”
So each of us has to desire it. And everyone then prophesies on the level one stands on – that means, depending on one’s own experience of God. If you stand at the gate of the temple of God, you prophesy from that place. If you stand in
the sanctuary, you prophesy from the sanctuary. If you stand in the Holy of Holies, then your word has the greatest power.
Bishop Longin addressed the Romanian Orthodox Church with an appeal: “Abandon the folly of the path of ecumenism!” Ecumenism is a big deceit! Jesus never spoke about ecumenism, but prayed for true unity.
If the Orthodox Church wants to introduce a kind of theological dialogues with the heretical Vatican, it will in essence receive the spirit of apostasy. This spirit will then infect the Orthodox Church with heresies and drag it through ecumenism
into interreligious dialogue with pagans and into the antichristian structure of the New Age.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP), which is currently the prophetic voice of the one crying in the wilderness, expresses its support for “Pastoral Letter of the Synod of the UGCC about the dangers of gender ideology”.
Because of the need of internal restoration of the UGCC and Ukrainian society, the BCP also proposes the election of a new Head of the UGCC. The current Head of the UGCC unfortunately lacks sufficient prerequisites for such a difficult task
as restoration of the Church.
The whole world is undergoing a crisis of faith; we are witnesses to mass apostasy from Christianity. Thank God that we can fight for the purity of faith. God has put us on a battlefield to fight for the whole Church. Seeing how big this problem
is, we say in prayer: “O God, what shall we do? We are not in a position as David against Goliath but rather as if we stood with a sling against an atom bomb. We have no chance. But we trust that You are Almighty, that You will overcome in this
fight and that there will be spiritual resurrection. And how? We are in darkness: we face a problem and see no solution; nevertheless, we believe that if You give Your word of prophecy, the Spirit who is behind Your word will come.
And by Your Spirit You can change and renew everything.
The Byzantine Universal (Catholic) Patriarchate (BCP), which is the voice of the one crying in the wilderness, hereby appeals to the leaders of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church to condemn the heretical Council in Crete.
May the 29 November 2016 declaration of the Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church be an example to them. The Bulgarian Synod unequivocally declares that the Council in Crete was neither Great, nor Holy, nor Pan-Orthodox. Furthermore,
the Bulgarian Synod emphasizes that the texts adopted by the Council in Crete contain divergences from Orthodox tradition and the dogmatic and canonical tradition of the Church.
Word of Life – Acts 26:18 (4/12/16 – 1/1/2017)
“To open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive, through faith in Me, forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified.”
Jesus said these words when He appeared to the Apostle Paul before his conversion, on his way to Damascus.
Jesus entrusted the Apostle with the task of opening people’s eyes by bearing witness to Him in the power of God so that they may turn from darkness to light. So both the Jews and the Gentiles were in darkness and had to be converted.
The Jews as well as the Gentiles were in the power of Satan and needed to turn to God. They had to receive Christ so as to receive, through faith in Him, forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among the sanctified.
Francis Bergoglio SJ is a pan-heretic, an invalid Pope and a mere honorary Grand Master of the Lodge of the Vatican, the butcher of the Catholic Church and moral values.
The Byzantine Catholic (Universal) Patriarchate, which is the prophetic voice of the one crying in the wilderness, hereby again before all Catholics and Christians publishes: In the name of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we declare that Francis Bergoglio is accursed, excluded from the Catholic Church because he preaches a gospel other than the one that was preached by the Apostles and the Church of Christ!
The Byzantine Catholic (Universal) Patriarchate (BCP), which is currently the prophetic voice of the one crying in the wilderness, defends the orthodox doctrine of the Holy Scripture and Tradition of the Apostles, Church Fathers and saints
against modern heresies and against heretics who abuse ecclesiastical office towards self-destruction of Christianity. In this letter, we point out not only the positive aspects concerning the statements of Patriarch Kirill on his 70th birthday
but in conclusion also the background which Patriarch Kirill represents.
Dear Monsignori, You wrote and published a letter to Francis Bergoglio. You required very discreetly the necessary minimum, namely an explanation of whether his statements in the Exhortation Amoris Laetitia do not contradict specific points
of the Exhortation of John Paul II Veritatis Splendor. Francis has not given You the answer to this day, and most probably he will not give any.
One must publicly appreciate Your courage to break out of religious correctness. It means breaking out of false obedience which uncritically accepts the gravest heresies contrary to Scripture and Holy Tradition (cf. Acts 4:19).
The day after the election of President Donald Trump, the US Bishops’ Conference issued a statement.
Quote: “Now is the moment to move toward the responsibility of governing for the common good of all citizens.”
Response: The responsibility of governing means above all restoration of the Christian values and sound roots which America was founded on, which is the program of Donald Trump. The responsibility of governing certainly does not mean
the support of Islamization by accepting so-called refugees, as wished by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, hereby appeals to Francis Bergoglio to follow the example of Benedict XVI and to leave the papacy as soon as possible. The Patriarchate had already appealed to him to repent some time before.
However, Francis refused to repent. Francis is a medium of supranational elites and bankers dedicated to Satan, who promote the holocaust of humanity – reduction to a “golden billion”.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP), which at the present time is the voice of the one crying in the wilderness, hereby appeals to all Cardinals of the Catholic Church to start a true reform of the Church. The condition is that everyone
must start from himself.
Dear Cardinals, You hold office, and therefore the responsibility for the starting of the process of salvation and revival of the Catholic Church rests with You. The Church is still undergoing a process of self-destruction.
The only way to salvation is repentance!
US Vice President Mike Pence emphasized to the US people after the elections: “I’d like to encourage You to do one more thing. And that is to bow the head and bend the knee in the days that remain in this election. Pray for our country.
Then God will again do what He has always done throughout the storied history of this nation: He’ll heal our land.”
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate fully supports this challenge of the US Vice President and also calls not only on the US people but also on all Christians to repent and pray in these days earnestly not only in USA but all over the world.
In the past days Italy has been hit by a series of earthquakes and a tornado which swept through Rome. The earthquake destroyed the Basilica of St Benedict in Norcia, the birthplace of the saint who is the founder of monasticism
in the Western Church and patron of Europe. Why did it happen?
What father is there who does not rebuke or chasten his children? Surely he seeks their good so that they grow into mature people of whom he will not be ashamed. Why do we wonder that God rebukes and chastens – He is a loving Father
who seeks our good. Today God is looking with hope at the people of Italy and waiting for their prayers and repentance on their behalf and on behalf of their nation (cf. Ezra 1).
What should the Italian people do? Repent of their sins and the sins of the Church hierarchy who betrayed Christ.
Salvation is in Christ alone
God’s way to salvation
The obedience of faith
After the promise comes the test and only then the blessing
Word of Life – Acts 4:11-12 (20/11/16 – 4/12/2016)
“Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
There is salvation in no one else! There is salvation in Jesus alone! There are no other ways or alternatives of salvation but Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which we must be saved. These words are true and will be true forever.
Even if the whole world were convinced of the opposite, it would be wrong! These words are true for you also. There is no other name in which you have eternal life. There is no other way on which you can be saved. There are no other alternatives
of salvation.
Patriarch Daniel abused the authority of the supreme shepherd of the Romanian Church and approved the wolfish Council in Crete the main aim of which was and is gradual self-destruction of the Orthodox Church. He thus committed a betrayal
of Christ and the Church. By approving the spirit of heresy, he himself brought down on him God’s anathema acc. Gal 1:8-9: “If anyone preaches a different gospel, let him be accursed – excommunicated!”
The outcome of the US election was a miracle of God!
What to do after the elections? Most of the mass media in the US are in the hands of Freemasons. Information and psychological warfare continues. Therefore we appeal to You, American people, to support Your new President in extending his program
of the fight against the terrorism of the Islamic state, and to demand the following:
1) the prohibition of Masonic organization and all its offshoots, which are the root of international terrorism today concentrated in IS,
2) the abolition of homosexuality as a priority of US foreign policy declared by Obama.
“Pursue love.” We should pursue love, true love. Not love which is, in essence, apostasy from Christ and a compromise with the spirit of the world. The word “love” is now very frequently used in the Church. However, this term now includes
everything – fornication, betrayal, apostasy from Christ. Everything is “love”; only one thing is not allowed – defending Jesus Christ and loving Him with a pure heart. What is love – true love – “agape”? The manifestation of this love is that
I want to be saved and I also want others to obtain salvation; and then whether I endure pain or suffering or carry a cross in union with Christ or I have to tell the truth which hurts, this all is love.
At Elijah’s word: “Lord, let fire come down from heaven”, fire came down and consumed the bull on Mount Carmel, and then it came down twice more and consumed fifty soldiers each time. However, that fire had come down into him first.
The Prophet Elijah had experience of the fire of God. This fire had already purified his soul. So this fire should purify us.
Word of Life – Acts 2:41-42 (6/11/16 – 20/11/2016)
“Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”
“Those who received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship (koinonia), in the breaking of bread (Eucharist), and in prayers.”
That was the fruit of the descent of the Holy Spirit and of Peter’s sermon – the Church – living fellowship – was born and started to grow. On the seventh day, Sunday, when we commemorate the Resurrection of Christ and the Descent of the Holy Spirit,
we try to find time for prayer, Divine Liturgy and fellowship. Here we can receive again the apostles’ doctrine through the Word of God and also receive encouragement through the examples of saints and martyrs as well as through personal testimonies
of faith.
Saint Augustine says: “Chastise me here, O God, and spare me the tortures (fire) of hell.” Lord, I want to be a holy egoist. I want to love myself truly and so I do not want to be in Purgatory for a single minute. If through chastising
I will be saved from Purgatory, please chastise me. But I love my neighbours too. I do not even want my enemy to go to hell or Purgatory. If You want to purify him by Your fire through suffering, e.g. a disease, Your will be done.
I love both myself and my neighbour, and I believe that the punishment which You will send on both me and him will save us.
We have to be converted, to receive Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. We have to be renewed by the Holy Spirit and to walk in the Holy Spirit. But this is still not enough for escaping Purgatory. So what shall we do? The Word of God says:
“He – Jesus – will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Mt 3:11) So this is a very important thing – baptism with fire. Jesus says: “I came to cast fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Lk 12:49)
Where shall this fire be kindled? In us. It shall purify us. It is a fire of zeal, of pure love for Jesus. A fire that shall burn all manifestations of our pride, self-love, envy, self-pity, criticism, rebellion, impurity, various dependences –
on people, things or plans.
We need to realize that heaven is our home, our fatherland.
Jesus has reserved a place for us in heaven. It is our place. It would be best if we could enter this place immediately in the hour of death and not be tormented somewhere in Purgatory because of our indifference, lukewarmness or weak faith.
Let the fire of zeal burn in us so that we may be saved from another fire. Let us make an act of perfect contrition every day. Let us also love Jesus, be aware of what He has done for us.
Before you stand before the judgment seat of God, do your best so as not to stand there with empty hands. We will be judged not only for doing evil. We are obliged to do good – to do works worthy of eternity. We will be judged for what
we were obliged to do and did not do. Every good word, every encouragement, every step of faith, every suffering which we accept and bear, every mockery and every persecution for the sake of Christ is of great worth. So let us live by faith.
Certainly, we will not be justified through our good works only but we are justified through the righteousness of Christ.
Let us be men of faith like Abraham
To remain faithful to God in essential things
On Monday 17 October, an uninvited guest – his “holiness” the Dalai Lama – arrived in Prague. The President and the Government had not invited him and refused to meet him. He was greeted only by the former spokesman of the Czech Bishops’
Conference, now a Minister, Daniel Herman. Herman said hypocritically: “I will receive him as a religious representative of one of the Churches.”
This “reincarnated god” was officially welcomed in the Czech Republic by a “reincarnated angel”, Minister Herman. Paradoxically, Herman comments on his pharisaic act by saying that he “moved the Czech nation to stand with its back straight again”.
How concretely does Herman himself present this “straight” back? He bows and scrapes before globalists and Brussels, though it is to the detriment of Christianity and the Czech nation. His “straight” back is remarkably elastic.
Word of Life – Acts 2:38-39 (23/10/16 – 6/11/2016)
“Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children,
and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”
In his sermon, Peter spoke about Jesus, His death and resurrection. In the end, he said painful words: “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ!”
On hearing those words of accusation – whom you crucified – the pilgrims could take offence. They came to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Pentecost; many of them had not been there on the feast of Passover. They could not influence
the Jewish council of elders headed by Annas and Caiaphas who exploited Pilate and forced him into committing a crime of justice – the killing of the innocent Christ. However, they neither took offence nor clenched their fists nor shouted
fanatically like the hateful crowd on the feast of Passover a few weeks ago. They asked penitently: “What shall we do?” Do I ask myself the same question? What should I do for the sake of my salvation and the salvation of my household and
my nation? Peter said to them that they should repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, and they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Dear American Christians and people of good will, the presidential elections in previous years do not compare with this historic moment! Whether there had been this or that candidate running for presidency, both of them represented
the program of the behind-the-scenes elite which pursued gradual elimination of moral and spiritual values as well as of orthodox Christianity.
Today God gives a new chance in the person of a similar candidate in order to turn America in this historic moment away from the inclined path to both temporal and eternal hell! None of the US citizens will be able to make excuses before
the judgment seat of God that he became a victim of higher politics. Through this election, God puts the US’ destiny in the hands of every single US citizen – in your hands!
In suffering, we must stand in the faith and not groan. We must give thanks and praise the Lord, turn our eyes to the suffering Jesus and unite our pain, loneliness, spiritual dryness and all sorts of negative feelings, which are hard to express,
with the pain of Jesus.
Let us give every thought, every problem or fear to Jesus in faith.
Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness
Through the cross our life becomes fruitful, otherwise we would die of apathy or vanity. Many times we do not give thanks for our cross but rather avoid it; however, if we begin to give thanks, the Lord will gradually fill us with joy
and we will be happy that we could deny ourselves instead of groaning or being in fear.
Abraham trusted in God with all his heart
Although the four musketeers were fighters of the world, fighting in unity against evil and against church hierarchy, there was a lot of sense in their motto, if correctly understood: One for all, all for one. Jesus is the One because
He has already died for us, and He wants to build this unity in us all.
Word of Life – Acts 1:5.8 (9/10/16 – 23/10/2016)
“For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me
in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
We know from experience that just as it was not enough for the apostles to have a one-time spiritual experience of receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit – the baptism with the Holy Spirit, as the Scripture says – so also it is not enough
for us either (Jn 1:33). We need to walk in the Holy Spirit – it means to seek the will of God and to do it by faith.
Walking in the Holy Spirit is a lifelong way. The way of following Christ, the way of unity with Christ, the way of a spiritual fight with sin in us and around us as well as a fight against the forces of darkness (Eph 6:12f). The receiving of
the Holy Spirit is the beginning, which each of us experiences once in our life; however, walking in the Spirit means to renew the receiving of the Holy Spirit time and again and to do the will of God. However, this is not by our own might but
by the power of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
It is necessary for the Orthodox priests to resolve to devote at least one and a half days a week to God and their souls in prayer and reflection on God’s Word. This would lead to the spiritual resurrection of all Russia and Ukraine.
Jesus is my King, but unless my soul dies like a grain of wheat, Jesus cannot be my King, for my sin, my ego, my old self is my king then. John the Baptist calls: “He must increase in me, but I must decrease.” This is a process, the way of
following Christ, seeking the kingdom of God in myself and in my brother. Then I will be able to remove the speck from my brother’s eye without hurting him. And he likewise will be able to see Christ not only in himself but in me too,
and when the hour of death comes, we shall see Him not only in the light of faith but also in the light of God’s glory.
We should see Christ in our neighbour. In the parable of the Last Judgment, Jesus says the same to those who will be saved and to those who will be condemned with only a slight difference: “…whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers of mine” or “whatever you did not do”. And then He says: “you did for Me” or “you did not do for Me”. Jesus is in my neighbour, especially in my brother – he is baptized, has received Christ, wants to follow Him with a sincere heart,
and even wants to sacrifice his life for His sake, and yet there is a barrier – spiritual prison. My brother does not see Christ in himself and neither do I, and what is more, I do not see Christ in me either, so there is double blindness – the two
of us do not see.
Word of Life – Mt 8:2-3 (25/9/16 – 9/10/2016)
And behold, a leper came and worshipped Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Lepers were isolated from the community of healthy people and stayed outside in deserted places not to infect others. Such a poor man approached Jesus, knelt before Him and cried out with great faith and confidence:
“Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean!” He put everything into this life’s chance of his encounter with Jesus! What is your encounter with Jesus in prayer like? Is it a habitual formality or do you seek a living contact in faith and
humility? Each of us carries the infection of original sin which progresses in the form of both visible and hidden sins, such as immoral lust, pride, envy, greed for wealth or career… If man is spiritually blind, he is unaware of this disease of
contagious sin in him. He takes offence when someone tells him about it, and he thus proves that he does have it. Leprosy is a disease of the body; sin is the leprosy of the soul.
Question: What does my old self see? It does not see Christ in myself or in my neighbour or brother. It does not see and does not want to see my mistakes because the old self hates the truth and humiliation. Therefore it is necessary to practise
humiliation and it need not even be artificial, I just need to stop and admit the truth. And it hurts. Besides, the old self refuses to admit that the gifts are from the Lord but adopts them as its own and seeks its own glory rather than the glory
of God. So it is a theft. It is unwillingness to admit the reality, the truth.
A living communion with Jesus – this is the mystery of a living Church. What is necessary is fellowship, the condition of which is a living faith and willingness to repent genuinely time and again. God can give a great blessing even through
our weakness, through our faith and our unity in the following of Christ. We are called to make unity (although we have completely different characters), and this true unity in Christ presupposes spiritual dying, spiritual cross and spiritual
death of all members of community. This mission will then be of great benefit. A Latin proverb says: tres faciunt collegium. Three makes company. That is also why Jesus says: if two or three agree… If two agree, it is a great success,
and if three agree, it is the height of success in that all the three, in order to come to an agreement, have to renounce their own visions even if these were given by God many times, just as Isaac was given to Abraham by God.
Word of Life – 7:24-25 (11/9/16 – 25/9/2016)
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was
founded on the rock.”
If we seek first the will of God in our life and if we also try to do it, it is true about us that we are like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Sooner or later the winds blow, the rain descends and the floods come, but if our house
is founded on the rock, it will not fall. The problem why we try to build a house on the sand many times is that we easily believe in what seems good to us, evokes our interest, offers advantage and makes the impression that right this attractive
option is the ideal solution in our decision-making. Once we cling to this vision and try to achieve our dream, we are no longer willing to seek the will of God because we avoid the thought that we should abandon our house on the sand.
Our mission is to seek Jesus together, to carry our own cross and, as the Apostle Paul says: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” If we bear one another’s burdens, people will feel divine love which is founded on
a living faith, self-denial, carrying one’s cross and the following of Christ. We must allow Christ to reign in our life, that it may be true: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”
Every day we can call on Jesus, when worries and vanities overwhelm us and we lack the strength to do the will of God, when we have an urge either to do nothing or to immerse ourselves in a problem which produces another problem and
consequently we lose the essence, when we do anything else but not what we are to do. Then we need to fall to our knees, look into the eyes of Christ on the cross and say: “Jesus, I trust in You. You will give me the strength to carry
the cross of this duty which I loathe and try to avoid. Please, give me the strength; I have none.” And Jesus will. Sometimes in an extraordinary way.
We must see Christ both in ourselves and in our neighbour. However, this is not possible without denying ourselves, especially our opinion of ourselves, various philosophies we were acquainted with or various views which must be put aside,
because seeing Jesus in ourselves is a question of faith. But beware – this is no autosuggestion. This is reality. We can recall in a flash several times a day: “Where is Jesus in this situation?”
It is programmed in the nature of each of us that it is natural for us to do good things, but at the same time there is a kind of spiritual poison in our nature, a specific form of pride, blindness and negative manners which practically
destroy that which is positive in us. And this is the same in all people, only the tint is slightly different in each. Behind certain natural gifts there is the poison of sin which we have inherited from Adam. It only takes different forms.
It is the old self in disguise which has only one aim: It refuses to repent and to call the poison in us, that which is negative, by its proper name, and if anyone touches it, the fat is in the fire.
Word of Life – 7:15-16 (28/8/16 – 11/9/2016)
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?”
By these words the Lord Jesus teaches and warns us that in order to persevere on the narrow way leading to eternal life, we should first beware of false teachings, heresies and those who preach them (heretics and apostates).
So this is the most essential thing – to keep the true faith and a true inner relationship with Christ. Therefore, the Apostle Paul says that if an apostle, or even an angel from heaven, should preach a different (i.e. false) gospel,
let him be accursed (cf. Gal 1:8-9).
It is said: “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” And then Jesus says that if two agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them. This really is the key not only to building
a living Church as the basic cell but also to true unity where Jesus is in the midst and where it is necessary for both of the believers to become powerless, i.e. to deny themselves and take up their cross, and then Jesus can show His power.
If we do not obey the principle of self-denial and if we refuse to carry our cross, Jesus is paralyzed.
To carry our cross means first to identify what this cross is concretely. My cross, with regard to my character and my nature, is one thing and my brother’s cross is another thing. However, our cross is not just our character
but also the specific circumstances and situations in which we are powerless. Whatever we do, nothing works. One can say: we just sink deeper and deeper. Then we must either suffer a blow through our own fault, or we need someone else
to give us a blow so that we can finally be pulled out of the swamp.
We must take up our daily cross. This cross is in the first place our own nature and character. If someone tells us his attitude towards us, it hurts us. The problem with many beginners is that although they have received Christ,
their nature, the old self, is so strong that it cannot stand criticism and use it as an incentive for true repentance. They fail to use this inner pain to look at Christ scourged, crowned with thorns and crucified or to unite their pain
to His pain. The old self, on the contrary, either turns this painful wound into hatred towards the brother – this works automatically without any effort – or indulges in self-pity, which also is a false path. So we really have reason to know
ourselves more and more deeply and motivation to fight against the spiritual poison in us.
What God wants from us – and this is the essence of holiness – is the obedience of faith, which is usually associated with small outward self-denials, but especially with inward ones. We have a lot of ideas of doing something and we want
it this or another way. God gives us these ideas so that we are not completely empty because emptiness can have a negative impact and not everyone can cope with it. That is why God gives us different ideas, but then wants us to sacrifice our
Isaac like Abraham.
On the one hand, there is a need for evangelization, but on the other hand, there is a need to pray to the Lord for evangelizations to be organized in a certain rhythm, because although they bring zeal and dedication, and one can say a spiritual
harvest in their climax, they are just like the exodus from Egypt. Then follows the Red Sea and the desert, i.e. a series of trials. And then the people of God came to the land of Canaan, but we see that they very quickly turned away to pagan
practices again, as described in the Book of Judges, and actually in the entire history of Israel. The tendency to go back to the old way of life – paganism and the cult of the old self connected with it – continues.
Heaven is at hand, for I will die soon. Just a few more years and I shall stand before the gates of heaven. And should I even live a hundred more years, they will pass in no time. How powerfully the thought of heaven should motivate me!
The thought of heaven filled many a saint with the fire of zeal, urging them to make the best of the short time and to lay up for themselves treasures in heaven.
The Divine Saviour obtained heaven for us with His own Blood. He did not need to purchase heaven for Himself but He sacrificed His life and His Blood for our sake to open the path for us to eternal happiness in heaven. He left all His rights
and claims to us, His least brethren. In view of the merits of Jesus Christ, His passion and death, I may say: Heaven belongs to me.
The most important thing which makes heaven heaven is that we are in communion with God which will never end, or in other words, we participate in the life of God. Angels are close to God and live a perfect life. Unlike them, we share
in the very life of God because Jesus became man. Becoming man, He grafted the divine life onto our nature. We who have received Christ have eternal life already on this earth. The essence of eternal life consists in receiving the divine nature,
becoming joint heirs of the kingdom of God. We have been literally grafted onto Christ.
Word of Life – 7:13-14 (14/8/16 – 28/8/2016)
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
Jesus speaks about the narrow gate and difficult way which leads to life. The narrow gate is Christ’s commandments of love and the difficult way is Christ’s cross and His death by which one enters into eternal life. The broad way which leads
to destruction is the way of egoism, moral licentiousness, deceit and lies, which is often tied up with the demonic practices of divination, magic or spiritualism, de facto the worship of evil and demons. This way leads to eternal destruction.
Ask yourself: Which way am I on? The broad way of sin or the narrow way of following Christ? True wisdom is mindful of the end, death and eternity. A fool is spiritually blind and forgets about death and eternity.
The Polish nation has done much good in the history of Europe and the Church. Were it not for the bravery of John Sobieski, Europe would long have been Muslim.
Between 26 and 31 July 2016, World Youth Day took place in Krakow with Francis. On the very first day, the Catholic world was shocked by the news of the ritual murder of an 85-year-old French priest during a church service. Francis touched
on this tragedy only evasively and immediately afterwards lobbied the Polish government to accept Islamization by accepting Muslim “immigrants”.
At World Youth Day in Krakow, pseudo Pope Bergoglio dishonestly and cynically deceived the Catholic youth. In five homilies he fascinated them by naturalness, seeming simplicity and an interest in young people. The sermons were sometimes
almost charismatic and full of a spirit. But what spirit? A young inexperienced Christian can hardly distinguish this spirit, and all the more so because Bergoglio kept telling the youth that God “fanatically” loves them the way they are ...
without repentance, without breaking with sin, without orthodox doctrine.
On 26-31 July 2016, the World Youth Day was held in Krakow with Francis. In almost every sermon for youth he reminded in a manipulative way of the need to accept Islamic immigrants.
This time Francis imitated before the youth famous Protestant evangelists such as R. Bonnke or B. Hinn. He used the vocabulary of charismatic preachers, so his sermons were personal and made a lively impression. He expressively addressed youth
with questions after their pattern. The youth’s answers broke down barriers and they opened to the spirit of Francis. It was not the Spirit of Christ, but of the Antichrist.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby addresses the International Criminal Court (ICC) with a request that the Barnevernet leaders or any other persons determined by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court be brought
to responsibility before the ICC for crimes against humanity and for genocide committed on the territory of Norway from 1990 onwards, covered by Articles 5, 6, 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Barnevernet is in fact an independent fascist state in Norway hunting for children. It has its own laws and is not accountable to the Norwegian government, Norwegian king or Norwegian courts, or even to the United Nations. Barnevernet
(Child Welfare Service) is absolutely dispunishable.
There is spiritual and psychological warfare going on. It makes the fastest progress when the person attacked offers no resistance. The enemy whose aim is both physical and spiritual autogenocide of the planet does not waste energy,
and therefore the main emphasis is on strategy. How to make the fight as effective as possible? How to make the attacked person offer no resistance and cooperate on the plan of his own destruction? The person attacked must be deceived;
he must consider evil to be good and adopt it as his own. Therefore, the most effective means of struggle is positive terms. Furthermore, the struggle must not be waged outwardly but through the internal structures of the person attacked.